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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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File: PaperMarioLogo.png (919 KB, 1090x591)
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Do you think these games have gotten more people into papercraft and origami? Have you made any figures from the games?
I have had another thread up on this board for a few weeks now... the one with the pencil picture. Chill out.
I can see how an interest in paper would form from the game, seeing as like 100% of it can just be printed on paper

It'd be cool to make like shadowboxes out of it prolly
There are interesting models like pic related.
That's cute as hell
Not my piece, but are other neat ones I wouldn't mind making. I'm still new. Here is another good picture I found.
of you already have one thread on here, don't start enough for a few years. you are causing good old threads to get removed.
2s not a lot. Plus I thought the regulars here would appreciate a little movement.
Man shit the fuck up lmao, old dead ass threads that no ones commented on for months, who cares
As long as the paper clock thread doesn't die
Shut the fuck up
I've been awake too long

God forbid someone who actually replies makes a thread about paper and not some horse this xenxiang dang gang shit thread shit full of begging loser
To any lurking, pic related is an example of a shadow box. I'm sure there are several people who would want to put Paper Mario ones in their gaming rooms.
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when you see his bulge
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The dexcut is ending.
> there is no logical reason to believe that
And yet it is the truth
> they have no motive to do that since people bought the games anyways
And yet they will do
> anti bbnd copy-paste
Chadyes.jpeg to question asked
> cope
Cope based off the truth
I rove paper Mario
theres a mario hat that is one piece origami and also a mushroom .
all the other models are multiple pieces of paper

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