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WTF bros? They just spell it out. Why haven't they shut it down? Also lol at the bit about relying too much on primary sources.
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>this is just wrong though, the prophet is making fun of the god and miss speaks the name. this is often done by jews to mock pagan gods.
Don't you think it's more likely that since like half a millennium had elapsed it probably has more to do with a different culture/language for that god's worship became more prominent in the area so he was using that name? Such as how most people refer to Mars/Neptune rather than Ares/Poseidon now.
Israelites sacrificed kids to Baal YAHWEH but christfags can't face the truth and believe the revisionist slop known as the OT
Mistranslations due to be compiled 70 years after the crucifixion in a language different from what was spoken.

The altering usage of diabolou and diablolous John 8:44 and John 6:70 show that there was probably multiple editors here.
So you’re saying Solomon isn’t in the Bible and did not build a temple. That’s your winning argument?
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I think that’s the “lie”- that Saturn would ever be tied to a Christian figure like Jesus Christ

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I was in the army back in 2003 and participated in the battle of Baghdad where I shot and wounded an older looking man in the leg. I found out later that he was a member of the Iraqi republican guard but I couldn't find anything else about him and I sorta forgot about him.

Yesterday I received a phone call from San Diego (I live in Boston) and the was met with a barrage of insults that I could barely understand, but there were lots of fucks and bastards. I asked who the hell was calling me and he told me I shot him 20 years ago. I remembered who he was and asked his name, but I have no idea how to spell or pronounce it.
He said my bullet shattered his femur and I ruined his life because he couldn't get proper medical care for weeks so his leg never healed properly.

I told him I'm sorry (I'm not) and he just started insulting me again saying I'm not the real son of my father or something. I hang up and he calls 5 more times until I block him, then he calls again on a spoofed number. Since then he's been obsessively calling me on spoofed numbers, changing them when I block one. This goes on for hours and I'm exhausted already. Are there any Arab anons who know how to deal with this?
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Council workers and community service people are equally as guilty as zogbots.
Yeah that's not going to work. You're going to need some of them. You need to take the talent, leave the DEI. I wish I could go into strenuous detail, you want a soft landing for some of them if you want them to switch sides. Hard work, it's a life of pain that may never pay off, but you do it anyways. Just find a job you like, try your best to stay afloat and later turn that into a business. And catalogue your knowledge, spread it with any proteges you come across.

Btw OP, fuck that dude, forget him. He's abandoned his home to leech, none of these people are builders. He wants to wallow in indignation to absolve himself of responsibility.
kek based
it was war, mohammed. op shouldn't be upset, could've just as easily been him it happened to like in your greeen text. although I'm not sure why you'd enlist with a modern western army

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>BREAKING Russian Defense Ministry says Ukraine struck Crimea with ATACMS missiles

#BREAKING Russia's foreign ministry summoned the US ambassador to tell her that Moscow blamed Kyiv and Washington equally for the missile attack on the city of Sevastopol in occupied Crimea, warns "there will definitely be response measures"

Russia made it clear that using atacams to hit Russian land would be a red line, and now it has happened
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At this point nobody takes Putin seriously. He always warns but never acts. I would have carpet bombed Kiev and nuked it if they complains on Twitter
>B R E A K I N G
i noticed your president went to beijing to bend the knee today, Wojtek. or are you stationed there?

thank you. it feels good to receive the validation my parents never gave me.

oh btw the EU just announced it will send the first tranche of Russian money to Ukraine today, which means Russia might freeze Euroclear's funds, which could provoke a liquidity crisis or increase in overnight lending rates/interest rates at a time when France, Germany and the ECB really really don't want that to happen


euroclear is the settlement mechanism SWIFT uses for cross-border payments btw

"Mommy" Lagarde also agrees it is a bad idea and could backfire spectacularly

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>Ukraine struck Ukraine with ATACMS missiles
None of Russia's business.
>arm mudshits with modern weaponry
That will work out great. What's with you thirdworldists and you fetish for 60 IQ shitskins?

