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Why Is America Covertly Constructing Large-Scale Detention Facilities Across All 50 States?

There are a lot of changes taking place all across America.
Now detention facilities are being constructed all across America.
This report will raise some eyebrows.
Can you imagine who will be placed into these new detention facilities?

Why is America Covertly Constructing Large-Scale Detention Facilities Across All 50 States?
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You thought I was lying when I told you what we're going to do with you NEET's?

Judging by the locations, I'd say niggers and spics. We'll need a lot of space to process and detain all the deportees, but I'll believe it when I see it
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Like how hard is it to drown a three year old?
mass deportation incoming

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Sperm in her holes.
>sweaty leg

AI is satanic
Some dude, somewhere knows what her pooter hole smells like. Sigh. Its not me.

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Your ancestors BWC'd pic related on a daily basis though they were more racist than you are

What's your excuse?
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>Confederate meme flag
>Into bestiality
That tracks
I won't want herpes on my dick and body.
As soon as you knock up that bitch she will ballon up and haunt you for life for child support.
I'm certain she'll poke holes in your condoms if you try using them.

>Lick my taint. I WILL coom in African pink, whether you like it or not.
How often do your herpse flare up, ahmed?
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>JSA flag
>Into ritual child genital mutilation to serve your jew master
That tracks
Id impregnate. Black women are better at sex and cooking.

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AIPAC just spent $15 million dollars to defeat a congressman because he voted against Israel aid.

Conservatives are celebrating.
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>Spending 15m of evangelical donations to win a election in NY
Based or cringe?
Why not both?
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>the modern Zionist;
1. Israel is a Jew containment apparatus
2. Israel will hail the arrival of Jeebus
3. Israel kills Arabs and vice versa
4. Israel is like us

After I die, will I get another opportunity to be reborn and experience human life on planet earth? The one greatest motivating thought that drives my existence is curiosity to witness the cosmic story and fate of the human race. I want to observe the galactic timeline and scale of events that happen to us. I want to see the aliens. I need to believe life doesn't end here as we are now. It would be the most disappointing and boring thing in history if there was nothing more than Earth. I want to explore the galaxy.
You will be reborn as a poo
only if u jewish

it's one ticket per ride

better live it up while you still can
I know what happens after this. I'll give you one sentence that you can decipher however you like.

This reality is not what you think it is.

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Reminder: Only countries with Aircraft Carriers are super powers.
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So the planes don't accidentally fall off
Naval historian here. I think a torpedo swarm would be more successful. It would take like 25 cruise missile hits to sink a carrier but only 3 or 4 advanced torpedo hits
I really don't know anything about modern warfare, but it seems to me that 1000 missiles heading for a slow moving aircraft carrier, coming from different angles and different speeds, combined with drones and torpedoes, would make an aircraft carrier something of a sitting duck. All the enemy needs to do is locate it.
Russians have never done anything to me

but the US government has destroyed my entire country and the future of my children

I will absolutely kill anyone who comes to my house and tries to make me fight Russians. Americans are the enemy. Americans like you.
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I wonder how much shit it dumps into the ocean..

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Exactly which drug or drugs would help an 81 year old man stay alert for 90 minutes? And in what quantities. Prove that you know what you are talking about before you spread more unsubstantiated bullshit.
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If he falls down, he will become more senile than you can even imagine.
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They are converting him into a robot with nano machine ice cream, son!
>Exactly which drug or drugs would help an 81 year old man stay alert for 90 minutes?
It will be the biggest political train wreck ever televised by the corrupt state media.
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There’s a guy on Bitchute who adds robot noises to his public appearances. Unironically funny. Lots of CGI like that parachute demo.

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is bug bunny transgender ?
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Yes and you know what else?

Bug Bunny is a NIGGER
because you want to fuck bugs bunny in the ass anally
yeah it was funny
then kikes started pushing the gender meme onto kids, made trannies the sacred cow of the west and now we have generations of ruined men

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That camp/school is in the Mormon stronghold city of Provo.
A chick I knew in NY her mother broke her leg in South America and forced her to suffer for three days before seeking medical attention (I hate medical attention, but your fucking childs leg is BROKEN, for god sakes some painkillers)
These are RICH FUCKS who think they are giving their children "experiences" but are actually permanently damaging them and making them twisted and afraid

Is that the kid in that restraint chair all growed up?
>They are camps where the parents send "troubled kids"

Translation: "He keeps saying 'crazy things' about being abused in dark underground places. Its so embarrassing. We put him on all kinds of drugs but he keeps talki--I mean he keeps saying craaazzzy things. So we thought we'd give you a call, Mr. Innawoodsfixitman."
the thing it killed was an annoying tard that would run into traffic if not strapped down to a bed. It was also a jew

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Where did coverage go, this is big happening
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jewish resettlement into Palestine began after WW1. It was part of the deal.
Damn conspiracy theorists that white house is FINE, OKAY!?
yeah, its that youtube feed withLIVE! LIVE! (forget kyc..) plastered everywhere is a bit sus. If its not dark yet, it should be, as >>472196474
House fell in
Yeah clearly it's not live.

