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Is this great replacement?
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Hindus are soft like butter ready for the Sikh dagger slide right through them
how many niggers have won worlds strongest man
a pajeet is a pajeet, regardless of your religion your ancestors were dasya created by Rama and other Aryan ancestor heroes as vanara servants
>French are considered ''tokens'' in their own national team
fucking lmao
Wrong. Sikhs are top shelf allies. Where were the Hindus during the Anglo Sikh wars?

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Animals are rebelling in India. Habitat loss and overpopulation is creating conflict between species. How can it be resolved?
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Elephants have very good memories. He targeted the poo because it tried to rape him before so he wasn't about to back off.
Chickens especially rooster too. They are always crazy assholes trying to dominate you
We have to flush the poo.
They must die.
But that isn’t what’s going to happen =(
This specifically seems like an elephant living in captivity, the large harness it has, maybe it has been mistreated, elephants have long memories.

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youre telling me president Trump and US military intelligence posted on this fucking board? that kind of seems like a big fucking deal
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Those threads about that IDF jew agent braining a college kid sure got nuked fast though
I guess you're right. It really just wasn't that interesting for me coming in that late in the game.
Kinda glad I didnt get wrapped up in it considering how everyone got fucked on the Jan 6 psyop bullshit.
I stopped voting after 2016 anyway
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>Whatever man, I don’t believe that full scope shit.
>But chances are Q was subverted or handed over to opposing faction in that time range, which is when it was subverted and became a pacifying honey pot.
yeah that's your claim, repeated, as though it's an argument or evidence.
It's like you're repeating narratives rather than having a conversation.
>ITS FUNNY cuz Trump offered the ungrateful niggers $500 billion and they spat in his face and proceeded to burn down America as if they wanted to show off what they can get away with.
didn't happen, just a weird tactic because you assume we're all hyper racist to the point where we oppose black people getting any resources at all, so you're trying to use our perceived values to countersignal Trump.
Isn't it interesting how the anti-Q effort is so dovetailed with the anti-Trump effort. Like they're one in the same, 2 facets of the same shilling campaign.
>Fuck niggers, demonic sons of amalek.
ahh i see the problem pic rel

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Why would boomers need to be pacified? What are they gonna do? Yell at the clouds?

Beside, boomers in America are rich as fuck from hoarding all the wealth for themselves. They don't give a crap about the future or younger generations. They are perfectly satisfied as is.
He is not the only. Ok riddle me this since your always mass posting in all q threads. Give me one Qfluncer who is not a grifter and has legit info .

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Stop chasing after pussies with 1000 body counts and become men of God. Pussies that will eventually become roasties will rot while God's glory will be forever. Therefore, stop being incels and become priests and monks of God so that those rotten pussies filled with a thousand different cums will be punished as a single roasties filled with STDs where they can no longer find good men, hence we serve as God's instruments of judgements against these vile whores. Deus Vult Soli Deo Gloria, and become priests and monks of God. There are shortages of priests and monks anyways, God has called you today. DEUS VULT!
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lol what a retard.
>kike lie
Literally tells you in every religion that a “messiah” or sacrifice is born from a “virgin” woman. (parthenogenesis) which happens all the time in nature. Woman is the life barer and blueprint.
All fetuses start female.
XX chromosome. X comes before Y.
Y is a broken X. Y is a mutation of X chromosome. Women were more hermaphroditic in the beginning hence they could produce offspring of themselves. The Y chromosome was likely introduced for variation in the species since through parthenogenesis birth you can only produce clones except for very rarity when you can produce a mutated XY offspring which likely was androgens from fruit, as some fruit boosts women’s testosterone levels.
This is why men have a prostate, non functioning nipples and an extended clitoris and seem on their ballsac. Because it used to be the outer labia.
Men were likely very weak in the beginning and through female selective breeding, was slowly able to produce stronger men to do their bidding’s and protect them. Males started to get bigger and stronger and then overpowered women out of envy of their intellectual and spiritual dominance. That’s why men created and constructed society because they had something to prove and that’s why Jesus was male, because men needed an example more than women did.
>I am a meme flag for God

But your lack of women is where God shows his greatest strength because His glory is greater than used pussies. DEUS VULT
Sorry about the typos I am phone posting.
So, it's Right Christcuck ignoramus vigilantism again? You're Christcuckery is spiritually and morally bankrupt and, hopefully, soon to be financially bankrupt when you try, yet again, to force your goddamn religion down people's throats!
>overpowered women out of envy of their intellectual and spiritual dominance.