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Imagine living in the year of our lord 2024 and still NOT supporting our greatest ally in the middle east, Israel.
>But muh joos!!!
What? Just because of their religion, they aren't worthy of being our allies? Would you support them if they were all Christian instead, even though that wouldn't change anything about them?
>But muh christianity good!
Are you Christian? Because I don't think a normal Christian has photos of transgender surgeries, naked black men, and photos of the mutilated bodies of soldiers saved to their computers. I also don't think the average Christian watches porn and masturbates, but I know you do.
>But muh zog!!!
Now that just makes no sense. Jews are fully in control of the US government? I'm sorry, but I don't think having a few Jews in congress makes our government "occupied by Zionists."
>but muh major media!!!
A lot of major media is anti-Israel. Try again, buddy.
>but muh hitler!!!
Hitler would have hated you. And I don't even need to explain this, you know I'm right.
>but muh saudi arabia is our ally!!!
And they've been becoming more and more anti-American, whilst Israel is only becoming more and more pro-American. Plus, would you really want Saudi Arabia, an absolute theocratic monarchy, to be our ally, instead of the democratic, freedom loving Israel? We both share the same stories, we fought against our oppressors. For us, we fought against the British. For Israel, they fought against the British and every other colonial power, in the name of freedom.
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Because we have established that according to the Talmud (The leading commentary of The Torah & foundation of Judaism and secular groups that subscribe to it willingly or unwillingly.) Torah makes the distinction between killing and murdering fellow Jews.

-The ruling for murder, where one ‘lies in wait’ or plans to eliminate someone intentionally, is death penalty, but there are so many rules about witnesses and warnings that the death penalty was hardly ever carried out. A court that ruled for a death penalty even once in 70 years was known as a murderous court, and they didn’t want to become considered as murderers themselves!

-Killing, on the other hand, is causing the death of a person either by accident or out of self-defense.

Torah makes a distinction between killing by accident and killing out of self-defense.

-The ruling for someone who killed someone by accident— like if the blade of his ax flew off when he was chopping a tree and the blade killed someone— was to flee to a clearly marked city of refuge and basically be in exile, but he would be safe at least until a court determined that it really was not deliberate (and therefore murder) or due to negligence (therefore he would be responsible for damages, which would be heavy depending on the victim’s dependents).

-The ruling for killing out of self-defense: we are MANDATED to kill someone who tried to kill us. There are details about it in oral law (could you see the face, certainty of the other person’s intent to kill, etc) but bottom line is, we should try as best we can to eliminate the threat; we should not say, ‘Oh, how can I say that his life is less important than mine?’ Torah says, Kill him. That is the ruling.
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>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the policies set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.[2][3]


>In the days after September 11, Mr Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, mounted an attempt to include Iraq in the war against terror. When the established agencies came up with nothing concrete to link Iraq and al-Qaida, the OSP was given the task of looking more carefully.

>"None of the Israelis who came were cleared into the Pentagon through normal channels," said one source familiar with the visits. Instead, they were waved in on Mr Feith's authority without having to fill in the usual forms.

>The exchange of information continued a long-standing relationship Mr Feith and other Washington neo-conservatives had with Israel's Likud party.

>The Israeli influence was revealed most clearly by a story floated by unnamed senior US officials in the American press, suggesting the reason that no banned weapons had been found in Iraq was that they had been smuggled into Syria. Intelligence sources say that the story came from the office of the Israeli prime minister.

This is on the same level as
>NASA means deceive in Hebrew so space is fake o algo!
Just because something looks or sounds similar, doesn't mean it is. Jews aren't cartoon villains leaving evil symbolism everywhere.
I'm also against abortion, but that doesn't mean I hate all Jews.
I'm sorry but Israel would demolish the Arab world if they ever decided to invade them, even without Western help.
I don't see what the actions of some Jews in Hollywood almost a century ago has to do with Israel.
Okay, and?
Netanyahu himself smugly says that the 9/11 attacks on us were good for Israel.

Cui bono? is an infallible heuristic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr7glaVzX9o [Open]

1979 - Benjamin Netanyahu promotes a new agenda: the War on Terror. Netanyahu writes several books on the matter, and George H.W. Bush speaks in support at Netanyahu's conference on the matter. He argues that terrorists attack Israel simply for being a "western democracy", and that it's the West's responsibility to combat them because they're essentially 'attacking the West.'

1987 - Senior Israeli Mossad agents and former head of Shin Bet (Israel's security service) running Atwell Security (of Tel Aviv) get security contract for the WTC complex. They lost the contract due to the criminal past of one of its officers, but later work for (((Jules Kroll))) of Kroll Associates who secured the contact in 1993 after the first WTC bombing.

June 2001 - Two months before 9/11, Larry Silverstien obtains the lease through fellow Zionist agent Lew Eisenberg, chairman of the Port Authority. For years, Silverstein would have Sunday phone conversations with Netanyahu. (Source: "Up in Smoke" by Sara Leibovich-Dar. Ha'aretz, Nov 21, 2001)

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You guys do realize that WW3 will start before the end of this year, right?
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bro you suck nigger dick at this LOL
It could but the chance is still small even as crazy high as the tensions are right now since literally nobody on any side wants it to happen. Even the worst nutjobs understand an all out world war 3 means suicide.
Everyone said that last year and the year before that. Hell they have been saying that every fucking year for the last 10 years, shut the fuck up.
Yeah but was overlooked and pasted on a pic and reposted

Drunk & high Pole demands one
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how do you not at least run from obvious grenades
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I didn't know elephants could do origami.
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On 5Gum it is.
> he's hackin' and whackin' and smackin'
>be nigger
>eating brains of smarter nigger
>gain knowledge
>come to US and get tech job
checks out. close the border now.