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Fake internet OP is a groomer

I had a bunch of things I could add to parts three and four, anyway. (Yes, I'm posting as long as these links work, anyway.)


Non sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege.
“[U.S. Supreme Court] Justice Brandeis once said of the Court, 'The most important thing we do is not doing.'” 531 U.S. at 158, quoting Bickel, A. "The Least Dangerous Branch", p. 185 (1962).
>“I’m wearing my hoodie … Eat your heart out, Zuckerberg.”
-Jeb Bush, July 15, 2015. https://youtu.be/jBg6hU5zXDA

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HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHA holds breath HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they will NEVER shutdown their containment operation. The LAST thing they want is for us to shitpost in rea life.
All true except the last part. You’re here forever and that’s a good bad thing.

Why is the right so bad at comedy?
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>deemed ''one of the worst things ever made.''
yeah, by who?
I couldnt even get through their aweful trailer it was so cringe.
Are they trying to make leftist slop look good by comparison?
MM is hilarious.
judeo christian conservatives suck at comedy.

Nazis are the masters of comedy.
it's all the same reused jokes that poke fun at trans people and sjws, unrionically makes them worse than those two groups.

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"Mom woke up only to find her teen daughter stabbing her because she believes the older woman was blocking ‘the bIack in her’"

WTF does 'blocking the black' even mean? She is being held on $1.25 million bond.

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Go fuck yourself:

UN warns of rise of 'cybertorture' to bypass physical ban

girl on the right is SO hot
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Reminds me of picrel.
Demons are real, brazilanon.
>1.25m bond
Meanwhile the kike woman that tried to drown a 3 year old Palestinian kid in a hotel got out on a $25,000 bond. And she's a free woman

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Previous: >>472172799

▶Day: 854 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says
>Dagestani muslims killed at least 19 police officers and several civilians in attacks on churches and synagogue

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27 posts, go to moscow little shill bitch you don't belong here.
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$10 is an "ok" price for this presumably freshly made bread. In the US, with a median yearly income of roughly $38k at least.
Russian yearly median income is around $14k. Make of that what you will and move to Russia if you believe that's a good deal.
Not Moscow though. That one's going to be destroyed.
after dooming europe to Fascism
no molotov= No victory in france.
Trump isn't anti-commie. He's basically the same type of character as the 1930s american industrialists who sold shit to sralina. The "I'll support anyone who pays"/Switzerland style shit. Trump isn't a crypto-stalinist like 30s americans tho
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No edition, just dont post old shit that's already been posted 6 million times.
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I don't get it.
And then the talking pony said, "it's the jews, Debra"

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When the right and the left join forces …
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i forgot to add that arnold married a kennedy. he's part of them
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you two better go full and maximum racist and Es ist Zeit für Rache!

Wir müssen die Amalek ausrotten!
... it's the Uniparty
How many kids has Arnold fucked, murdered, and eaten on camera with Podesta?
embarrassing really

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No civil war for you.
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I'm starting to see them roll on the streets, especially weekend mornings. Historically, that activity has preceded an intervention somewhere. I recall this happening just prior to Panama, Grenada, Iraq x 2 and some other occasions that probably reflected some intervention the media never covered, such as in Central Africa.

I'd note that these are tan, not camo. Make of that what you will.
>Annual training for the guard and reserves happens every year between June and July
>Retarded spergs shit their pants every year between June and July
Like clockwork
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what do you think they were gearing up for you dipshit? what's coming has been planned for decades in advance
Caliwali here. Been seeing a LOT of military convoys the last few weeks.
Going to Fort Irwin. National Training center.

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No matter how shitty your day was, remember at least you're not canadian
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Boo Hoo
I've been being mean today, causing shit for thise that cause shit to others!
Wasent that bad. lol
based woman?
No, she is genuinely retarded. You would understand if you saw her in action more.
Running interference for shitskins and chinks? Kys

Alright /pol/, it's literally over halfway through 2024... how the fuck can we fix California?
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How many goyslops do you serve your kids a week? I eat mcdoodles twice a week sometimes so you know I aint lyin.
Kill On Sight orders
who is your target psychopath?
>how the fuck can we fix California?
Have it neutered or spayed.
Don't worry about it. Soon the Big One will hit and everything East of the San Andreas fault will slide into the Atlantic Ocean.

by taking on a head glownigger?

(Yes I'm linking to a twatter post.)


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