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>the first two weeks and 3 days of work is FREE because it goes directly to rent

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russians are the race of fetal alcohol syndrome

they are mentally retarded, can never be reasoned with

like a wild animal they should be put down with a bullet in the head


>muh russia
Can't bump your own thread, retard.

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Create a sunshade shield, freeze out the CO2/CO/SO2 etc., then create a soletta to simulate 24hr days, cover the frozen CO2 with soil at the Poles… crash fragments of Jupiter’s icy Moons into Venus for a nice ocean.

200yrs max. Indoor colonization from year 20.
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>sunshade shield
The heat isn't coming from the sun. It's internal to Venus. She's a youngster.
If the Jews weren't around to leech all the resources, while they do absolutely no productive work in return
And the Jews haven't brought in brown hordes to weigh us down
We probably would be a type 2 civilization by now, traveling amongst the stars
Basically if US had realized that churchill wants to go to war for the jew bankers in city of london
That US had joined the Germans instead in fighting the Jewish Bolsheviks
UK would have stayed out of the war and churchill ousted from power
The Reich would span from North America to the Urals
With no Jews nor browns in sight
And everyone working for themselves, their family, their community and nation instead of being debt-trapped by the Jewish bankers
Man what could we have achieved by now
Hey op, suck my Venus !
>You have to consider reality seriously
Do you actually know where you are?
You dumb, subhuman you can't even NOT destroy Earth.

is for all stocks to have a 10 year term thereby requiring investors to take capital gains and forcing companies to buy back their stock meaning they cant keep playing the debt hiding game and actually have to have returns to justify their unregulated evaluations.

Right now New York banks can literally set their own price for their own stocks and dont have to justify any of it, which is how Amazon, Facebook and so many other tech companies went year after year losing money because investors dont care about "profit" they care about returns, and that means as long as they get paid everything can be fake and unproductive.

Also we need to require all businesses who leverage our civil rights as a core operating aspect to be chartered as Not For Profits. No more profit in news, speech, guns, or the like.

Such businesses have an unfair advantage seeing as they are free from government intervention when all others are not, hence the unprecedented power of media, military contractors and lobbyists
You are pathetic, a weak excuse of a man!
I fucking piss on you
good luck with that pajeet peep
*hands you a towel to pat your balls dry*

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Previous >> 471254511

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Targeting the command and control rooms in the "Netzarim" axis with heavy-caliber "mortar" shells
>Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel has killed, injured, or kidnapped approximately 8% of Gaza's population, and made 85% of Gaza's residents displaced, with over 75% of homes and infrastructure destroyed.
>US Central Command: The #Yemenis targeted a Ukrainian-owned ship yesterday with two separate missile attacks.
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's gatherings positioned in the "Netzarim" axis with a barrage of "107" rockets.
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombed the Zionist forces in the vicinity of the “Soufa” military site with a “107” rocket salvo.


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>nah. hamas is controlled opposition for israel

sorry bro, only few people believe in this theory. huge claim, little evidence.
I found it amusing how he takes German folk elements like Lederhosen and claims them as his own. Come to think of it, Jews don't have floklore clothing, they have ritual clothing... but not folk clothing.
>of course there is a lot of material about his crappy village
The most curious thing is that all the information was given by himself.
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
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it's an old video most likely fren

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In the ENTIRE united states there is only 8 PROPERTIES for SALE.


What are the political implications of land not existing anymore.
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Maybe don't be such a fuckin poor that all you can finance for a land purchase is $1000.
OP gags on massive cocks.
Well you always heart about rural land everywhere yet it's all A FUCKING LARP.

There's 8 properties all 50 miles from the spic border. These are the filters

$1000 max price
For sale

That's it.
Lol... Under $1,000. How retarded are you? How retarded am I for giving you a you? We all lost here.
> single mom
she should have kept her fucking legs closed.
Also corporations should not own single family homes, at all.
Boomers got acres of land in prime midwest states for less than $200 which is like $1000 today

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From the 1995 (that's almost 30 years ago) movie Crimson Tide with Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman. I was surprised to find out that it was actually based on the Russian snafu in 1962 of the B-59 sub that nearly sent nukes into the US. A real-life scenario mimicking Dr. Strangelove.

