stickermaking counts as papercraft right?
its pretty fun to throw these up everywhere
>>622248you didn't even draw the stickers, man. really weakens your case.did you print them on your printer, at least?
>>622250I drew them one by one with detail
>>622250im bad at drawing :c>did you print them on your printer, at least?yes. cutting them out took a while
>>622248How do you make them? Do I need to buy a special printer or something? I recently thought about making my own.
>>622259i bought sticker paper and laminate sheets. you can use a normal printer. you should make some! its easy and you can get stickers of whatever you want. i like bringing them wherever i go and leaving them around, almost like a sign that ive been there
>>622248>Saar, this is /pol/ ...
>>622262He went into the wrong door, pol is down the street
>>622262>>622263understandable mistake desu
the jaks must flow
chudbobs been up a year
>>622260That reminds me of graffiti tagging. Do they call it that? Not sure. I feel like we should embrace this and stick funny stuff onto things that aren't used/important anyway.Something like >>622278 makes me happy to see, quite honestly. It's the small things in life that can brighten it.
>>622362my original idea was to spray paint basedjaks or whatever i thought was funny but i have no idea how to do that kek. i did try it once. picrel is how it turned out. but yeah, basically what you said, putting up funny stuff everywhere, it makes me happy thinking someone might get a kick out of one of my stickers. i should expand to other things besides basedjaks...
>>622386make spray paint stencils!>print out jaks, add alignment dots for multiple colors>glue onto plastic or card stock>carefully cut out with a craft knife
Make a sticker out of this
>>622248>that one anon who jacked commie propaganda with gorilla spray glue
>>622671been working
>>622263does anyone have the post where someone accidentally comes to /po/ asking about the jews?