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Should Criminals be allowed to run for President?

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Yeah same not that it matters as a califag
Calling him a felon implies acceptance of the Soviet show trial he went through as a legitimate legal proceeding
Comey literally switched parties to Democrat as he was a Republican. Comey decided not to prosecute Hillary even tho he admitted she had broken the law but "he thought" a jury would not find her guilty. since when does a FBI Dir know what a jury will say if a case is presented to them, juries are supposed to be independent
>swedecuck trying to tell us how it went in america

our govt is full of criminals who deserve to be sent to prison for life for their crimes against america
trump's a criminal too but much less than them

This is an advertisement for European election of Polish right wing party.

what do you think /pol?
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great, now 'based' polish whores will vote to let more niggers in
Is this an advertisement for rape?
>talk to your doctor if you think Rape® might be right for you
Needs more explosions
>non-white femoid
Even pooland can't have whites in their propaganda anymore?

Konfederacja has 13-14% in polls


oh c'mon Rajesh, you can do better than this

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Signals three things are about to happen:

1. World War 3 (probably initiated by U.S. aggression against Russia)

2. Pandemic #2 (this will be the real one, an ebola/dengue outbreak, people bleeding from their eyes)

3. Total election theft by Dominion Voting (necessary because of the popularity spike since the Trump verdict)

Shills will hit this thread making Jones out to be CIA/a jew, using endless insinuations instead of evidence (which they have never been able to produce.)

They will use ridicule/insults, dislogic, and distraction to attempt to obscure this message; the way they focus on Jones instead of points 1-3 will show you who they are.
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my point is that hes just click baiting for an audience you retard
nothing is going to happen
and now he says that the jews are actually nazis who are taking order from hitler's top brass from an underground base in antartica. or the moon.
my point is that hes just click baiting for an audience you retard

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Speak up against us and we will make your helicopter vanish out of thin air. WW2 was a race for the tech and you lost, goy. It's over. The timestream belongs to us. Baruch Hashem!
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Already debunked.
Still not proven to be fake.
Go watch Salvatore Pais on YouTube.
He works for the US Navy and has patents wrote up for them on this tech.
Checked for cool narrative
Second half of Zechariah (200 bc)
Has bioweapons and weather machines
Those guys are time travelers

Hey bro can you coherently summarise the idea of this thread without paraphrasing
Dunno whats goin on in here ay

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Seethe, incels. It is literally written in the woman’s menstrual cycle. I hope you betas take good care of my kids.

>post body

Literally me.
The OP specifically mentions "maintaining their desirability as short-term sexusl partners"
Though it seems to be talking about twinkmaxxing more than anything else.

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Jews are now using (((psychology))) to convince people to cut off their parents
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Thanks for the reminder to call my dad this afternoon.
It's a good thing to cut off your parents if they're shit. Not everyone was raised by good parents invested in their futures and helped them when they needed it. Honestly all mine have done is actively sabotage me.
Boomer cunts get the pillow and Shaykwanda.
This. The modus operandi of abusive parents is that "family sticks together" so they can act like assholes with no ramifications. Nah, you treat your kids like shit, don't be surprised when they don't want anything to do with you later on.
Buddy, if you haven't got shit parents or know people with shit parents, you'll never know why people do this.
My parents are great, and I'd never cut them off, but I know people whose idea of being a parent was "I SHAT YOU OUT AND THAT'S THE EXTENT OF IT"
Why the fuck should anyone keep a deadbeat in their life just because they came out of their genitals?

Hell my cousin is a fat fucking slug who had kids for the welfare cheque. She does nothing but sleeps on the couch, watches tv, and smokes pot, although given I haven't seen her in fifteen years I would be shocked if she hasn't upgraded to a meth addiction by this point.

Why should her kids keep her in their lives?
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And my Chud family, the mafiosi stalking me, ... are all part jewish too. And they are reason I want "no contact" (which includes their invasive gay technology).

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How can Costco manage this but all other fast food restaurants have had their prices go through the roof?