Kek, why would men be envious of something that they could be more superior in? If parthenogenesis were a thing we would've been long extinct because cloning without genetic variations would've made us so vulnerable that our species wouldn't even survive for the past two-hundred thousand years. Cope and seeth loose pussy prostitute.

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He's the guy in Dave.
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stop trying to live next to us
Lol you won't do shit Timothy
That's an Irishman not a white person thoughever?
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That's why we need to BLEACHRA-

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Thread Theme

Yeah because it's for china
The same Russia that brand new T90's get btfo by 1st gen Bradleys?

Go back to your country Ahmed.
>it's not going to happen.
anyone paying attention to the United States since 2016 can see it coming right around the corner. Wishing it away isn't going to do shit.
imagine defending Western military equipment at this juncture. The entire year past is a relentless demonstration of how out of date we are.

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name my band
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Coomar Goes to Bollywood
Saar and the Redeemers
the animals
Sanitation to Prevail
Bring Me the Poorizon
Alice in Poo
Shit the Veil
Sleeping with Poojeets

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We Scandinavians (including Finland) MUST unite into a new country called Scandinavia. And we must do it soon.

The rest of Europe is collapsing as we speak. This new country called Scandinavia will be the greatest country in Europe by far. BY FAR.

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>y-you’ll never f-fit in
Shut up pussy
Begin staging a simultaneous coup now nordniggerz
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i would be happy to unite with estonia(after purging russians from estonia)
Estonia must be brought into the fold

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Why does pol claim seed oils are bad without any scientific proof?
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Dietfagging is one of the favorite pastimes of the low IQ.
Oh it's even funnier than that. The sneed oil shills can't decide whether seed oils make you fat or make you lose all your weight and die of emaciation. BUT THEY KNOW THEY'RE BAD BECAUSE MARK SISSY SAYS SO!!!!

>not the company that produced that shit
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>bad goyim!!! how dare you not consume the literal shit-tier oil!!!
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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shalom, rabbi
tell rothschild I say hi

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Physically ugly, mentally ill, haven for pedophiles, loves gore, can only survive by mooching off of someone, thinks better than everyone else.
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Stop? On the contrary. An early win for Israel would be a disaster for Europeans. Fanning the flames of the Palestinian side ensures both groups are engaged with each other for as long as possible and end up as weakened as possible at the end of it. Don't mistake that for support for shitskins that would be cheering on terrorist attacks that kill Europeans.
This. Jews are no friends of the west. Mudshit fucking up Jews is the bare minimum of cosmic justice.

I will not speak ill of Muslims when they are actually giving jew a taste of their obnoxious medicine.
imagine how based this would be if it were white people removing kikes like this
I feel pretty stupid for doubting everyone saying this was a genocide back in 2023.
I blocked that propaganda account. Kept seeing it in my feed.

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>open xhamster
>picrelated is the #2 video on the front page
what's their endgame?
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>stopped watching porn some years ago when kikes were spamming bbc nigger shit on the front page and recommended
>now i see it has come to this
best fucking decision of my life, how can any white man with the smallest shred of self-respect visit porn sites these days?
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Sometimes you just want a little Chocolate. This woman is an after dinner mint
Now you have zero sex, incel.
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This is why I can't do porn sites. I go limp at the sight of groid.

