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Does the woke media try to convince men to eat white meat like turkey instead of beef?
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>eating a whole chicken in ones car

Liver > anything else.
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I love pork but I try to avoid it. And I don't even like beef and I also avoid it for similar reasons.
Which are?
If you day anything about unclean, I'm gonna assume you fuck goats

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All us groypers want to do is redpill black people
Why the FUCK did they punch us dude

VIDEO: https://x.com/osint613/status/1802234524933279863?s=46
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groypers are faggots
>"I avoided all contact with white women. That would have been horrible. I would have been sterilised and I might also have been charged with racial defilement," he said on the DW film Afro-Germany.
Sounds like the nazis really loved negroes.
Groypers view working out as homosexual because you only do it to attract the attention of other males.
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That’s incredibly mild compared to what Americans did to blacks who fucked around

Damn Nazis really were black boot lickers

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That's why England paid out reparations to slave holders and now every broinoid refers to it as the "British" slave trade.
Britons are the dumbest golems because they never figure out they're golems.
And Zog maintains US standard of living, so it actually checks out.
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Everyone loves rednecks and hates jews Kek
No it doesn't. That's fucking stupid. ZOG imports niggers and shitskins which destroys everything.

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice
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cant grow cotton on a football field you have to go back
He's a wanker.

That is to say "probably".
Literally who.
Why does Morgoths review keep posting movie references on Twitter?
I was promised global boiling. I bought a paddling pool and an air conditioner. Cunts

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Thanks to American cultural influence and domination, Dutch girls like her are obsessed with BBC

The USA and its influence must be stopped
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>desperately defending some mudshark porn hooker
Why do internet simps do this?
Don’t you mean jews
No I mean American
By American you meant jewish?
One thing is for sure. She's got the pasty booty meat that ripples and claps as she throws it back onto the well toned black mans pelvis region.

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Ask them if they love Jesus.
This account is a jeet larping as a kike.
It doesn't get worse than this.
>Oh how much I love Christians...
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>Literally Who? has an opinion on twitter.
Holy shit, it's happening!!!! Put me in the screencap!

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except Nick and his followers have already picked religion first, as I have already shown throughout the thread.
Many parts of the Catholic doctrine go against White interests.
how did DD appearing make nick straight?
What do you not understand here? Nick gave the wrong answer, he picked religion before race. Thats the WRONG answer. This isnt up for debate, if you do not put race above all else, you are an enemy of the race.
Really based. Duke is One of the last few real WNs actually still here with us. He’s Not like the new nazbol and shitlib zoomer freaks who wave the WN moniker around.
UHMM I choose Uhh the Lord Jesus Christ

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Adolf Hitler, the leader
Heinrich Himmler, leader of SS
Joseph Goebbels, leader of Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Reinhard Heydrich, leader of RSHA
Hermann Goering, leader of Luftwaffe
Albert Speer, leader of Architecture
Kurt Daluege, leader of Order Police
Ernst Kaltenbrunner, leader of RSHA after Heydrich Assassination by sepsis
Martin Bormann, leader of Party Chancellery
Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of the Supreme Command of Wehrmacht
Ernst Rohm, leader of Sturmabteilung
Karl Donitz, leader of Kriegsmarine
Josef Dietrich, leader of the Leibstandarte SS "Adolf Hitler"
Johann Rattenhuber, leader of Reichssicherheitsdienst
Konstantin Hierl, leader of the Reichsarbeitsdienst

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Why is being a nazi bad
Speer. Clearly the most intelligent and competent of the high leadership. Like Robert E. Lee, he was so good at what he did that he probably extended the war two years. But, had he been in charge prior to the war, it's unlikely that there would have been an assault on the USSR till a new generation of jets and nukes were in Nazi armory. Then t would have been game over.

RIP germany
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Oskar "rapekreig" Dirlewagner.
my favorite is the guy who poisoned his own daughters before killing himself and the other guys who killed his family with grenades, that was cool as fuck.

