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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Did you guys know there is a whole field of math related to origami?
I compiled a series of free documents from the web into a single pdf.
A lot of it is quite understandable even if you're not into math.
The length column in my index is a bit janky, you always have to look one row downward (too lazy to fix it).
I split it into 3 parts because it was too big for 4chan.
Thanks for that compilation! (For information, David Dureisseix's family name is misspelled twice in the index)
But where is part 3?
Hmh yeah seeing as both the numbers and the names are broken maybe I'll remake it
here is part 3! 4chan thought it was spam so I had to wait a bit.
There is also a part 4.
Thanks again!
Waiting for last part for when you get a chance.
Sorry for the future I'll figure out how to do the splitting properly. There is a part 5 as well.
Thanks, that's great.

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