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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Hello, /po/. I've been scouring the internet for this Fuji Xerox "Great Animals & Insects" papercraft collection, but all links to it are completely dead.


It seems like when Fuji Japan changed the website, the collection went together with it.

I could only find these two, which are hosted on a Dutch website.



Would any of you possible have it? If so, could you share?

Thanks a lot!

Something as simple as checking if it is saved in a web archive was enough for me.
File: fujixeroxpapercrafts.jpg (384 KB, 595x791)
384 KB
384 KB JPG
twinsies ;op

The papercrafts are originally not actually PDF files but Docuworks *.xdw files that you can open with the free Xerox DocuWorks Lite Viewer or a free online tool like https://thetimetube.herokuapp.com/xdwviewer/ (which does have a daily limit, so try again tomorrow if you want to use it to convert more)
File: Fuji Animals.pdf (5.14 MB, PDF)
5.14 MB
5.14 MB PDF
Here they are in two files. Enjoy.
File: Fuji Insects.pdf (4.47 MB, PDF)
4.47 MB
4.47 MB PDF
File: 20240609_082834.jpg (2.09 MB, 4032x2268)
2.09 MB
2.09 MB JPG

Thank you so much, everyone, my daughter really wanted to make those animals.

She made a little origami heart to say thanks.
You the MVP

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