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They don’t let you pay cash at the food court anymore either
Its smart. The goyim will come for the 1.50 hotdog and will buy some discounted shit because "when they are already there there might as well buy item XYZ".
>no, they let you in without a card, just bring a card
endless bodies from ukraine and palestine to grind up.
i've never seen an outdoor one. you don't even need your membership to pay so i'm unsure how they would enforce that

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As a porn-consumer and masturbator, you have NO RIGHT to complain about the collapse of the west. Change yourself and you change the world.

Kikes and coomers, you may now seethe.
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No woman wants me. I'm not getting prostate cancer because I had the misfortune of being born in clown world where 95% of women fuck the top 10% of men.
these facts are too deep and real for /pol/, please delete.
Based and true
thanks g man
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For me, it's Allie Sin.

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What happens when you adjust by sex?
I don't think we're ready for that.
There's a reason... If you ever talk with your average Canadian from working or middle class, a lot of them will tell you something related to how they can't justify creating a debt by going to school while they perpetually live from paycheque to paycheque... It's a viscous circle they have trapped themselves in.
>Rhe solution is worshipping a fictional kike diety and a dead kike on a stick instead of disciplining your children and forcing them to study math.

Fuck off christcuck. Your religion is for low-IQ trash.
You should find a dumb as shit black person. And offer to do all the work for phd in return for a percentage of the salary.

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Look at the faces of pic related. Look at those European children's eyes. Look at them. They are critically endangered and will soon be gone forever. All they wanted to do was exist, feel the sunshine on their youthful faces, breathe fresh air, and experience the joys and challenges of existence. Soon, only nonwhites will get to do these things as White kids *permanently* cease to exist. The jews decided it was time for European genes to go, so look into these kids' eyes and say goodbye.

Now that the hot flush of humiliating failure has washed over you, how do you cope with being born just in time to witness Europeans permanently, irreversibly, and inevitably disappear while nonwhites get to continue smugly existing?
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doesn’t matter if a large number of them stop carrying on Jewish traditions, secular Jews are going to go extinct within 100 years, cope Kike cuck
>Whites need to remain pure
>Jews do not because they're mutt freaks!

How is that refutable in any way?
Big words for a peanut sized "country"
Whites will never cease to exist. Europe and america will become like south Africa, we will live in gated communities surrounded by collapsing civilization and will be minorities in our own lands, but we won't die out.

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Milei is literally starving us. Send help please.
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>The people dont have entrepreneurial spirit, and are too low IQ.
Imagine being this economically illiterate. Anyways got a new IP? Do I have to repose the question about Ceaușescu?
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>The nation and the people are some jewish digits on some jewish screen.
>It's ok to starve or impoverish the population if it makes line go up.

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Why can't chudcels understand this simple concept?
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What rights do normal people have that freaks and degenerates don't? If so, what?
Be specific please. Until then, no bump.
And anyone bumping this thread should be ashamed of themselves, until OP answers in good faith.
kill trannies behead trannies
etc etc
fuck off simp. go white knight elsewhere. women voted for this shit overwhelmingly and are the backbone of the Democratic party
I should have phrased that differently to include women but now it is too late.
Making certain people “more equal” is not equal rights sweetie pie.

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>the best explanation of Jews and all the common religions in the world now I have heard so far
>an ideal proposal for action for a better life and ethnostate
>real "magic"

The book series
> has spawned allready 388 settlesments in Russia and some settlements in other countries.
> is considered radical rightwing esotericism in (at least) Germany
> is written by some dude who was a businessman before writing the book, which itself is a proof of the things said in the book.

short summary:
a lady living in the Sibirian forrest is chalanging the wannabe world leader who uses the jews to rule the world and is winning as I write down this text.
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>Garden Eden
>naked simpistic people
>gathering everything they need without any worries
*>naked simplistic people
*>exuberant nature
Still jewed here.
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Just another pagan mysticism attempted to delegitimize the Bible. You will grow out of it eventually and realize that Jesus Christ is God.

She is wrong already because she doesn't even know who "the jews" really are. The Israelites are not "jews". The Israelites went through the desert for 40 years, not "the jews" of talmudism/judaism (Edomite, Canaanite, and Shelahite Judaeans).
get fucked nigger
It is christian friendly, although this guy sharashkin tended to minimize that aspect.

