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Should they stay alone? Polentoni want that
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One day God is going to destroy the Vatican.
Italian food is some of the best cuisine on earth especially the Italian food here fuck off nigger
Can you tell me about Malta, I heard the people are really nice and cool to be around.
> Of course. The center is more north.
Up by North Germany, Netherlands, etc
why do people just pull shit out of their ass here, I'll never understand it
>Do you think Italy should divide?
give the north to black rock
the center to vanguard
the south to soros so he can keep bringing millions of niggers

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Has any homosexual ever killed more russian citizens than vladimir putin?
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Maybe this jew fag you all love so much
Jews killed a lot of them, but then again jews are faggots so they win.
Then the whole polgrom thing came to be though and millions of jews died.
Now Russia wants to level israel.
Fun times.
>posted 1000 times
>posted 1000 times
>posted 1000 times
>posted 1000 times
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Have there been other jews in history who killed so many nazis?

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And I'm not sorry.
White women all got together and decided I was a subhuman when I was 4. They psychologically, socially, physically, emotionally and medically tortured me.
Then I met hispanic people and the got me hitched. I actually have kids.
Because white people wanted me extinct, I want them extinct.
Because hispanic people gave me everything I wanted in life, I'm going to help them take the country.
And you can't do a thing about it.
Cope and seethe.
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>1/4 blacks pass as white and 10/10 in muttmerica
There is no way she didn't have negro features.
To be fair, American niggers are like 20% white at minimum unless they're fresh off a boat.
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White women haven't been invented yet.
True but show me a quadroon who passes as white to people who have the eyes to see (not NPC cattle). It will be hard.
>Asian mongoloids in Finland pass as white in Europe
There is no way you don't have bug behaviors

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Why don't white right wingers start moving en masse to white majority states to turn them into racial and political strongholds? A state like New Hampshire which is 90+% white, votes for Republican in their governor elections, and has some of the best gun rights in the country seems like the ideal location for this to happen. Bonus points since it's one of the lowest population states which will make turning it into a stronghold easier, as well as the fact that high property taxes will help to keep out minorities.
Right wingers cannot afford NH
>t Boston transplant with $440k salary plus bonus at healthcare tech company
>t Boston transplant with $440k salary plus bonus at healthcare tech company
Boston faggots ruined the state already. Massholes bring their fucking politics wherever they go
Voting isn't real
they would just turn into new hampshire people.
when your only exposure to minorities is from TV you start to forget why the old law existed

>Her face says it all
>She has just experienced a terrifying home invasion
>He beat me with a gun, punched me several times and when he strangled me it was the worst pain imaginable
>So when this attack was occurring you didn't know who it was
>He wore a creepy mask and distorted his voice to sound like Batman
>That's the one thing I still struggle with
>Could the masked attacker possibly be her estranged husband?
>Her story is featured in The Lifetime movie "Gaslit by My Husband"
>Where is your husband?
>Doorcam footage shows her estranged husband Rodney Metzer arriving at her door 40 minutes later
>They had twins together and even when they divorced they stayed friends
>My ex decided to come to the house to pretend like he was my savior
>Morgan called 911
>Let me get this done I'll help you
>When police get there he tells them a farfetched story to try to explain his presence

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soon it will be tranny hellstories (a normal tuesday in tranny life)
i cannot wait
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>no tail
Don't go back to the scene

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Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, I think we can all agree that same-sex relationships between consenting adults are fine
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>I think we can all agree that same-sex relationships between consenting adults are fine
Your reading comprehension is garbage
>women are attractive
>attractive women do sexual things
Of course their hot bodies and hot actions are only so arousing I need to be able to insert my penis to actually become engrossed, but even without the penis it's still a beautiful act of passion between beautiful creatures. It's certainly not ugly. Not until one's a crack head licking asssholes. That's gross but that's not exclusive to lesbians
>I didn't care one bit about gays until the tranny meta skyrocketed.
And that is why tranny meta skyrocketed, because of people like you.
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What happened to the "subtle leftist messaging" in media?
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Venture Brothers really blew it by making the Race Bannon parody competent, instead of full of bad advice and cowardly and making Dr. Girlfriend talk like a man instead of a sweet, simple ditz who doesn't know shit about science. The writers of most shows simply have too much hatred of traditional families to make relatable comedy.
The funny thing is they have to keep making things more and more extreme because no one gives a shit about the writers politics and just tune in for the villains.
This is the worst bait I've ever seen anon have a pity (you)
Yeah, someone physically pointed the cameras on the street towards the sky while a D-list actor put a single bullet into the store computers' hard drive, and then pointed the cameras back to the street immediately afterwards.
You haven't noticed the whole Weakness is Strength inversion of reality in nearly all entertainment? It goes hand in hand with White People are Le Bad, everyone else Le Good, theme.

