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Even with darkies and shitlibs voting in a poll, most still think it's negative rather than positive


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misread that as *Conservatives will secure you from:
>if Reform do not have a feasible chance of winning in your constituency, and your Conservative candidate is a proper right-wing conservative, VOTE FOR THE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE!
No, tramp
>If not we are going to be left with barely any right-wing MPs in Parliament to oppose a Starmer super majority.
lol "right wing"
>Differentiate between the Conservative Party and some individual Conservative MPs.
>Otherwise who in Parliament will be backing Reform’s corner????
>I really hope @reformparty_uk have some conversations with certain conservative candidates who align with Reform’s principles, because we need power in numbers!
lol, another cottage industry grifter who is going to be cast adrift. I always forget she's like 25 and not 38
Stop buying from jeets
i aint getting locked down.
ill start stabbing if they try it
>Conservatives will secure you from yourselves by imposing lockdowns over a flu (so will Labour)
And a good 75+% of the population will retroactively support this by voting for them and other parties that supported it. When people wonder "why do you think vooting doesn't matter?" this is why.

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How will they cope?
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Let’s go boys
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S-Sir. We are exceeding the factory standard hugging interval.
I think human reproduction will be replaced by technology
free software waifu time
Reproduction makes sense only if you die and you need to leave your legacy and assets to your offspring

If we reach the immortality escape velocity soon, reproducing will be viewed as insane and stupidly wasteful. Why would you waste your resources on some kids, if you can keep all your money for yourself and live forever?

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They turned tail and ran as well.
How does someone lose a naval campaign to someone with no navy?
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Nope. We sold it to you. We don't want it. Pridnestrovie, on the other hand, is coming home.
I don't travel abroad, except to England once
It just adds another thing to worry about when renewing security clearance
Paranoia, paranoia, everybody is trying to get me.
Afraid they'll find out about your sex offender registry? Oh wait never mind they're people in your department that can "blackline" it. You must have something to offer if the FEDS are allowing a registered pedo to do their official business overseas.
Russian doomer music is groovy
At least your country did something right

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>he didn't build himself a brick house
enjoy your mice and insects
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Not a bad idea

needs all-seeing Eye for completeness
Btfo their shekel bunkers
I am waiting for the pussy explanation of the mutt claiming that using guns for anything other than jerking off to them is something (((fed))) related and that ultimately mutts are the superior race because they know they are enslaved goy cattle but still won't do shit.
That's after the jews and satanists took over actual ancient tech, like pyramids were free energy generators of the past.
>all seeing eye is an enslaving device, not freeing how those free energy generators were.

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The jews claim about 900,000 corpses were cremated in treblinka 2 using wood as fuel. Lets make a little calculation:

Given that the average moisture content of wood is around 20%, and the corpses each weigh 55 kg(assuming they’re malnourished) we can make a rough estimate.
First, we need to account for the moisture in the wood. Wood that is 20% moisture by weight will yield about 80% of its dry weight in usable energy. So, if we assume the corpses are made up of water and wood (which is not accurate, but will suffice for this rough estimate), each corpse would yield about 44 kg of usable wood (55 kg * 0.80).
The energy released from burning 44 kg of wood would be approximately 880-1016 MJ (44 kg * 15-19 MJ/kg for wet wood).
The energy required to incinerate a human body is approximately 1200 MJ. So, each corpse would require about 1.21-1.38 times the energy released from burning 44 kg of wood.
Therefore, to incinerate one corpse would require approximately 1057-1223 MJ of energy.
To incinerate 900,000 corpses would require approximately 951 billion - 1.1 billion MJ of energy.
The amount of wood required would depend on its energy density, but assuming an energy density of 15 MJ/kg, approximately 63-74 million kg of wood would be required.
The time it would take to burn this amount of wood would depend on the rate of burning, which would be limited by the size of the fire and the rate at which wood can be added. A modern day large industrial incinerator might be able to burn 100 kg of wood per hour. At this rate, it would take approximately 630,000-740,000 hours to burn the required amount of wood, or about 72-85 years.
Something doesn’t add up.
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I always doubted it too, but so did my entire class. This was back in the mid 70s (yes I'm an old fag). Back then this whole holocaust thing was relatively new and most parents made fun of the narrative, which led to most kids doing that too. It was a time of such jokes as 'How do you fit 1,000 jews in a Volkswagen? Two up front, two in the back, and 996 in the ash tray', and literally hundreds of such jokes. Nowadays you'd get expelled for such jokes, but literally everyone participated. True story.
Treblinka is the greatest redpill of the holocaust, way too few talk about it.

