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Don't say a bullet because that happens a few seconds later.

You posted this on a thread I made earlier
It’s brootal
Tracer round
To answer your question it's possible they could've survived if they'd been in an armored vehicle.
Ambushing an armored vehicle that's practically immune to small arms and can return fire is a whole different ballgame. Travelling in a group of multiple armored vehicles is even better since they can support each other. Conducting thermal reconnaissance along the route prior to leaving, and calling artillery on problem spots and approaching them with guns firing. Now I've just described a mechanized assault. That's a lot of resources for moving troops around behind the front. The reality is if you had to spend that much to get your guys anywhere you'd be paralyzed, you just gotta use vans and just accept that a small % of them might not make it.

Such a good documentary. It would have been interesting to see another sequel full of 20 years worth of data to make a statistical comparison.
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He was an alcoholic. And so are you.
What they didn't tell you is he was a massive alcoholic. Look at that face, every fatass in England is that shade of red from poisoning their body since age 16
>make career about how burgers will kill you
>vax gets you instead

Hilarious irony
rip moorgan you can booze all you want in heaven now without mickey d's destroying your liver ;´(

there seems to be a slightly reassuring mass red-pilling taking place in white countries, but is a pro-white right wing even capable of effectively wielding power, let alone taking it in the first place? Most red-pilled chuds are socially mal-adaptive, incapable of effective organization, and would never actually risk their comfort to win. In a zero-sum competition, it seems infinitely more likely that the side that has been sterilized and cucked for almost 100 years continues to get cucked and disenfranchised, than that the side controlling every institution cedes over their power.
if i ever met this person before i killed him

i would told him take off your mask and let me see your ear

and i would see how big his nose is
What a shit slide thread
ikr shill

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A quarter pounder with cheese costs more than an hour of work at McDonald's. Also a lot of muslim immigrants are coming over from Africa.

Why would anyone work in this economy?
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foot stamps
You can buy a costco hotdog.

Don't work then you lazy faggot.
LIVING ON STREETS will be your motivation soon enough.
I work to survive and put food on our table, am a construction worker. Have worked in food service before, years ago. Food prep, washing dishes. Friend of mine was a pro chef before he passed.
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It's over. The thing is, the situation in the West is EVEN worsening. Inflation gets worse, petrodollar finished, and when the dollar isn't no longer the world's reserve currency, the West will be the new world. The dark world.

>Be trump
>One day say you were going to bomb Moscow if Putin had invaded Ukraine if you were president (he actually said this)
>Another day say you're going to withhold military aid to Ukraine in front of a Turning Point USA crowd
>repeat this for the last 6 months
>Ever since 2/24/22 spout off intentionally ambiguous insults that specifically only criticizes Biden's strategy in regard to Ukraine, but never ever talk smack about Zelensky or whatever his administration does
>Western media constantly remark about how objectively your election would bring doom to ukraine
>tfw you're such a masterclass flip-flopper that no one seems to notice, not even "political experts"
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Honestly, I can't even tell if Trump wants to cut aid or not. But at least with him there's some hope that the aid spigot to Ukraine will get turned off, whereas with Biden it never will.
Ukraine is almost over, anyways. Unless they use their billions in aids money to purchase a mercenary army. Not enough hohols left.
Trump says and has sad a lot of things. He is a professional blowhard and bullshitter. However he didn't start up the Proxy War with Russia soon enough so they disposed of him for the more malleable ham plant presently shitting in the Oval office.
Still voting Trump
No worries. I dont have tds

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Standing against antisemitism is standing with America.
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Jewish arguments are so fucking weak.
i don't stand with America
>Its the only civilized country in the middle east
>Its the only democracy in the middle east
>Its our greatest ally
>JOOOOOZ are America
>Not fucking non-humans is gay
I also don't stick my dick in rocks or animals. Is that gay?
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Stick your dick in THIS!!!

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What are the “top reads” of David Irving? I am interested in reading the HoloRevisionist material but ofc standard search engines obfuscate and make finding any info (other than his apology to the court for his arrest for his “crime”) impossible to find

Also if you have other sources on the HoloRevison I’d appreciate that too

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Here you go buddy, Unz has you covered.




Unz is an ethnic Jew but an avid reader, historian, nuclear physicist and shitzo. I'm amazed he isn't mentioned on here more often because he is based AF and platforms pretty much every fringe and banned right wing commenter there is.

The links I posted will set you up well. Irving was a best-selling author and regarded as the best revisionist historian of his day. Then he wrote a book about how the Holocaust was BS using his technique of only using primary sources that had garnered him so much praise - I genuinely think he thought the kikes would be happy to know that they didn't lose 6 gorillian. Then (((they))) ruined his life.

Unz has plenty of banned books on his site as PDFs. Feast your eyes, it's amazing work.

Oh ik about Mr. Unz but never really gave it a read (meant to but never got around to it)

Thank you for the material.

Which book is it in particular which he used the primary sources? That was the one I was looking for
I forgot to mention that Unz being an ethnic Jew is important. He's one of the best deboonkers of the HoloHoax out there, and it's only anons that use his ethnic kikeness as plot armour. He literally doesn't give a fuck.
>Which book is it in particular which he used the primary sources? That was the one I was looking for
No worries, this deserves to be read by every goy on Earth. I think the evidence is overwhelming. BYW I can be sent to prison where I live even for sending this to you, which tells you everything you need to know.
When I said "primary evidence", I am talking about Irving. I have a degree in history and what we use to recreate the past (which in my opinion can never be done, it's just what I call "historiography") is primary evidence - i.e. straight from the horse's mouth. This could be inaccurate due to lies/propaganda/not knowing shit but can be corroborated with other primary sources.
Then you have secondary and tertiary sources but these are second or third hand accounts of primary, so are weaker.
Just read the articles I posed and you will understand better.
Then do some more digging into Unz's recent articles, he's knocking it out of the park right now.
Sorry, I think theres a slight misunderstanding here, I know the difference between a primary and secondary sources

my question was asked mainly to get the title of the book which specifically outlines and unravels the myth--is it the one titles "Hitler's War"?