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post political humor
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heeeeyy l e a f
take me to your c h i e f
ask if he will q u e e f
on my angus b e e f
much to his r e l i e f
>1000 BC
>you are assyrian
>show up in jew land
>"hey jews, we are based and chariotpilled, resist us at your own risk"
>some guy comes up
>"hey i'd like to dual your champion."
>"sure but he's a big guy, he likes swords"
>ok that'd fine mr assyrian sir
>you sure kid?
>yes sir thank you sir I am david prince of the jews sir
>dual day rolls around
>hey someone get david a sword he forgot one!
>david straight up murders Goliath

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>goliath has the rock
Is this supposed to mean something or are they retarded?
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when you do this negro haka step chant you're in a group and half of you start repeating early so the leaf in leaf matches up with the lief in relief. you don't stop until the leaf team apologizes
>sorey eh
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Previous >>471877492

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent Explosions at the American Al-Tanf base on the Iraqi-Syrian-Jordanian border..
>NEW: U.S. blocks unsealing of 9/11 evidence - News Nation, A new letter shows the U.S. government objecting to unsealing evidence related to the 9/11 attacks.
>Yemeni Armed Forces: We carried out a targeting operation against the American aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower in the northern Red Sea with a number of ballistic and cruise missiles, and the operation achieved its objectives successfully.
>Al-Mujahideen Brigades: We bombarded Kisufim military colony east of the central Gaza with rockets.
>BREAKING - The Yemeni Armed Forces announce targeting five ships in two joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.


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>Rep. Bowman (@RepBowman) slams AIPAC, declares “We’re gonna show them who the f*ck we are.”
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Death to pissrael.
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>from that time in 2006 we rolled them so hard
You spelt "humiliated and lost" wrong

How are you gonna communicate with us when the power goes out? Smoke signals?

Maybe thick black smoke coming from Matcal Tower will be your way of telling us everything's fine...
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Joe Biden here. Oh how I like to eat dead sand nigger babies. And the prime sand nigger babies come from Gaza and shipped by Hamas to the Democrat elite in Washington. Just last night I ate the leg and arm of a little tykes cooked to perfection by General Milley. Uncle Joe

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>Happy Juneteenth and to those who are flooding me with intolerable racism—
since it took me 72 hours on my laptop to make this song and video, u got 72 hours to respond. and I expect choreo!!


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Star Wars is for children.
Why is she dissing children?
I can't believe this is real...
adults appropriated it the day it came out of the closet
Blacks are just always angry nothing can be done about it.
Well that should solve the lack of viewership issue lol.

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>471920007

>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

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new bread baked by byrce facesitting
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Ding ding ding
We have a match
>I hurt myself today

One of the biggest mistakes that people allow Christians to get away with, apart from all the egregious errors and inconsistencies, is the idea that WORSHIP OF GOD IS SOMEHOW THE "ORIGINAL STATE OF MAN".

False. On a very short-term scale this may be true, but the more based of a person you are, the more hardship you had to endure (often at the very hands of Christians and other religious nuts), the less you find yourself believing in "A GOD". Instead, you believe in life, the force, the spirits and the ghouls and magic and stuff like that.

Right, fuckers?

So fundamentalist Christianity is basically an oxymoron. Those guys are like the newfangled highfalutin supercomputer claiming to be some kind of ancient tradition. False, false, false.
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>They are too civilized

This particular lie is accompanied by a massive amount of ignorance towards other (sane/normal/rational) people though.

It especially spreads to the Christians imitating atheists and trying to steal the things that are cool about them. Like making video games that aren't Christian, per se, but try to instill the fear of God (their absolute mofo of a God) into people nonetheless.

It's a kind of all-pervasive propaganda that poisons everyone else's political discourse and entertainment media.
Nothing to see here. Just your typical pilpul pusher
This isn't your website. Get the fuck out of here
Actually it is. Dirty jew.

H3110 m00t. I'm a big fan.

