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File: GQBsTJuaQAAv4KM.jpg (116 KB, 640x640)
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116 KB JPG
Willing to PayPal. Absolutely love this model and Amazon Jp doesn't carry it yet
Hello, I have it, I am looking for this Korean book, if you have it we can do an exchange... atoyac8020@gmail.com
Nice try.
I didn't understand, would it be more convenient to ask for a payment by PayPal?
I don't lie. Yes, I have the cat diagram in pdf.
I emailed you
The book you want is over €40 with shipping. Do you think the cat diagram is worth that much? It would be way cheaper even with shipping and proxy fees from japan (the diagram is about 10 euro, shipping by proxy will be about 15)
1. Do you have it? Otherwise, go beg for attention at your fucking m0ther...
2. I have more materials, the kind that people keep asking for.
I didn't say that the exchange would only will be for that diagram, don't be stupid.
1. Do you have it? Otherwise, if not, your opinion is invalid
2. I have more materials, the kind that people keep asking for.
I didn't say that the exchange would only will be for that diagram, Or did I say that?
Book is available in Origami shop for 29.99 €.

Alright, buy it and upload it. We'll all congratulate you
Das a nice sleepin cat yo

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