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Previous >>471444106

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Representative of the #Hamas movement in #Lebanon, Ahmed Abdel Hadi: The occupation entity is at a loss and is suffering from a deep crisis due to the #Palestinian resistance and the axis of resistance.
>Context: Reports coming out of Yemen that Ansarullah have downed either an American or British F-22 raptor.
>Al-Quds Brigades: Shelling Zionist enemy soldiers and vehicles in the advance fronts of Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.
>BREAKING: In the middle of war, Netanyahu dissolved the "war cabinet" yesterday.
>Urgent US State Department: We classified the Secretary-General of the Iraqi Ansar Allah Al-Awfiyya movement as a terrorist


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Kek, this is gold.
they were CHINKED, tons of ethnic Han in Kaifeng are descended from them (and wouldn’t give a shit)
> just say you piss yourself at night and get free weed for life, even I have it.

Congrats, now you've it on your records. Was it worth it?
Hezbollah capabilities really do make me laugh, these guys are consistantly suprising the glowniggers by doing something they think is impossible. They are gonna bonk israel so badly if a war happens.

And thats without the entire taliban and houithi volunteer armies pouring in.
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>Give a man a fish, then you have given him a fish
>Teach a man to fish, then you have taught a man how to fish
>man goes fishing and finds oil
what's the problem
Yo dog. I show dis one homie how to fish a convenience store. Now he fishin, dog.
>pretend to teach a man how to fish as an excuse for gangstalking
>keep inventing nonsense to cover it up
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Teach a fish to man

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Why do only organized White men who are pro-White get accused of being feds?

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intel agency budgets are big enough to infiltrate every single one so they do
jesus it's not complicated
The feds and the goys understand how to demotivate the white men. Basically if you try to post a discord server here, thosands gonna accuse it from being a honeypot. Thats shame tactics work perfectly on white men. They are too afraid of doing anything. I get surprised when they leave their houses.
I denouce the Talmud.
Gas the kikes.
Kill the niggers.
Heil Hitler.
Not true. BLM and antifa had plenty of fed assistance.
But in any case there's truth to the old joke that the KKK would have folded decades ago without being funded by the dues of FBI informants.
I won't get in their way, but I won't touch with 100ft pole either

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Why do most adults in their 20s not conciser themselves "true" adults? Many of them still act as though they are teenagers. A lot of the don't seem to think you're actually an adult until your in your 30s
I've sometimes heard university referred to as "extended adolescence" which seems true, most people that go to uni now go for the "social experience" over actual academic reasons
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Still feels like I just graduated high school even though that was 15 years ago. Time is weird and I wish it would slow down, but nothing seems to help
Most people don't start working until after 25. They spend their years in the academia echo chamber, those people have no real life experience and are extremely insulated. If you're still getting cash from your mom at 28 are you really grown up? Hell I even know guys in their 30s who still get money from their parents because they cant afford their rent or house or whatever.
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white woman humiliating herself and degrading herself into a public whore for the sake of nigger clicks
Imagine how much nigger dick has been stuffed in her roast beef

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Do people really believe this shit?
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They believe it because the man on the tv told them to
It makes sense when you realise there isn't a god.
We're just an unnoticed candle in the endless abyss.
Sweet dreams.
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>For they look, but they don’t really see.
This is why if there are aliens out there we have not met them yet.
All it takes to destroy the major religions is to point it out that we are not alone in the entirety of the universe. From this perspective, it really is as simple as that.
And if globohomo had that bullet in its arsenal, by now, it would most certainly have used it.
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>atheists would rather bet on 1-in-a-trillion odds than believe in God

So I have seen alot of Pro Ukranian YouTubers talking about "Ruzzian economy is done!1! Ruzzia is about to collapse in 2 weeks!1!"
But correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not an economy guy, but the Ruble has increased by 17% since last time everyone said it and Russia was about to collapse
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>12 million illegals in the USA getting free rooms, food, and healthcare adds to the GDP too, except it doesnt really....
Of course it does retard, in what reality doesn't it add to the the amount of goods and services produced?
An honest assessment of the Russian economy is that it has adjusted to the new reality of war.
Wages of some war related working class Russians have skyrocketed and they love Putin for it. It's going to be very hard to pull the plug on the war economy and downsize. Between social spending and the war, the war takes priority, and that could turn public opinion negative.
Inflation is being held in check by a double digit interest rate. That slows down the rest of the economy. Citizens aren't spending their money excessively. They're actually saving a lot of it, and not in something like crypto, which shows their faith that things aren't going to collapse.
In the short run, things seem stable, but in the long run Russia is going to struggle with it's legacy of being a petroleum powered nation far more than it already would have.
it's hilarious reading a low life Russian talking about another low life Ukrainian. You're in such a nightmare situation and you really think your country is going to roll out of this fine. I feel bad for you.
>like some random troon shill here knows more than MSN economists
Are you pretending to be fucking dumb or are you really that stupid? Do you think "Microsoft economists" are personally writing news agency bulletins? It's a lazy repost of an article written by a news agency in Berlin that spams business news for other websites to publish.
1PBTID spouting vague platitudes and referring to nothing specific
>muh war economy
You don't know what that means

Please turn in your dick and balls to the nearest government sponsored feminist.

Thank you, that is all.

