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In a hypothetical war for control of Taiwan: Does China stand a chance against the United States of America?
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Oh I know it cannot happen under this economic system. But the point is that semiconductors could be manufactured in the west without increasing the cost of the final products, at all. There is enough money in the market to allow this, it's a matter of redistributing the profits move evenly, and that can be achieved via policy.
Top notch chips, dont we have countless fabs anywhere?
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Taiwan traitors of the West will be wiped out but far more easily than Ukraine.
>negative feeling
Precisely, because of your insatiably satanic CIA glowies that are so insane even making Kissinger look like a reasonable person, but I think this is a normal symptom of a deadbeat empire like WRE.

everyone keeps asking why monke
nobody ever asks how monke
and it is tiring
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how monke
where monke?
Steamrolls you like a carpet cleaners

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what the fuck are the commie kikes doing
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nice try pablo
no it was a bunch of chem trails in a line and a haze surrounding the lines. the sky was much darker blue outside of a wide trail directly under it.
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Which part of the pic is the "haze"?
are you blind nigger? theres a fucking diagonal line of pale grey vs dark blue. it was also dark blue on the other side not in the photo, just a strip of weird haze surrounding chem trails in a line

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The ANC just killed itself in all future elections, forming a coalition with the white liberal DA party. Black ANC voters are not happy. Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema must be very happy right now. While they'll remain in the opposition government until 2029, both know that the black votes will be flooding towards the MK and EFF in future elections.
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What does this mean overall? Would SA be any different without the ANC or would the same polity carry forward under a different name?
I envision state breakdown and potential revolution. The ANC has pretty much been the post-apartheid moderating force. Now blacks are gonna reject it in future elections, but will be divided between multiple parties (MK and EFF probably most prominent) and the EFF literally promotes revolution.
The ANC will delegate all important tasks to the DA, who will markedly improve the quality of government services. Then they will be voted out at the next election in favour of hardline communists who promise to kill more whites.
look up SA parliament debates on youtube
best laugh I had in a while

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>Jews are just criminals larping as an ethnic group
We know
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severely noticed
>jews running the ukraine war against russia
>jews in belarus try to support it one way or another
>king mafia boss of hte country accuses them of corruption

thats one way to deal with them
Holy based
Okay we need to stop just naming jews and actually start removing them from our countries. Don't have to kill any of them if you think you would get in trouble.
I'm thinking more of a peaceful but forceful relocation to somewhere they can't hurt anyone.
Moon base, deep sea habitat, surface of the Sun or Mercury. Somewhere far away.

She and I have been dating for a few months now, and we plan on getting married next spring. She loves me and I love her, but I've never brought up race stuff with her, and I'm scared that she won't take it well.
Any anons here have any experience with stuff like this?
She's conservative, Christian, ethnically Germanic, and cute as hell, but I don't think she's redpilled on the stuff the jews are doing to our race.
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>1 post by this ID
In actuality start with Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
I thought seeing fucking salt with non GMO and organic labels was peak retardedness but seeing these kosher approved symbols in every American food package is probably worse
while you fuck her say "it is the jews, always" ten times.
> start dating my now soon to be wife
> decide to keep political shit to myself as I like being around her
> eventually comes out she hates gays and trannies
> find out we're more alike than we realised
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Good for you, Bruce.

Yes, crime can actually be stopped, all it takes is armed citizens and extreme vigilance
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pew pew pew
shoot those criminals to hell

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This costs 2 trillion dollars.

You'll have to look at it until 2088.

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>expensive boondoggle draped in buttsex flag
This is such a fitting picture to remind you of why the US military is evil and insane. Genuine thanks to whoever took it.
Garbage plane for a failing empire
I meant by 2050, lol
Correct. Figure it out.
You dont actually thing those pan faced bug niggers are capable of making anything other than shitty plastic toys do you?

Why are youngsters so entitled these days /pol/??? If anything our wages are too high, not too low.

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>borders communism
Paying people the wealth they produce isn't communism.
Real capitalism has never been tried
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why are these people pretending to be a source of intellectual discussion when they're participating in reaction channel tier content?

What's next, are they gonna get Beetlejuice to make some comments on the black experience?
$100/hr should be the minimum wage for unskilled labor, if you go by the price of gold.

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Are the jews winning?
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They had the entirety of America, the largest superpower the world has ever known, under their complete control and the future of their people secured for decades, if not centuries, and they threw it all away because it wasn't enough. Fucking yids man.
OMG - this...
ya. the jews are stomping the shit out of hamas. and they won't stop. they just keep kicking the shit out of hamas and everybody gets butthurt and they just don't give a shit.

my estimation of the jews has gone up and up since last october. god bless, jews. stay on em'!
yeah - but china used a conventional "dead" vaxx... western cucks used forced MRNA inferitlity cancer gentherapy...

im PUREBLOOD (less than 15% og goymany btw) btw - report in vaxx free ladies - im willing to do my part to breed globohomo AND their braindead stooges out of the genpool!
bbbbbbased! now I have to train my cat to do the same

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Bros, we made it. Zoomies will be forced at gunpoint to go fight for zog. How did we luck up so good?
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>millennials think their age will save them
you can't be this naïve but keep coping, you're going straight into the meat grinder too
This age range is specifically chosen as they are the most indoctrinated individuals with no knowledge of the outside world that isn't from their heavily sanitized propaganda broadcasts.
A lot of zoomers will experience real affection from Churkas
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didnt found anything on CNN, CBS, RT (even RT) about this...

but i hope its real. imagine coomers having to aim and shoot at russians tank branding "anime!" on their flanks... if that wont teach them whos their real enemy... i dont know what would.
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ukro fascists shouldve studied german wochenschau footage more closely... always and only show the smiling and furius ones... all the way back to berlin.

