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no i would call you jewish clown because thats what you are and as always you try to shift the blame on others for your wrongdoings
pic rel
No the straight line is a projection from the reality of the 3d surface.
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possibly a dumb jewish clown because its even better description of your persona but takes a bit more effort
what did i do this time?
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Milei is literally starving us. Send help please.
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You will destroy your life and mental health, that is a rally for Kirchnerists, also our women are unironically and i mean this literally, mentally ill. like 4/5 of women over 16 go to therapy for one reason or another.
Bro, when your boys throw you a batchelor party, she's going to show up as the hired entertainment.
I have some left overs I can send.
He is honest, is that why you are upset? Anyone who tells you that you can turn Argentina into a first-world country in a few months or a few years is LYING.
You are Romanian, do you want to go back to the good olden days of Ceaușescu? And no, 800 million got lifted out because China opened up economically. It liberalized.
And don't pretend Argentina is "liberal" or "market oriented" since for most of its modern history it has been run by literal socialists who are still blocking Milei in the parliament.
This aint hispanic leftypol cochino

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orc bootlicker
So the Ukrainians took back everything to the border of Russia north of Kharkov already? Wow.
In their minds they have lol
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geez, how many more times
russia front line got wiped couple weeks back, now 500k men sat there with no means to push, hopefully they patched the himars jamming issue or were bluffing

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Previous: >>469863675
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective -https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons -https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year -https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine -https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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>fat four eyed spiteful mutant

opinion discarded
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Russian bunker from start to finish.
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it's so cool now hating Jews has gone mainstream!

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Previous: >>469861980

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Globohomo vs Gulaghomo:
Gulaghomo is enforced in a totalitarian state, the latter is not, no matter what emotional arguments you try
Putin legislated promoting multicult/mass migration (Tajiks-->[RU]ssia), „hate speech“, jew/muslim appeasement laws

Globhomo is real and even then much more diffused, not dictatorially decreed – thus changeable
Sweden[SE] and [FI]nland have right wing governments by now
Both limiting immigration by now (especially nogs bussed in by based trad RU), no slipery „hate speech“ – *changeable*
Even USA finally realized affirmative action is unconstitutional etc.
If there's the political will among the people --> things can change
There is nothing a normal RU can do
Putin sez:
>Race mixing gud

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I didn't say you were skilled enough to get a government spook job. I said you're a paid shill.
Indirectly, by starting a war and getting kicked out of the cool kids club. There is only so much Nabiullina can do.

I meannnnnn
Jews are kind of both millenials and not millenials
Pluuuus they do educate their children to be smart and get a lot of wealth soooo
Maybe you can help idk, your parents with money first?
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How would you win the Ukrainian war if you were directly in charge of defending Ukraine or attacking Ukraine?
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In all threads.
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As Putin I'd prove that my nukes actually work by having an ICBM travel once around the world and detonate somewhere in Novaya Zemlya where the Tsar Bomba was tested. Should be enough to sober up all war enthusiasts in the West.
i would pay zelensky to stop killing his own people
I’d secretly buy nuclear weapons from Russia and attack the headquarters of NATO, Israel, and Washington DC.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>you know it's the kikes, niggers, and beaners ruining this country, human
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SLUT. Also do you want to hear something funny about one of the people you posted?
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>here is but one true god.
lurk moar

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Once more for those of you that are having a hard time understanding.
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>Arguing the minutiae of the severity of falsifying business records
>Zero mention of Trump not falsifying anything because he simply didn't know
>I'm not missin' aanyting bruv. innit mate.
OP is Alex Cole btw.
>find out famous person paid prostitute for nda so wife doesn't get pissed and divorce rape you
>i'm voting for nasty screechy lady now
do these people even try to think?
Yeah it's almost like weaponizing the federal government to hide information on all social media platforms isn't election interference, but mislabelling an NDA in your accounts is? Imagine if the federal government banned links to a prominent media organization days before an election. Oh wait I don't need to imagine, I saw it with my own eyes.
Well yeah im not sure how it should have been labelled but apparently it wasn't labelled properly. I spose you could argue hushing up your infidelity is a personal expense.

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israeli jews bombed þis girl's house in Lebanon. Why? What did sċe do wrong?
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im glad she wasnt seriously hurt
shes such a cute &
i bet she likes funny videos
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Why did þey bomb some random house?
pissraeli terrorist state
this propaganda tik tok warfare is so lame
Why dident she like 5 old jews SUCKING the blood out of her body for starters OP?

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If transwomen are real women, why do they call themselves trans?
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That's the thing; They're not real.
because it's all just a ploy for attention
Where as all the hand rubbers are happy they are taking themselves out of the genepool
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99% of 4chan has no saying in this since they will never score a women nor a tranny.
Trains is a very hard job, so they need and deserve the recognition.

troon matched me on a dating app. /pol/ dictates my replies
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Hot. Suck her girl dick, anon. It's not gay since it is girl.
"I want to cum inside you then strangle you in a cheap motel shower and leave you as the water washes my dna away"
Say something like that.
>weighs as much as two people
checks out
Lmao I could pass better than that
She's hot you'd be gay not to fuck her

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The walls have officially closed in.
Little Donnie is going to jail lmao.
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4 More Years, Pause.
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Lil Donnie is a bitch boy. Hes so fat and orange that I thought he was a metroid ball for a sec. I wonder how he likes dem apples.
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Checked and keked

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Look at the faces of pic related. Look at those European children's eyes. Look at them. They are critically endangered and will soon be gone forever. All they wanted to do was exist, feel the sunshine on their youthful faces, breathe fresh air, and experience the joys and challenges of existence. Soon, only nonwhites will get to do these things as White kids *permanently* cease to exist. The jews decided it was time for European genes to go, so look into these kids' eyes and say goodbye.

