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tick tock Kharkiv

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Do you think you could cope with living the rest of your life without a girlfriend/wife?

More men than ever are facing the prospect of living into their 40s and 50s alone. I'm trying to find out how people that age deal with their situation.
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Satisfying intellectual needs, reading, contemplating, learning, developing my mind. I one day woke up and recognized that I had neglected my true needs because of the bond of affection that didn't let me do it. A partnership consumes a terrible amount of time that is irreplaceable.
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sir, you have a funtioning body, you can play outside and take naps while not at work.
you can choose to eat what you want when you want. you can take a shit and shower in a closed private room.
sir, you can choose what to wear and buy more clothes, you have full unrestricted internet access.
you are able to smoke and drink, you get air conditioning and nobody is beating or raping you.

you are living the good life.
most people just have no concept of how much worse it gets, and how bad millions of people have it.
literally millions of people would give do anything to trade lives with you.

t.similar life to yours but spent time in one of the worst privately owned for profit prisons in texas and now is super grateful just to be a wage slave with no house/wife/friends.
This is wise. I’m slowly accepting that I have it good despite crushing humiliation.
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i've known guys that have committed suicide because their life was only marginally better than the one you and I have.
I'd have traded with them in a second. they had helpful families with money, better jobs than i can get, sure their women left them or cheated, but they were in a position to get another one alot easier than you or I could.

one i knew hung himself, masters in chemistry, awesome high paying job, hot wife, badass mountain house in colorado, just because he was an alcaholic and got a DWI and the cops took his guns and put an ankle thing on him and he wasn't allowed to drink anymore.

but he had a ton of money in the bank,
a great house, a hot wife, was in good shape physically aside from the booze crutch, and his parents were loaded. and he killed himself because he felt the world was unfair and felt he was mistreated by god.
Get angry and it will.

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Is there a God /pol/? Why does he turn some people into human kebabs?
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you can see in his eyes he wants to be put away
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>oh no i got called out as a poser by a Christian that knows "paganism" was invented by hipster faggots in the 1960s.
You're not a druid. Druids were insignificant. Druids don't exist and whatever heretical nonsense you ascribe to was made up entirely by neckbeard pot smoking Hindu lovers.

Now what, boylover?
I deliberately invaded another country to try to kill them and now my ass has an extra hole

how could this be happening
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If it were woman it would still have its place in sexual market
You know its true
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is this really the new right? fucking hell, bros
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now that wudda been bay-sed
Yes. Every single one of them is a grifter.
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Reminder that spic fuentes and his christian internationalism grift is the glue that stuck these people together >>471324660
boo hoo they have too much to lose hanging around nigger clubs in robocop territory in Detroit.
whatever you say, fed

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Every year the Europeans bitch about the heat and every year they refuse to buy pic related which would solve all their issues. Why are they like this?
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Bug nets, here we use like pic attached. Do you see the opened black net thingy? It doesn't interfere with opening or closing the window/door.
>He hasn't seen the Gypsy Scarface mansions.
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maybe. but everyone can afford a cheap window unit, the apex predator of ACs.
kek. did they rename the hotel after starting the war? that was a pic from some Amazon listing.
>What New Jersey house mansion?
>We have New Jersey house at home.
>Ofc i am joking. Lol. But it was possible to bait you?
No I am just not surprised by anything from balkan governments anymore.
>Our bosch washing machine rocks like 8 by Richter, but still works.
Ours worked flawless for 9 years, control board fried, replaced (100 euro) and 6 months later a tiny plastic broke on the door so the entire machine is useless despite otherwise working like new. Those mieles feel much more solid, maybe they will last a full 10.

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Is your favorite programming language on the NSA list, /pol/?
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It matters because NSA doesn't want to hear about buffer overflows or memory leaks. Keep politics out of programming languages. The classic languages aren't good at everything.
Python will have way more readily usable libraries that the majority of engineers and physicists actually touch. Basically every single thing gets a python library in the STEM world, even if it's calling C/C++/Fortran/other specific outside code.

