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In a diverse economy the best system for governance is that people are paid a basic compensation for dealing with their selfish tendencies and bad habits on a proof of use or completion basis.

The way to distinguish between economies and areas that are functional and dysfunctional is by the successful presence of businesses.

If an area closes down their businnesses it's because the police forces and the citizens agree that the products are being misused and that the people are stealing them rather than using them and maintaining civilized ownership.

In areas where the problem with the populace is too much use of products or resources or a laxity in challenges the reverse happens.

Instead in those areas you are only able to pay for basic necessities and maintain presence in the space if you "subject" yourself to an appropriate level of modicum or limitation.

This is not socialism or communism or fascism, but jsut the healthy and logical extension of welfare and being post capitalist or at least post non hedonistic business.

Something done for someone too much is something done too them, not for them.

Any other system that doesn't respect these essentially self evident truths will burn of no cause other than bad logic.

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if something isn't available the idea is you have to be trusted to have transport to go get it or start the business by buying tools to make it or anyway I'm just saying the obvious and a certain amount of stealing thus to make your own idk what is tolerable
not in the future, but now yeah and I'm not complaining about it
seems there's not really questions about the topic
anyway uh let's say that a mcdonalds moves into your territory and they quite explicitely lower the social value of the nearby area

then for property values to increase the people in the area have to remove fast food from their diets or else etcetera

same with social media or video games or porn or ... for a personal something something

but generally the end result is some kind of middle between giving a fuck and just not giving a damn

The real question is why do they destroy the Enterprise in every movie? It doesn't even have shock value anymore. It was a big deal when they did it in The Search for Spock because that was the Enterprise everyone grew up with and loved throughout the entire original series.

no clue at all

I wouldn't ever mess with anything like that stuff

I don't even have a personal phone anymore

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is ukr*ne worth getting nuked for?
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Listen to this man
>getting Nuked® is overhyped nonsense. look at japan, they got Nuked® twice and rebuilt
those were baby nukes anon
> dunno OP, is it? You will get nuked in retaliation, and we have far more missiles closer to your nation than you do to ours. Mosco will cease to exist.
Counter signaling vatnik. You won’t trick us into thinking putler is not the aggressor he is putting the missiles near us not the other way around.
> Thats a great question Ivan, you tell me, you are the ones invading and continuing the war, is ukraine worth all the dead, and getting nuked by 10 nations that cam erase russia from the map?
Rule #1 of proxy war club; the proxy attacks the other nuclear power you don’t conduct the attacks yourself with your weapons and soldiers operating and targeting them. It’s kinda like money laundering you have to get the Ukrainians to do it or it’s not a proxy war it’s just global thermonuclear war.
> How did this boats have so much gas to literally go around the world?
They used the flat earth short cut map. This is why all these shills hate putler so much he is going to expose flat earth.

I am Japanese and I have a question for Woke and Black people who are supporting Yasuke in Assassin's Creed.
I believe that you also understand deep down that Yasuke was not, at least not the kind of warrior-samurai you might expect.
If you delve into historical records, it naturally leads to the conclusion that his actual job was merely carrying luggage and nothing more than being part of Nobunaga's "collection of rare people."
Do you genuinely believe from the bottom of your heart that he was a heroic samurai?
Or are you seethed because he was insulted by White and Asians, and just continue to insist on this out of stubbornness, even though you understand it to be wrong?
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They need to send this shit to bant, soft ass bitches can't handle their faggot ass games
They can't handle how fucking gay gaming has gotten
American Blacks will swear up and down that American culture stole something like French fries from them. They used to call them whitey sticks. It never ends, is tiresome
Yasuke nigger needs to be lynched like the good little slave he is, also the faggots on v should be shot, over the bmi limit fat fuckin neckbeard scum.

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We are SO fucking back
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Every time. I remember warning anons that they should avoid going full 1488TKD in the SBI threads back when this shit first started with that Steam group, because it's just going to make the people who want to discuss this look bad.
I mean >>471351905
is trying, but nobody cares about their faggot hyperbole.
I would absolutely wreck that pussy
Funny how no one has said that so far ITT and have just been calling out SBIs unethical business tactics.
False flagging? No one but you faggots do that shit.
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Crazy how they just make a bunch of CGI space bullshit with made up concepts and make entire News sections out of it and the normies just believe it. Space (as they describe it) is as fake as there being two parties in American politics. If you're uninformed, shut the fuck up, a racist schizophrenic is talking.

