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I won’t say the location in Bosnia not to dox myself, but I will tell you how we, true Aryans (Slavs) dealt with shitskins
>be shitskin
>Ooga booga around small town harassing children and women
>men go to police and police says cucked shit like “sorry we can’t do anything EU won’t let us remove them”
>police say based shit like “but we will look the other way if you want to do something”
>bunch of men take guns and rifles, gasoline too
>go to migrant camp
>shoot in air and chase away all the shitskins and shiteaters
>burn camp down with gasoline

I will wait for the butthurt comments from all the mutts and western goylems
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It happened around Bihać years ago, the Serb part of Bosnia never even allowed them entry
>There are nightclubs and alcohol everywhere
>Women dress how they like
It's over for Bosnia. All of the pretenses to be based will be eventually eroded by this fatal adoption of judeowestern customs.
>>shoot in air and chase away all the shitskins and shiteaters
low T faggot homo
you aim for their domes and take them out. chasing them away will only move your problems a few km in one direction
>>shoot in air
Next time, don't waste bullets.
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I swear to christ you made this up after some random fuck heard the name of a low production Zion mobile suit test model.

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Director of SVR (Russia's CIA)
>"If Putin's conditions for peace are rejected by Ukraine, the next set of conditions will be more brutal."
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yea but you guys had a draft and sent like 3M americans to vietnam, russia only sent their elites (like 10k guys)
Shills expect their intended audience to be as retarded as they are, since their audience of choice consists of redditoids they are correct.

>Goreposting means we are le winning
>The more goreposting the harder we are winning!
How did that turn out for ISIS btw?
But where does this war go, ua will get unlimited nafo support, and ru is already struggling
Yes, now fight us, mongolboy

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Ukrainians are fighting to defend their country which is still true even if you believe they've fooled by the joooos.

So what are Russians dying for?
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russians are dying for putins palace
>ONE guy working for an NGO totally said so in a letter so it must be true

Putin's Palace" is an Italianate palace complex located on the Black Sea coast near Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. The complex first came to public attention in 2010 after whistleblower Sergei Kolesnikov published an open letter to Russian president Dmitry Medvedev exposing the construction of the palace.

Huge paychecks. Its the only way Russia can motivate them. They can't even draft them because nobody in Russia really wants to fight for free, Ukraine doesn't have that problem. Once the paychecks run out or the people who will take them run out Russia will have to draft and face revolts
>kremlinbot keeps reposting this bs webm
so tiring
russians are dying for their tsar
as they always have and always will

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Why do /pol/ chuds always say trans men aren't real men? Are you really going to pass him on the street and think he's a woman?
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stud + Chad = Chud (fact)
If i saw that thing on the street i would shot it.
ok jew
>If i saw that thing on the street i would shot it.
Let me guess, you are black.
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Christ Reborn
i kneel
I don’t like Trump playing up to this fake end times narrative. I used to think he was our ticket out of clown world

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Shouldn’t white people be inferior to east asian and jewish people because. They have significantly higher average iq than them?

I mean if you guys want to go full eugenics, we should go all the way and not stop to blacks latino and arabs right?
Jews/israelites are the ultimate master race, and that’s why they control the world and are over represented among billionaires, they are just superior.
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I don't care if jews are "superior". They don't deserve living as parasites off my people and if we can get rid of them we should.
That's not why black people are inferior to whites, at least that's not the only reason
Ah yes. The thread that always yeilds great harvests of asshurt.
Oh, all of a sudden.

>destroys NAFO while growing economy under 1200 sanctions
how did he do it?
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>Na na na na I hear nothing!
>Muh based Rossiya!
>Fighting all of NATO!
If Russia benefits from sanctions, why doesn't Putin cease all trade with the West himself?
are you serious nigger?
Turns out it’s easy to get weapons when you sell your oil to the two states willing to pay below market value of oil for them
Russia benefits in ways beyond your comprehension but not without some cost.

why are germans so anti american despite being so dependent on america? is it 3rd world mentality?
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you probably have only been with dudes. never women
Don't you bragtards have some Houthis to run away from?
I was with your mother too, ask the cunt
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What do you even mean with "America"? Do you mean your childhood memories, friends and families, your town? the northern American continent? or do you mean the government, the flag, and some Hollywood myths?
We don't live in America, so what exactly is the good thing about "Americanism" for us? Federal reserves, jewish supremecy, occupation, guilt ideology, McDonald's, mass-migration, racemixing, BLM protests? I really don't get it. You are full of yourselves and worship a mere flag, that's what's going on.
>why aren't they worhipping my flag? they must be anti-American! wait a sec, I'M an American, so that means they are against ME PERSONALLY!? USA USA USA!!!
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Based poos will save america
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>making social media charge you fees to placate poos
just more classism from street shitter poos who want to only act black and then show their true color when they can pay for social media
To what extent does mental health fall under his purview?
50 shades of shit : the 9th circle of tech support.
I dont know how effective it will be, but not a terrible idea. Could just show the after effects of social media, where girls uglify themselves. Kinda like how they show blasted organs on tobacco

But in my opinion it would be a better use of time to put these types of warnings on fast food.