The simple answer to your question, given by Jankiel Wiernik in his book A Year in Treblinka, who also testified at Nuremberg, is that the crafty jews used female jewish corpses as kindling to burn the other corpses. Jewish female corpses apparently burn with a magma like blaze when stacked on top of each other. So hot, in fact, it will turn entire human bodies to ash even without a roof or wall in the middle of winter during snowstorms!
None of this technology existed at any concentration camp. In fact, Treblinka's burn pits had no walls no roof was open to the elements rain and snow and wind thus no heat retention.
pol has shown me catalogue ordered fumigation chambers for entire train carriages

absolutely mindboggling that nobody ever claimed they got used for mass murder
Evidence and basic scientific facts are anti-semtitic Anon, please refrain from telling the truth as it will hurt the hall of cost business and put thousands of jews out of work.

So I have seen alot of Pro Ukranian YouTubers talking about "Ruzzian economy is done!1! Ruzzia is about to collapse in 2 weeks!1!"
But correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not an economy guy, but the Ruble has increased by 17% since last time everyone said it and Russia was about to collapse
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looking at artificially upheld currency isn't a good way to look at the economy. Russia has reported that it would take gasprom 10 years to recover from this war. Russian gas and oil sales are in the shitter and lng isn't selling at all.
show me the gas pipeline
I`d say currently is the net positive, since for past 20 years economy was basically stagnatin - nothing was done to properly kickstart it. Suddenly, goverment and company now were forced to actually work, find production and supply chains, new markets, competition left while capital that was fleeing country returned instead and many bussinesses starte and grown. IT, cars, aviation, tools production, clothes, food, electronic - everything revitalized. Its the kind of "shock" therapy we needed, not the one we got in the 90ths.
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You retards have been imposing sanctions since before the war for any number of reasons, is that normal trade relations in your opinion? I'd rather assassinate any new figure who goes back to a dollar economy.

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Previous: >>471488215
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Putin to visit North korea -https://archive.today/dqtyo
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




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>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck

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▶/chug/ Art, Logo Repository, Templates & Important Archives

▶/chug/ NEW CLIPS Archive

▶/chug/'s MUST-WATCH videos

▶/ourguy/ Patrick Lancaster


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The day of the Rake will come for them all.
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No, they still have so much higher to climb!

China is perfecting a new form of soft imperialism through BRICS and the Belt and Road project; meanwhile the US is still rocking the old and barbaric "might makes right" model that the French and British used centuries ago. China has been resilient for thousands of years, it stands to reason they're going to be financially and culturally dominant in the future. It's obvious the rest of the world doesn't like 700+ US bases invading them and behaving like a thug.
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>unemployment at an all time high
>tens of thousands of college graduates are food delivery men
>population is in decline
>economy is in decline
>embargo on chips
>hated by neighbors
very good xinnie the pooh
I know Japan lost, but think about it. An island nation that had little oil in 1941 was able to hold off the US military for four years. It's scary to think how things would have happened if they were an optimal military.
It's so far away from me and a slope is a slope. I hope they sort themselves out and stay there. Don't come here. There are enough Chink, Nip, and Cong restaurants already. I'd like some Indonesian food every now and then, but the Dutch have a monopoly on them. Gimme some rendang.
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this faggot still hasn't managed to take a small island located in the curvature of his ass because he fears our military more than he admires his own ambitions lmao
this faggot is going to die bitter and miserable that his reign yielded no significant prospects. He will forever be known throughout the world as the ching-chong who created and unleashed a virus in the world which then backfired and set back their economy by like 20 years.

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this is what stands between superiority and inferiority; your ability to withstand heat. I’m superior, you’re not.

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Previous: >>471485234

▶Day: 846 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited

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Isn't male on male rape common in Russian military?
Holy kek
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Go away, bunkerfag.
How long can Russia sustain these losses before they’re forced to make peace?

Isn’t Putin worried about leaving Russia vulnerable?
You don't have to REE about it. I was curious if that volunteer force ever amounted to anything good for Ukraine.

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Why does a film from 1947 describe a complex theory so much better than anything produced today?

