Hey /po/, I'm looking for good youtube channel recs to follow. I specially remember someone on here sharing their own channel and I found it kinda neat but couldn't find it ever again (it was something to do with their own personal collection of paper toys / scans). Post good youtube channels centered on papercrafts, origami, paper toys, dioramas etc and try to avoid any of that stupid kiddie shit please.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj5TLjXrbgWell I just found a good one but not exactly what I was looking for. If anyone here has their own channel it's ok to self plug.
Search *Anime paper craft * there's tons of videos
AlquimiA JaponesaArt of Foldbali origami - ignore their drawing videos, his old origami shit is coolFolductionGathering FoldsHappyfolding - ignore the kiddy stuff, there's some really complex stuff herehenryorigami - same as aboveIntellekt_tv Jakub KrajewskiJeremyShaferOrigami - same noteJM's Origami TutorialsKade ChanKankichikawaii pastimeMalinda HuangMariano Zavala OrigamiMrViolinPeterNghệ Thuật ORIGAMIOrigambelOrigami by J H. Chenorigamiinstructions725Jo NakashimaJaime Niño Bernal - some kiddy stuff but also some cool modularsOrigami.By.EOrigamiSageOrigamitorPeacefulMidnightBluePrwOrigamiquietmarverick - go to his old stuffRan Kaminaga かみながらん Riccardo FoschiTadashi MoriSeth Friedmanshakefororigami - again, go back a bitTakako Origami - mix of kiddy and cool stuff さくB おりがみ さくBのユニット折り紙豊穣折紙 / Hojo Origami
I'll put you onto some game . Subscribe to the channels above then click on the channel photo which takes you to the menu and playlist . Scroll through to playlist which shows what channels the uploader likes and join those too .Also you've missed some fantastic complex folders .Chen Xiao .Kaede NakamuraFearless flourish Tadashi Mori Carlson Choo
>>611513Tadashi Mori is right there. FF I am subscribed to and accidentally skipped him. Didn't know about Carlson and Chen, thanks. What is Nakamura's username? I can't find that name, youtube only gives me other people doing their designs.
Mushitarou origami
Origami by Michelle FungAlways Yung .Ino87 Siesta Origami Origami by Voice HyperesthesiaArt of Fold Origami _kimoroCy origami OrigamibelNick Wang Origami M_k origami
Origami by Michelle FungAlways Yung .Ino87 Siesta Origami Origami by Voice HyperesthesiaArt of Fold Origami _kimoroCy origami OrigamibelNick Wang Origami M_k origami Mariano Zavala Zide Ju Pape Rain Henry origami .
Zide Ju Pape Rain https://youtube.com/@user-kf7iz4qv9r
Hi new to this board, but I like animation and was wondering if papercraft animation might be something worth pursuing. This is my channel and looking for other art form varieties. https://youtube.com/@doodlebobanimations7727
https://www.youtube.com/@jonakashimamust watch
>>611311ACTUAL DISCLOSURE https://youtu.be/AkhOXG-xaxQ