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When did you realize that all forms of modern politics is just infighting between different factions of Lassallism?

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>Europe and Leafland's economies are in the gutters
>U.S still manages to be a powerhouse economically despite higher interest rates

So many of my friends who graduated immediately left for the states a few months later for better opportunities. Is the grass really greener there?
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The US economy killed itself in 2008, in a country run by non jews they would've let it fall and go through a mild depression, instead they printed even "more" money in an attempt to leverage stocks and bonds and bail out companies of niggers that would've otherwise been liquidated and sold off to more competent people and companies, what you're seeing now is them cannibalizing their neighbors and trade partners in order to keep kicking this can down a gaza bombed road
Lmao ok retard
World reserve currency is a powerful magick spell.
No one believes this is natural growth. It's feeding imaginary money into the wallstreet numbers machine to make even bigger numbers using an algorithm no one understands. Kikes will say anything as long as they're getting rich off it
well its easy if you have a high IQ :)

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>Within 5 years of a marriage life

Virgin girls, 6 percents of the divorce rate

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>lose this ability after 1-3 partners
Maybe the other way round?
This excludes like 99% of women, only women would be Amish women or women in isolated tribes that meet these standards
>hey can still pair bond after a few guys it’s just diminished.
That's my experience. That first pair bond is so strong, it completely shapes her views on relationships and even after the breakup there's still a "halo" kind of effect from the first guy she was ever with.

I knew a girl where she lost her virginity at 14 to her boyfriend, was with him until 23. Now it turned out the guy was a real piece of shit, he had abused the fact she trusted him 110%. He wasn't just cheating on her occasionally but he even had another girlfriend that he had knocked up in another country! Her father took his own life suddenly and the guy just decided to bail on her, without saying goodbye, she came home one day and he had just left, to just live his other life.

Two years later, the other girlfriend dumps him (because of cheating, of course). And then he tries to worm his way back into her life, at this point she was with me and I'm like, you're actually taking this call?!?! And I thought okay maybe she just needs some kind of closure like why did he just bail on her, so I listened to it and I was just floored. "at least you did the right thing and stood by her" (the other girl he knocked up). it's at that point it hit me that that first partner really does make this huge impression on a woman, like any one with any sense would've just seen this guy for what he is. Obviously it didn't work out with her and me, she was just too damaged from the shit that had happened to her (she had serious trust issues and so on).
>Virgin wife average number of offspring: 3-5
>Roasty: 0-1
I'm a dude with a large body count does that mean I cancel that out or what

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Redpill me on Cultural Marxism. Is it actually a real thing that's happening or is it just a far-right conspiracy theory?
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>Name anyone who proclaim that he/she is “cultural marxist”, eurokike.
anyone who is involved in BLM, modern feminists or the whole LGBT thingie, mongoloid.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for ex, or the whole Biden administration; slavochink
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Anyone who uses psyop phrases like "conspiracy theory" needs a free one-way helicopter ride.

>>anyone who is involved in BLM, modern feminists or the whole LGBT thingie

So you can't name any. Point proven.

>>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for ex, or the whole Biden administration

BREAKING NEWS: Sleepy-Joe proclaiming himself a marxist and stand up for working-class of Jewmerica kek

You really are pathetic. Neck yourself, waffle-trannie.

It's not a Theory, it's a legitimate Far-Left Conspiracy.

For decades (since the term came about around 1970) it was perfectly acceptable and OK to talk about it. The term described succinctly what Far-Leftists are doing and aiming for. However, it started to be used against them (a name makes something tangible) around 2015+ so they started revising and altering history like it's a Conspiracy-Theory. Take Wikipedia for example:
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Gee I wonder

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What was your impression of "neo-nazis" before you got redpilled? Did you consider them to be educated, rational, and disciplined people? Probably not. That's why I take offense to seeing retards in the movement.

Changing people's minds requires that you challenge their preconceived notions. If the public is primed to view your fellow ideologues as retarded and dangerous, then marching and chanting in the streets with them won't help your cause. You're not "pushing the overton window" or "normalizing" anything if your message is being openly mocked and dismissed by the very demographic you're trying reach.

Don't be so quick to adopt labels and list out your beliefs. It makes it easy for others to identify and either brown-nose you or dismiss everything you say. That's also why you should dress plainly (but nicely) and avoid using vulgar language. The way you present yourself and the things you do matter a lot. When other people depend on you that means you have a reputation to maintain. This is doubly true when you represent a political organization, so act like it.

