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In remembrance of the last paper planes thread, which just so happened to be one of the oldest boards on 4chan that passed away quite recently, this thread will serve as its successor. Hopefully this thread won't be prematurely bumped into oblivion like the last one did.

Anyways, this thread could serve as a sort of "Paper Planes General". Feel free to post your designs, .pdf files, and folding instructions. Anything goes as long as it flies or at least looks like its supposed to.
Here's a little something to get things started. This is one of my favorite origami airplanes books out there: Origami Aircraft, by Jayson Merrill.

These designs are pretty kick-ass, in my opinion, given how functional they are (namely, functional landing gear, moving canopies on certain models, and overall flightworthiness). Personally, my favorite design in this book is the Firebat, though I strongly recommend trying them all out.

PROTIP: Use the thinnest paper you can find! I recommend tracing paper since it is the most lightweight and can give your models superior flight characteristics. Anything thicker will result in dense, stiff, and difficult-to-fold models. This especially applies on some of the more complex ones.
A bunch of neat designs
>Jerry Mander
Ah, the Nakamura Lock. Simple if nothing else
Alright fellas, here's an archive of all paper models by Zio Prudenzio, lest they go offline like the rest of his website.
I'm missing the Reggiane Re.2005, does anyone have it?
And what about Raktapaksha-Trotskiy models? I asked in the old thread, but forgot to check again for replies on that and now I can't find it on any archives.
That link is password protected, sorry about that. Here's a fixed version.
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does anyone have a pdf of the plane from porco rosso, the Savoia S.21? I would really like to make it.
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Canons free white wings, very good flying characteristics. Should be made of heavy paper.
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I am just leaving this homepage here. I build already nearly all of these jets and they even can fly.


If it asks for a password, its "ojimak"
Origami jt that flies pretty well
Similar model with some clarifiation on the "jet fold"
plenty of paper plane stuff out there.
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here's my attempt at the diamondback using paper that is way too small.
I would also really like to make this.
he cute
Some links are missing
the aurora one looks great but i am really confused with which crease indicates the place where i should outisde reverse fold and the picture is really low resolution
could anyone show me how to 7th step please
Ok, anon. Based on this >>570275
Is there an archive or something?
I really wanted to do F-2A and MIG28
That's a big plane.
So I just did the first one. With scissors and glue stick. I am pretty sure I was not supposed to do it that way. It still flies, but it doesn't look that good and I have a feeling that it will eventually break. I also made a big mess of paper. So any suggestions on what I should use?
Anyone got WW1 flyable planes?
How old are we talking here?
17 November 2015
X-acto knife and pva.
Thank you

Also, I'm this anon
If you go to the top of the page there is a link to an updated version of the site. u welcome
Is this loss?
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Do helicopters count?
Not OP but it would be cool if they cool fly.
Got any helicopters?
Those are cute!
Paying respect to Zio Prudenzio
Hm, what is the best paper to use for these?
Alright, crazy idea here. If you could give it gyro-copter mechanics you could probably get it to fly forward a decent amount just like a paper airplane. For those who don't know, gyrocopters were these crazy half-plane half-helicopters that had a free spinning, unpowered rotor that used the natural air currents to spin and act as a sort of lifting force, while a propeller on the front pulled the plane froward.
I've always used 67lb to 80lb paper for the models
Yeah, but isn't the propeller motorized?
I'm curious, is there a branch of paper airplane making that has a high enough sensitivity for things like the weight of ink from a pen drawing on one wing to make a difference in how it flies? I can't make paper airplanes well myself because of poor fine motor control but they interest me to no end!
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2 l8
rubber band power maybe? would complicate things a bunch and that's really the sort of thing you'd see made in like balsa wood or something, but heay
Micro Ultralights.
Remember even the weight of paint on a 36" model war-bird can reach 2lbs so aesthetics always makes a difference to the weight, and thus its flight characteristics.
For you
I don't want this thread to die
> Zio Prudenzio
literally who
So, what the fuck does any of this shit you just posted have anything to do with this thread or this board, you dumb fuck idiot? Nobody gives a shit about the crap you posted.
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There's this Italian guy with a youtube channel called Myguid0. He's made a LOT of pretty realistic original paper airplane designs, none of which require cutting or gluing to make. He gives you step by step tutorials on how to fold each of them. They're kinda meticulous to make, though, since you'll need a ruler and a pencil to measure out and mark the locations of folds, but the final products are definitely worth the effort IMO. His Su-47 design is my favorite, by far.

