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whats with the giant inflatable rat?
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Labor unions used to be based but have been subverted

The giant rat is because roger stone is a kike
"White" man(the anglo) has been doing that for centuries. Like trade unionists, they drain local resources and then flee to the next economic expansion
And what's the alternative? You realise that most of your CEO's are Jews practising nepotism to get their position and Indians subservient to Jews practising nepotism while telling you that you unlike them aren't allowed to ally with your own kind to create a better life for you and your community.
>what's the alternative?
the real kind, not the fake J6 kind
A volunteer union or the third position.
The best thing to do is avoid these capitalists' industries for community economics.

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how is he still on the team lmao
Suck a dick you commie faggot.
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looney troon
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fuck off, shitstain, and take these useless senile grifters with you.

Why have there been no more chimpout riots for several years now? Seems like ever since ol' Georgy's summer of love, BLM has been basically radio silent. And surely there have been plenty more black people that have been killed by police since that year, and funny enough the care for it all (and media coverage) just seems to have vanished.
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There was something different about the Floyd riots in particular compared to other BLM-related unrest, and I don't think it could have ever been nearly as chaotic without covid. Because lockdowns started easing up afterwards and people took the kool aid on the vaccines, you wouldn't see the same thing again because most people were able to go back to a semblance of normalcy where they were able to feed their main-character syndrome in blissful ignorance of themselves.

Also, to correct my previous post, Floyd didn't get shot, he overdosed, but of course everyone claimed that he was choked to death because niggers can never do anything wrong.
The founders of BLM are all in prison for fraud.
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nobody gives a shit about blm
Democrats promote false narratives to incite riots when they're not in the White House.
Well, you see, goyim.....Jews execute schemes one after another. If you still don't understand, read it again

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The Single Most Based Nation in World History
Semper Fidelis

The Last Bastion of Normalcy. Simply, Normalcy
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nah, check out PLC. while the rest of the world was suffering under tyranny, Poland was a Republic
pollacks dont know the history of "their cities"
the administrative language in Krakow was literally german
and all the houses are typical german hanseatic buildings
Trash country full of drunk white niggers ready to slit your throat any second.
the most holocaust museums per capita in the world? based

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ask him if he wants a killer deal on some pagers
i dont speak squiggles
Shlomo stfu you're rat vermin.

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Threats only beget more threats. You'll be getting something bad if you think you're actually going to do something like that, because America has freedom of speech or so we're told, so if a Jew wants to psyop you white people into liking BBC he can do so. If you don't like freedom of speech then find a new country. Like go back to Europe
typical racist cracker worshiping gook
>All those comments saying 'I can't believe how scary it is for women'
>dress like you wanna get fucked
>people want to fuck you
This literally just proves it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with behavior since he gets harassed and he's a male.
actually good question, should you allow your daughter to talk to trannies or homosexauls?

i was thinking if she wanted to go out she could take a homosexuals' friend to keep an eye on her. give the faggot £100 and tell him to get her home safe as an insurance policy.

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>do nothing
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There’s still tons of israelis with their fab. But there’s a funny thing in lithography: the tiniest tremor during the manufacturing process can render a chip unusable.
Needless to say, the ground in Haifa has been shaking a lot this last year.
intel's israeli fab will be destroyed soon in the war, it's checkmate
Retarded monkey
memeflag pajeet

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Everyone here shames anyone who is not a southerner. Or anyone thats objectively superior than them

If you arent a southern bubba good ole boy you are treated like an outsider
Ok yankee nigger lover.
>Everyone here shames anyone who is not a southerner
Yep. We're awful. Stay away
Depends which part of the south but from my experience they’re much more easygoing than people from the north. You can strike up a conversation with random people inside the gas station in the south. Try that in the most places in the north and people will look at you like you’re insane.

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People on this site unironically believe Larry Trooner was born as a woman with a vagina.
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idk but I want Laura Loomer to squat on my face and make me tongue-fuck her asshole while she punches me in the balls and tells me she's just using me to conquer the goyim.
We've all seen countless photos and videos of Loomer before her recent plastic surgery and she did not resemble that guy. Stupid.
this is "her" most attractive picture.
Fpbp. Troons have the best assholes.
That's a man.

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You die in this moment and get reborn one second later in country you choose. Can't choose your current country. What do you pick?

Microsoft has partnered with Constellation Energy to revive the dormant Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania, aiming to feed its power-hungry AI data centers with energy from the site of America’s most infamous nuclear accident.

Bloomberg reports that in a move that demonstrates the constantly growing energy demands of AI, Microsoft has struck a deal with Constellation Energy, the largest US operator of nuclear reactors, to resurrect the shuttered Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. The tech giant has agreed to purchase all the output from the plant, which is set to go back into service in 2028, as it seeks to secure a reliable source of carbon-free electricity for its data centers.

The $1.6 billion investment by Constellation Energy aims to revive one of the two reactors at the Three Mile Island site, which has been dormant since 2019 due to its inability to compete economically. The other reactor at the plant was permanently closed nearly half a century ago following the worst nuclear accident in US history.

Microsoft’s decision to partner with Constellation Energy highlights the growing demand for clean energy sources as the tech industry grapples with the power-intensive nature of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Data centers, which form the backbone of these technologies, require vast amounts of electricity to operate, and companies are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint while meeting these energy needs.
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It does not.
>up to
Up to infinity water.
It will be pushed to 2033, then 2038, then never.
>nuclear bad for you
>nuclear good for me
Sounds about right.