It's important to show that despite the current madness coming from Russia, there are many truly ethical Russians trying to stop the shit out of Putin and his despotic crusade.

It's also (maybe less) important to know that movies like this, before the internet existed, *were* an important source of opinion and philosophy on war, culture, and other global events, and actors like Susan Sarandon (good) and Charleton Heston (bad) became pseudo-leaders of activism. Zoomers think those figures are all bullshit now; but the internet is showing us that they're just gravitating to other, far less reliable, far less fact-checked and peer-reviewed and shameless "content creators" that rise in popularity for their bombastic opinions. We could lose democracy entirely this season because of it.

based, globohomo is hated now
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They do bend like that you dipshit, it's called safety glass. Tempered glass is very easy to smash with a hit, but the sheet in the center keeps it all together, which is why it bends like that. Do you live in a fucking bubble? How are you unaware of how windshields work?
Not sure, but there might be 20% of an extinct hominid species in you.
Making it questionable if you are even human.
>Where are the white people?
At work
Based anti semites
Great news dude, except this is a bunch of leftists and shitskins
Call me when Aryans are doing this in America, otherwise dont waste our fucking time with this shit

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I just found a diversity hire in my toilet, haha what a silly guy

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How will christcucks cope with this ?
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>except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
>Jesus outright said the "jews" were not his sheep.
correct because The House of Israel is not the House of Judah
What's wrong with a Jew prioritising Jews?
King of the Jews, the Romans, the Persians, King of Kings.
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Christ was the messiah prophecized in the scriptures but the Jewish priests rejected him so he went with the gentiles instead
Those Jews claim today that Christ wasn't their redeemer so they continue to wait for the moschiach, who'll come for them when Al-Aqsa is destroyed and the third temple is built
(he'll never come)

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Our fav rapist has new court action for a fresher rape case. But I am more concerned that Bruce might really be a bearded woman with tits and seems to walk like a lady. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-16/bruce-lehrmann-to-appear-in-toowoomba-court-rape-charges/103978784
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If you can't see that Bruce is a bearded lady then you really have some problems pal.
where floof
You mean "I regretted it so I must take down a decent hard-working bloke"?
>Hard working
More like hard coking
Our favourite rapist bitch tits kike from Texas

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Why are the right wingers against sharing their prosperity with less fortunate people?
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It must be hard being low iq
pretty sure that Sam Kinison is simultaneously the:
>most unfunny
>most overrated
>most obnoxious
>least inspiring
>least creative
...performer who's never had mainstream success.
I support sharing my prosperity with less fortunate people of my own race and no one else.
Why do left wingers promote theft?
Checked. Notice haters didn’t check meaning they’re jeets.

Based Sam Kinison

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I made a thread about this earlier today. See pic.

Some of the predictably droll responses:
>u r a roastie

>Women need protection from nature
No. See pic related.

>Women need protection from men
No. See pic related.

>ur a fagget

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This is a late teens early 20s foid severely mentally I'll, not dumb enough to be a normie not smart enough to make an actual argument beyond what she read or heard on Tumblr. She's most likely ugly tho would posters on this website would most likely fuck her regardless on the basis that she has a gash. I bet she applies heavy cringe makeup and thinks of herself as not like the other girls but not in an ego way just because they were indoctrinated though.
The purpose of this thread is to make men mad and hopefully contribute to someone doing something society views as unhinged.

