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Welcome, this is a SHARING thread, where you request and share single diagrams (preferably). And I would like to encourage sharing this mockingbird.
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I would like to ask for the diagram of this flamingo by Wei Lin Chen, I access it through the "origami shop" but I don't know where to sign up for the "origami pass" and when I search on Google and access the diagram of the flamingo directly it just takes me to a page with nothing. Grateful.
File: horse origami.pdf (6.53 MB, PDF)
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6.53 MB PDF
File: whale.pdf (2.16 MB, PDF)
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2.16 MB PDF
Thank you
does anyone have and can share this parrot by Nicolas Terry?
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745 KB PDF
Thank you very much
File: Peacock.pdf (1.2 MB, PDF)
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1.2 MB PDF
Peacock by Jun Maekawa.
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existen las instrucciones de este?
File: origami egipto.jpg (48 KB, 564x752)
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quiero el diagrama y paso a paso de este
quiero el diagrama y paso a paso de este
Check it out.


Instructions are not available for this model.

There are no instructions available for this model.
Aprende a ser educado. En la forma de pedir, está el dar, bobo....
Austrian parrots.
If anyone could share Marc Vigo's sheep from CDO Convention 2019 or Pajarita #152, I'd be grateful.
>>609805, OK ME DISCULPO
Can someone share the anomalocaris or the titan beetle from tanteidan 27
eyo, can anyone share the Mayfly from JOS 22. TY
File: salmon.pdf (1.25 MB, PDF)
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1.25 MB PDF
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464 KB PDF
Happy Holidays!
Here. Merry Christmas.
Many thanks, kind anon!!!
You are welcome.
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Can someone share this diagram please, it's called "tern" and it was created and folded by Victorien Rami.
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Does anyone have the gearheart? I got it here once but that computer is far away now
Someone share Jack Dreyil's dung beetle from korea convention 2022
File: Heartshapedbox.pdf (5.1 MB, PDF)
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5.1 MB PDF
Same vein, I have a box.
Or zhang yifan's garchomp pls
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If anyone has the diagram that >>610178 (me) asked for I'll exchange it for Beth's squirrel diagram.

All i have is this screenshot of the diagram with the cp
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4.99 MB
4.99 MB PDF
Thanks, is this extra folder full of .skp and .mtl files part of it or some extra thing?

Contributes poorly
This folder contains source files, you don't need them unless you wank to change something.
Thank you
Thanks my friend
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Can someone pls share Kawahata's Bee - it's not in his insect book that's easily available on the Internet
look, I don't want to be rude, but nobody is going to share this, really this bee is only found in a book that has already gone out of stock and whoever bought it is very likely to be Japanese or not know this website, as the artist is Japanese. So I advise you to start trying to reverse engineer these models.
Could someone share F-22 raptor from Korean convention book 2022?
File: F-22 Raptor.pdf (1.43 MB, PDF)
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1.43 MB PDF
Thank you!
>F-22 Raptor
Dear sir, thank you very very much.
You're welcome.
I didn't expect this will be shared because it's from the new book! So once again, thank you!
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I'd also really appreciate anomalocaris. Please if anyone have it, do share.
Already have them both! Do you have Beth's squirrel by any chance?
I have the tutorial video link youtube.com/watch?v=GZehMjrA2Fw but it's been privated and WaybackMachine doesn't seem to have it saved.
Can someone share sirgo's ofiura from pajarita extra 2021? If you want I'll trade you cdo 22
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Im wondering if anyone has a diagram for Robert Lang's curved propeller modular origami? I've searched and searched and I cant even find what book it was published in, and I'd really like to fold it
Now is your turn...
Share CDO '22
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Can someone post this diagram please?
i love you man you dont know how happy i am that i can finally fold it
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Beth Johnson squirrel is in this book
Anyone able to provide advice on step 62. Somehow the has completely stumped me.
Here you are fellow, happy folding.
Great .I saw this but thought it was an eagle ! Lmao I'm waiting for the book to arrive this have a few hours to fold
The book is now available on several download websites.
I leave you a link to one of those downloads

No it's not. It's on the cover but strangely enough isn't included in the book
As for the Beth Johnson .I have Rar files but cannot extract them for >>610772#
Get started
And a different download
Thanks my friends
Anyone got Petr struchly's cephalaspis from origami europe?
Could someone share the Dimetrodon Skeleton diagram from Tanteidan 27th Convention, please?
No thanks.
You're a legend ty, been looking for this for a long time

Since squirrel has been shared now, can this anon share anomalocaris please? Or if someone has entire convention it would be even better.
I have another pdf of squirrels from various artists .
What am i supposed to do on step 28?