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Racism got boring so I'm no longer racist
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Buy an ad

That's coming. You kids better start donating so I can make that dream a reality.
You're missing "ma" in your username there.
Thank you walmartanon, very cool!
I made a joke about it on my stream, it sounded like "Walter" and reminisced about a road cone of the same name I adopted 26 years ago.

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Unironic political thoughts on the Cryptocurrency movement?
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Buy an ad jew sam bankman, mark karpeles, paul kocher, and david schwartz
Pluto's final stint in the sign of the sea goat will be a short one, lasting from September 1st to November 19th, 2024.
January 27th 2008 – Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in 248 years
crypto is here to stay.
the reason why crypto exists is because of poor global fiscal policy.
want to get rid of crypto? tax the rich.
Buy Bitcoin
Everything else is a scam

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They pushed inverted images of Vlad the Impaler in Hollywood to be a cross-hating jew vampire when he was a based Christian Prince who didn't put up with Islamic invaders.

Wasn't sitting around torturing animals either.

They don't want you having examples of Christians capable of terrifying their enemies. They don't want you to realize Christians didn't used to be judeo-christian pushover cucks talking about hippie love without hatred and crushing of evil to protect the good for the glory of God and love of neighbor.
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> Its especially good for a higher IQ brooding teen.
if you want to drive him to suicide, sure. It's more suited to be read when you are an adult with a fundament of morality and reason.
Kek. That's why I said higher IQ. I was not ready for it at when I was a teen.
Thats why he was assfucked and beheaded by the ottomans...
have this frog instead
All hungary had to do was maintain the fortifications of John hunyadi. Of course they were expensive so an easy solution was create a "marche" and invite Christians from across Europe to settle there much like the cossack's. Any land they conquerer became theirs. Just continually snaking castles until they can blockade Constantinople and threaten control over the Dardanelles.

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>steals millions
>kills hohols
>refuses to elaborate
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israel is not safe friend
How could Hamas do this?!
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He's destined for the same treatment.
Recommended: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-wins-europe-loses-washington-lets-brussels-down
It's your cunt that's killing Ukranians yet you like to shift the blame like the slimy jews that you are

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Amazon is sending all their workers back to the office 5 days a week. Why are companies so keen on sending their wagies back to the office?
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That's a lot of words when he could have just said "I want to see my subordinates at their desks like good little wageslaves"

Fuck off you cunt, Amazon is dying.
I categorically refute this. In the office I spend 60% of the time getting up for coffee, talking utter nonsense with colleagues, vaping outside, and shitting. The 40% of real work done is still done at home but I can now spend the other 60% interacting with my kids, working on my house, or browsing /pol/. I don't know why this makes employers seethe so much but I'm glad I don't work for any of them. I suspect it's just fucking boomers who get physical pleasure from seeing people pretending to look busy 9-5 every day.

My company is actually shutting our local office and moving to a smaller building because they've decided they can save money on the real estate now we have a more hybrid pattern.
The whole thing is about real estate prices and nothing else
Because people (women mostly) don't do any work when they """work from home""".
Jewish humiliation ritual.

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Your brain is inside a skeleton and your skeleton is inside some skin, if that's true how can you be online and be in your skeleton at the same time, if you are your brain? How do you comprehend that you're a brain and online at the same time?
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You are online INSIDE your brain
Arent you brown
He has a pink and gray brain like you and I
Yeah but hes still an indian.
Well, my lower arms are pretty fucking brown from all the tanning. My legs are like rice and the abdomen is like barley

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Before it was scratched out?
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Reference handwriting sample.
OP is a fag.

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>the more she speaks
>the worse it gets
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>Despite BILLIONS in funding from hyper donors and foreign enemies
>Despite BILLIONS in combined womynhours working triple overtime to shill Kamala on every channel, public forum, and website
>Despite every mainstream news program defrauding polls and shilling support for her
>Despite dozens of celebrity fronted concerts for crowd photo-ops (before everyone leaves when Harris takes the stage)
>Despite every one of our carefully tailored AI crowd images
>Despite not one but TWO federally trained assassin's sent after annoying orange
Despite ALL this. How the FUCK did orange hitler obliterate this ENTIRE psyop astroturf campaign?! He called her a STUPID BITCH on NATIONAL television! Every unscripted public event makes her look like a fucking RETARD!?
Tim AWOLz EXPOSED as a gayclub grooming pedophile and a military deserter.
THE Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took a half hour to DEMOLISH our FRAUD campaign in it's entirety!?
The ENTIRE WORLD has seen her spit cum, babble, and shit the bed in her pathetically short "interviews"
Harris' AND Timpon's ENTIRE families disowned them as a whore and a fraud pig coward and support literal SATAN instead!
And the ONLY big name supporters of /ourslut/ are REPUBLICAN NEOCON MONSTERS who supported literally Bushler.
Even our carefully scripted, second by second, "debate" /ourho/ soent WEEKS memorizing lines for knowing EVERY questiin beforehand, HitlerMussoliniLucifer babbling about eating cats made MORE of an impact than ANYTHING she said!
Harriswhores, I don't feel so good.
don't bother arguing with magatards - 90% of the population knows Trump can't string together a coherent thought any better
someone post hillary polls as well
I forgot about Newt’s moon base dreams
Newt was a fucking let down. Fuck the boomers for ignoring Pat Buchanan

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Because only the Chinese are immune to Jew's remote explosives with supply chain 100% owned by the Chinese people, no Jews allowed
hello esl
we're going to greet the chinese as liberators when they invade us
>wouldn't let Israel put literal bombs in their walkie talkies
>US bans them
based noticer
china will defeat the zog!

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