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We really are stuck here. Even if we commit suicide we will be punished with reincarnation. Our lives are all determined from birth. We are Yaldabaoth's play things. There is no hope.
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Yeah sort of. Retarded in this case would be blind to God.
Thoughts on Liber AL vel Legis? I am well aware Crowley was an utter degenerate, but the Book of the Law is literally the most perfect embodiment of a spiritualized Nietzschean vitalism that I’ve ever seen.
Where does his power comes from since he's retarded?
Is there a different
Nah..he's aware of the higher orders and The One
He's just bumbling along and trying his best - not doing a completely terrible job. He's doing a much better job than most people would. The problem is reactive elements beyond The One who vampire loosh of the system to survive and larp as divine

Is it me or most Zoomers are hitting the Gym? Like 90% of them are in shape
I looked like an Auschwitz/Basedboy faggot when I was 15 years old.

I missed out :(
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This isn't a zoomer thing. This is a rugby thing. That's what most of us looked like at 15 playing Rugby
meanwhile millennials are fattyfat with beards and glasses and switched from antifa-tier to trump
Why would you want that? Lmao. When I turned 44, I could feel all sorts of crap in my body breaking down. I suppose the thing keeping me going, is to enjoy my grandkids and passing my company down to my boys. And my cat :)
>Why don't you want to live for a long time and enjoy your family and watch it grow
I can't teach you survival instinct. I want to live forever. Why shouldn't I want that?
Be careful about getting too big too young. With too much muscle build the bones stop growing and you get thick bones but short bones. And that looks way less impressive than it sounds. When you're young, you should be going for stamina exercises, and minimal impact/power lift. Rowing, step machines, swimming, these are good for teenagers. Muscle shouldn't be on the agenda until they get over 20 and they're past major growth spurts.
Additionally, keep young adults away from "shakes" and mixes. Keep them in real foods, eggs and beef and butter are enough to grow muscles, and won't attack the organs with strange chemicals like the stuff from the shelves.

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Discord shills have devoted their lives to spamming us.
The meme war continues, regardless.

> Ideogram 1.0

> Dall-E 3

> Local SDXL

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Das rite, work for them shekels boy!
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>The 10 Commandments monuments that originally featured both the Star of David and the Freemason symbol (Square and Compass) have undergone updates for various reasons, primarily reflecting shifts in societal attitudes, legal challenges, and the intent of those who commissioned or maintain the monuments. Here are some possible explanations:
1. Legal and Constitutional Challenges: In the United States, public displays of religious symbols, including the 10 Commandments, often face legal scrutiny based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from endorsing any religion. Symbols associated with specific groups, such as Freemasons or Jewish symbols, might be seen as endorsements of particular religious or fraternal organizations. Updating the symbols to more generic or universally recognized ones, like the Star of David, could be an attempt to reduce legal risks and make the monuments more broadly acceptable.
3. Public Perception and Controversy: Freemasonry has been surrounded by various conspiracy theories and misunderstandings. To avoid controversy and public backlash, those responsible for the monuments might have decided to remove or update the Freemason symbol, replacing it with a symbol that is less likely to provoke controversy.
>In summary, the changes to the 10 Commandments monuments likely reflect a combination of legal considerations, cultural sensitivity, public perception, and the evolving intent of those maintaining the monuments.

I remember seeing Ted Cruz standing next to one, but now all 10 commandments don't have it anymore.
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am known as One of Sixty Three, Who became the kilted fleur-de-lis, I am led to battle by Holy Light,
And by De Bruce's decree, I am a Knight.
Whom do I serve?
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which on the list do you have?
Can't believe I have to live 2003 all over again with these religious faggots cheering for white guys to go bleed out in MENA for muh prophecy.

Hopefully this time Netanyahu catches a Kennedy since he thinks JFK's assassination is so funny and mocks it. This fucker has ruined a generation in America.
Goyim literally aren’t bound by the ten commandments lol. There are 7 noahide laws which christianity pretty much follows except for the idolatry bit
I didn't realize we had actual biblical scholars with degrees in the etymology of aramaic here. Or was it the Greek translation of the Aramaic, or was it the Latin translation of the Greek translation, or the Vulgate? Or maybe you're referring to the King james edition of the bible in english, or are you taking the modern 20th century definition using the english words graven and image? Or which version of the ten commandments from the half dozen differing texts posted just itt are you in agreement with and which ones are incorrect and why? Or....you get my point.

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