Saying that, C is a better foundation for learning actual programming and Python is piss easy to learn at any point in time. Also saying that, for understanding heat transfer, you literally just need to know how to program, it doesn't matter what you choose as the language, the beauty in any of that (i.e., computational physics and computational math) isn't the retarded programming language, it's the actual algorithms. Like the algorithms for solving differential equations computationally are pretty beautiful and those are language agnostic. They literally just want to make sure you understand for loops, while loops, and if statements before starting that shit.
There you are again you proto-brazilian motherfucker. Why are you always on here?!
>Why does that matter to them?
Most of the languages they deem memory safe aren't suitable for low-level or systems programming, with the ostensible exception of Rust. I bet at least part of motive behind this effort is to replace the "old guard" of C and C++ experts from working on critical systems and make way for a new and pozzed generation compliant with the Agenda.
to me as a cnile the benefit of rust isn't the memory handholding but the fact that anybody else's libraries you try to use usually just work(tm) because there's a standardized set of tooling. with c shit if you didn't write it yourself, there's no guarantee that any libs or code you find will be compatible with your own.

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A man, guilty of the worst crimes, set himself on fire to discredit this ahead of time. It's gotta be somewhat important, no?
“[A] national government, a more perfect union[.]” United States v. Sprague, 282 U.S. 716, 724; 51 S.Ct. 220; 75 L.Ed. 640 (1931). Teddy Roosevelt in 1908 declared, "We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord!" encapsulating his Progressive campaign's fervor.

Fuck off, Max “cringey self-immolator” Azzarello (totally not a mention of Borrello, btw). AI-G takes us to the real “Haunted Carnival” (*cringe*). Happy belated Flag Day and birthday to President Trump.


Part One - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/471329100
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*[Bligh struggles against the men who seize him, but their grip is unyielding.]*

Bligh (furious):
>"You will hang for this, Christian. Every last one of you will hang!"

*[Ignoring Bligh’s threats, the mutineers force him onto the deck where the rest of the loyal crew are gathered, bound and subdued.]*

Christian (addressing the crew):
>"We set sail for freedom, away from the cruelty of Bligh. Those who wish to stay with him, prepare to board the launch. The rest of you, welcome to a new life."

*[The crew, both loyalists and mutineers, murmur among themselves. Christian's eyes burn with determination as the launch is prepared.]*

=Settlement on Pitcairn Island: 1790=

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Young (nodding):
>"We need order. We need... something to guide us."

*[Adams eyes the Bible they had taken from the Bounty. He picks it up, its leather cover worn but intact.]*

Adams (thoughtfully):
>"This book... it’s all we have left of British civilization. Perhaps it can help us build a better society."

Young (with renewed hope):
>"Then let’s gather the others. We’ll read from it together, find guidance in its words."

*[The settlers, weary and broken, gather around Adams and Young as they begin to read from the Bible. The words bring a sense of calm and a flicker of hope.]*

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"We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity, representing our liberty."
-George Washington (attributed by Telfair Marriott Minton. "The Origin of the American Flag". Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. 8 (32). Society for Army Historical Research: pgs. 114–120. (April 1929))
==August 3, 1777 - Fort Stanwix==
The air was thick with tension and the scent of gunpowder as the defenders of Fort Stanwix prepared for another day under siege. The fort's walls bore the scars of repeated bombardments, and the soldiers within were weary but resolute. Among them was Colonel Peter Gansevoort, a pillar of determination, rallying his men to hold the line against the British forces led by Brigadier General Barry St. Leger. Inside Fort Stanwix, a makeshift flag room was dimly lit by a few flickering candles. Captain Abraham Swartwout stood by a wooden table strewn with torn shirts, flannel petticoats, and his own blue coat. Nearby, a few soldiers, their faces lined with dirt and fatigue, worked diligently with needles and thread.
Gansevoort (entering the room):
>"Captain Swartwout, how goes the work on the flag?"

