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wat do?
Start showering
Get banned, for posting this gay off-topic shit

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>You don't know what capitalism is?
you want me to type it out again?
i don't speak in kike words.
lmao the judge is "Judge Maya Guerra Gamble".

ahahahhaha "maya" means:
>(Hinduism, Buddhism) The power by which the universe is made to appear; the illusion of the phenomenal world, as opposed to its true or spiritual reality.
You retard, kikes are just working with chinks.
>not the Jews?
the more you try, the more everyone notices you.

have a bump

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Is it possible to brake dick? I never had sex. I mean make it broken in half .
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Ok then why I can’t sleep I am addicted to painkillers and I have probably bipolar and borderline? How do I fix that doctor I know everything?
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>It’s unclear how often penile fracture occurs. Some reports say it may occur in 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 people who have a penis.
shit ass fuck nigger troon jewish zog language messing with even this shit
You can yeah but you'll know if it happens, so don't worry. Keep gooning.
>Ok then why I can’t sleep I am addicted to painkillers
Probably why you can't sleep.
>and I have probably bipolar and borderline?
Probably? Also, learn to control yourself better and stop using excuses for your poor self-control. Also, fix your diet. Your gut biome is all fucked up and not sending the right chemicals to your brain.
How do I fix that doctor I know everything?
Who knows. I'm not a doctor; I just play one on the internet.
Can you explain to me all this shit?
Why do I have to live in a world with all this bullshit? I mean nigger promoting some I don’t know gay and neutral stuff. I know it’s Jews. But why it needs to be happening. It wasn’t that hardcore when I wasn kid

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Emancipates the jews...
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And how!
It’s not as simple as it first appears. The jewish emancipation was a move that was designed to damage, not to liberate or uplift. It’s like Julian building the temple to nip messianic fervor in the bud, Lincoln freeing the slaves to cause chaos in the south, the emancipation was a move to weaken the European monarchs who were all dependent on the court jews they kept in luxury, for their own financial benefit.
... then "blessed" at Waterloo

What is the most stomach churning thing you have seen from this war?

For me it’s this:
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the only cucks here are /leftypol/
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>And the well video.
This one?
Eh, I've seen worse
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Are you gay, retarded, subhuman, or all three? In any case, here's some more dead kikes for your subhuman showing you fucking cockroach. Seethe
are you jewish?

So how did regular americans react to automatic draft law being signed?
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Is just to solve bureaucracy. Now they don't have to (individually) deal with the thousands and thousands of fuckers that for whatever reason didn't sign up at the deadline.
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It's not even a blip on anyone outside of 4chan's radar
Draft is not happening

Zoomers are way too fat and lazy, both the right wing and leftists hate israel and the US government for giving US no future, no homes and no jobs. Nobody has any purpose. White men have nothing left to lose. They will be more than happy to do domestic terrorism on infrastructure.

This will just be more chaos in america. Even in fucking 1960 there were massive protests when america was ~89% white and people at least back then owned houses.

Today nobody owns anything except boomers/Gen X over the age of 60 and a few lucky millennial investors and maybe .0005% of zoomers who got into crypto in 2015 or something.

There's just absolutely no way in a country with hundreds of millions of guns and a population that doesn't give a shit and and has no patriotism is going to war, no way. If you don't even believe in the next 10 years of your country existing, then you do not have any soldiers, period.
the same way they did to niggers burning down their cities, their elections being rigged, and their cocks being mutilated
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A nation yes, but the nations government is different. Our government is about anything but the people that they are supposed to represent. I do believe out lunatics in DC are insane enough to try the draft again to prop up the Ukraine regime because they have learned nothing from Vietnam and any other unconstitutional conflict they have been in since. Our government works for foreign interest, corporations, and the military industrial complex.

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Has /pol/ ever met a girl that was openly racist? What were they like?
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Talking to woman is like talking to children. It's nice but you get no meaningful conversations about the state of how things are will be or could be. It's pretty much just superficial stuff.
Yes. She was pretty smart and could talk to me about almost any subject with a decent degree of depth. She was also good looking and had a pretty good character with a nice attitude. Miles above most women.
every single person is racist.
But 50% will never admit it.
But there is nobody without prejudice. They often turn it in the opposite because they know that if they don't they will have to admit it one day.
I had 4 kids with her. The 20 years we have been together have brought me contentment

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You timmies think you're getting one over on us bharatchads by calling us "pajeets" but the -jeet part is most likely derived from Punjabi male names ending with that suffix (Hindi जीत (jīt, “victory”)), such as Baljeet and Sanjeet.

So actually you are complimenting us.