But if you guys share the cephalaspis from origami europe
Anyone got Tanteidan 27. Thx
What a bold move without a trade
Topic is sharing diagrams, why dont you create one if you want to trade
Asking for your help regarding this "wolf head" by Hideo Komatsu.
Searching for for years for a instruction since I'm not not experienced enough for the diagram (if it even is the right one...).
This should be the according diagram
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A new e-book but i only want this hob -goblin. By Peter Buchan Symons
Can you tell me in which book is this diagram?
Folding Fantasy Volume 1 by Peter Buchan-Symons
am i stupid or is fold 28 impossible? i don't get how it's supposed to happen :( ive been trying for a bit and don't see how it can be done without tearing anything
Step 28 is a simple mountain fold go back to step 18 check that spread and flatten move. .If your using one colour paper there is your problem
Can someone share the dungeness crab from marine origami? Thanks in advance
yo anyone gots any of these? Thx kid
same issue here, what the fuck is that
Muchas gracias!!!
What about something like CDO 2003 and 2002?
It has a digital edition

amazon co jp

I have the scanned version

You have to go back and do step 26 correctly. After which, you have to unfold a bit to pull and squash the layer as you pull it out from underneath. Same for the next few steps as you have to do it several times. If this is too hard, I suggest going to try something easier as the model doesn't get easier from there.
do you need special paper for this craft? (total noob, but would like a cheap hobby)
Most people start with kraftpaper.
obviously that is vietnamese origami ,search gilad for any of the models on that page
can someone post me an origami leopard ? please
thanks i notice there are few complex leopards from one piece square anyway i might modify it to make it look less amateur
a gorilla ,an eagle,an apple ,a shark with c.p and photo process
i downloaded it and the c.ps are faint and in no particular order , do you know which one is the apple c.p
>>620365 i downloaded it and the c.ps are faint and in no particular order , do you know which one is the apple c.p?
questions questions
that bee is okay but Bodo Haag has a really nice two colour bee
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Bee by Bodo Haag
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You know his horse
Not personally, do you?
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I'm looking for ORU Magazine 11 (especially Jun Maekawa's demon with fingers).
Does anyone have it and feel to share? Or would where to get it?
Don't have the ORU Magazine, but I do have the Maekawa demon
Could someone share Jayson Merill F-22 Raptor diagram?
File: JM F-22 Raptor.pdf (2.69 MB, PDF)
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2.69 MB PDF
Is that the model from his Stealth Aircraft Origami book?
Is that the model you requested?
I didn't understand if F-22 Raptor you posted is from the book I mentioned. Anyway, thank you! If it is, thank you even more!!
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adjust the contrast and resolution and print in monochrome on a4 paper do multiple copies of page 2 The introduction ,the APPLE c.p needs joining together but there is a full half page
¿Podría alguien por favor compartir este diagrama? El autor es Morisue Kei y fue publicado en la revista "Betwwen Folds" #2. Gracias de antemano.
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Can you help me find the template for this raccoon and the manual for this bear.
The bear diagrams are in Pajarita magazine 154.
Cool, thank you.
File: Vigo bear.pdf (1.42 MB, PDF)
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1.42 MB PDF
Thanks, but I already had this one ;-)
Maekawa created two characters, each with two variations :
- a demon with or without fingers
- a devil with or without fingers

In Genuine Origami, it's the devil with fingers.
From Viva Origami, I've also got the demon without fingers and the devil without fingers.

So, the last one I'd like to fold is the demon with fingers : https://www.giladorigami.com/P_Oni_Maekawa.jpg
Jesus Christ!!!.
Thank you, very much anon.
Thanks a lot man
Here it is again, a little cleaner and clearer.
You're the best
File: joas2022.pdf (7.73 MB, PDF)
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7.73 MB PDF
File: JOAS-31.pdf (5.07 MB, PDF)
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5.07 MB PDF
Here you go my friend
That's great, but the mayfly isn't in that edition.
This one has the mayfly i think

BTW, does anyone have chinese new year origami 2024?
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Thx yo thatsit. Ya know
Do ya think???? Yeah, it does, but are you fucking blind? Didn't you see it posted already above your shitty post? Hell no, not for someone as ignorant and blind as you.
Not for a long while, I hope.
This one's in better quality.
Just thought you'd appreciate it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's the same quality, duh!
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can someone post the diagram or c.p for this ?? by eR Orifancy
Wei Lin Chen has an instagram and Youtube ,so just ask him .Also I believe Nicholas Terry stopped the origami pass a year ago
Doesn't appear to be in any OriFancy magazine.
right ,i literally just downloaded them all but the author said on this twitter post it was going inside Orifancy , number seven is late
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Thank you from the future, for a nice Bactrian camel gram. I love my Kawahata one in Duo Thai and I'm excited to try another style

I have no single diagrams anymore; for the past several years I've gotten a lot of material out of the defunct Mega once shared here, but most of that's gone. I hope I don't offend anyone by sharing a scan of a book. It's a common one that I've owned a while and I've also bought for others.
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1.48 MB PNG
origami dinosaurs premium


Also looking for penguin by kamiya
Hope someone could share it kindly
PS Anyone have orifancy 6,7

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