I get it and think it's not a bad idea, but I think there are better ways to go about what needs to be done,
First, men commit violent crime because they are capable of it. Physically and psychologically. Women are not. Those that do commit violent crime typically do so because they feel they will no suffer any consequences, due to the fact they are physically incapable of true violence. You know this is true which is why you point at men specifically and call upon men to solve the man problem.
If one racial group of men are committing a vastly disproportionate amount of violent crime we can call that a problem with violence within that demographic. Saying anything else is dishonest.
Intelligence and creativity are not due to 'thousands of years of violent oppression'. That is utterly absurd. It's due to millions of years of being disposable that evolutionary adaptations gave us higher strength, endurance, speed and high visual acuity. The higher these factors the higher the chance the male will survive. The average intelligence between the sexes is almost identical, the extremes are not. The smartest man is considerably smarter than the smartest woman. You should note that chess is separated by sex for a reason. The top female chess players wouldn't make the top 100 of male players. Same is true for almost every single game you can imagine.
The fact is you need men and they're not interested in you. Women not worth protecting anymore.
How are you going to solve the problem with black crime without violence?
How are you going to solve the crisis in Palestine without violence?
Let's hear your informed opinion on these matters.
These statistics you're citing are fake. Women compose 1/3rd of the STEM workforce.
>that's what we are sweete :p if you can't accept us at our worst you don't deserve us at our best
"Our worst" = brutally raping women to death.

No, I can't accept that. I think I'll just kill you instead.

>yes this is victim blaming
Save some of your blame for the ones who make victims and I'll view you as less of a subhuman.

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There will be no World War III. There will be no happenings. You will not die with the world like you desire. The end of the world will be gradual, and you'll still have to wake up and go to work every day as it crumbles.
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Nice blurb. A miniature, lazy form of blog

and addictive.
I go insane if I don't have the fan on or specifically listen to white noise.
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air molecule movement is not the same as photon, per say. but thanks for the information?
My girl is an Aries and needs constant noise or she gets agitated. I'm a Virgo and am the total opposite and need silence. This creates an environment which is unbearable to get any work done. I'm putting up with it though...
Carbon monoxide is well.
red pill me on the difference between white noise and black noise
white noise is horrible
you want some brown noise

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hello again. /pol/ anon working on the mixtape redpill booklet. i need some sources pertaining to israel's history of false flags on the united states and them using our military as their golems to project force on the muzzies to their benefit, as well as some good information i can put in about the banking system and the federal reserve.
progress so far: https://files.catbox.moe/laxcec.pdf
previous thread: >>471256676
now if you will excuse me for but a moment, i'm going to go and roll a cigarrette.
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obvious smear campaign
there have been numerous creatings like this implying things and alledging things over the years
thats your subjective perception of /pol/
speak for yourself nigger
i'm sad you feel that way, but i certainly won't stop. If i'm speaking for myself, then i'll speak alone. goodbye for now.
Nobody reads anymore, everyone minds is adhd ridden and coomer guided, better to make a sexy but based and redpilled chatbot waifu with some gamification strategy of gradually revealing forbidden secret red pills or some matrix shit
music is eternal, and the younger generation is more in tune with it than any other. i think it will have an impact. i wouldn’t have started this if i didn’t.

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why is Russia advancing backwards again
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just make your dreams come true xD
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based exterminate the rats
Isnt this the part of the front line where the hohols have been setting massive fires in the forests? If so its literally just burned out forests
why not anon?

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You vote against Trump, you vote against Jesus.
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get this 2008 reddit tier meme out of here you atheist kike fag lord
It's legal to destroy them all
A vote for anyone else is a vote to sacrifice your children for Israel. Wayne will abolish the Selective Service day 1
Wayne Lambright for President is the last bastion of true freedom. if the whole nation writes him in this November, we may get a shot at kicking the can down the road a few more years.

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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Now do the total amount of ordnance, 7000 tanks seems like a lot if you think the total of tanks was 8000 but not so much when you realize the number of tanks on Soviet side was tens of thousands
Also see where did Germans get their material
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It's always been jewish dialectics
>Germany’s coalition forces were less than 20% of the overall Axis force.
And Russian coalition forces were 0% of the overall Russian forces
>But muh 30% of the material was supplied by America
Seems more or less even, not to mention that lend lease started arriving AFTER Russians won in Barbarossa
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Why are you using russian quotation marks, VPN much?

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4chan forges the path and all others follow
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>>vile jewish poop witch
you will respect her, anon. she is a successful self-made woman on her own right and an entrepreneur

this one is kind of true in a way too

like one is europe and the other america
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>he's doubling down
Have some humility.

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