Ha ha

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It doesn't matter what it means in your language, it matters what it means in language its used in and most important thing is that you understand that it's an insult. So you will keep seething and /pol/ will keep living rent free in your head.
Yeah because White people escaped squalor centuries ago
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This is you
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Meh, still better than shitskin pajeet.
also, no longer (you)s for pajeets
>hannah and sarah
way to be redundant

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The US Department of State has now designated the Nordic Resistance Movement as terrorists, they will now be pursued by feds with impunity to the last member until they are crushed.
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Oh no :O
neither, just a malicious troll
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>not volunteering to adopt these children themselves

you probably oughta just stay away from children altogether
Absolute proof that the "terrorist watch list" is entirely political, and ordered by jews. What terrorist acts have Nord Front ever done?
>The United States remains deeply concerned about the racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist (REMVE) threat worldwide and is committed to countering the transnational components of violent white supremacy.
>only Whites can do racially-motivated terrorism
Christ, the kikes and their pet glowniggers are pathetic.

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That's what is being shown in this video right? Shouldn't they save them for tanks, or is Russia out of those?

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Are the jews winning?
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They already HAVE won.

Most of us simply don't know yet.

It's grotesquely over for us at that point.
If they were you wouldn't have to ask so frequently.
what's the Jew's solution to the muslim and chinese problem?

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Imagine being a namefag pajeet hiding behind a fucking memeflag lmfao.
>“The distance at which 2024 LB4 will pass is considered safe by astronomical standards, as it is nearly eight times the distance between Earth and the Moon.”
people who follow "alert" and defcon channels on twitter are the stupidest fucktards on the planet. literally shitting your pants every day over a new happening that never materializes yet you'll never quit falling for it.
You know how big an 88-foot plane is? It's about 10 feet bigger than that.
I can't even drag myself into being angry with your boring post. I feel sorry for you.
>98 ft.
Pfft. I hope it hits my backyard. Saves me from having to mow te lawn.

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Previous: >>471330702

▶Day: 844 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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There's no greater joy than taking a remote and terrible road and being rewarded with a unique bus stop.

Like this one, found in Novokostyantynivka, Mykolaiv Oblast.
>Is he really going to cuck out?
Most likely it is just international politics. Putin complains how "Zelensky refuses to negotiate", so Zele puts out an open invitation to come and negotiate on open forum. If Putin refuses that's a win, If Putin comes and makes his demended demands again its a win, if Putin is actually honestly willing to negotiate on good faith that's fine but honestly lol, and regardless it is publicity for Ukraine which is a win.
>no houses, nor buildings or anything nearby
>bus stop in middle of bumfuckistan
why would they build that bus stop in that area in particular?
>Or we can just apply Occam's Razor and see it for what it is
I agree more with >>471356593 because they do in-fact want to push their own thought process whenever they go.
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>BILD followed the Chairman of the Bundestag's Defence Committee Marcus Faber on a visit to the recently officially opened Rheinmetall maintenance hub in #Ukraine and published a few interesting details, which I would like to briefly present here.

> Apparently, not only Marder 1A3 IFVs, but also Leopard 1A5 MBTs are already being repaired there, despite Rheinmetall recently stating this (Leopard 1 + 2) is only planned for the future.

> According to Björn Bernhard, the Head of Rheinmetall Landsysteme, Rheinmetall is not only planning to produce and deliver Lynx IFVs, but also mount Skyranger 35 turrets on Leopard 1 chassis for the use in Ukraine.

>Very recently, we saw a Skyranger 35 turret on a Panzer 87 (Leopard 2) hull, so this might not be as much science fiction as one might think, although I wonder where they want to get all the Leopard 1 chassis from.
looks neat

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The reason that we can't figure out how many jews the Nazis buried beneath Auschwitz, is because the jews put up stones all over Auschwitz to commemorate the 6 million. Due to this, ground penetrating radar can't work because it can't go over the stones, but now we can finally debunk the myth that the jews lied about the holocaust, all thanks to AERIAL GPR!

That's right antisemitic, chud bigots! Picrel is a drone with ground penetrating radar that can be flown hundreds of feet above Auschwitz, and see hundreds of feet into the ground. Better yet, you can rent it for an affordable price so you no longer have the excuse that "HURR DURR, IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE!"

So, any of you chuds wanna put your bigoted money where your bigoted mouth is, and fly one of these over Auschwitz? Yeah, that's what I thought!
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Do more than 8 minutes of fucking "research"
If bodies are supposed to be there, and they aren't, that is evidence against there being bodies there. How dense are you?
How fucking stupid are you? Any historian will tell you that Auschwitz wasn't a death camp, even Yad Vashem will tell you that. Normalfag Holocaust supporters are the least informed people imaginable.
Who cares. We can just fly them over any of the extermination camps, and watch as the story changes.
Normalfags don't care what's been disproven. They'll repeat shit that every authoritative source has already been forced to admit is false, because it's far more about affirming something to subconsciously avoid trouble than anything else.