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Dr Brian Keating - Astrophysicist Debunks the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory
why would the synagogue of satan recruit this former gentile and make hay about the "settled science" of the moon landing hoax?
we all know the moon landings were faked for various reasons, including cold war propaganda (whoring the ussr that "we can do it" with rosie the riveter, securing public support for the space program which was costing 5% of gdp to play catchup, and the technological challenges of having to catch up people who won ww2 with horse drawn assets due to being barely mechanized now sending men and satellites into space.
the moon landings were staged in a studio or on a remote location on earth and this farce has been made plain as day over and over again over time..
the evidence for this includes inconsistencies in the photographic "evidence,", lost tapes, shadows that appear to be from multiple light sources, and the absence of stars in the lunar sky.
that and now in 2024 the jews cant even stick the landing on any probes - state or private, and the live video feeds from the 1960s are replaced with animated faggotry and diagrams and fake and generated shit in 2024.
fuck anyone who even thinks about beliving this bullshit anymore.
tell the kike (willing kike convert kike brian keating, betraying christ for moloch willingly and kike brian keating mentions kikery in every video over and over again) in jewtube how wrong this motherfucking lilith inspired little satan christ traitor is!
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jewish scum detected.
not a single refutation.
just a postulate - if it was faked, some nigger would have squawked by now.
you are pure evil, satanic liar.
explain how in 2024 all the fake and gay probes to the moon all fucking failed.
but we get live tv from the moon in the 1960s
and then here:
this guy shows that the new moon landing mission is fucking pure dog shit and he assumes, i think , that the first faked moon landing "missions" were real, but the 2024+ future missions arent even fucking possible.
explain that nigger faggot.
explain it all.
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>kike kvetching that his fake moon landing conspiracy is losing ground.
Stfu you stupid tranny kike! You are either a complete retard for believing the time period of American greatness was "jewish" or a complete retard for thinking you can gaslight anyone into believing a LITERAL nazi built space program in a 85% white country was somehow "jewish"
hitler was kind to the jews
hitler's downfall was his kindness and soft heart when it came to the jews.
the kikes were allowed to live and this was hitler's undoing.
you see reinhard heydrich wanted to gas the kikes but he was killed off and the jews were used as labor. the wannsee conference on january 20, 1942 was reinhard heydrich trying to get all the jews and kikes killed off en masse but he failed to convince hitler and the jews were allowed to exist as a cancer on germany and the war.
hitler wanted to finally get jews to work for once and tried to enlist them in the war effort in work camps.
these fucking slimebag jews instead became useless eaters and sabotaged the war effort.
nothing hitler and company ever did would get the shyster shylock kike jews to work
the only reason they had a mass die off was at the end of the war the kikes and other subhumans were all getting typhus and other diseases (because the allies were bombing the camps).
history has portrayed hitler as maximum evil. he was far too measured!
hitler in reality wasnt harsh enough on the vile jew!
his biggest mistake was tolerance and kindness for the kikes!
the right answer is to make the bullshit made up kike holohoax fraudocaust stories look like bedtime books for children.
the kikes must pay for being satanic evil vile demons and gas them for real this time.

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Knowledge of Sacred Geometry is foundational to knowing history completely
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>first Kemet
I've heard the Amazon claimed as the first Kemet.
I've heard the Himalayans claimed as the first pyramid.
Just things I've heard though. Not a ton of reasoning I can reference.
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the only things that work are kaballah and rv, you can fageta bout the rest
this is absolute amateur tier
>gets killed on the entrance to cyberspace by a random demon and ass-raped

>The occult is real and it's greatest power comes from the most evil of deeds.

no you fucking idiot
you generate ur own energy and power you dumb fucking human bitch
christ is great though and will help you in this quest though i will say

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I never understood the hype of photographers. Like a wedding photographer for example. Why is that a thing? Or these people that just take pictures of natural stuff like a bee or a stream of water. Then license it and sells it for 400 dollars.

These people are fucking useless and should be killed.
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You'll never know, incel.
This guy makes the dumbest analogies and acts like he's made some kind of profound point. Good job recognizing that a camera is a "machine." The computer you use to draw your comics is also a machine, so technically a machine also made your comic. Wow, profound.
its a honest question.
At what point a thing (anything) becomes "art" and how much copyright does the artist have over it?
How much human intervention does it need to become art and if the artist never tells/admits his use of AI how to you know he is lying?

Many anti-AI people cant answer this and inflate there subjective views as facts...
No she isn't.

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Jerry got cooked in the comments -- when it was first posted in 2019.
no one on this board likes you prick
>dumbest fags who don't actually value themselves enough
Exactly what they want.
>black lifeless eyes, like a doll's eyes

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