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0/10 no tail.
This woman sent an entourage to Sweden for a dialogue about strategies both countries could use to limit violence and rape of women.
At no point during their discussion was the actual root cause of the problem mentioned.
They are complete retards that blame white men for all their problems and ignore the muslim or Pajeet raping them in the ass while they make these statements.
She? That's a man, bro.
how is it that I've met so many chad aussies but their government is beyond cucked?
Wow where do I sign up?

Deporting every undocumented immigrant would collapse the economy. They are here to stay whether you like it or not.
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No spic, you all need to be fucking removed from this earth.
It means, nobody even wants to look at you. It means, people would rather see NIGGERS than a Beaner.

Literally the lowest IQ "Immigrants" to America. Your people are legitimately, scientifically DUMBER than blax. How the fuck are you even alive without setting yourselves on fire by accident??
Mexicans will try and convince you they're "based and trad" when in reality they all hate the White Man with a burning passion and try and befriend you by talking about "those pinche Jews"....while they invade your land and try and fuck your Daughter and overwhelm your resources....and then smile in your face saying "Man those Jews amirite Gringo???"
Yeah, you guise had your chance to fight it. But because women took to the street demanding it, you all cucked. There is absolutely nothing - not even a violent revolution - can do to fix it. You all cucked and now you're all wondering, how do I get a second passport?
>whether you like it or not.
and how many niggers do we plan on killing the jews?

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Why is China so heavily rejecting coal in favor of spicy rock tea boiling tech?
What do they know about the end of coal that rightwingers dont?
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>arab seething that the mother land whoops them again
You were a trade depot before and it ended, and so history repeats
Look at the flag, it's not germany but UK so It's a jeet/paki
those are arabs there
jeets are canada and the us
western countries you must chose:
>nuclear energy and an age of limitless abundance humanity hasn't seen before
>financialize basic civilizational needs and auction them off to jews. then collapse that ponzi scheme and import third worlders to make up the difference
>spicy rock tea boiling
they have the engineering talent to pull it off, we dont


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They need to go private then. How much are their lives worth to them ? This is a public medical sector problem
Pol knows when you are lying
Seeing all these normies suffer so much makes me feel.. nothing. I don't care about them.
Because i remember.
No refunds.
lol I'm soooo sure this guy works in ER. That's why he's browsing pol right now at like 10am. He's in between cardiac resuscitations now so he's not needed. He has multiple heart transplants scheduled for later
>just find a doctor that they can trust who will take their vax injury seriously and knows how to treat it

They could have the entire team from House working on it and wouldnt solve shit.

It's not a natural disease process where they can just say "Yep its lupus start him on corticosteroids"... there isnt even a name for the constellation of symptoms these guys are getting.

Everyone's genome is different too (even before the vax) which I'm sure doesnt help.

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How are people supposed to survive under Late Stage Capitalism?
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I find it funny that the super epic facts over feeling right wing gets all pissy when you call their dogshit Jew system exactly what it is.
>occupy wall st was 150 years ago
Uma Delicia
I misspoke because I haven't had my coffee yet
>person who has never been outside DPRK rabidly insists that Juche isn’t an ideology and just means “state”

This is how propagandized and retarded you sound
No you physically can not because once you have a central bank and income tax, you have communism and explicitly do not have capitalism.

Whether or not you have a central bank and income tax determines whether you are capitalist or communist. And by all means, prove to me you've never read the communist manifesto by denying that central banking is communist

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How will they cope?
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The shambling negro in the background is kind of scary.
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Women are so worthless the second realistic alternatives exist (which will be soon) you pathetic stinkholes will put yourselves up for sale for food and shelter. The end is coming for you.
Pretty much. I am fairly convinced that they were always like this, but in the past they showed those worst sides of themselves in their women-only groups, where no man would ever see or hear it, because no man would voluntarily subject himself to listening to women talk to each other. so it had no consequences.
then they moved these women only circles online where the whole world can read it, and now men are fully aware of it. and what's even worse for them, the younger the men, the more likely they are aware of it - boomers can hardly navigate social media, but zoomies and below grew up with it and have seen this shit from day 1.
plenty of them know fully well that women look down upon them and only see them as fools to exploit.
Cope and seethe femtard. You will never be as beautiful.
She won't read this bro, sorry lol.

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Russia practiced a nuclear strike on "probable enemy territory" 100 kilometers off Florida.
What's our answer, ameribros?

Translated by Voice of America (a propaganda outlet that broadcasts to Russia)
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Another day, another empty russian nuke threat
That's great but US has a bigger gdp so it wins.
>what's our answer, ameribros?
if you think any drooling imbecile on this fucking board has even the tiniest shred of power to even give an official answer then you're dumber than we are.
believe what, what we've seen? nato is never ever going to get into this kind of war with russia. it's due to russian incompetence that it has even devolved this far. nato would secure aerial supremacy immediately then fuck russia up the ass all the way to moscow

nobody would by dying fighting against russia. they would get wiped out instantly, faster than saddam's army
So what work? So far only success are suicidw drones. But russians have excatly same technology. You burned billions on some russian shithole and keep losing.

NATO is joke. If Russia invade us, please dont send anything. We dont want your help.

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