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These were very informative and practical.
But I want to say that it was somewhat condescending to speak to the enlisted gunners as if they were Joe Palookas, as opposed to how you might address the officers.
This is so accurate, you could measure it with a micrometer.
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Need I remind you that is white liberals who are currently poisoning the educational well by instilling their insecurities and anxieties into entire generations of children.
Maybe if you could function normally without the need for pharmaceutical drugs, then you might actually have a point.

Get your shit together, whitey.
Kikes, not Jews. But otherwise correct.

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Deputy director of the CIA - David S. Cohen, zionist jew

US director of National Intelligence - Avril Haines, zionist jew

US director of the CIA - William J. Burns, best friends with Epstein who who helped him get a job at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank

Why are all of the leaders of America's spy networks such staunch supporters of a foreign nation and government? Do we see this phenomenon in any other world power? Friendly reminder that it is legal for the CIA to spy on and disseminate propaganda about US citizens, and as such the agency is meant to be a politically non-partisan security apparatus. If theoretically they are partisan, it would mean they are essentially a tyrannical fifth column occupying the US government. A tyrannical fifth column of Zionists Occupying the US Government
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not enough. i want character prompt and ai used
Cool story bro. But the leaders of the CIA are clearly ethnic Jews with zionist sympathies
Is she eating poop?
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when a corporation is infiltrated to the point removal or dissolution is not possible, it's best to abandon it all together.

the US is infiltrated and being run by enemy actors, so, abandon ship, let it sink, and set fire to the command center.
there's no fixing this

blame the masons and the godless american people for allowing this infiltration
ai slop

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Thoughts on Spain and Portugal?
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Built to be bred by big Indian cocks
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The fuck kind of faggot town are you from?
meds are the master race. siberian muttoid nordics are sub human
It never happened, unless you mean the holomodor.
God i love her so much it hurts T_T
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Barcelona... help

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I just wanna know why all the hate? We wete the first generation to check out and not give a fuck. Sorry not sorry. You want Tough Love? Stop whining and get off the ground before I hit you again with my fist you snotty little crybaby bitch.
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Anyone using a phrase like "sorry not sorry" is an utter faggot, no matter the year you were born.
Actual Gen X here: piss off, kike.
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>Millennials and zoomers are raging against the end

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please explain what a xeno, or what every you were called in a way we understand.
like how was boomers treating you, and trying to form you, and how did they fail?
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today I will remind them
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This ship can single-handedly destroy all NATO navies.
No analogues in the world.
yeah but Russia losing all of their ships might be their plan. Russia ends up saving a lot of money and this removes a strategic weakness. You're playing into Russia's hands. Idiot westerners don't realise how much stronger they leave Russia by sinking and killing all their sailors!
thanks for the reminder.
no navy in the world is safe from modern anti-ship missiles and drones.

But I doubt western countries will take these lessons from it. Maybe when towelhead houthis hit yet another one.
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ST. PETERSBURG, June 18. /TASS/. The Russian Navy will receive 12 warships, including blue-water ships and nuclear submarines, by the end of 2024, Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Alexander Moiseyev said.

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Russia practiced a nuclear strike on "probable enemy territory" 100 kilometers off Florida.
What's our answer, ameribros?

Translated by Voice of America (a propaganda outlet that broadcasts to Russia)
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don't kid yourselves, it would just be trench warfare because both sides are fucking retarded monkeys who don't know how to war history has proven this time and time again.
russians have many river-ships
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Why should I worry about homosexuality in Russia when my own government is pushing it at home? What makes you side with jewish power when they're responsible for things like open borders immigration, the tranny agenda, and general anti-White policies? We have an enemy occupation government but when they say Russia is our enemy you agree with them. A victory for America is a victory for state sponsored homosexuality. It's also a win for the Great Replacement.
>cope: the post
The US lost the War in Afghnistan but you believe we'd be able to conquer Russia. You are brainwashed. How many times does someone need to watch Top Gun to get to your level? You must be a boomer
>What's our answer, ameribros
>posts ukrainians getting FAB'd
lmao even
not only are russian's necromancers, they can also teleport deep behind ukrainian lines now, how can the west compete???

its so fucking ogre, aus/pol/ is as dead as ausfalia is

>Australia still top of Asian buyers list despite its ‘unaffordable’ status

>Government will ‘assert Australia’s sovereignty’ and hold digital platforms ‘accountable’

