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File: mikumiku.jpg (963 KB, 3060x3009)
963 KB
963 KB JPG
i made this for my mother
happy birthday mom
please share your creations too ^_^
anon that looks amazing, happy birthday to your mom
>>619857 (OP)
happy birthday mom!
that looks super good anon
anon i cant believe my eyes! great job
>>619857 (OP)
Why TF would your adult mother need a bare-leg pants showing fictional idol character from anime? Is she 12, a lesbian, a untra hardcore weeb that doesn't bathe for 3 months? A really bad lie, but still a nice build. Well done.
What does it matter? He made something for his mother. Calm down mate!
he didn't fucking make it for his mother retard, that's the point. So stop simping for points here saying it's for somebody else when you just want to see those pants under her skirt. No normal grown woman with a child would want to have this, unless she's a pedo. Good luck then with that then
Why do you mind, is just a origami figure, so irrelevant to discuss, nobody cares if it's to their mum or not
I do and that's why I am commenting on it. If it's so irellavant to you, why comment on it again? It pisses me off that people can't even decently lie anymore to make it at least half believable. And at the end his mother looks like a pedo as well. So it's a double piss-me-off-trigger, thus the remarks
man you're fucked up. their mom might not even know who miku is, or what an anime is, or whatever. it's a fucking gift, she might like it 'cause it's pretty or something. it's not impossible and she doesn't have to be a pedo to like it.
if you can't understand that, maybe you're the retard
that's exactly what a pedo would say, defending this fuckedup unlogical lie! GTFO PEDO!
Your jaded for absolutely no reason and trying way to hard to extrapolate extra shit from this persons life, it’s not that deep you stupid bitch =\
nice gift, its cute.
yeah, a gift to his own lyingass self surely, no woman would want a idol palnts-showing figure. unless lesbian maybe, but def a pedo
you seem to know women very well anon
being one, yes, yes I do fuckface. Not everybody has a small peepee like you, some have small vaginis as well
??? some parents are involved in their kids interests. when i was a child my dad tried to bond with me by letting us watch anime movies as a family together. and some parents just appreciate something their kids have made. get perspective grow up
exactly what another pedo would say, strange. /po is apparently filled with child-fondling supporters
fatherless behavior
Exactly my thought. Clearly this person has daddy issues.
I got a mommy and daddy, so much for your hobby psychology Karen
you are clearly brain damaged and not actually a woman
The people accusing others of doing something are usually the one's that does it themselves.
It's called projection.
Wrong again, Karen. I hate kids. Better luck next time.

Go read some blogs on how vaccies causes autism and maybe you'll learn why you are like that as well. And throw some dishes off that flat earth edge you believe in as well.
HOW TO MAKE that? ANONS!!?!?!?
i did not lie, my mom doesnt even know about miku but she thought it was a really cute gift even if her oufit is too "sexual". the work i put into it matters, and the fact that my mother loves me unlike yours.
also im a girl so obviously me and my mum love this type of girly shit without being a pedo you retard
based anon, and good work. i'm sure your mum appreciates your gifts
this other fucker is just either trolling, projecting their pedophilia, or just a fucking retard. don't even bother
sick Miku anon ! where'd you get the pattern ?
Wow thats cool af. Could you share the pattern?
i found it in a really old mega folder, the scans were kinda faded so i modified them to my preference. i cant find the original files im sorry.

>>619857 (OP)
I should go and make a paper crane for my mom or something...
>>619857 (OP)
This is among the nicest boards of 4chan
From what I can see when I visit this place once in a lifetime, it's either the nicest, or in the top 5 of the nicest ones
>>619857 (OP)
Wow anon, this looks amazing!

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