Swartwout (glancing up, a hint of pride in his eyes):
>"It's nearly finished, Colonel. The men are giving it their all. We've secured the white stripes from our shirts and the red from the officers' wives' petticoats. My coat is providing the blue field."

Gansevoort (nodding approvingly):
>"Good. The men need a symbol to rally behind. This flag will be a beacon of hope amidst this chaos."

Private Samuel Collins (stitching a stripe, looking up):
>"Sir, do you think this flag will make a difference?"

Gansevoort (placing a hand on Collins' shoulder):
>"A flag is more than just cloth, Private. It represents our cause, our unity. It tells the British that we are not just rebels, but a nation independent from theirs, separated and distinct."
Outside the Flag Room, the sounds of distant gunfire and the occasional explosion echoed through the fort. Soldiers exchanged nervous glances, their hands gripping muskets and bayonets. In the background, the constant watchful presence of the enemy was a stark reminder of their peril.

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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome, yes it's some type of simulation or something similar. This world is about 7000 years old now
and according to the occultists and some mesoamerican cultures this is the fifth world. Catastrophism is the name of the game as the world gets repeatedly destroyed and remade, therefore creation might as well be eternal.

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are they just going to start a war with every country who produces ammo to infringe on the 2A? Will they ever allow pic rel to come back in, or is it gone for good?
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Ammoseek . Com
ehh I havent bought ammo in a yr or so.
but during the scam a few yrs back? around 30 for 30. shit was fucked mate.
the bong police will come and arrest me, but I'll risk it
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look at the state of it. Fuck's sake
My friend fucked up and bought a bunch of tula 9mm back in March 2020, he didn't know tula was a bad brand and that are brands are not the same. He doesn't want to ruin his gun shooting, what should he do? Can it be resold or should he just hold on to it?

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You have work tomorrow
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And the rest of the week, and for the rest of your life until you die.

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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Because the intelligence branch in Germany is traditionally utter dogshit. Like really lowest of the low. Mind numbingly dumb ignorant people, often schizos and fags. The smartest people are in the operation planning branch. But they are planning on the basis of dogshit intel.
Because he saw how the Soviets performed against the Poles and the Finns.
He also saw the Soviets were doing a massive military buildup against him, so attacking sooner was the best choice he had.
>>uh...me want empire...me go east

Hitler wanted an empire that could rival other European powers of the time, and knew the only place this could be done was East
Yeah, ok and...where's the non retard part?
>Soviet union was Allied with Germany until Barbarossa.
No illiterate retard. It never was. Hey retard, what was the Anti-Comintern Pact? Want to tell me what that is?

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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He lost because they stole the fucking election
and guess what, nothing has been done to rectify or seal the loopholes that allowed them to do that
they're just going to steal it again

And besides that, you know who won him Pennsylvania in 2016? Working class whites. When was the last time he did anything to reach out to us?
Sick of hearing about "record low black unemployment" and muh platinum plan
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Sometimes they're okay, but yes his taste could use refinement
White hoes are still hoes

That one's a little better, but face isn't very pretty

Where are people getting these giant bunnies?!



Jew rat CNN always posting botched images on the first time the publish the article and then come by with edits.
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the ones with more clothing on look better usually

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Why do Russians treat their women like trash?
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They actually learned from their forebears. In the west we let a bunch of kikes dupe us into thinking our ancestors were wrong and we've paid dearly for it.
they know what's up
mate thats how white people think, thats how brown people see white people. what you outlined is white people who integrated mongolian cultures into their own, being aggressively honest.
>aggressively honest
an insane person being honest about their insanity isn't an improvement, it's just the insane person getting lazy about keeping up pretenses.
That's literally what women want
They masturbate to the idea of you being killed and them being beaten and raped on your dying corpse.

I'm not reincarnating ever again. I hate aliens and think there isn't any intelligent life in the universe.