>webm with audio
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I thought they were cringe retards, now i think they are glowie controlled oposition cringe retards
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hello glowies
Yeah the GDL's approach is much better. Not a big fan of the shock-jock humor but I understand the need to make the activism fun.
all hollywood nazis glow. almost all but not all other nazis also glow

There seems to be a lot more anti-Christian spam today than normal. Is IDF blowing off steam after losing 11 guys yesterday?
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>you're a jew if you don't blindly trust everything they say about Christ, Christianity, and the old Testament!
because they'd lie about the holocaust but they'd NEVER lie about our religion eh good goy? You're like Kike Enoch who admits that the shoah never happened but attacks anyone who knows that kikes were behind 9/11 and covid. lol, lmao even.
this is sadly very true. a lot of raised protestants don't like this being brought up, but the jew's ascension to power began with the protestant reformation. Before then the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches kepy kikes in their place and rightly taught their congregations that the jews were, are, and always will be the murderers of Christ. St Ambrose's quote in pic rel is my favorite.
fuck of christkike go worship ur jew on a stick somewhere else
>fuck of christkike go worship ur jew on a stick somewhere el-ACK!!!
>worships king of jews
>calls people jew who dont worship him
lol average shabbos goy shizophrenia

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To all the white men out there with their pure bred European non mutt children, i want to wish you a happy Father’s Day.

As i father of two blonde hair blue eyed white daughters that i teach daily to only daily inside their race i want to say that i am proud of each and everyone of you who continue to keep our race pure.

>pic related
>enjoying white man hobbies innawooods
>deep in Appalachia
>no shitskins for miles around

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That's why it's so funny to watch, they know what they're doing.
Mad kek coping kike
Is this why your kind has been flooding and sliding all Sunday (Christ's day)?
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>You have no authority here
>Ship gets sunk
Seems like they have the authority. And ships that don't violate the sanctions are allowed to pass.
common Houthi W
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So let me get this right. This board is arguing that we shouldn't be funding Ukraine. Ok, that's fine but will the money that being invested into Ukraine be invested into the US instead? Nope, we'll be sending all that money to Israel. Then why the fuck would anyone support Israel over Ukraine? This board needs to do better with its Russian propaganda garbage.
hava nagila hava
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>Then why the fuck would anyone support Israel over Ukraine?
You still don't want that money to be invested into healthcare. So, what's your point?

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They fucking lost lmao
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>'They fucking lost lmao'
>World turns to shit
>Americans: But but but we won!! Right guys??? We won right? Its all good right?........*kills himself*

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When did you realize we're fucked? This is obviously political

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice
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>let's have a race!! last one there is LGBTQ

My cousins 7 year old was saying this the other day, there is still hope for the youth
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What do you British guys think of Filipino girls? From a politically incorrect perspective of course.
I want to spunk inside pretty petal's ass and pussy, just so I can burden her with pregnancy.
>non-fullscreen gaming

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nazi bros, i dont feel so good.
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This /thread
This is why many Jewish actors all have black hair, not brunette hair . That black hair gene is Cain
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Funny how all the enemies of the state always end up with CP on their computers.....coincidence I'm sure.



What is full-disk encryption (FDE)?

Full-disk encryption (FDE) is a security method for protecting sensitive data at the hardware level by encrypting all data on a disk drive. FDE automatically encrypts data and operating systems (OSes) to prevent unauthorized access.
He wasn’t a “pedo hunter”, you stupid idiot. Where the fuck did you even get that idea from? This guy was organizing against faggot tranny drag queens who were brainwashing little kids to be fags. It had nothing to do with “pedo hunting” or whatever the fuck.
>autistic white retards with Sonic medallions trying to date 15 year olds
Who actually gives a fuck about those people? Are you one of them? Are you describing yourself? Why are defending those people? All of those pathetic retards should be killed. And not because they want to date 15 year olds, but because they are autistic retards with Sonic medallions.

