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>A “monster” 19-year-old killed his parents at their Florida home and shot an officer in a gunfight that was caught on the injured deputy’s bodycam before the teen was fatally shot Saturday night.
>Christos Alexander Themelis Jr. fatally shot his 51-year-old father Christos Byron Themelis inside the home and then his 48-year-old mother Rebecca Ann Themelis on the front lawn in front of officers during the surreal scene shortly after 11 p.m., the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said.
>Deputies initially rushed to the house when police received a “frantic” 911 call from the shooter’s mother who told dispatch her son had just shot her husband as more gunfire rang out, Sheriff Chad Chronister said.
>While the mother was in the front yard, the son mercilessly blasted her in the back of the head as the woman was instructed by law enforcement to walk to them. He then opened fire on the responding deputies, the footage indicates.
>“Stop reaching for your waistband,” a deputy could be heard yelling at the teen just before he started shooting.
>Themelis is believed to have died of the injuries he suffered in the shoot-out.
>“How did he have access to any type of firearm to be able to inflict this type of violence here this evening?” he questioned, calling the shooter a “monster.”
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The family was GREEK the only White person involved was the tzatziki-burning mother

So he was abused by his parents then knew the police were his enemy. Got it.

Never believe the CIA media.
>Everyone selling at a gun show needs to run a background check
yet the ATF won't let private sellers run instant background checks
>it’s still illegal to sell to anyone under 21
not for private sales lol
You're a fucking monster you sadistic fuck. Lets play your "liberal utopia imagination game" where you can never see the next move.
>Abracadabra, we go back in time, and it is impossible for this kid to get a gun.
>At 2 am he gets a butcher knife in the kitchen and then goes into their bedroom where he stabs his parents repeatedly and they die slow painful deaths.

Did you solve the problem gay mayor Pete ?
Yea thats what "boomer" means retard. GenX and actual boomers.

Huh? How did it even happen? Apparently you guys don’t even have 5-25% cashback, deposits with % higher than inflation and loans that you can take through your phone when needed. Hell, you can’t even have a custom picture on your credit card lol. No wonder ypunguys headhunt russian IT.

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who is /pol/ siding with here?
This is why we need white sharia
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>slithers over to western country like a shitworm

this is why we need more dead shitskins
Its arrogance. They think they're more important than the people who live there thus have unreasonable expectations, they want their own ethnic enclaves and cultures in our own countries, they want us to assimilate to them.
We have a class system, the muslima is basically saying if she secularized she would be a lower class peasant without Islam, she would be naked. Upper class British people aren't possing in a gutter outside a kebab shop every Saturday. Many of these "slags" aren't even British, Dua Lipa their role model is Albanian aka muslim.

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It's over, he doesn't even move anymore.
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>biden.exe has stopped responding
Who dat nigga in an evening gown?
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what the fuck is that
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Say ma'am if you don't want trouble
shame we never got mommy hillary in the office
i would have simped for her so fucking hard bros...

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If third worlders are low IQ, how come they can build and maintain infrastructure?
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...This technology was invented 200 years ago...

Dunno what to say if they hadn't caught on 150 years ago... this is how little intelligence they have!

Really seems like they stole every idea they have and even then it took time for them to get it right. They didn't even comprehend explosives until some trainers came in to teach them.
China is building it for them in exchange for access to mineral resources
To add onto this we also have anywhere from 30-60 million illegal immigrants here that further drain our services and reduce our standard of living.
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You retards accomplished nothing during your deployments. Nobody outside the US wants your gay tranny bullshit. You were defeated.
Whites invented casual sex yet their women only lust after blacks.

What am I missing here? Clearly Kamala and Biden are in control of nothing. It's clearly Doug playing both parts.

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Are there good jew fighters in k1, boxing or wrestling? Why not?

I have no problem with Jews living in Israel and defending their country. It's the ones in Western countries undermining white agency that I have an issue with.
There are a couple of jew UFC fighters, 3 maybe. They're only at the level of bottom rung Europeans, though.
Yeah, if they were all like this guy (openly hardcore jewish nationalists) I wouldn't really have a problem with them
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>i am Israeli
>i am white

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Americans are lazy af.
You're the reason why gringoes import us.
Capitalism keeps doing this over and over and over and you're all here scratching your heads wondering why this is happening. Nationalist markets, NOT free markets.
Does anyone here actually want to do blue collar work? Lets at least try to be honest with ourselves here
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> t. slowpoke rodriguez
You're gonna die.

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Why abbos, like other tribes in Africa, didnt developed even if they had tens of thousands of years?
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Notice how I continually exercise power over you by inducing impotent, psychotic rage. You want to hurt me for telling the truth, but you know I could easily break every limb in your body. You will concede that I have ultimate power over you by replying to me again, even though I am adding your ID to the filter now and cannot see any more of your hysterical female tantrums.
You aren’t entirely wrong but being violent and dirty is different than being niggers. They did make tools, buildings beyond a mud hut, raise livestock and domesticate animals, etc. More importantly they had written language.

I’m not saying their the pinnacle of civilization but it’s a step up over subsaharan Africa.
I love when they try to come here and act like it’s still 2017.