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Could those lil niggas realistically secede from putinland and go republic of prussia or whatever?
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so it's been decided then...
A colour revolution would get no traction there To start with, western NGOs could not set up there.
not that """prussia"""
the original one, with slav population
What would they be if they became independent, a parking lot for Poles and Lithuanians? The Russians turned that whole area into a dumping ground.
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There's a girl I know that helps get girls she and her boyfriend knows get into doing porn. I doxxed her to her family through vk. If she's not dead I might travel there and rape her

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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yeah let's not live in a place that skimps on sealing
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Your god is homo bro u gay
They could have made it to halftime at least baka...
I'd rather watch flies fuck than watch any star slop.
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Does this shit work?
I am gonna have to learn chinese quite quickly with the way that things are going.
Also what literature should I read up on to avoid being tortured?
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Fucking reee. With, WITH side materials ahhhh dumb retard brain in my head.
You sound like you have some legit mental issues.
Maybe learn the language before you move there
I don't even think you're human.
I mean, I like Alexandru Robot if that counts

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>bongs start melting at 26 degrees celsius

holy kek
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the "heat wave" started here since september last year, so many bombing occurring that the earth is heating, they also burned a lot of forrests...
Normal temperature is 10c
Isn't England like....new Pakistan now? Browns and blacks thrive under the sun they'll be fine.
15 is just about the limit for whites, you wouldn't understand
well gin is a very refreshing beverage

Discuss the political implications and ramifications of this.
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CNN is a terrorist organization and should be tried for war crimes. And heat rises, not descends. Stupid terrorists.
>heat dome
The Jewnalists that create these word phrases deserve the death penalty.
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Those red maps have been spreading.
>Heat Dome
>Wet Bulb
>Rain Bomb
>Heat Index

Notice that they have to use terms like this because if they just came out and said "It's going to be 102°F in the American Southwest this week." everybody would just shrug and move on because that's completely normal and has been for hundreds of years. Therefore instead they will claim that "There is a HEAT DOME casting its DREAD SHADOW OF DEATH over the United States and bringing a HEAT INDEX of 135."

Can you imagine it? The horror of a 26°C KILLER HEAT WAVE is about to WASH OVER brave England. That's an entire 78°F about to SLAM into Great Britain like a TIDAL WAVE OF FLAME. Millions, no, BILLIONS will die in this HEAT BLAST.

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>And then every time they start to get organized and talk seriously about how to solve their problems, I just start calling them all glowniggers and they fall apart! Easiest job I ever took!

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Knowledge of Sacred Geometry is foundational to knowing history completely
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More like Gayrcred geometry
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free masonry is extremely gay and i thought their whole guiding principle was we is all equal basically the entirety of the liberal agenda comes from them.

it's also a dying religion so ya know. good luck recruiting or something.
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what secret knowledge is there in boy bride rituals?
what game is this
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How so, perhaps you are just a mental midget.

The sacred sciences and the language of the birds a great fookin treassure that we have inherited from the deep past

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That's no heatwave.
Doesn't that translate to about 80 degrees American? That's not so hot. Come to Arizona if you like actual heat. We'll even serve fish and chips if you're true English.
>pirate flag
Gonna call bullshit on this one. There is no ocean-front property in Arizona.
40 degrees in az is nothing compared to 40 degrees with 100% humidity like the south-east
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>google it
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it's real
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>this kills the white man's genetic line

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>Another day, another escalation
- Bread and games: Poland - Netherlands at 15:00
- Marjolein Faber will remain candidate minister of migration after ‘crises’ debate
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- Students want to continue pro-Palestine protests, citing that nothing can stop them
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- Literal glowie prime minister Dick Schoof (NCTV/AIVD) and possible vice minister Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD)
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists' and antifa
- Cybercriminals are increasingly more armed with firearms and becoming more sophisticated, using OSINT to improve their phishing attempts on their victims. Not that Dutch IT security means shit
- Dutch civil servants are 'trembling' at the idea working under the PVV
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- GL-PvdA gets 8 seats, PVV gets 6
- XR get eggs thrown on them by locals
- Schooting in Groningen, part and parcel

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>Het jaar van onze Heer 2024.
>I’m opening a beer!
Cheers mate! Wat drinken we, Hertog?
On Rojadirecta they have some diy streams. They're a bit shaky but it's not on globohomo network.
Hertog is InBev, InBev is Bud Light en Bud Light is trannybier
>Hertog is InBev, InBev is Bud Light en Bud Light is trannybier
Dankje voor de info geen trenniepis meer

Why do white Americans make so little money, comparatively?
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If they put that on the consensus it will probably cause the next holocaust, especially now when Jew hate is at an all time high.

Just count the % of billionaires that are part of the tribe. Also nepotism so everyone that's a Jew knows a richer Jew who can set them up.
Filipinas make bank on OnlyFans, many of the more famous Instagram models are also filipina. Maybe that's why.
Household income, not individual income, also brain drain from the entire world.
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Huff huff
Take your time, huff in as much as you need to form at least shitty argument.

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Biden made Russia Great Again
how come?

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