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Origami paper is pretty much out of my reach.
Cheapest possible printer paper (also marketed as "drawing paper for kids") is usually very thin, and it's not that bad for origami, it's not that tough but I've folded many many complex origami out of it. Because I'm a cheapskate and I really don't want to pay the paper jews when I'm just fiddling around and not making some superduper exhibition pieces.

tldr thin cheap perinter paper works for many many many complex models (it's the size that is more limiting than the paper itself)
Grocery stores have print circulars/coupon paper that work, are in new condition, and are free. The colors are pretty loud though.
I always enter this board by mistake
But never regret it.
See if you can get a roll of parchment paper at a grocery store (the stuff people use for baking -- not the waxed paper stuff), it's pretty cheap, easy to get, and you can cut big squares from it.

Also some wrapping paper can work pretty well, but it's kinda hard to tell which ones are nice for origami without opening up the roll and testing it
I have this problem as well living in Ausfalia.
It'll cost a shit ton to import decent paper.

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