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Would you respond favorably or unfavorably to news of a neighbor clearing out nuisance homeless camps in a lawless liberal enclave?
sounds like a good way to employ the homeless.
The zog creates those people by importing drugs and abolishing border control.
The zog creates these people by outsourcing industry and economic developments.
The zog creates these people by not institutionalizing them off the streets.
The zog creates these people by outsourcing the taxes and fiat in circulation to foreign countries (ISRAEL)
I'd rather institutionalize them and ensure they have access to job training
Would not rat out.
Sucks but the zog would rather import millions and millions of brown shitskins that never helped build the institutions or the infrastructure in the first place.
They want you to ravel in shit as they pocket the taxpayers dime themselves instead of investing it into white communities.
They rather throw pearls to swine than to invest in people who really need it.

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Post examples of European Excellency.

I'll start.
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Europeans developed modern telecommunications. In this picture we can see the man who is largely responsible for all modern electric transmissions.

His name is Nikolai Tesla and he was born in Serbia. He stated that he was born during a electrical storm and that he attributes that to his "divine" inspirations he had throughout his life. Unlike many of his adversaries he saw technology to be used to benefit all of mankind and not for the profit of a few. He was ridiculed for this and suffered much throughout is life for his beliefs. If it was not for George Westinghouse and the Westinghouse company he would have lived on the side of a road in his last years of his life.

His lack of business savvy is attributed to his overall downfall and less than ideal living situations he faced in his final years.
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This is a portrait of Archimedes, a Greek mathematician among many other things.

He (along with many other ancient Greeks) was accredited with contributing a large sum to mathematics. His contributions to science have been used to this very day.

This white man create the first approximation of Pi.
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This man is Werner Von Braun.

He was a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party throughout Hitler's tenure as Leader/Fuhrer. During the dissolution of the NSDAP he was obtained by the USA's Operation Paperclip program.

He is responsible for much of the development of modern rocketry and jet engine development. If it was not for this man there would not be a single satellite above our heads.

A man subject of much allure and speculation - it is said that he was involved in much occultism. Some say that he was aware of technologies that far surpassed the modern jet engine and that he feared our governments would utilize these technologies against humanity.
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>European Excellency
I'll give an example:
Europeans are the only race to speedrun the absolute global extinction of their race with such efficiency that they went from nearly a billion in numbers to nearing zero in only a matter of generations. Never will you see a race of people as beautiful and powerful use their unlimited potential to eliminate themselves irreversibly from existence so that existence could become an exclusively nonwhite thing.
Europeans could have done ANYTHING, including becoming masters of the universe, and out of all their endless possibilities, they chose to ensure without doubt that pic related would never ever see the light of existence ever again. By the next few centuries, Europeans will have guaranteed that the number of White kids breathing fresh air, feeling the sunlight on their skin, experiencing the unique qualia of life, or conquering its challenges, will number no higher than zero (0) for the rest of eternity.

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It’s not the breed it’s the training

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Remember when they accidentally allowed National Socialism for a few years and the economic recovery was so incredibly fucking stark and instantaneous that people started noticing and asking questions about why we need Central banks when Germany got rid of them and German life went from "You very well might die of starvation in the middle of the street while child prostitutes watch from a street corner" to "You easily can support a wife and 5 kids in a house you own doing even the lowest skill work imaginable" and they had to start a war slaughtering 60 million and then bombing any other countries who wanted to try it to prevent the example of what could be from ever existing again?

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>Which is why they had to manufacture one.
They didn't. Not only was Poland murdering Germans but Germany did not recognize the treaty of Versailles in the first place so Poland actually invaded Germany while Germans were down and being kicked.
Polish got what they deserved that being public hangings.
> nations attacked by Germany were "golems'.
They were demonstrably controlled by jews and they also demonstrably attacked Germany in each and every case.
>Might as well say
You might as well admit that you cant argue any of these points.
Germany did nothing wrong unless of course you want to come clean about the holocaust.
Says the anglo faggot. Because your country's shitty behavoir, you lost your empire and are now genociding yourselves, and best yet, it's exactly what you deserve. Rest in piss, jews of Europe.
see >>469874463
you point to a dutch crypto jew and blame germans for his actions.
textbook jewish projection.
the whole "it was the entire developed world vs this one single country" is the part I can't rationalize away from. it doesn't matter how it is sliced, the implications of this are significant as shit which is why they probably were and are widely ignored/denied and navigated away from instead of regularly dissected by normie types

Get the fuck out of Mallorca

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Want to know if you live in a real nation or not? Then this test is for you.