Yes but is that a problem for them?
If niggers have no concept of abstract things like time, there's no way in hell abos understand that concept.
After getting raped they likely just instantly forget what happened or simply accept it as part of abo existence and continue as nothing out of the ordinary happened and continue drinking petrol.

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What do Russians think of all the drone videos that Ukraine has released, showing Russian troops being maimed and killed? Has this made Russians boiling with rage and a resolve to wipe Ukraine off the map and make the West pay, or has this made them too scared to join the military or be conscripted, or has it made them both?
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The guy who left a tire-mark on the rainbow flag on the street got 5 years, wheras the mother who turned her male child into a woman and removed his abiltity to breed before puberty, a federally protected by the government and praised for her forward thinking.

Not quite the same thing if we're being fair about it.
Your country has tranny kids
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Hohols were gloating about civilian deaths before that. People just learned about hohol character some more.
America's Freedom is So fucking beyond-maximum-tolerances, that the freedom of a mother to cut her sons balls off is unrestricted by the Sodomites in the Israeli shadow Dictatorship government over America driving all its wars.
Volhynia massacre is the prime example. They are just tatars larping as aryan on the internet.

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Previous: >>471403225
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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GM, Chugcels! Anything to report?
>if you support jews, faggots, niggers, liberalism, feminism and westernism, you're a nazi
guess I'm not natsoc anymore then
It's because his fate is tied to US support. He wants there to be a spot on the last helicopter out of the US embassy in Kiev. He'll be killed if he stays in the country, and the Americans won't risk him being captured by the Russians, he'll sing like a bird
What's with the goblin shit? Also way to spoil a guy's mood by talking about marriage and shit.
being natsoc has nothing to do with Ukraine's Israel approved laper kosher neo-nazis.

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Africans are calling White people "YouTube face" as a slur now. How do we stop this? It's really fucking offensive.
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Retarded pasta ignored the wisdom of the taxi driver and immediately got punished for it. KWAB.
Isn't the gag that Turks also don't use toilet paper, just their left hand instead?
Nah it's just soijaks, that's what they mean by YouTube face. This redditor probably looks like a faggot lol
After reading all that, I still have no clue what a "youtube face" is
There's nothing that can insult a white person cause we are just better, even cracker just reminds us of when we owned the leaders lol

THE VACCINATED in denial. These are the lowest subhumans of the pandemic. Crying and lying on Twitter and their comments saved and thrown back in their faces.
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It's not going to happen. You guys are just a bunch of sociopathic hypocrites.
>died suddenly
>35 yo
>medical emergency
Often I spend my time sitting in public places where nobody sees me, but where I can hear what's going on around me. Anything older as 50 is still in rampant denial, but the younger generations are slowly waking up that they've been injected with poison.

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Why is Russia the only slavic country that has any kind of history or achievements?
Every other slavic country such as poland, slovakia, croatia etc didnt even exist until the 20th century and have no history or achievements. they even stole the russian flag colours because they dont have any history of their own
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Same Germans that didn't really lose big wars to anyone else. Your country is a pathethic fag state similar in size and relevance to Poland. Instead of being one of the top 5 countries in the world.
Because you are retarded like that.
And I am saying this in a friendly caring manner, as someone thats been dealing with "gypsies" and gypsy mentality and that knows your type of autism is the way more closer to truth and advanced civilization.
Tetris, escape from tarkov, Stalker, caviar, yandex...
And best of all, making zogbots seethe hard, that is by far the best
>noo you can't just fight treason
Reminder that Poles are directly responsible for this by constantly trying to betray, sabotage and backstab the Muscovy, going as far as bribing the nobles and deceiving the peasants.
Probably St. Michael
>Russia is the first to achieve hypersonic missiles
That was the US in the 1950s, Ivan the coward.
>Russia have the world’s fastest fighter jet.
The SR-71 is American.

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Why do western fathers sexualize their own daughters?

WebM related: typical Dutch father and daughter behavior
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Pretty nice arse, desu. I’d fuck it.
He's not fingering her or grabbing her boobs while jerking off. Man you guys are pathetic.
Whites have no honor over their women. They even let them suck black cocks.

This whores outfit comes pre-equiped with a rape hole
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>Why do western fathers sexualize their own daughters?
Human nature.
You know what isn't natural?
Smacking your daughter's shiny latex ass 7 times like you're at the strip club - in a crowded public place, no less.

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>vaccinate them
>cut off the second most sensitive part of their genitals if male
>never let them do anything outside or anything that doesn’t require your supervision and allow them no freedom in anyway also make them scared of making mistakes so they never try anything
>neglect them and put them in front of the most actively addicting device known to man
>put them in public school where they rot eight hours a day doing nothing but listen to some childless hag ramble on about the holocaust, how plants grow, and how white men are evil
>if at any point they cause or have problems put them on meth (Ritalin)
>kick them out at 18 or let them continue to rot in their room their entire lives because they have no attachment to the real world and have no will to do anything
American parenting in a nutshell ladies and gentleman.
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So you're willing to risk side effects of 3 shots in order to confer 90% immunity to something they'll never encounter? How fucking stupid are you?
>Worked in vet med for years and years. You literally have to beat your dog when he's a puppy if he has any aggression issues.
I'll beat your fucking ass and call you dog and set you free, fuck of with your bullshit.
I forgot to mention that my wife made a lot of good friendships through our kids. I personally am not interested in pursuing friendships but you may be or your wife. But it was really good for both my kids and my wife to get out a lot, meet people and make connections.

