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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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I'm making an effigy of a McDonald's nightmare golem
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The project is about 30%done but I'll be thankful with any input
There are quite a bit of WIP pics so I uploaded them all on my Gdrive
There are traces of different things I tried before settling on plasticine sculpting and paper mache. I tried to sculpt expanding foam, it had too much voids for me to work comfortably. I tried to make a pepakura or a blender template but could not figure out how to do it so uea3. I kinda settled on what I already know how to do
>muh pol
Rent free

Looking good OP
This is clearly papercraft
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Made two different sets of ears because I'm unsure about which size fits better, both if them are extremely basic due to my lack of skill
I think the smaller ones will look better
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My head doesn't fit to well inside it but I'm happy with the progress that I'm making. I have to figure out how to do eyes teeth and glasses next. No idea how tho.
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Not much progress to report due to severe alcoholism and general new years cheer. But I'm going to buy a bunch of materials for this project so I hope it doesn't turn out shite
it looks so cool but so damn terrifying at the same time
like its a mask from jackie chan adventures
god has someone done that already? that would be so cool
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Installed eyes and teeth and reinforced the body with wall putty
Mac Tonight lookin good.
You're building the host for an entity. Be extremely cautious. Do not sleep in the same room as the effigy. Do listen to the effigy. Ignore whatever it says.
That's bogus. I've been sleeping next to Aclahayr for a month now and nothing bad happened. I mean yeah birds sometimes throw themselves against my window and my brother started drawing strange things but that's just city life.
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Almost completely smooth
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Going to coat it in filler primer and paint it and I'll finally be done with this fucking thing
pretty nice thumps up
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OK that was a complete fucking lie lmao

One of my cosplayer friends advised me to paint the thing silver to reveal all of the imperfections and now I feel discouraged and might drop this project
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Idk if filler primer will salvage this
I like this thread. Awesome work op!
mac tonight was a classic, cool thread op
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I couldn't find filler primer anywhere near where I live so in the meantime I made these kill la kill swords. They're about 80% done after only 30hr of work
Kino thread
I miss moo- I mean Mac Tonight bros.
Love those hamburgers.
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absolutely noteworthy. Anyone who visits /po should come here and behold your arts anon.
It's probably sarcastic but thanks. My only goal is not to become the pendulum clock guy and actually deliver
does not look too bad
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Beautiful. Nice job anon.
Nice thread OP
Today OP wasn't a faggot. Keep up the good work
Looking good, OP.
How are you gonna do the moon glasses?
Ofc, eventually. I've been feeling down lately so the progress is slow
There is a moonman at stony brook long island. There Mcdonalds has one but he sadly broke a couple years ago I think. But I see it as a Moonman ( or macman but that's gay ) Mecca.
Pic related its stony brook mcdonalds.
The pics I used to figure out the proportions was from an auction that sold the head without the body and mechanical components. It could've been this one lmao
could have actually, I haven't been in a very long time. I can see if I can drive to it but I don't know.
Only 3 grand
>/po/ and /pol/ finally become one
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Those eyes are the thing of bloody nightmares!!!
Nice toes
Thanks, my mom made me those
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85% done now i just have to do another round of sanding paint it and give the guy his glasses
looking good OP! Did you make the glasses or are you going to use a generic pair? I'd go with the latter as they would look more "authentic"

Anyways good luck and I am glad t see you are not giving up!
I plan to do something dollar store desu I regards to glasses but I really appreciate all of your support even if I'm drunk as a skunk for the last 40 days.
cant wait for the finnish look...
I hope you do some Doordash McDonald's deliveries while wearing this.
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I'm a school janitor irl but I could go to a Mcdees in it. That would be very uncomfortable and cringe for everyone involved.

I haven't finished it because I kinda broke my rotary sander and hand sanding a piece this big is a complete nightmare
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unwieldy and massive projects messing and staining everything around it blows, please get a bigger work desk so you can pool more time into our lord and saviour
Are you alive, OP?
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Yeah, I'm really depressed and unmotivated but after Emps vid I think I'm gonna finish this doo er rather than later. Apart from MacTonight I still have like 7 unfinished projects, unpainted minis and a bunch of irl responsibilities. Oh and I lost most of my money that I saved up in dollhairs after sanctions hit.

So yeah I'm alive but in a really bad place rn
Damn, sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need then and don't overwork yourself. We'll be right here when you can post the finished look.
Hope you'll be alright and will get a chance to finish it soon. I'm sure it'll turn out great
godspeed anon we believe in you
Wish you the best, friend. Looks fantastic so far
Looking good
Any progress since?
Hope everything has gotten better if not slightly since this post
Is there a papercraft model of this guy?
I too know this feel... Behold
Not a lot but I'm slowly smoothing everything out
This is amazing! Are you gonna 3d print it? If so post a link to your STL when it's done
Oh, yes, that was the plan. I'd wanted to get a larger printer first, But I will provide the OBJ to anyone who wants it. Let me look for my upload site. Im always glad to see another fan of the real mcdonalds mascot.

Here is the current OBJ. Completely solid and printable and free of errors. If you cannot do it yourself to print, I can break it down to smaller pieces. Alas, This site will only allow it to stay up for 30 days. If anyone else prints this out too, Post results. I'd recommend sizing 2400% or a bit more for the wearable head.
"...It's Mac tonight"
He kinda looks like a moon too... Like a moonman perhaps. I remember that he was spawned to advertise that mcdonalds was staying open late.
Almost™ done
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Incredible, can't wait to see it finished
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>This note is private
original paper craft instructions? all links are gone
Hoping to see it finished.
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finish it and show the burning
I'm rooting for you, dude.
What's the progress?

Honestly looks pretty good so far. Not even that nightmare inducing
playing that we see the finished project as a chritmas present to all of us tomorrow.
fucking awesome, i hope it gets finished
Link's dead. Any chance for a moony reupload?
Sure. Give me a few hours to find it
Ok, here ya go
>a few hours
/po/ is a weird place
Very cool.

>No.616125 at 16:59:48
>No.616126 at 20:06:38
You're telling me.
Yea this board isn't exactly the fastest. It's probably one of if not the slowest actually.
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keep on truckin', buddy
its over
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>its real
I'm rooting for you OP!
I hope op is not kill
Come on anon, finish the fucking mask already, its been 679 days now.
I love Saint Pepsi’s enjoy yourself video. Always came up in my moonman rotation.
Hell yeah brother.
Good taste. I like him and Luxury Elite's song Mac Tonight. There's a music video with Moonman in it but I can't find it. https://youtu.be/sZkKqclmUsY?feature=shared
looks hard to do even with cardboard
>still active 3 year old thread
This truly is the best board
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I fat-fingered here on my way to /o/, but pretty good, OP.
When you finish it you could send it to Seth Meyers at NBC. He hates Mac and people send him all kinds of cursed memorabilia.
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Very cool idea
Actual kino thread
this is fucking great op
As a European, I don't get it, what does this moon-like figure represent? Racism or something?
>OP post was on 2021
Oh God

Yeah basically.
Around 15 years ago somebody was making racist music with a TTS program, and used the moon-headed mascot for an old McDonald's advertising campaign for the videos because he happened to be popular for memes on YTMND at the time. For whatever reason, the association stuck.
/po/sting in epic bread
Can't find the "t" and the "h" on your keyboard again, eh? What a Noob.
Did OP die?
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I'm thinking based
file not found. Reup?
Hey OP, if you are still alive please send us an update from this thread.

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