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Christmas lights traditional was started by a jww btw. Jews wanted to push non-Christian Christmas to sell things tonseculars.
This, so much this, for real, just take the L, no cap, fire ngl baka on got.
>shit that didn't actually happen
thanks jerry
Nah. They think I'm gonna do it, but I'm just not.
Anytime you hear a story like this, it's not true.

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Bros, we made it. Zoomies will be forced at gunpoint to go fight for zog. How did we luck up so good?
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lel nah m8 there gonna round up all the bucks to be the shock troops and cannon fodder.
>These are the people that are going to go get into a bare-knuckle pit-fight with Russians, on Russian home soil?
They really do believe muh technology will paper over all issues caused by low quality people. On the one hand i don't want escalation, on the other i'm curious to see how that will go. My guess is about as well as every plan these retards have had for decades now.
Better you than me.
zoomers ITT can you please upload kino war footage when you're there? No drone shit, just real combat.
I'm super excited to be the next war adjacent generation.
Too young for most of Afghanistan Iraq, but I can claim stolen valor because some of my generation did die over there, too old for gulf war, too old for wwIII or whatever this coming conflict will be called.
It seemed to work out really well for the boomers.
They got to sit around and bitch about things without ever having to actually deal with it first hand. That's right up my alley.

I look forward to spitting on baby killing zoomers when they return from the front.

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All of the islands east of this line should belong to Turkey. We will go to war if Greeks don't accept this.
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You cucked Greece out of Thrace so they get the islands. Capiche?
let's see if your old rusted swords can prevent missiles raining all over your capital.
Seethe more Hahahahahah
I visited the Turkish side of Cyprus, and for some reason the women there seemed more attracted to me when I told them I was Greek, after the Canadian part, who the fuck likes Canadians. But it seemed like a forbidden love kind of deal.
I mean, him being half balkan... I know that children were taken for Janissaries, but that there is no turkish section... is wondering me or that if there is one he has no %.

Or it is simply because turkish actually are no real people, but just a mixture of different ethnicities as you mean with abnominacion.

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Every year the Europeans bitch about the heat and every year they refuse to buy pic related which would solve all their issues. Why are they like this?
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you dont get stale air when your house to constructed to have a proper fresh air exchange
I bought pic rel, works well but nothing amazing
It is also very noisy (at least mine is)
This has nothing to do with the house construction, if you have air exchange (opening a fucking window) while running the AC, you are just moving the cold air out.
Or, and hear me out here, they just buy fans.
Airconditioners make you weak.
my midsummer holiday to the florida panhandle made me realize yanks are even softer than poms when it comes to the heat 10am to 4pm there was no one walking around i had the emerald coast to myself just about.
Midsummer florida is about as warm as winter in north queensland.

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At a British bar, why the fuck did they hire a Jogger, the customers there are 99% White, why hire someone who is going to react and get your business sued and closed down.

Anyways, I witnessed this the other day and stopped to help my fellow white and had to scare off Joggers that were trying to intimidate me to not call for help.

>the Bar is Brit's Pub in Minneapolis. Nicolette Mall area
>story is already going viral on local level
>White people are saying they are now boycotting Brit's Bar.
Anyways 4Chan do your thing,
I can only harass this bar so much for hiring a low IQ ape as security
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if you challenge the foundations of social stability you better be willing to back it with your life.
pieces of shit need to be flushed
>Not being in a gang and saying whatever you want then going 5v1 on a niggers skull
pitbulls are no joke an intimidating animal. I have encountered them, and even if the animal is clearly not aggressive, and is a happy go lucky thing, you naturally just don't want to get your body anywhere near that giant fucking jaw. I have no idea why you'd want that particular breed.
they have been gradually percolating out of the metro, always a shock to see a mass of black cloth moving down the street, or discipline problems shutting down a school in the area

It's pretty funny. For them to fly off the handle like that over 'nigger'. Just goes to show you whitey still owns that word, and owns them.

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Somehow Yemen has near the population of fucking Poland living in those mountains. Given the amount of shipping coming in, unless it was blockaded (a humanitarian disaster) there's no way to keep missiles out and no way to play whack a mole with them. China is just going to have to accept its goods are more expensive in Europe, too bad.
Was probably a mistake to not nuclearize all the ships. Steam plants do require a level of competence beyond diesel though.
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sure, chink. keep telling yourself that.
Yeah they don't make chips and gyros there anon.
HQ post.

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