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File: brian_chan_wolf_spider.jpg (46 KB, 1024x687)
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Why am I keep getting stuck on step 51 of Brian Chan's Wolf spider? Diagrams seems so simple but after years of folding I still didn't figure it out.

Always the same. Inside layers are blocking 4 thicker flaps to be reverse folded as picture on the next step suggests. So without tearing the paper, or in best case smashing it, all legs could not be folded side by side. On the other hand, there are pictures of finished model all over the internet. So what am I doing wrong? I compared CP with my creasing lines and they all match.

Could someone find the time to help me stop this step 51 nightmare? I will post the diagrams if anyone wants to try it.

P.S. Except unresolvable step 51, steps 22 and 23 are also mysterious. It says 'repeat behind' when there is nothing on the other side to be done symmetrically.
>steps 22 and 23 are also mysterious. It says 'repeat behind' when there is nothing on the other side to be done symmetrically.
It seems those are text errors (copy/paste) indeed.

For step 51 problem: did you correctly fold step 43?
It says crimp, but it is basically regular reverse folds. These allows the points to be "free".
Looking for some large paper now to see if my guess is correct and to possibly make pictures.
Yes, I did it as a reverse fold. I think steps 43-44 should not be the problem. This steps generate 4 thinner legs from 4 paper corners. They can be easily reverse folded in step 51. Problem is in other 4 legs, marked in CP as 4 big half circles on the paper border. They are blocked by this problematic inner layers positioned in the central part of CP. Those areas are defined in steps 19-22 and step 40, I think. I tried to reposition those crease lines in many ways but I could not get rid of the blockage. It's so frustrating.
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Here you see 2 thicker flaps that could not be reverse folded in step 51. Middle thinner third flap can be reverse folded. Crease lines that form the blockage are the ones with the big hole in the middle.

I used 37 x 37 cm baking paper.
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I tried with a large paper (~50 cm calendar, but much too thick) and skipped most non-related steps (and "repeat" from step 39).
The layers seems to be possible to reverse-fold in step 51 as the flaps are free until high enough toward the model top (attached picture).

You said the problem is with the inside 4 legs, so part of step 44?
When folding to thin those legs, the inside of the flaps are locked, so it is a bit tricky to fold the most inner inside reverse folds.
I'll take a picture from the inside too.
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The inside view.
Paper ripped in the middle (that black spot) when I spread the layers out, it ws really not a good choice of material for that model.
The point is that all 8 legs should be equal length and in line after reverse folding. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Thicker inner flaps can be reversed folded but not all the way.

Steps 42-44 are forming 4 thinner flaps that could easily be reverse folded all the way up. 4 inside flaps/legs I could not reverse all the way, to be in line with thinner flaps.

Maybe you should try to fold without skipping steps. I was always optimistic in the early phase as in that point it seems that reversing should be possible. But in the end after all those sinks I always got stuck.
Thank you. Yes, paper should be thin if you want to get to higher steps. But here I see something similar (rightmost hole) to blocking layers appearing in my photo.
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>The layers seems to be possible to reverse-fold
True, but not the way as they should. According to diagrams, all 8 flaps should be in line and equal in length after step 51. This is what I am getting...
I see...
Well, I need to find thin, large paper to try again without skipping steps nor ripping the paper, sorry.
Hopefully, other anon(s) can try to help too in the mean time.
OK, thank you! I am very interested to see how will it end for you. Or for others, if someone else wants to try. I would truly appreciate any help.

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