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Hello everyone, I'll start with the fact that I have only basic origami skills. After the last year or so of getting my gf flowers she's been vocal about the fact that she loves them but hates that they wilt and die. I intend to solve that with handmade origami flowers, along with a proposal to hopefully have something beautiful to last for a long time that can be an epic visual memory like a bouquet of origami flowers. So the question I had to you pros is, what do you recommend for someone with my skill level? I'm very hands-on and determined, willing to spend a lot of time to make them just right.

Any advice would be appreciated.

heres another thread aout em too,

heres a link to some more too
Did some quick digging around and found some resources that might help you out. I've included advanced and easy models (if you feel comfortable with the easy ones and want to challenge yourself). As a general recommendation, try to make the models on printer paper before you do it on fancy paper.

https://www.towerbridge.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-05/MTBS%20Activity%20sheets%20Flowers.pdf - Basic Tulip/Rose
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200427_Origami_Rhododendron.pdf - Rhododendron
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200506_Origami_Rose.pdf - Rose
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200506_Origami_Rose.pdf - Lotus

Page 391 - Flower With Leaves (Advanced)
Page 721 - Kawasaki Rose (Advanced) [https://youtu.be/MgXXcY43B7s]
Page 729 - Andrea's Rose (Advanced)
Page 732 - Rose Brooch (Advanced)

Video Tutorials
https://youtu.be/h72MgBOXC9Y - Sakura Flower (Advanced) [Requires a pentagon, here's a guide for that https://www.cutoutfoldup.com/105-fold-a-regular-pentagon.php]
https://youtu.be/4DWvTI1FA14 - 8 Petal Flower (Easy)
https://youtu.be/uvRPE1Zw_R8 - Flower Bowl (Advanced)
https://youtu.be/VByEXWg99Hk - Pinwheel Flower (Advanced)
https://youtu.be/QZ-fHCSd3y8 - Flower Bowl [Alternate Design] (Advanced)
https://youtu.be/_6LARdVVFWg - Lotus (Advanced)
https://youtu.be/_T3zsbMP5mE - Lotus (Easy Version)
https://youtu.be/QGAzUX59kDM - Modular Lotus (Advanced)

Found some more guides here:

Godspeed anon
Thank you frens!
Make it with money..

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