They all require A4 sheets of paper to make, though, so I just trimmed off a sheet of letter paper to A4 proportions and scaled down each indicated measurement proportionally to make each plane.

Unfortunately, his last video was made two years ago and he hasn't come back and uploaded to his channel since, which is a bit of a bummer since I would've loved to have seen more of his designs if he made them. Nonetheless, I highly recommend checking out his channel and his videos for some cool paper plane tutorials.
Here's his full list of models:

A-10 Warthog
F-4 Phantom
F-11 Tiger
F-14 Tomcat
F-15 Eagle
F-16 Falcon
F-18 Hornet
F-22 Raptor
F-35 Lightning
F-101 Vodoo
F-104 Starfighter

Mig-21 Fishbed
Mig-29 Fulcrum
Mig-37 Ferret
Su-24 Fencer
Su-27 Flanker
Su-47 Berkut
Su-57 Felon (PAK-FA)
Yak-141 Freestyle


J-35 Draken
JA-37 Viggen
JAS-39 Gripen

J-20 Mighty Dragon

South Korea:
KFX-200 Concept

Mirage IIIC
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I remember back in 2016 there were lots of GPM modele Kartonowe links in Russia that can be downloaded and mainly is planes.

For you
I feel like you could maybe stick a phone vibrator motor and a coin battery in it without a whole lot of trouble.
Keep on topic you rap scallion.
This thread should have more interaction. Even for /po/ , this is surprisingly empty.
i'm mostly reading /tg/ and only come to /po/ once in a while for terrain papercraft - but seeing this miniature plane, i have a question: Could you use real origami models (just folds, no cuts or glue, so no papercraft) like that one as wargame minis? Would they be sturdy enough or would they get dirty/damaged/unfolded from normal handling during play?
They would die
It's been literal years and I'm still waiting for the Savoia S.21 to be "flight-ready" and posted on that website.
SD version.
I had this in my stash. The original website is dead, but you can see it at https://web.archive.org/web/20000620224550/http://member.nifty.ne.jp/papermodel/htmls/Mymodel/Mod00j.html
Darrick Vanderwier. Is God
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My first try at one of these: the Bandit.
Folded from 12in kami.
I think it came out pretty good.
Thank you!
I have an old John Montrol book somewhere and I’ve never been able to figure out how the jet tail works in the context of the models. So I’ve had to avoid them or make rough approximations.
I’ll have to post some of it.
I found it as a pdf on the last thread I think.
If I remember I’ll post some screenshots of it.
I want to see this when I get home.
I tried to scale letter to A4 and failed miserably. I just can’t seem to even get that first waterbomb base to come out right. I don’t know if it’s supposed to close at the center or not.
And the measurements just didn’t line up right even scaled down.
Really? I feel like that can’t possibly be right.
I know the C5 Galaxy takes around a ton of paint and that thing is enormous.
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aside from the two whitewings models posted in the thread, would anyone happen to have scans of the OG kits? if not I'd be tempted to buy some and scan them myself
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Why the fuck is this thread still with the halloween theme?
Found a higher-res version of Origami Aircraft by Jayson Merrill
It's so slow even the themes take time to catch up kek.
Needs more fueling.
>'no match'
for shame
I got some actual A4 and I’m gonna try again. But I still don’t understand how those are supposed to line up. They require folding in conflicting directions.
Well fuck me. I just opened up my A4 only to learn that it’s actually heavy duty card stock drawing paper.
I can’t win in this country.
Well, I found one I could do with letter paper. The F4. Not too interesting, but it’s a start.
Anything new?
thanks anon
It's a shame that this thread never gets updated
Looks great, Anon! I tried making his A-10 model but the final product came out really wonky. The fuselage was way too narrow and the engines came out lopsided, even though I followed the dimensions to the letter. Guess I gotta try again.
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Biplane supremacy, get these filthy monoplanes out of here.

The designs are really neat, but i got kinda stuck on step 19 of the switchblade, can anyone show me how to do that one?
blessed thread
very hard to beat this one
whos got a good cylinder plane design?
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diamondback almost
can't seem to get steps 15 to 16 right. Mind if you show me anon?
I’m going to have to figure out how to fold another one since I lost the one I did, but if I can figure it out I’d be happy to.
Sorry for the wait. I finally got around to it.
Basically you make a squash fold, but the paper becomes a 3D pyramid shape so you have to some how cold over the top of the pyramid so the whole thing lays flat. Then repeat on the other side.
In progress
Sorry, I can’t do a thing about pictures displaying the wrong orientation.
I can’t change the orientation if it’s already portrait.
Anyway, this is step 14-16 completed.
I accidentally ripped a bit of the squash on the right wing, but iirc it shouldn’t matter.
And the finished plane.
Just finished making the Phoenix.
If course I’m doing it out of copy paper so it doesn’t fly work a damn cause it’s too heavy. But it’s pretty.
pretty cool anon
Anyine have more cool papaer airplane books on this?
cute plane bro
I had one as a kid. It was a silver or bluish book of 10 planes; I'd say they were moderate difficulty. Newbie-friendly to be sure, but not the basic dart airplane shape levels of simple. Like, 4/10 difficulty. It was for kids. Had some fun little gimmick designs like taping a penny to the nose of a plane to make it faster or folding the wingtips in opposite directions so the thing would do corkscrews.