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What is the right move here?
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>What is the right move here?
worry about your shithole and shithole life and not british people's teeth
damn, its like the holocaust. that number goes up each time
He's right about the unaffordable health care but naive about the school shootings. Many of those school shootings are false-flags hyped by the media to justify disarming the populace and make them easier to rule.
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you can't steal what's already yours
I just don't pay medical bills

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>work a job i hate
>no friends, gf, wife or kids
>not really all that talented or have any skills that are obviously monetizable.
>cheap mortgage, less than 600 a month
>in good health, not fat, diseased or broken
>no real social skills
>living the same day over and over.

How do I get out of this? its not a bad life. its just boring and lonely.
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Get a better job.
Make friends.
Find a gf.
Make her your wife.
Have kids with her.
Develop a skill.
Pay off your mortgage.
Stay in good health.
Develop your social skills.
Accept the safety and comfort of a routine.

Hope that helped.
Not sure how anon
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>living the same day over and over.
Very very relatable. It's like I am stuck in a timeloop. Get me the fuck outta here.
You can do better than what you are doing anon. I just know it.
Don't make me spoonfeed you. I actually mean it when I say that all of the things above are easy to achieve. You just need to stop being your own enemy.

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abolishing the state in favor of private markets wouldnt work, ideally people would push for an economically left but socially right government.
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>be me
>the state of California
>Be exposed to chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity
>get cancer
>become infertile

Come back when you're older son. Lurk at least another 6 months before posting again.
Shut the fuck up you illiterate cousin fucking middle school drop out and ooze back into the hole your mom shit you out of

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China collapse edition
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I'm sorry your life sucks. I hate christjoos but dave ramsey helped me, maybe he can help you too. good luck my goober friend
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The researchers can't even hide their fetish, analyzing twice as many women for the ""study"".
>uses his foot to lift him off the floor after staring at him underwater for 10 minutes

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photo is apparently unedited

Porvoo, south Finland, at night


The sun doesnt go down at night in Porvoo

A drummer named Lars Ulrich was visiting an took this picture and put it on instagram
Wasn’t his family Finnish?
only his grandfather was Finnish I think
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>The sun doesnt go down at night in Porvoo
ofcourse it does. it is south from arctic circle. it just doesn't get dark since it only goes barely below the horizon

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very weak and embarassing country
so why can't russia defeat them?
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Do Indians hate doing actual work?

I noticed they tend to gravitate towards service jobs, call centers or stuff like management that doesn't really produce any actual value. Even in engineering they prefer doing computer science rather than stuff like mechanical engineering that requires you to get your hands dirty.
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We winning you coping
You will always be indian
You will always be white
They have an average IQ of 76 and the mental maturity of a toddler.
WTF do you think?
And that will always make you seethe, boy;-)

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As Serbia and Russia do, we don't apologise to subhumans. Mention Serbia and Russia to our enemies and watch them lose their shit pure PTSD tramua victims. This thread will blow up.
Both are subhumans, so they have that.
It would be nice if they both just closed themselves off and got firewalled from the internet. Both we have to deal with slav shit butthurt every day.
Well, I'd say Serbia still has some hope. Russia will become fully Muslim and, under a new government, probably a Chechen one, in our lifetimes, trading oil but for a cheaper price. The war of course will be downplayed in the Western media and only real white Russians will be blamed by the world for the past war crimes—something, something, imperialism.

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What did Hitler actually think about non-German White people? It seems like his ideology is just for Germans as a nation instead of White people as a whole race.
Inb4 foreign ss units and conscripts, all nations had foreign conscripts.
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I use it to debunk the lie that all Eastern Europeans are non-White/European/Aryan.
Hitler wanted to just unite the Reich lands, and remove jews from Europe. it was his buddies who started to go even further and double down on the racial aspects.
The whole movement started off as a rather conservative right leaning thing and then quickly snow balled into a far right thing.
Yeah, and instead of just killing them all like they say he did, he shipped them all away most of whom came to America and just began their Frankfurt school shit again.
Yeah, almost like he was the leader of germany.

Hiram Castrén, 71, died from cancer yesterday
He was in the 90s in Seinfeld TV series, he did not have cancer back then

Hiram's first name was often seen in 90s PC software as well


He met Jerry Seinfeld in New York years before Seinfeld TV series was concocted. They were both kind of comedians.

He started acting on comic clubs in 70s, it was stand up.

His cancer got the best of him just yesterday.
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Which goyim dumb character did he play, so that jews would shine?
it was probably
"all Jews from New York get a placebo shot, am I right" -case
>hollywood jews dying
oh no anyway
>Hiram Kasten -- who played Michael, the co-worker of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Elaine Benes in 'Seinfeld' -- has died.

>The obituary, shared to Kasten's official Facebook page on Sunday afternoon, states that Kasten began battling a series of illnesses beginning in 2017, including prostate cancer and Crohn's Disease, the ladder of which he dealt with his whole life.
>the ladder of which he dealt with his whole life.

which means he lived decades dealing with Chron's

he died from something else

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