People without strong social networks or without many friends that have kids are ALWAYS looking for other families to connect with. Don’t be shy about asking for numbers and meeting up. It benefits everyone and in our broken communities it’s important to make connections and this is a way to do so.

Good luck. Just don’t let time slip by because each year for them is so critical for development and the longer you wait the more impact it will have and the harder it will be to correct mistakes. Don’t ever tell your daughter she’s shy or use it as an excuse while she is in earshot. She doesn’t have to know she is/was shy and doesn’t need an excuse to use in the future. Just socialize her like you would a dog so she’ll have a better future and potential.
>How in the everloving fuck would a vaccine cause a genetic disorder?
...to manifest.
epigenetic mechanisms turn genes on and off all the time. Sometimes they fucking rewrite parts of genomes altogether.
The only language animals understand is pain. Fuck off with your hippy dippy good vibes only way to raise an animal.

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then dies in cop shootout.
Police video:
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I'm sure the whole incident was about Trump.
So does that make the kid based or a simp, /pol/?
Damn, that looks like the neighbor from Office Space as the dad.
I wish for a more respectable existence and taste for Whites, pictured is typical White trash trappings, no reason it has to be that way.
Can't fucking believe he's gone :(

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>Another day, another escalation
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- Bread and games: Poland - Netherlands, 1-2. UNVACCINATED CHAD scores winning goal
- Marjolein Faber will remain candidate minister of migration after ‘crises’ debate
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- Students want to continue pro-Palestine protests, citing that nothing can stop them
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- Literal glowie prime minister Dick Schoof (NCTV/AIVD) and possible vice minister Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD)
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists' and antifa
- Cybercriminals are increasingly more armed with firearms and becoming more sophisticated, using OSINT to improve their phishing attempts on their victims. Not that Dutch IT security means shit
- Dutch civil servants are 'trembling' at the idea working under the PVV
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny
- 18% is for overthrowing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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>Pleegvader van Hongaars meisje dat wordt lastig gevallen door Syriërs
>Sprake van aanranding
>Een Oekraïense verkracht
>Gasjes dragen bomvesten op Tiktok want stoer
>AMV doet geen kanker
>School doet ook geen kanker
>Pleegvaders schuilnaam is “Jan”
>”Blankste Marokkaan”
>Vader is kwaad en wil die gastjes dood hebben
Langzaam maar zeker worden zelfs de Turken en Marokkanen wakker over de ontvolking.

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Grappig dat je over rap/hiphop begint. Hier een opvallend relevant statistiekje...
>Hey! Goed idee!
>We halen het volk dat met elkaar in oorlog is weg uit het land
>En zetten ze in ons land bij elkaar!
>.. Wat?
>Hoe bedoel je "Daar kunnen wellicht problemen van komen?"
>“Gospel gaat dood door kanker en hart falen”
Die Powned reacties ook. Allemaal grote kankerbek maar ze doen helemaal niets. Lekker aan de chips en cola en morgen weer aan het werk. Joodse kutomroep.

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How the fuck are sovereign citizens even real? They seem like a fucking parody of real life. And why the fuck do they have to be taken serious by the courts and judges? Every 5 minute court case gets dragged out by them for weeks with paper bullshit and insane arguments.
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read the post you're replying to, you retarded spammer
>except women, they are slaves, right

Yes. It’s either us or them especially while there are still jews out there jewing. Faggot
Do you denounce Israel and the Jews? Yes/no.
That statement intuitively implies gods dominion over the king. The statement is saying that God granted him the right
Sovereign Citizen movement began as a fed ploy to render inner city blacks less capable of legally defending themselves. Any white who falls for that shit is a coon.

If any of the SovCit shit held any water it would be replicated fucking hourly by both SovCit's and Lawyers alike. If there was precedent set where you could get a court case thrown out because of "sujec madda jurisdiction" or "grounz" then it would be a fucking field day for any dipshit with an internet connection.

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They are fanatical about killing all you white guys in a draft, if you don't think forced conscription is coming with spic press gangers dragging to out of your houses to die for Israel, you are delusional
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Less than 1 pct of draft dogers from the vietnam war went to jail. 100 pct were pardoned. Just say no to dying for wal mart
It’s very funny how our military has the highest “disability” veteran numbers the world has ever seen after people participated as mercenaries in the easiest war the world has ever seen.
This country is the most selfish vile shallow place the world has ever known. Who the fuck would actually sacrifice for it in a real war?
Unvaxxed, lost my job over it, didn't give a fuck. Was 100% ready to kill and die if they tried to force the needle on me.

Stop projecting your cowardice on others

>M-Muh heckin' job prospects

Slave faggot
That’s not like my heckin hollyjew movies though.
The time for mutts to act was in the 90's, but they didn't act. Grim.

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