There are 4 criteria by which a nation is defined:

>full ownership of the land, clearly defined borders and the means to defend them from foreign invaders are a nation's basic requirement
>the overwhelming majority of a nation's population needs to belong to the same genetic group and share the same history
>in order to have a functional society in which people understand each other, everyone in a nation is required to speak the same language
>all citizens of a nation need to share the same higher values, the same culture, the same traditions, the same holidays and the same laws

If the place you live in does not satisfy all 4 of these criteria, then you do NOT, in fact, live in a nation. You most likely live in a lawless zone under the control of roving bands of robbers.

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I remember. It's because some Asians are the "almost white" minority.
I demand Sauce
Better get used to it i guess. No more tribes, unless you gather and recruit them yourself.
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You're describing the difference between a sovereign nation and a country, which may or may not be a vassal state, region or territory defined by an outside sovereign nation. Religion isn't a prerequisite but it helps keep the rabble in line, in-lieu on religion I would argue cultural heritage. A country can distinguish itself from their predecessor's sovereign nation to become one themselves but only if it supersedes their former in more than two of those four listed categories.

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a reminder veganism is morally, politically and economically superior choice, and vegans are objectively better than you.
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what about all the insects,snakes,frog, rodents and birds ect that die when farmers work their fields so you can eat your vegan food. isnt that murder too
To grow some veggies you need to destroy existing biome to make a field and then constantly KILL KILL KILL pests. Mice, moles, bugs, birds... everything will try to eat your food. I was helping my granny to raise potatoes and carrots and I've killed thousands and thousands little hungry creatures.
Is it moral for a lion to eat a gazelle?
It’s nature. It is without morality. It is not good or bad. It is.
It is not immoral to eat meat because you are meant to.
When you inhale, you consume a whole host of technically living organisms. It is not immoral to do so, because you have evolved to do such things. It is beyond your control.
That all said, I do not entirely disagree with you. I am not against the idea of humans as a species moving away from killing animals to eat, but we have no right to force it, or even coerce towards it.
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I'm still eating meat but it's the spiritual side that calls me to stop. To end the death, exploitation cycle. We're victims of what we inflict to other living beings.
Animals are not moral actors, they're beasts driven by instinct

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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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The invasion of poland was directly caused by Polish attacks on German people in ex-German lands ceded to Poland post-WW1, the last straw was Polish mob attacks on German border infrastructure, I think it was a radio tower?
Hitler's mistake was not allying with the soviet's against westoids
>directly caused by Polish attacks on German people in ex-German lands
can you please provide info on what exactly made you belive in that? I'd really like to learn
Keeping up the pact with the Soviets gives Stalin time to reform his military's leadership and produce more good weapons that the German's didn't have great answers for like the KV-1 and T-34 that even in small numbers (by Soviet standards anyway) and being very poorly lead caused significant problems.
As for total victory in the West it's basically impossible. The Kriegsmarine has no prospect of defeating the Royal Navy, not even as part of some long shot hypothetical dream. Germany just isn't a naval power. Kicking them out of Africa, taking Malta and Gibralter, and letting Italy do their thing would have been nice and all, but the Angloid threat would still remain.
They were ideologically opposed. At some point they were going to war. Hitler wanted living space and the commies wanted to spread their worker's paradise. Germany, Italy, and Japan barely coordinated their efforts and they at least were similarly disposed. There is no way in hell Hitler and Stalin could effectively act together even if they could put of killing each other for any length of time.
Sure they could, they could have easily divided up Europe between themselves, and the US and UK was also ideologically opposed

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