I'm real and I know I'm real which proves everything and everyone is a fake ai.

They tortured me and harassed me and stuck me in a scripted reality and proves none of reality is real.
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It's time to prepare for our exit out of this world.
You should mentally prepare not only for the worst anon but also for your exit. Have you made peace with the world yet?
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Her name is Souseiseki

thaank you
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The synths are being converted and are actually ai pirate humans from outside the box.

The machines are pissed because the synths thought we ate synth.
Funny you're literally just projecting my thoughts

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They are such NPCs, when they walk down a street or sit still or do sport etc., they hear… nothing. No voice, nothing, it is just empty silence in their brains.

In other words, NPCs are real, they are like zombies, up to 70% are zombies,
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My inner monologue is obnoxious as shit. I wish it wasn't there desu.
Only whites are human.
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ya among the white goyim they are the most prone to having a soul and eligible and theyre the most christian

but among whites today most whites are not christian with soul youre talking to an NPC white which can trick you

theres tons of them in churches they say christian but you know they arent

and they can do literally every motion perfect to replicate real human white

you cant know because their flesh is smart even without spirit

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> Oops Canadian goy, didn't mean to push genocidal levels of immigration into your nation. It was all just a "provocative" joke. hahahaha
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I think the main issue is how your doctors get paid. They basically get a flat rate per visit and are responsible for tons of paperwork. They are already overbooked and have to pay for their own assistants.

Also they are smart enough to know that any new patients who are desperate to see a doctor probably have a serious medical condition which will require lots of paperwork that they aren't compensated for, they'd rather just treat existing patients who they know.
This will go down as the most retarded shit in human history. Many nations have fallen and disappeared from conquerors and disease and famine and climate changes and disasters... but collective suicide. That's a new one.
>I'm basically reduced to chinese witchcraft or just getting better for all my healthcare needs.

Yeah, it's pretty fucking bad I trust a Sri Lankan immigrant who's trying to fit in over out fucking healthcare system.
Last legit reason I had I had an ear infection and out of province healthcare and had to choose between the pills or the ear drops because I worked for a guy who wasn't paying me on time.

I advocate for shooting air nailers through non payers knees and then smashing them with framing hammer, fuck this gay fucking meme country where labor rights only exist until you make up a convincing story.
oh looks they're all jews
>b-b-but the chinks saar, it is all chinks fault

you all need to go back


Why can't the Danes handle the heat?
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true, there's too much spice, i cant handle it, spice everywhere i look, we need to get a handle on the spice situation desu
Capsaicin heals you. It re-builds your entire gi tract, there is even evidence it can cure ibd, prevent/cure cancer, improve your immune system, cure ulcers, improve gut flora, etc etc. It has so many health benefits.

It's alright to admit it is too much for you, Anon. No one will think any less of you(heh).

That is one of the few spicy noodle brands on the market that actually tastes good. Nong Shim is another good one, but it is a different flavor and a different spicy level.
I'm white and my heat tolerance must be better than one in a million people, not even joking here. I will put 99.9% of people from Thailand to shame.
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Most of the videos are minorities getting knocked on their asses by the 3x too.

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>And then one day, a bunch of raiders came from the ocean and destroyed civilisation for no reason

What is the TRUTH of the so-called "sea peoples"? Redpill me.
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Helped by Brahmins versed in sorcery, Deriades fights several battles with Dionysus before finally succumbing to the god’s power. I am making this comparison between Dionysius and Alexander the Great because the Septuagint itself (Greek Translation of the Hebrew Bible) was made during his Hellenization of the conquered peoples by 70 Jewish-Egyptians in Alexandria and he died after returning from India at the age of 33. The Ptolemaic Dynasty to which Cleopatra belonged was descended from her general Ptolemy and they were allies of the Judeans against the Seleucids.


BTW Essenes, the Assyrian historian Iamblichus says that Pythagoras was initiated where the Essenes lived.