>Why some of Australia's richest people pay no tax
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Until recently familes have grown exponentially. If your great grandparents had 4 kids, and all of them had 3 kids, and they then all had two kids each, one of them being you, then in theory your great grandparents wealth has been split 24 ways between you, your siblings and cousins by the time it gets down to you.
Now there should be some capital growth down the generations, but it's not feasible that everyone with family going back multiple generations is sitting on a personal real estate empire, even if all their ancestors were hard working and relatively smart with their money.
I'm quite fortunate in that my father was an only child, and I only have one sibling. So long as neither my grandpa or parents require a decade plus of nursing home care in their final years, I stand to inherit enough to have a comfy retirement even if I was to quit working now and live off the dole in the meantime.
But for your average Aussie with multiple siblings and cousins on both sides this isn't the case. And besides you can't have an economy built on waiting for the elderly of your family to die, or depending on their genorisity to survive. Not if you want White Aussies to actually start having babies.
Oh yeah the housing bubble has gone longer than anyone thought it would. I keep seeing ambulances but it's not enough to all the obviously new migrants I keep seeing.
High housing costs is white depop. Other races don't care as much about having kids if poor.
Ah, but the silver lining is that these migrants are buying houses and having huge mortgages. If/when the bubble pops, they are literally baggies, and whites can buy cheapies from them.

I'd rather it go up so we can sell and use the chinks as exit liquidity, though.
Dunno about chinks but Indians are notorious for digging a big hole and running away. Like the ones who murder their wives here and fly back to India. I'm pretty sure a lot of Indians will run away back to India if a meaningful crash ever happens.

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Share your experience, give advice to fellow targeted individuals.
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Anon, what makes you so special that you think people are stalking you?
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dont sleep near your 5g phone or use your phone from bed.

you can also watch my video on rumble, jhallprot, for how to make a simple faraday for your phone.
Everyday after I wake up I don't dare look outside my window because I know they are there looking for me, when the veil of reality and the first realm thins is when they come after me to claim their promised reward, it has been like this for 20 years, and they don't give up.
I know the truth is beyond our dimension and the song of the spheres is tuning to our existence, soon their true form will be revealed and we will wep in horror
Heal and restore all perfectly and leave me alone please.
>VG- condition
Into the trash it goes
filthy casuals

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>Another day, another escalation
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded Amsterdam Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- Bread and games: Poland - Netherlands, 1-2. UNVACCINATED CHAD scores winning goal
- Marjolein Faber will remain candidate minister of migration after ‘crises’ debate
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- Students want to continue pro-Palestine protests, citing that nothing can stop them
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- Literal glowie prime minister Dick Schoof (NCTV/AIVD) and possible vice minister Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD)
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists' and antifa
- Cybercriminals are increasingly more armed with firearms and becoming more sophisticated, using OSINT to improve their phishing attempts on their victims. Not that Dutch IT security means shit
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny
- 18% is for overthrowing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
71 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Dutch people are just plain retarded. They also love Jews unconditionally because they share the same morals, kek.
Deze draad is gevuld met leugens.
>Niet racistisch
Leugens. Als je zo arm bent dat je qua huisvesting concurreert met immigranten uit Verweggistan dan ervaar je ook andere soorten overlast van immigranten die onvermijdelijk tot haatdragendheid leiden. Dus je bent wel racistisch of je bent niet arm.

Zie hier een anon die regelmatig herhaalt dat Baudet een slechte partijleider is. Het lijkt wel alsof deze anon een agenda heeft.

Zie hier een anon die ook ook steeds dezelfde kritiek herhaalt zoals regelmatig te lezen is op andere boards, als comment op jewtube en als reactie op geenstijl en nu.nl. Opmerkelijk hierbij is dat anons die deze reacties plaatsen nooit verder in discussie willen gaan over het antwoord op deze vraag.

>AIVD works for the King
Leest als een copy/paste van ieder spionageverhaal over de verhouding tussen de koningin van Engeland en de Engelse inlichtingendienst.
>Bitcoin is ridiculously inefficient

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>mijn gezicht wanneer bevolkingsprognoses
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Ben toch wel blij dat ik als jood door de schizo keuring ben gegaan zonder problemen.
waarom heb je het vaccin genomen?

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I really want a Muslim trad Wife now.
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>Her ass must smell so much halal and good.
This is the most unintentionally funniest thing I read this week
>ITS A SPIC!!!!!
Things huge

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