Why'd we let this alcoholic retard take us off the gold standard?
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>no understanding of supply and demand or the difficulties of mining gold - an inherently limited resource as long as we're still terrestrially locked btw - vs a virtually infinite resource such as electronic data or paper notes.
communists, man..
there isn't enough money on this earth to cover the money supply
The gold standard is a scam STOP FALLING FOR IT
Green Backed is more secure and the Jews went to war with Lincoln over it
At gold's current price, no. Gold revaluation will become necessary. Especially that fake and gay $42 per troy ounce on the Federal Reserve bank's book. Something on the order of at least $50000 per troy ounce.

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Media is blaming it on climate change, but what is the real story? Refugee enrichers? Greek mafia? Vengeful Olympian Gods?

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Our fav rapist has new court action for a fresher rape case. But I am more concerned that Bruce might really be a bearded woman with tits and seems to walk like a lady. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-16/bruce-lehrmann-to-appear-in-toowoomba-court-rape-charges/103978784
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I don't understand how blokes think it's acceptable to walk around with your gyno showing. Even when I had gyno, I'd wear a compression vest and an extra 2 layers of clothing to hide it. Fucking disgraceful.
"Fat is the new thin" is what I'm told here in my office job, not even shitting you.
just really formulaic now - I've got a new Micheal Conolly waiting to be cracked but still slogging thru the Expanse books and the Mindhunter biography as a dunny book.
Whatever happened to the strong silent type?
Shut the fuck up Bradley

It’s been a while


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Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.
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This thinking is so backwards i cannot comprehend.
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Kikes are getting too obnoxious and jewy again. Guess it’s back to work boys.
1987 interview with top SS General Otto Ernst Remer
Jews are descendants of Cain, the first nephilim
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>You wouldn't listen . . .

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>looks jewish
>obvious fed
>brown shirts, more like shit shirts
Yeah but he names the jew.
Based Jewish thread.
Question Hitler's origins.
Changed last name.
"Got shot" to become war hero.
Wrote "best seller" In jail.
All of their gay cunt selected hero's have the same shit storyline.
Socialism is the first stage to communism.
Both ideologies were created by jews.
Hitler was a Rothschild jew.
He faked the hollohoax to establish Israel.
His top ranking officers. All jews.
More white Christian men were killed using Hitler's Jewish propaganda.
No jew was harmed during his reign.
Hitler made a deal with the Zionists, to send the jews back to Palestine/Israel.

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>90F outside
>A/C broke
>can’t afford a new one because fast food and grocery prices wiped out my savings this year
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Set your GPU's temperature switch to "cold" and then run a cpu-intensive video game.
Don't care. Die slowly and painfully, nigger.
A lot of the time its autistic nonsense like this
Cool story. Do you have any recommendations for cartoons for toddlers? We are starting to run low and my kid is getting bored.
See troll thread. He isnt responding to anything. Learn to ID them better

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>cock my hand gun and point it at you.

>turn your key anon.

What would you do.
I am the key
>Make you blow your brains out after taking over your body
Why can't *you* turn it, tough guy?
what movie is this from again?

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>spoil Elden Ring DLC
>run 9/10 online scams
>spam the catalog with bl*cked shit
>sell vapes and kratom to kids
Why are pajeets like this?
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You primarily made this thread to seethe about your soiboi video game DLC, didn't you?
Seethe more canadian tranny, Elden Ring is goated
Oh look, the PIDF is here
Yep, it's a soiboi /v/tard thread.
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Yup, you're a pajeet

Sup, incels on 4chans political board. My name is Adam and I hate every single one of you; on top of that, I hate the concept of hate. Therefore your very existence is making me disgusted at myself, humanity as a whole. I, as a center left Jewish man of African descent come to implore you, literally on my knees begging for you to all better yourselves; mentally and physically. I crush pussy, on the daily in my mid thirties. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of women because of your own insecurities, but you all take this to a whole new level. My twenty year old girlfriend came across your old image board. She was horrified, this is even worse than jerking off to Tik Tok vids. Don't be a ghost. Hit me with your most exquisite penis. See if I care, who am I gonna tell? I'm fr pretty much perfect. I worked for fucking Vox. Where do you even work, or do you think "jack off to e-girls in poorly made bait threads" is supposed to be a job? I also grip the freshest fitteds, have a girlfriend 1/3rd my age. You all are incels who should just end it already.