Attention amerimutts and eurosemens. In the event of a thermonuclear war between Russia and NATO, we south American posters have decided to not let any of you in our peace loving, safe countries. Yes, we'll receive some of your women provided they're white and trad. That is all, thank you for reading.
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My ancestors are a mixed bag of europeans, natives, some sort of otoman country and blacks.
I don't really have a side, I just want to give my future offspring an actual path.
So you admit that you’re a weak faggot and rather freeze to death than get that bbc deep inside your western boipucci?
Fair enough
Tuff luck spic, I'm going there regardless.

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No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
usa = commie jew nation with their bailout bucks
Jews rig elections uses nigger with endless handouts to destroy white societies.
jews can't collect income tax on an anonymous currency that they can't spy on people transactions. then steal ure money and give endless handouts to nigger pets to destroy white civilizations
monero replaces bitcoin and us petrol dollar
Monero is replacing Bitcoin Jews can't collect income tax on XMR fuck niggers
No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS

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I'm angry a lot. Things in this world don't make sense, especially the 5 million "genders" idiots are always talking about. I think it might be time to find a healthy outlet for my energy, with like minded individuals who need a good job with good pay, benefits and social standing. It's time I joined the Forces.
it's time I shat down your throat
man this bait has been posted a few times now.
>the 5 million "genders" idiots are always talking about
>i'm going to join the canadian armed forces
Be prepared to lay your life down for rainbow crosswalks.
Should I click that Real Smurf Cat Crypto link?
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>poisoning the well to make it harder for real recrooter glowniggers to shit up the board
I kneel

I like to go trans communities like /r/transpassing on Reddit, where troons post pictures of themselves and want to know whether they pass as women.
Except I post pictures of attractive real women, so the troons see them and feel really self-conscious and shitty about themselves.
I name myself something like “iFollowMen” or “i_follow_tranny_freaks” then go to a tranny sub and follow all the users

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we are these days more in stress and have lower spending power than 50yrs ago?

It is as if (((someone))) is planing all of this like a massive open world game with 8 bn NPC and only a handful of awake non-NPC players.
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how much do you make per month after taxes?
I agree with you that the sociopath families have made live almost unlivable
Because they hate us, dumbass.
We're being exterminated because they hate us and they fear us.
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> how much do you make per month after taxes?

Net on my account, around 14.5k per month fter taxes.

>you can do anything you want.
no, I cannot find a job I am doing now outside of Germany for regulatory reasons.

>people create their own problems
how so? Sure, I started my career here, but this was 15yrs ago and at that point Germany was different.

>, you choose to suffer. i won't return to read dissenting opinions

fine. don’t read my response. I am not choosing. Tell me how I would find a woman to start a family in Germany and buy a house. Mathematically impossible.
Maybe you're an inferior shitskin with no self-control, but not all of us.

You make good money for Europe. Use your brain. Maybe you can’t buy a house, but you can certainly buy a flat. You need to buy an apartment that needs work, put in sweat equity to clean it up, flip it, and move on. Each time you should be making some 20-30k in profit for the resale. Choose up and coming areas that are being gentrified if possible. Build a ball of equity that can become your down payment on a real house one day. Don’t forget you also need to be dating at the same time lest you lose out on your chance to find love while you’re young enough for it to matter.

If even this seems impossible to you than despite your “good job” you need to move anyway, at least if you care about fulfilling the genetic imperative and having children at some point.

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Qrd on this /pol/? Did the CIA really fear this?

Looks like some out of touch techbro Slilcon Valley shit but from the 70s

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I love tea time and scones
I love Norf FC
I love mash and peas and shepherd's pie
I love lamb chops and mint sauce
I love the Thames and the Tyne
I love the Queen
I love watching footy on the telly
I love brown ale
I love taking the tube and the double decker bus
I love quoting from Elizabeth's speech to the troops at Tilbury
I love paying in pounds and pences
I love drinking a pint with Jeremy Clarkson and Nigel Farage
I like smoking a fag while sipping a Pimm's
I love getting a proper fit at Jermyn Street
I love Depeche Mode, Simply Red and Oasis

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>I love the Queen
she's dead
As a Canadian what is involved in buying a small house in the country or on the west coast and living there?
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>smoking a FAG
Go to the nice parts. I was in Westminster recently and I was amazed by how few niggers and pakis there were. Obviously some had breached containment and wandered in from south of the river, but it was actually quite nice seeing our capital unmolested by subhuman hands.

Granted it might have been european foreign tourists, but I'll take that over niggers.

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