If you happen to know, the links you've provided already are quite helpful, however, I am really interested in seeing what Irving has to say on the matter since he seems to be the most accredited "OG" on this subject

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not my problem
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I noticed the last few years there have been little news coming out of sweden compared to the early 2010s its been making me wonder how things are going.

> Every fourth (24.9%) resident in the country has a foreign background and every third (32.3%) has at least one parent born abroad.

Sweden might be the first european country to become majority nonwhite

Jew[s] are responsible for mass non-white immigration
>t. Barbara Sanger

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Politically speaking, drop all of your Luma AI videos here. The other thread is about done
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This one is consistent.
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not bad
That's the most realistic one yet. That could be real.
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look man this shit is funny, and a clever way to use their shit against them if for nothing else for a laugh.

>be me
>take an extensive course is Muslim culture, specifically Jihadist Fighters
>taught that Jihadists ramp up their attacks during Ramadan because they automatically go to heaven
>today is Eid, the end of Ramadan 2024
>0 ISIS or Al Qaeda gave their lives in Jihad against Kikes in Israel slaying their fellow Muslims
Can we ban every single faggot who posts a frog?
Thats because shiites and a fucking International intelligence network is sabotaging all of the high profile attacks of ISIS against Israel and the most successful ones dont make it to prime time Fox News, its simply a matter of being an ignorant dumbass
What a disappointment. They don't make Jihadis like they used too.
It's because ISIS is Mossad, you kike faggot. Kys
Muslims dont believe any of it they just share the religion as a brotherhood.

some nigger wants to steal a escooter i already sold to a friend of mine that is a white man.

why are niggers like this?
also the guy i sold the escooter to took the niggers girl virginity and she is white
This is called relaxing.
Mulattos are not white or black.
Your friend is a racemixing faggot who burns coal.
Since half nigger pussy blood got on your friends dick, he is part nigger too so you are friends with two niggers and are no longer based.
You should report the scooter stolen.
It wasn’t her first virginity. Maybe 3rd or 4th

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import shit
become shit
who knew??
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reads like a jew wrote it.

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Previous: >>471330702

▶Day: 844 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>When to the sirs begin their shift?
Since USD has been effectively capped in Russia there hasn't been many of them. I think puccia can't pay them desu
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>ukraine is a treasure trove for bus stop hunters.
For who now?
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So the world economy and stock markets will just never crash again ?
No matter what ?
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I’m a little teapot
>So the world economy and stock markets will just never crash again ?

Of course not. Deposits are federally insured up to 250k regardless if they fail. If they fail, the taxpayer will assist.
The taxpayer will assist.
It's the end of history!
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>never crash again
>No matter what

That's what they think.

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Are the jews winning?
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bbbbbbased! now I have to train my cat to do the same
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Quads have spoken
The fabled Samson option
You're lucky. My Internet provider provisions IP addresses for 24 hours, so you have to wait AT LEAST 24 hours before the IP address is released, then for however long it takes for someone else to get the address. Otherwise it just reconnects with the same old IP. Actually annoys me quite a lot, since it basically makes the IP addresses static instead of dynamic, which is a security concern.
They’ve already won

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Tell me you're not actually going to vote for a literal brain worm for president
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There’s literally nothing wrong with creating the perfect symbiosis between human physicality and worm intelligence
If anyone is concerned with brain worms they should be equally concerned about all these politicians just being old. We need to stop putting senior citizens with old shriveled up brains in charge of things.
You think the problem is politicians are dumb? The main problem is that they are evil and/or morally bankrupt

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Do this many people really struggle with women? This guy is an eceleb who makes good money so what gives?
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What? That is the lifestyle he was advocating. So I told him to go and do it. He wanted to be "alpha" and "warrior-like" like his beloved Zulu warriors. So I told him to do it.

Just give up, you suck. I will clown your existence in every single way you can conceive of.
You're defeated by math my dude
>What ?
Downtown a British city?
>anon mentions that white men need to be more like savage zulu chiefs to succeed in le epic chaotic reproductive game (faux system where nothing cool/grand ever emerges)
>tell him to go live out his lifestyle of savagery, subhumanity, primitiveness (he won't, and neither will you)
>retard slavic rat somehow thinks of this in terms of mathematics
How has God truly blessed me moreso than you? Impressive.
>But I didn't skip my breakfast
See >>471367279

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You keep poking the Jewish bear and you're going to get mauled. Don't fuck with us.
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>I'm Jewish and I beat the shit out of all the kids at the playground. 1v4.
It is entirely unimpressive when a forty year old kike beats four children at a local playground, Moshe.
This is Arab-tier behavior.
thats not a hook jew nose but a scandinavian daniric (sp?) nose. guess how i know

edit: u retard
the jawline is aryan as well.
kikes desperately wish they were White.
We're going to collapse your pathetic welfare state, and the rntire world will share in one collective hatred for the Jew.
The Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition, the blood libel, none of these things coincided, the next antisemitic event will he global, worldwide and simultaneous.
You shut your filthy Jew mouth.
We're going to teach you a lesson soon enough. .
You will hide the fact you are Jewish, believe me.
As long as jews remember theirs' is the ashtray.

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No matter what why do they have the same mentality as niggers?
They have the steppe mentality because the Mongols flattened them in war impregnated all the women and when the Empire was split after Genghis died the golden horde based in Russia last the longest while the other hordes collapsed

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