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Say something nice about Mrs. Williams
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Who's going to get blacked first?
Oh ho no no no no hahahaaaaaahhhh
I'm always very polite to my probation officer :^)
>Indianapolis PD
Diarrhea Twitter screencap OP.

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So alot of times i see and i've been doing this myself i must admit, people saying Sweden so impressive for it's size, only 10million people and produce its own jet fighters, cv90, archer, nlaw, submarines, stealth corvettes so on so forth. But i'm starting to see this from another point of view. Like in a belittleling way. Wow so good of swedes to be able to do things wow juwt thought they were only capable of IKEA.

Because the thing is, the germanic people has the same ancestors and genetic profile. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in Sweden is a blonde named Hans. At least not in the southern parts where im from, brown hair is more common id say. Either way. It is a germanic people part of the germanic genetic cluster on dna tests. All NW european countries share the same origin, language, has a thousands years combined history and culture in regards to germanic migrations, fighting rome, has had some degree of anglo saxon, viking culture so forth.

Now that said, if let's say English or UK people in the city of Londom which has a population of around 10million had produced a jet fighter, a tank, some kind of artillery or submarine.Would anyone have been impressed and said omg, people in Londom made their own submarine! How did they do it!?

Nope, nobody would care at all, not been slightly impressed, because duh, London english people wow how amazing white english people are extraordinary and can make a submarine, please tell me something else.Or if lets say a city in USA like New York had produced a jet fighter or a submarine or a tank, also a population of around 10million, would anyone been impressed. No.

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Law of consent needs to move up to 25, these girls brain haven’t developed to become adults yet ffs…
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He's definitely noncing. The "where I drew some blood" line, however, is about pulling a syringe plunger to check if you're in the vein. Degenerate heroin shit.
just make extra/premarital sex punishable by death and all will be well
The voting age should also be raised to 25. Females are just not mentally developed enough to be entrusted with the responsibility of voting until age 25.
Space may be the final frontier, but he found that teen in a Hollywood basement.
females don't mentally mature past age 16, they shouldn't vote at all.

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See image, there is an increase of these posts on X in recent minutes. Not sure if true but worth investigating.
Ill do my best to update but if anon knows more, please post.
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When people are screaming "knife", you don't just attack a person who was clearly unarmed and put yourself into a vulnerable position to be the next victim.
Unironically, they should have all had their guns drawn and been ready to blast the knife-wielder the second they heard others saying "knife" and "stabbing". But instead, they wanted an excuse to crack down on the demonstrators, and in their haste, they relied on past experiences (only breaking up unarmed street scuffles) and "state mandated training" (i.e. go after the "Nazis" and protect the migrants) and threw situational awareness out the window until they saw one of their own take a clear hit (other than the one police officer who took the shot, who maybe had a clear view of the scuffle on the ground where the knife-wielder was going after black-pants/blue jacket with 4-5 overhand stabbing thrusts in clear view).

Try to bin that White; lose your life to the knife.
>even with a total ban on knifes and metal detectors everywhere,
That's forgetting that you can buy a ceramic knife, or literally make one that is just as sharp and dangerous out of glass or a rock and still wont be detected by a metal detector.
Banning weapons was never about safety, it was about you needing to rely on the government for your protection, therefore cementing their necessity. They don't care how bad the wounds you receive are, just that they're the only ones you look to for help.
Now they'll just double down on diversity. They'll say this happen because of not enough diversity.
At least they're not speaking German

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Stockholm summer marathon has been established since 1979. Often many Finns join in too.

There is +26 degrees Celcius in Stockholm, Sweden. It's quitea challenge for Nordic people who would be at best running in +15 degrees.

Now that todays ran is over, there is a report of some troubles with it. Water bottles ran out.
After the first water delivery point there was no water offered beyond that.

So if you didnt grab your bottle in the first checkpoint you were in trouble. The other checkpoints said "we are sorry we are ran out of water".

The winner of the marathon was a Kenyan man who actually doesnt live in Sweden but came there to run and was sponsored by Kenya.

Stockholm marathon rules do not say you have to Swedish, you just haveto be in the premises when marathon starts and have your name on the list before it starts.
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I can understand this. I prefer running in the cold too, because I get too heated running during Summers. It's a rather miserable experience because you're already exhausted yet muscles are barely fatigued.
That girl is super cute. So many people in my area are pajeets now I forgot what a pretty white girl looks like. That's how you know I live in hell.
kek the guy on her left is trying to cop a feel
Sauna helps with muscle recovery a lot since the even heat looses up your muscles. A hot bath would be similar I guess. I know you have Turkish saunas but they are usually lower degrees but with a lot of added humidity (wet sauna). I recommend high temperature dry though
It's a jeet. Sadly I know from IRL experience how they talk and think (see flag). The trick is to look for signs of human intelligence in a statement and if none can be detected, you know it's a jeet.

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You autists do realize that russia and iran hire 10,000s of people to shitpost propaganda online right?