I don't remember the name or the author, but I do remember some of the plane names. There was the Twister, the Sky Coaster, and the Cloud Chaser, to name a few. Maybe that'll help lead you to find it...?

>t. guy who got lost on the way to /pol/
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Had this one as a kid
I did some models yesterday, was pretty fun. Funnily the "worst" design was the best one flying with two paperclips on its nose for the right stability.
Does anyone have the John Collins book of Paper Airplanes? Called "The World Record Paper Airplane and International Award Winning Designs: The Best of John M. Collins and More Paper Airplane Book"

He has some designs on youtube but I want a visual step by step on them.
Yes. In a world with almost 8 billion people, including the author himself, the answer to "does anybody have it" is definetly a YES. All in a days work. I am off

*Capitan obvious flies away
this is my favorite plane of all times, nice work anon
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Here are 12 of 15 from a kit that was sold by eddie Bauer, the other three were already used. Im pretty sure all the designs come from the original kits.
I don't think anyone even knows about it, but I'll try: does anyone have the book Paper Pilot: The Paper Airplane Pilot's Manual? I have the physical copy but I'm missing the spitfire. If anyone is interested I can scan some, just ask. Such a cool book: cool airplanes that fly well so long as you add ballast correctly (takes a bit of knowledge that I've lost I think). Thanks in advance for reading this
I just got a bought a copy that has everything but the spitfire sorry. Although not the same i do have pic related that has paper planes similar to whitewings but imo look and fly better. I've gotten so obsessed with paper planes on such a retarded level its fucking unreal.
Here's a Russian site with loads of planes and a lot of other stuff as well.

any general building tips for airplanes? some of mine just do a downward arc backward and don't fly forward.
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I think I just found the holy grail of this thread, here is just a sample of a whitewings unreleased folding wing design, will post more if there is intrest
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>>607485 Holy shit this looks amazing! Could you please share a scan of this, i had no idea something like this existed.
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sorry for the mediocre scans, its the best I can do.

I got 5 whole books on these, seem to be out of production for the most part, everything seems to be from Dr. Ninomiya, but there is zero mention of him throughout the books.
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here are the translated instructions
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No, it's Patrick XDDDDDD
he's a cute little plane. yess he is.
Anyone remember Trotskiy Studios paper models? They were beautifully detailed flying models. The artist was a little eccentric and would only allow one particular model to be downloaded for a few days. You had to keep visiting to be able download others. It took a really long time to get the collection I have. He ultimately took down his site around 2011, briefly popped up on another site, then disappeared forever, afaik. I'd upload a model but I am getting an error. I guess I have to figure out what is going on (I'm a newfag).
Sounds very interesting anon. You can also use sites like mega as an alternative to share files if you want
Thanks for the tip, Anon. Hopefully this works.

This is my whole collection of models from this Japanese artist. There is a password on each file that the artist set. I could have written a script to remove it but I guess I never got around to it.

The password is trotskiy.

I hope other Anons enjoy these models as much as I do. I would hate for them to just disappear from history which is why I am sharing them. If anyone has Trotskiy models not in this collection, please post them.

>>608296, NO FUNCIONA
I wonder if /po/ has gotten even slower
something lasting from 2015-2018 was notable but now here we have this thread almost reaching 5 years and it's only the 7th oldest thread on the board...
el link esta caido
Please send the Trotskiy link again. It's not working
Some cool 3d ww2 models that fly and can be launched via slingshot.
Penny-Weight Flying Paper Airplaines: cut, fold & fly -- WWII Pacific, Volume 1, Phil Koopman Sr.

Penny-Weight Flying Paper Airplaines: cut, fold & fly -- WWII Pacific, Volume 2, Phil Koopman Sr.