Now that the hot flush of humiliating failure has washed over you, how do you cope with being born just in time to witness Europeans permanently, irreversibly, and inevitably disappear while nonwhites get to continue smugly existing?
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Wrong. Eastern Slavic nations WILL be minority White until Europeans are at zero population there too. Wars and thr vax will ensure there will be NO Whites in the future anywhere. Their numbers will plummet so much that it will be impossible to repopulate without inbreeding or racemixing, rendering them extinct.
Pic related is in Belarus. Notice anything? This will be a thing of the past soon. Save this .webm to digitally archive these genes, as they will never express again.
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Brown mass immigration to these countries isn't anywhere near close from coming to an end as now.
On the contrary, it's exponentially increasing (America now even has Pakis and Africans dropped directly on its southern border by shady NGOs).
It doesn't matter if the fertility rate of brown invaders eventually reaches the fertility rate of the natives after three generations spent in the country.
Not when there is a constant influx of new migrants entering the country every single day.
You will NEVER remove nonwhites from Europe, so forget about that fantasy. Europeans will stop you if you try. White people WANT to go extinct.
Just look at >>469869801
This is how they all are. Say goodbye forever to picrel.
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meanwhile, in jewsa, vidrel.

stop projecting your rubbish onto this continent. your failed independence experiment has been ongoing for a quarter millennium. the least of your concerns is what we're up to, mutts were expelled from this continent for good reason.
Yes. Obv they wont stop. They’ll try to do the same tgey did to Western Europe to central and Eastern Europe.
You just know they are both going to be black owned.

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Japanese people started this trend in the the 2000s now its catching on here. Like 1 in 3 young men is a shut in that never goes outside or works wtf is wrong with these incels?

Its like they just gave up on life...
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Because everything is fucked and there is no point anymore
They stopped selling that stuff because none of it sold. No gay people flocked to target to buy rainbow things, it was a waste of money. Scary right man scary tho
>rent going up
Good hopefully you will be homeless soon no I won’t give you any charity I work for my money now
I don’t give a shit about your faggot interview I want an apology for supporting target and being a danger to children. Apologize for those two things and I’ll stop alogging you. No apology I will contrive my righteous crusade
>Like 1 in 3 young men is a shut in that never goes outside

how will I get my coffee beans if I don´t go outside, nigger?
It’s actually harder to own a home or even rent when you’re single. All the people who own a home have a partner to split the bills with.

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Russian drone drops 35kg bomb destroying a house on hohols
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yes, something like 1/3 of russian "kino" is them claiming they hit something that isn't there, or claim that a burning bush is a destroyed target
since they didn't show any timelapse of military assets coming/going, I'm going to assume that they just blew this shit up to fill a quota like 1 to 2/3 of their videos
>nigga I have like 100GB of dead kacaps, both pictures and videos
o kurwa, based!
post links / albums
you are coping, it's obvious, u aren't fooling anyone.
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so why can't you post the drone kino?
>AI drone russia kino.
Got it.

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Kek, they can just move to another EU country.
Schengen can't be stopped by polish monkes
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By this time next year not a single Ukrainian will be left. Fucking jews, motherfuckers.
If Jewish behaviour bothers you so much then you shouldn’t have lost WW2
Learn to use the internet, lazy man.
its not like native Poles would be any fucking use

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive


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Use pic related along with the memes to stick it to Hymietown. Pic related is legal in America and Hymietown has no defense against it that won't further inflame a populace that already hates them.

There are no excuses to not do pic related in some form or another. Everybody hates the Jewish cancel machine, now is the time!
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>for amerimutts
stopped reading

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House and Senate leadership formally invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to deliver a joint address to Congress despite increased criticism of the war in Gaza against Hamas.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a letter on Friday inviting Netanyahu, though it did not indicate a specific date for him to speak.

The leaders said they chose to formally request the prime minister to speak in response to the war sparked by Hamas launching a surprise attack on Israel on October 7 that led to the deaths of 1,200 people and the taking of 252 hostages.

“The existential challenges we face, including the growing partnership between Iran, Russia, and China, threaten the security, peace, and prosperity of our countries and of free people around the world,” he said. “To build on our enduring relationship and to highlight America’s solidarity with Israel, we invite you to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combatting terror, and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region.”
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too long didn't read
Handing the Jews rope to hang themselves with in the court of public opinion by encouraging their chutzpah

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This. And now we see that they can use their economic power to disenfranchise Whites and promote collectivist slave classes to replace them. It’s happening before our eyes.
The absurdity of usury. The money paid as interest has no effect on the principal, regardless of how much interest you've paid back. You could pay 3 times the original loan in interest and still owe most of the principal. Based on my calculations your interest rate is slightly less than 9.7% per year, assuming your monthly payment isn't much more than the interest. You need to pay more per month so the principal goes down faster or the debt will never be repaid.
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>if I say jew, I can seethe about Christians
how's about you stfu and blame the kikes responsible, so we can focus without your D&C drivel?
I'm deeply sympathetic regarding the healthcare crisis. I am NOT sympathetic regarding student loans.

You chose to take out a massive loan and now you don't want to pay it back? Be gone, bums.
Literally? Joe Biden.

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Oil industry execs ain't no dumb-dumbs.
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humina humina humina humina humina *eyes pop out of head*
Aleksiya Novikova aka KissMiss
It's the Teapot Domes Scandal
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No, stream of consciousness. He spilled his thoughts without much regard for syntax or grammar. Who cares.

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