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>Least autistic person on 4chan
?what is an illustrative image? don't forget bedspring emits radio waves, vaccines cause cancer just get a tinfoil hat trilled into you're head just in case
I am going to tell the Latvian who works at the grocery store this. I just explained churka to him after telling him a Latvian bank handled the money that went to the Tajiks who did the Moscow thingiema-jig a while back with the fire and death.
He said thank you sir and was so happy because his dad was a Latvian police chief during the cold war.
Funny thing is I don't have any ill will towards Putin or Russia.
This grocery store guy used to work for SAIC with top clearance, on SALT. I wonder how he got burned.
Basically the same here, but if USA changes policy I would gladly follow in the footsteps of my father and my father before him.
And yes I'm Iranian which makes it even funnier, well, half Irooni
So they join JIDF who have been here forever. Welcome to the multicultural diversity party.
Yes and it's obvious. Any criticism of Russia brings out shills
> T. Kike JIDF troll farm bot.
> Ukraine also has bot farm army to take down people they disagree with.
> Anti-ukraine propaganda!!!


>Tories pledge cash for towns as Labour pitch benefits plan

>Huge Met operation for Champions League and demos

>We have no Plan B if Ukraine falls, says Estonia
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Someone used your name last night and they got 23 yous
looks exactly like an ape
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Excuse me?
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damn chang girls are disgusting
even the "cute" ones use filters to make themselves not look like insectoids.

She’s right
We need an annual reparations day sorta like the purge but we chase down butt naked whites for sexy time
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Well, you should, I should.
I hope it's ok if I shoot you?
i'd volunteer to let her start racial reckoning on me, if you know what I mean.
was this before or after the vaccine comments?
reminder that nicki minaj is a half poojeeta.
>no link
yay another fake thread yay pol

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Germans confirmed as BLACK.
Refute this krauts. A Black man drinking beer is more German than all of you combined.
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We even have black nationalist politicians over here.
Based. I Always knew Germany was part of the African family.
Even retarded nignogs can sense the threat to their gibs from immigration. We have them here protesting when machete niggers and wetbacks move into their neighborhoods.
Too bad that nigger cop didn't die.
It all has to burn down, a real holocaust.

I’m white, but have almost started to dislike being around other white people. They’re totally dull. Empty between the ears. Despite whites originally pioneering individual freedom and liberal autonomy, modern whites refuse to be anything but collectivist or consensus-driven. They won’t do or say anything that deviates from the hive mind. Non-whites aren’t like this at all. I prefer being around them, because even if they’re dumb, at least they’re interesting.
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Is killing kikes collectivist?
They aren't dumb but they are anal retentive and schizo. It's the result of a multi-generational lack of jobs.
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But what about muh dik?
I'll let you touch it, get on dem knees, you know you wanna taste it yt-boi
It’s called hiding your power level.
Why would anyone want to live around whites?

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Previous: >>469847785

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski
>Russia recorded 30% growth of men with disabilites since 2022 (507 thousand men)

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SFB NEWS 31/05/2024 UPDATE:

Previously on SFB
Parallel imports of cars have practically ceased to be imported into Russia
>>469740078 >>469740126
The authorities will impose an excise tax on medical alcohol and alcohol-containing medicines
>>469740218 >>469740273
Russian companies may be forced to pay the state for using foreign software
>>469740379 >>469740428
>>469740678 >>469740733 >>469740787 >>469740843
Russian IT companies will have their zero tax on profits abolished
>>469740999 >>469741055
The Ministry of Finance refused to place bonds

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>someone wasted time to write this

Thank You for posting.
did any of your reporting cover this: >>469855056
Has new kino been already dropped?

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Yes. I feel retarded for not leaving before 2022.
dead farmers cant protest


The total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28 percent of Ukraine’s arable land. The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. Prominent US pension funds, foundations, and university endowments are invested through NCH Capital, a US-based private equity fund.

Several agribusinesses, still largely controlled by oligarchs, have opened up to Western banks and investment funds — including prominent ones such as Kopernik, BNP, or Vanguard — who now control part of their shares. Most of the large landholders are substantially indebted to Western funds and institutions, notably the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank.
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This multi culti fuck never stopped paying his interest rate down to the global banking system in USA dollaridoos. He was the one to invade. He pulled the trigger on white genocide. He also maxx vaxx'd from birth on live polio oral polio vaccines and it made him retarded as part of a UN globohomo effort. Fuck this guy.
you sound like a troon

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>Person Experience

The biggest loser I know is white.
>40k credit card debt
>can't hold down a job to save his life
>rents a room in a basement at the age of 38

None of my white friends except for one that was half-white and half-black when to college/university. I am 1 of 2 that went to college/university out of hundreds of whites that barely graduated. I had a friend that didn't even graduate until 2 years after. Guess his race. The only person I've been friends with that was on academic probation was white and a former roommate.

I know only 1 white person that owns a house, but he had to go in with his mom to buy it and it's in the middle of no where. (Look up Gibsons BC)


It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.

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yep, white people make up less than 12% of global pop. different tribes of white people, if we want only the aryan ones like caucasian then its even less.
No one will hire them you, nigger stain. All we can do is stay home and clean all our guns.