Thanks for listening. What are the political implications of 4/reddit getting its cheeks blown out just now? Stay on fleek.

Pic Related: It's me and my vest.
Damn I miss cumtown
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>and I'm gay

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a business genius.
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Would shagstormtrump, cocaine is hell of a drug.
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He Died doing what he loved.

To each their own
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inceldrumpf pays 130.000 to get fucked one time in his life hahahahahah
>They don't look under 60
wow you're fucking retarded, you seriously can't tell peoples age groups? you've just shown your age, you're a young dumb person.
oh you're a pedophile, never mind

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IQ is merely a single metric on which to gauge pattern recognitions, and its inherently flawed, as its time sensitive. we have since developed a wider array of screens with which to gauge someones cognitive ability, iq being just one.

what good is a high iq if youre inherently governed (restricted) by something with which you abide which handicaps that natural excellence? is that really the behavior of an intelligent person? no. the intelligent person is the one which can identify and remove these governs which limit their cognitive ability.

for example: though someones iq score may be lower, which is to say, the time it takes for them to recognize an immediate pattern, what is the distinction between the turtle who finishes the race and the hare who does not? if you do not have the capacity to pick up on patterns beyond that first order magnitude but the lower iq individual can *eventually* pick up on those sub-patterns, then who is really the more intelligent?
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gimme a nice chubby burgerland elementary school teacher. i bet she could still get it today
If they have a hierarchy of intelligence and the lead is very intelligent, yes.

Speaking from a socioeconomic & community based standpoint.

And technically speaking Asians have always had 10 more iq points in average than the others while Europeans have 20 more. This was before the mass production of humans (9 billion) so who knows the disparities between all of them now.

>Hard worker
>Gets offended by the unemployed
>oyvey the goyim are defending me I’m blushing goy
>On average and have had…
Is succeeding having a career, money, nice house, family, and money for your children? Where does the true aspect of intelligence come through? Isn’t that what everyone wants on average, so isn’t that the midwit dream?
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i think biggest brains are probably transcending the individual ego mode where they try to impress or please anyone. they are interfacing with the wider picture, trying to effect changes independent of observation or approval. so for this reason i think we're less likely to know, because there's less expression to inform us, who the real mental dynamos are. i don't think they're very concerned with notifying us

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Do people of the world not realise what Covid and Ukraine did to their collective consciousness?
We're in deeper shit now psychologically than people ever were in history. Things are much worse than during WW2. Everyone is depressed due to lack of opportunities and due to historically unprecedented levels of loneliness, combined with global disasters, and governments that are ruled by literal clowns who think feminism and gayness are the most important issues of existential importance for a civilisation.
The NPC sheep have been absolutely zombified and turned against humanism and human dignity. The remaining non-NPCs are so demoralized and tired, that they'd prefer an easy death of over a prolonged struggle.
We're all screwed. If a nuclear war happens, it won't be cause there is no other way to solve a conflict, it will be because humanity has grown tired of its own existence and too demented to continue preserving itself.
Mass psychosis is pretty spooky isn't it.
>blah blah blah generic demoralisation content
Go back to your shill farm you rancid kike nigger. This board is fucking unusable. Kill yourself.
you will probably die a completely meaningless death, and in agony

Why are Dutch people committing national suicide? What is their long-term goal?
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I try to tell people but they don't listen.
i love being ethnically replaced
Speak for yourself im the one humiliating them arrogantly and confidently till they back down and I cross all lines
im creating my own thread ill link soon

its very rare for a canadian to have strong christian beliefs, your country has been hit by satan the most of all western countries

churches burning etc

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They are such NPCs, when they walk down a street or sit still or do sport etc., they hear… nothing. No voice, nothing, it is just empty silence in their brains.

In other words, NPCs are real, they are like zombies, up to 70% are zombies,
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its impossible for you to even form the sentance if your brain cant form the following words youre going to use and you said your based that already ascribed personality to yourself
you are way too judging to be truly a fully spiritually developed person
Isn't an inner monologue one of the indicators of a soul? What separates us from the animals?
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> inner monologue one of the indicators of a soul

can you explain that

why couldnt a robot have a inner monologue

it actually is necessary to have one because theyre often asked "what were you thinking when you did X" and every normy npc has an answer
Weird because I can do these exercise of visualising mental affectations very well for every sense except sight. I can taste the apple, smell it, hear it, feel it. But a visual representation is tougher.

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