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>conquered the world
>refuses to elaborate
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>Gets ass beaten down across the world
>Leaves with tail tucked between legs
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At one point in time they had the most superior ruling class that management to conquer the world.
Today their royal elites are incompetent dysgenic shmucks that nigrifying their own land and the rest of the Commonwealth realms. They thought they could keep kikeing everyone endlessly, they thought they’re so fucking clever. They fucked it up, they’ve discredited themselves.
The time has come for bongland to civilize and become a republic.

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As a hunter, I look down with immense contempt on "men" that don't hunt their own meat. Imagine relying on the commercial consumerist machine for your protein.
This especially holds true for amerimutts, who feed farm animals every toxic chemical and growth hormone known to man.

Pathetic retards with the minds of women that only want to be safe and comfortable.
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Based hunter
>I'm a hunter
Sure you are, sure you are.
As a creator, i find anyone that didnt create their own universe isnt really a true creator.
Do you really hunt with an unmolested SMLE?
Are the rumors about hunters and does true?

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>845 days into a 3-day special netflix marathon and she gives you this look...
What do?
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Kys lefty/pol/
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Day 3,722 of NATO's 2 day STO against Russia.
peel the banan
You will never be a woman

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Hey there, friendo. Looks like you didn’t check in to your local recruiting office yesterday. Also, I see you’re a little behind on your covid boosters, yikes! Can’t have you going to boot camp without your Fauci Ouchie! Follow me, we’ll get you sorted out and on the heckin’ buserino in no time.
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Whoops! Gotcha lil fella
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Hitler was right
The antivaxx campaign was already exposed as an intelligence agency of being run by every country against every other country.

You are a willing stooge for our enemies and a traitor deserving only a traitors fate.
> 50 BMG to the torso

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How's (You) faggott fetish fake female transition coming btw?
>we suck
Speak for yourself.
A lot better than the USSR transitioned to a functioning democracy, that's for sure.
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Can't even make your own vodishka anymore, oh nooo... kek
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Picrel is how they view the world. Cornerstone of their nation is literally constant paranoia of invasion from the west. That's why they think they need to push back all the time, making them the worst neighbours possible.
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We're the same you UNATO

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>You goyim are a bunch of shitskins.
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I cant even find these threads in the archive
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average UHG poster
he looks like a beaner.....kek

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It doesn't exist. Stop coming here.
>maxwell road
Almonds slightly activated
this dudes butthole is so gaped
Send Reimu
can you bunny hop the diversity on your bike?

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Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he would be open to peace talks “tomorrow” with Russia if it pulled its troops out of his country.

“Russia can start the negotiations with us tomorrow, not waiting for anything, if they pull out from our legal territories,” the Ukrainian leader said.

His message came at the end of a diplomatic summit in Switzerland, which saw 80 countries jointly calling for the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine to be the basis for any peace agreement to end Russia’s two-year war.

Earlier on Sunday, however, Russia claimed to capture another village, and the Kremlin spokesman said that Kyiv should “reflect” on Vladimir Putin’s demand for Kyiv’s effective surrender as a basis for peace talks.

“The current dynamic of the situation at the front shows us clearly that it’s continuing to worsen for the Ukrainians. It’s probable that a politician who puts the interests of his country above his own and those of his masters would reflect on such a proposal,” said Dmitry Peskov.

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You aren't "defending" anything, you're justifying the decisions of your ruling elite on a Laotian basket-weaving forum. Sanna Marin went to go work for the Tony Blair Institute after her job of making Finland a US vassal without even bothering with a referendum was done btw. You're absolutely cracked if you think Western governments give a shit about their constituents, it's all about kowtowing to Washington to secure themselves cushy jobs once they're out of office. Sunak is going to work for the US once he loses the election, and I'm sure something similar is lined up for our PM as well. We're all just disposable tax cattle as far as these people are concerned.
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>If Americans lose here, the position of the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to revive it and restore it
what did you think was happening zuid brabant bro?
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>remember what the amalek did to you, do not forget
the west must be destroyed, that was always the only outcome
Texas is fucking huge what the hell
Stop bringing up Marin like wtf who do you think supported her? Her party got barely 20% of the votes and they had a different leader when they won the elections.

But yes I know they are shit and will take in Ukraine no matter what which will make us contituents poorer.

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Why do twitter users worship female dictators? I thought they oppose fascism.
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cuz sissyboys wanna mommy replacement who would allow them to lick her feet
Fuck your twitter posts.mone woman posting somethin doesn't generalise everyone

This is not either political or politically incorrect.
Abortion is pretty far from having your child killed by a dragon.
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I'd prefer a mommy Alicent, who would allow me to lick her pussy.

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China is the enemy of the West, according to George Soros. Now, pick your side. Do you prefer George Soros or Xi Jinping?
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South Korea might be like that, but i've lived in Japan long enough to know that is not true of the latter. Japan is extremely nationalistic, xenophobic and promotes japan first. japanese people are japanese supremacists. this is a good thing.

no one gives 2 shits about Xi, but politicians will start being more friendly from now on, as the jewish empire wanes.
I don't think China is better/worse than the West, just a different axis of power
Here's your dichotomy, goy. Pick A or B. You have no other option.
>Some clueless Japantimes and Nikkei article 2 years ago
>"from now on"
Your autistic wishful thinking is just astonishing.
Russia is occupying Japanese islands, Ivanovich.
Russia is a bolshevik jew controlled country.
Did you happen to also miss the Japan-China-Korea conference a few weeks ago?