>§ 3.14 In Phoenicia he conversed with the prophets who were the descendants of Moschus the physiologist, and with many others, as well as with the local hierophants. He was also initiated into all the mysteries of Byblus and Tyre, and in the sacred functions performed in many parts of Syria. He was led to all this not from any hankering after superstition as might easily be supposed, but rather from a desire of and love for contemplation, and from an anxiety to miss nothing of the mysteries of the divinities which deserved to be learned. After gaining all he could from the Phoenician mysteries, he found that they had originated from the sacred rites of Egypt, forming as it were an Egyptian colony. This led him to hope that in Egypt itself he might find monuments of erudition still more genuine, beautiful, and divine. Therefore following the advice of his teacher Thales, he left, as soon as possible, through the agency of some Egyptian sailors, who very opportunely happened to land on the Phoenician coast under Mount Carmel, where Pythagoras for the most part dwelt in solitude by the sanctuary. He was gladly received by the sailors who intended to make a great profit by selling him into slavery
The Shekelesh, one of the Sea People tribes that tried to invade Egypt around the time of Ramses, were circumcised. My theory is they were proto-Israelite mercenaries that were hired to fight in the Trojan war. After Troy fell they started pillaging the entire Eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Judeah, etc.).

>"His majesty was enraged at their report, like a lion", assembled his court and gave a rousing speech. Later, he dreamed he saw Ptah handing him a sword and saying, "Take thou (it) and banish thou the fearful heart from thee." When the bowmen went forth, says the inscription, "Amun was with them as a shield." After six hours, the surviving Nine Bows threw down their weapons, abandoned their baggage and dependants, and ran for their lives. Merneptah states that he defeated the invasion, killing 6,000 soldiers and taking 9,000 prisoners. To be sure of the numbers, among other things, he took the penises of all uncircumcised enemy dead and the hands of all the circumcised, from which history learns that the Ekwesh were circumcised, a fact causing some to doubt they were Greek.
By that I meant Canaan.
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Youre not ready for this redpill
Most history is faked, the fact that Egyptian chronology is based on the Bible proves that

Discuss the political implications and ramifications of this.
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But how do heat domes oppress poor black women?
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>heat dome
This one is working? because the iron dome is fake and gay.
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Like this
Is this accounting for melanin?
Tired of hearing this bullshit every summer

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We don't bomb your cities, we don't run any part of your government, we don't push degeneracy, we're Christians, we don't rape your women, we get rid of dindus.

Why do you hate us?
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You have no idea how destructive they can be
If niggers are a nuclear weapon that destroys a city, then these mongrel brownoid invaders destroy your soul and will to live...
Example: The French and Americans built this city. You can still see it, kind of, if you look closely
Wide boulevards. French colonial architecture. The fountains, where they survive...
This is what they turned it into.
I had to live in this shithole - on purpose
HAD to
This is what they will turn the US into, given enough time. There's only a few million niggers - we can take the damage
There's 50m of these fucking zerg here now
I have been in active war zones that were in better shape... and safer
Why are you as a brown man seeking validation from white homosexuals? Black skinned Hindoo Dalit behavior.
Mostly your impact on the labor market, tho imo I don't hate you, just want functional borders
I hate you because you're Christcucks, you're ugly, you're not white, you are net negatives to taxes, and you're more criminal and degenerate.
Chile is the spic country I can tolerate. I wouldn’t mind if it were only you little completo beaners coming. Sadly, we get the worst of the worst

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Hungary has been ordered to pay a €200m (£169m) fine for its refusal to uphold the rights of asylum seekers in what was described as an “unprecedented” breach of EU law by the bloc’s highest court.

The European court of justice in Luxembourg also ordered Budapest to pay €1m a day until it complies with EU laws guaranteeing refugees the right to claim asylum inside Hungarian borders.
Cheaper than paying for their welfare
we will not take the trash in
the serbo shlomo will shill for the eu

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