Dime-Weight Flying Paper Airplaines: cut, fold & fly -- WWII Pacific Phil Koopman Sr.
Shit it's been 5 years since I first saw this thread. Takes me back. Different times.
Sorry anons. I've been distracted with other things. The site must expire the link or something. Try this:

Daaaamn, this one takes me back. I remember trying (and failing) to make his D3A model when I was still in middle school. The roster was a smaller all those years ago but it's pretty cool that he's made a few more models since then.
It says file doesn't exist :( Thank you for trying though.
I remember seeing a tutorial for an paper plane called The Arrow in a YahooMail article once. I think I still know how to make it but I can no longer find it. Alongside The Arrow the author also included tutorials for a plane called the Cobra and a two-headed plane called the Sabertooth.
I wish I can see them again. Would love to try them again.
You do know you now have to try again and actually finish the D3A, don't you? It's a sign!
I DID buy them and scan them myself. And then I traced over them with Inkscape for more clean lineart for printing!


This should be all the sets of paper only models (can sort by collection in top left menu, some collections are smaller because their planes were reprinted in later sets without metal hooks). I have a few of the balsa ones too, but havent finished the lineart, or gotten a laser cutter to test out reproducing the balsa forms.


Mind if I lineart these? When you say you have 5 whole books, are they all different models? Are they all new? Would kill to get that all scanned and preserved.

I know there are some other models I dont have as well. Ninomiya published a few books that are difficult to get a hold of, like Jet Age Jamboree. There are a couple other people doing things like "Paper Flight" by Martin La Grange, though he uses the metal hook design.
Whitewings.com is dead, and when contacted the owner (after a few months) let me know he still has some product, but when asked to expand never made another reply. Seems only interested in offloading the remainder of his inventory to schools or the like that will buy in bulk.
Anyone know what happened to Ninomiya? Maybe I'm just bad at searching, but there doesnt seem to be any info past the 90's / early 00's.
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wow! thank you for making these available. your post got me curious so i searched around and discovered that he passed away only just late last year. He continued making paper planes in retirement as the president of the japan paper plane association which holds tournaments across japan. he also contributed to a children science magazine sharing his knowledge and designs until 2016.

this has the final article published in the magazine in 2016

his wiki in Japanese has loads more information than the English one

A release from jppa on his death

the last paper plane cup he attended before his death

i think i have a scan of jet age jamboree but i need to find it. if you want more info just look up ninomiyas name in Japanese (二宮康明).


Thank you for looking into that, I can't believe that he passed so recently. Or that he was active (as much as he could be) in his interests basically up until the end. Absolute legend.
Yo OP thanks for the book man
Really made me wanna try origami again
Yo OP thanks for the book man
Made me wanna try origami again
Anyone know how to automatically create papercraft models? i want to do the next french fighter SCAF/FCAS or other french military vehicles ?
I've got the pictures but i don't wanna do all the work on Sketchup
i don't know
>Let me check it up
there is none you lazy mf piece of shit. Do the work or pay others to do the work. Or simply fuck off if you don't want to do 2 hours of work for stuff "you want"
does anyone have a pdf of a boeing 767 or 757?
This site may be of interest to you: www.citycraft-papermodels.com
There's a bunch of free airliner model PDFs, including the 757, but some of them don't have assembly instructions so be advised. The guy did make assembly instructions for a 767 model on his youtube channel but I can't find a link to it anywhere.
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Here's another website for very tiny-scale paper model vehicles. Most don't have instructions, but the templates themselves should be pretty straightforward to assemble.


Seems like they made a follow-up website with a giant folder of all of their models, but it's been abandoned since 2020 and the download link doesn't work anymore, unfortunately.
Stop it you're killing the pendulum clock thread
I just made the "Clean SST" and WOW it flies brilliantly. Magnificent glide ratio.

The original designs tend to fly better, since they weren't constrained by looking like something that already exists.
That being said, the concord appears to be just about the same as the clean SST, but with the wing slung lower. I haven't directly compared performance but it might be interesting.
If I remember correctly the circular wing canard flies really good too, as do the F-15 and F-22 models (though I may be thinking of A. Suzuki's versions).
The Trilinear series is pretty cool. The increased rigidity provided by the fuselage geometry is really useful when launching with a rubber band.
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Are there any scans of these Fold 'n Fly models from the late 90s? I remember buying these at a museum back way back when I was a kid but I never had the foresight to scan and save the pages before I made them.
Just picked them up from eBay, shouldnt take too long to get to me. Should be able to get them scanned pretty quick.

I got the scans up, grabbed all I could find.


Image files are large, about 75MB each. Should contain everything in the packages.

Whoops, I feel stupid...