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Why couldn't he just accept that the British were the rules of the sea?
Why did he have to pump up his navy ? for what were they even going to be used?? Germany barely had an overseas empire.
He might not be entirely responsible for making Britain hostile towards Germany, but he sure poured a lot of oil on the fire instead of trying to contain it.

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>day 6,337 of operation redeem the banan republic
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He looks Brazilian
Is that Obama?
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Every cope post is an admission.
No, it’s Obanan
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Nobana Obama banana Obanana bin Jabba

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that the israeli government pays people to come here to disagree with white people and make you feel bad?
are /pol/ posters really such powerful people that israel has to do this?
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The insane amount of redddit and twittter/X spam on 4chan should give you a clue
>kikes doing what they do best.
Yes. Kikes can't fight, they do the only thing they can: propaganda, subversion, financial terrorism, etc.
They are the most cowardly of all dune coons.
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this lucky bro
Yes. It's paid with American tax dollars though.
We wouldn't be seeing bait like this everywhere unless someone had said "pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees".

I had this thought. People think your social status is YOUR fault/making. Some of it's genetic but most of it's just you for some reason choosing to act in a certain way out of free will. And the same applies to whole countries. But what if this is wrong? What if the elite through various methods can choose to lift up one person and push down another, lift up one country and push down another? Ever thought about that?
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can farmers always blame themselves when their crops go to shit
we're given the ability to analyze and change our approach but this is more like writing things down and not actually doing them or even understanding them
you wont get to understand a new situation if you put all the importance in your willingness which is limited and relies solely on things you already know
the things you know only help in creating new context which is not a conscious effort
Learn to use the shift key lazy fucking nigger kys.
i know how to use it THOUGH (caps)
It's called stasi zersetzung

And it everywhere. We're in a full 1984 dystopia, and you to kill them.
Elites have secured themselves a comfortable life. They don't really care about rest of the society. Its the governments job to make society work as stable as possible

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>Leading in every single key battleground state
>Leading nationally in BOTH head to head and the 5 way races
>Extremely heavily favored by the betting market
>Turning previous dem strongholds into new battleground states

Trans suicides will hit record highs come november
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>*Fortifies you're election*
>"Psssh, nothing personnel, kid"
Now what happens if he still loses? Could get interesting.
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What do you think will happen come November?
>news says the candidate they favor is winning
>news says the candidate they despise is winning

Do you know why someone might interpret these differently?

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>work a job i hate
>no friends, gf, wife or kids
>not really all that talented or have any skills that are obviously monetizable.
>cheap mortgage, less than 600 a month
>in good health, not fat, diseased or broken
>no real social skills
>living the same day over and over.

How do I get out of this? its not a bad life. its just boring and lonely.
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You can do better than what you are doing anon. I just know it.
Don't make me spoonfeed you. I actually mean it when I say that all of the things above are easy to achieve. You just need to stop being your own enemy.
Just have fun anon
kys blogposter
Brother in christ, Turn back from the path you chose, and choose the right one.

Based Hellenes
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Look at the crusades, eventually you get tired of Muslims shit
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This, that's got to be peak job satisfaction. Simple as.
Good morning saar
Based Greeks. It's the mongrel horde "Persian invasion" all over again. Throw invaders down a well or throw them overboard - either way, repell the enemy invasion

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You people sre such idiots People are DIEING and you dont care..vaccination rates are too low!

Sigh. Why do I have to go over this over and over again with you? KP X variant is here and situation is dire. Times up.

Looks it's safe and effective. Hospitals are overflowing with unvaccinated patients. My wife who is a nurse says it's an absolute warzone

Get it while its FRESH

Get it while FREE

Dont you miss your friends in the office?

Miss having a hoppy IPA while watching the game at your favorite taco joint?

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Weird bait
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Take me back to peak pandemic.

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The people seeking to undermine the cumulative successes of The United States have played most of their cards, but their failure to understand the nature of the beast they seek to destroy will see all their efforts backfire.

The system they're attacking is by definition 'a correction engine'. Their assaults only serve to expose the weaknesses that must, and WILL BE corrected. I cannot deny, this process is slow, arguably far too slow, but the intensity of recent assaults will tend to correct this imperfection as well.
Doubt it. Corporations are winning big time. Americans will be kicked on their asses and their homes will be foreclosed again. Scammers, liars, cheats and thieves will be the dominant class for another decade or two. Psychopathy, dishonesty, and delusions of grandeur will continue to be traits of the upper class. Americans will continue to have their jobs replaced with H1Bs, illegal immigrants, and get price gouged at every turn. Politicians don't care about you unless you're making $50,000 donations to their re-election. Corruption rampant and third-world tier.

There will be no savior. The competence crisis is already in full swing.
I hire for a factory, and I haven’t met an immigrant yet that I can hire because they ALL lack any sort of legal documentation to get through eVerify. I’m in South Carolina and we have plenty of unemployable illegals here.
Actions have consequences. (Always). Perfect example here.. if they'd brought in half as many immigrants there never would be a chance at a deportation program in our future. But they pushed way too far..., so now it's fucking inevitable.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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MIGA my brothers

No one will harm the jewish people as long as rigtheous goy... I mean guys like Trump lead this country
New thread
I am the last to awoo
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still voting Trump
Didn't he just graduate highschool.
he's prolly legal rn
he's some bong who hates right wingers so he did brexit

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