>I make up bullshit and peddle it as much as possible to try and make the people who I am very mad at angry
>bark bark, I will always be a nigger
Ok shitjeet lmfao
Good post, OP. They deserve it for supporting Ukraine.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Pride is the worst sin, because it is the gateway to all the others.

Also remember,
Christ fashioned a weapon and flogged kikes with it. That'd be considered felony pre-meditation right there.

This will probably be coomerpole’s last thread of the day ;_;
>Trump gets more support after the verdict. Donation page crashes. Biden cancels his speech the very same day. Trump is not backing down and is still running for the presidency. "They" can't stop him after all this. He will appeal, NY appeals goes south, then it goes straight to the SCOTUS.

Who else comfy here watching the shill clowns and laughing at them? I sincerely, truly hope that they put Trump in jail so I can see it blow up in their stupid, lying faces and perhaps, see if, now thats a big IF, they realize the critical error they've made.

>Mass gatherers
add it.
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i think you guys are talking about more than anywhere else

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If your nation doesn't have a considerable number of castles, you are not white.

Castles are the whitest thing imaginable.
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listen jew nigger retard larper

niggers have never EVER created anything of complexity. go back to trying to steal credit from the indians for their peanut butter, moron
lmao even
>tiny space
>30k castles
i kneel

We have hundreds of castles that were built in the age of cannons, called Forts.
You're mentally ill anon. Please go for an assessment.

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Ghetto trash cant comprehend when whites play sport.
Maybe blacks consider themselves as zoo specimens when playing sports surrounded by white people.
Basketball is pozzed because they unironically had to change the rules of the game and make them more lax to accomodate for nigger street basketball and their inability to follow the rules.
Women's basketball is the lamest sport there is. The reason is because sports are symbolic for sex. Sigmund Freud is right that most things in life go back to sex. Basketball is symbolic for sex, a man puts the ball in the hoop, clearly that's symbolic for the sex act. A bunch of men playing basketball is an attempt at proving their machismo and sexual prowess. That's why it's boring and makes no sense when women play basketball, and they get accused of being lesbians.

It's because certain sports are symbolic for sex. Basketball being one of them.

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I am proud to be a Pakistani. My country is a land of rich culture, history, and traditions that span over centuries. From the mighty peaks of the Himalayas to the vast deserts of Thar, Pakistan's diverse landscape is a sight to behold.

Our nation's history is filled with stories of bravery, resilience, and sacrifice. The struggle for independence led by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League paved the way for a free and prosperous Pakistan.

As a Pakistani, I am proud of our people's resilience and determination in the face of adversity. We have faced numerous challenges over the years, from natural disasters to terrorism, but we have always stood tall and faced them head-on.

Our cuisine is renowned worldwide, with delicious dishes like biryani, nihari, and kebabs that tantalize taste buds. Our music, art, and literature are equally diverse, with poets like Allama Iqbal and Faiz Ahmed Faiz leaving a lasting legacy.

But what makes me most proud of being Pakistani is our hospitality and warmth towards others. The concept of "mehman nawazi" (welcoming guests) is deeply ingrained in our culture, and we treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or religion
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>transgender weed
Ok cool. Happy for you, now go the fuck back of it's so great
Everyone that is proud of their country should either go back/stay/or have a plan to return
You people do the opposite, you set up shop in the host country, make it worse, receive benefits, send money back to Pakistan, and try to immigrate your 19 children. This is deeply shameful behavior
Wait.. Pakistanis speak Arabic? I thought they spoke ordu.
Maybe you should stop worshipping kikes and instilling puppet rulership or meddling with countries that go against your kike brethren. Delusional mutt

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Just to b lear building more cities in Appalachia and the Midwest is the complete opposite of what I'm advocating, although if you're just talking about making it easier for individuals to buy land and build, then I absolutely support that. We should be trying to preserve small towns and rural communities an we should keep foreigners and real estate investors and corporate landlords like BlackRock out.

No I'd say I'm natsoc if I need to pick a label. There is nothing lefty about my position. Sjws and shitlibs hate small towns, forests, and rural communities. Only a normie centrist Republican would praise American cities or advocate for their growth.
Brutalism is explicitly jewish
They don't maintain our infrastructure either.
population isnt distributed equally across the massive large landmass that is america
think of logistics as an engineeeing problem instead of this weird ideological fixation, it could improve your life, too
I hate you neocon normie conservatives so fucking much. You should just say in your uhg threads so the rest of us don't have to deal with you cucks. You see everything in terms of muh economy and muh national security. You're just patriotic cosmpolitians. You basically agreed with woke leftists on everything except immigration and trannies.

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Why do Jews live in Christian countries?
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They want to stab Jesus again
Because rich white traitors let them and now we all suffer under their tyranny. The last halfway decent rich White man was Henry fucking Ford.
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Why wouldn't they live among their slaves?
So they weren't called jews until judaism was invented?
oh look, Canaanite nonsense

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Jews are now using (((psychology))) to convince people to cut off their parents
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Why do all white families piss jews off so much?
If your parents are literal retards or mentally ill cutting them off at the first opportunity is the best thing you can do to minimize the damage they can cause and maximize the time that can be utilized to build an actual non-retarded family.
That isn't what's going on >>469853780

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