Those scans are very nice! IIRC the publisher of these kits (AG Corporation) made two more of these kits: a "Top Secret Flyers" kit with two models - A-7 Corsair, Gulfstream C-20A - and a "Superfighters Series" kit with four more models of its own - USAF Strike Fighter (F-35, probably), Mitsubishi F-2 FSX, Sukhoi S-37 Golden Eagle (Su-47 Berkut most likely), Euro Type 39 Fighter (not sure what this one is) - but unfortunately they both seem to be lost to time as far as I can tell.

The "Top Secret Flyers" set appears to have been made by a company called Education Insights (or at least distributed by) and was a pre-cut, tab-and-tape style. I've seen a few on eBay but never sprung for one.
As for the "Superfighter Series", I cant find anything whatsoever. Hours of googling has gotten me nowhere. I even tried searching for the individual planes you listed. Do you have any other info on it? Images? From the models you listed it sounds awesome, the Su-47 has a very cool look in my opinion.
AG Industries also made a paper "Flying Discs" set that looks interesting, but much simpler than the Fold N' Fly and Whitewings sets they put out. They appear to be dead and gone, unless they pivoted to filtration devices.
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Yeah, I got the "Superfighter Series" info from an archived Fold 'n Fly catalog on the former WhiteWings website store page, sold alongside the other three kits they made.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a working link for this model kit nor any further information on it, but I could've sworn I saw either the kit itself or a picture of it a while back and it had an X-35 JSF as the cover image.
As previous posts have shown my googling is not the most effective, but I cant find anything about that set. Maybe it was something that got printed in a shirt run and never actually made it to anyones hands, or maybe it was only conceptual. Being on a store site makes me lean towards it being an actual product, but theres no evidence I can find for that. AG Industries the company appears to no longer exist, as far as I can tell so we're not going to get any info from them.
Can someone please share the scans of Tatsuo Yoshida book Joy of Flying Paper Airplanes or other his models from Kodomo No Kagaku Magazine?
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Tatsuo Yoshida Time Aloft Winner Asuka Plane design from " The Paper Airplane Book The Official Book Of The Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest 1985". New version of Asuka compare to design from the book in previous post.
Here you go
Thank you. Like this japan models in mini-mini "Chibi" class size (18 cm).
Anybody has the missing Ojimak and Trotskiy models please!!!!
https://only-paper. ru/
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So, I uh... I found it.
Not only that, but according to the page that I found it on it's actually still in stock at this one store.
The catch (of course) is that the store is in Switzerland and they only ship to within their country, and Liechtenstein. The store also has a bunch of other WhiteWings products that I cant find elsewhere, but they haven't responded to inquiries about shipping to North America. Anybody got friends among the Swiss?
Thank you all soooo much!
Yoshioka Alpha Glider.
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PHLG model from this book, arranged by Y.Tatsuta (Yasuhiro Nakatani Club).
Restored paper drawing of the MiG 25 with all details and modifications for easy assembly.
A true companion book to the above publication is the Boterman's Jack "Paper flight 48 models ready for take off". Fans of flying discs will find instructions for the flying saucer and carousel.

Are forum readers aware of free-flying paper gliders with propellers, like the Yak 141 "Freestyle"?

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The previous post implies VTOL paper model with vertical start and glide or horizontal start with vertical aerobatics. Possibly, with a rubber motor, but the paper plane must be both a glider and an aerobatic. And looks like the propeller must be a lot larger compare to RC model.
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Not working :(
Awesome! Do you have the rest? If you do, could you upload them too?
I loved them.
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And now for something a bit different, an origami Transformer based on G1 Blitzwing. Turns into a fighter jet and a battle tank (some imagination is required, though).
they want money for it.
Money is bad. Only free stuff counts.
do you know how to print these models, so that the scale gets right?
for example this one
it says scale 1:40

what ahout this one . the scale is
how to print them?
too poor to get a job. In capitalism you have to be somewhat rich to qualify for a job. The capitalists are very picky.
Seriously, "Get a job, and get a life" gets deleted, but this shit gets to stay up (>>621639, >>621643)? How off topic can you get?
My statement was just as on-topic as this one is. You people really need to learn how to prioritize better.
I had this book as a kid, glad to see it here in PDF form. I plan on creating my own paper airplane design soon. My favorite was the Space Shuttle.

Also, does anyone have a download to the Activity TV paper airplane tutorials?
Yes, but what about a rotor kite?
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Does anyone want a retro paper airplane (design probably dates to the late 1970s or 1980s)?

Source for some other designs: https://aviationexplorer.com/paper_airplanes.html

I have other links if people are interested.

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