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File: flclstencil.png (244 KB, 1868x1724)
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No Stencil thread? What has happened to /po/ ?
There was one awhile ago but it got bumped out
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Well, that's a shame!

We need more stencils. Like this one.
Are there any programs other than Inkscape anyone knows for making stencils?
File: world is a kill.png (78 KB, 600x600)
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Hey, I was getting around to making one....
like.... a year ago....
[spoiler]Slow board + tangential topic + irl-based hobby. This is possibly the slowest topic the entire site caters to.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Still my favorite place for it desu, always come back year-after-year.[/spoiler]

Any image editor will do really;
>brightness/contrast setting is usually combined
>max out the contrast
>adjust brightness to get the lines you want
>select all the white and recolor it something like bright pink
>cut, put on a new layer
>fix up the islanding bits
I wouldn't mind doing a /r/equest if you want a step-by-step; just fixed up picrel quick-ish for stencil-ability since I'm in the mood.
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Reposing stencil tutorials from last thread
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Moar plz
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After anything in particular?
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Anything I can spray on a sidewalk or billboard or wall at an anarchist space. You know. Garfield.
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Any vector image software works, I use Adobe Illistrator but you could use GIMP, vctr, Corel Draw ect.

I'd be down to stencil an image if anyone need's a hand
Would this be possible? Just the subject is fine, with or without the background.
We have way too many Nazi lovers in here. You must be Democrats. But anyway, no, I don't think it would be possible to make that cat into a stencil.
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first time making a stencil
lemme know if I did something wrong
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Damn, well done. Thanks.
Democrats? That’s an insult to Nazis. You must be jewish. Anyway, looks like you were wrong about everything.

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