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Can some jews be spared?
Surely there not all bad
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yes, very
Naw, his band has the Nazi SS symbol in its name, he's based as fuck
Gonna say no. Hadrian spared a tiny handful of jews that managed to get away and look where we're at now.
Now, I can jack off
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such sexual armpit is blasphemy

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Remember--nothing says creativity like a lawnful of rusty car parts.
The video was taken by a guy who goes around recording performances by random nobody artists. It's in the description of the damn video
Ptg can't read.
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thanks just deleted the meme + called the cops
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>The video was taken by a guy who goes around recording performances by random nobody artists. It's in the description of the damn video

Now who is this other new kid artist sabrina carpenter talking about emily compagno espressos,

God she is disgusting in her videos..

Have you seen her videos?

She essentially is walking around in her videos stealing guys money..

Why do girls feel entitled to steal guys money?

They scream fuck the patriarchy and hegemony but they like to selectively amplify the parts of it they like, and in particular, the guy being tge provider...

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This is big news and I didn't see any threads about so I thought it was worth mentioning that the U.S. committed an act of war yesterday by giving Ukraine GPS guided ATACMS missiles and supplying to coordinates to hit Crimea. This means the U.S. supplied a gun to murder, loaded the weapon, pointed it and a Ukrainian pulled the trigger. In a U.S. court of law everyone involved would be tried and found guilty of murder. The missile was intercepted by Russia and exploded over a beach in Sevastopol killing 5 people and injuring more than 100.

“All flight missions for the American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles are entered by American specialists based on U.S.’ own satellite reconnaissance data,” the ministry said in a statement. “Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, as well as the Kyiv regime, from whose territory this attack was launched.”

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What is he supposed to do, blow up La Palma and drown the east coast? Nuke London? Get one of those ocean floor crawler subs with a no doubt 500 Mt nuke to crawl into the San Andreas fault line and blow LA and San Fran straight off the map? He didn't hit a lot of vital infrastructure because it's not a real war. It's almost like when the US did a Special Military Operation (not a war, officially) in Afghanistan for 20 years, and lost. TWENTY YEARS, for a complete loss and write-off, your men dying for corporate interests and nothing else. Lost Vietnam too. They only war that wasn't a total yankee loss was Korea.

>Bomb civilians since 2014
>Oy vey they're hitting back now I can't believe it pls send more cluster munitions and white phosphorus that we can drop in civilian areas just like home in Israel :^^)
Fuck off, Mrs Jewland.

>80th time this has been screamed and it has once again been ignored
you're naive and cuckish, you fell for the whole putin macho bravado when in reality he still dreams of his daughter hitting gucci and prada stores in the capitals of his esteemed western partners
I honestly believe that Russia will use a tactical nuke to destroy those F-16s as soon as they arrive. Why? Because they are nuclear capable, and the only logical doctrine is to assume anything that can be nuclear armed, is nuclear armed. And because they are Russians, and it goes to minus 40 there for months, and fuck you that's why.
Seriously, I think they really will.

Crime is not Russia, retard

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Listen up, faggot. Kids these days are completely fucking retarded. Just live below your means, and buy a starter home like picrel. That's all you have to do. Houses have always been expensive, stop acting entitled.
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>Gaylord, MI
I'm not going to live in Dr. Gaylord next to a bunch of niggers, anon.
Demonic liar, yes zoomers are throwing their money away and complain but that’s because subconsciously they know it’s over and there is no future in this system. Burdenmax, grow invasive species on other peoples real estate investment (fuck you blackrock), glue doors shut, drop caltrops in black areas when nobody is looking, shit on the street and upload to reddit complaining about indians, pretend you are asian and give deliberately bad tech advice to mock them as a gweilo white piggu. You get the gist. Verification not required.
There are niggers in Gaylord? If so, Michigan has fallen.
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It appears my presence has disturbed some of you.

I do not apologize for our superiority.

just came across this gold mine of a forum

these people are completely obsessed with us. literally just search anything about white ppl here, its a gold mine

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>Me = based, redpilled, jacked and handsome.
you forgot insecure and a liar
>you dont want asian women marrying white men
i dont? thats news to me. my good friend is actually married to a Korean woman.

looks like you are right - you dont know me at all. huh. what a peculiar thing, you not knowing me. how could that be
thank ya thank ya.
hmmm. alright.
I'm incredibly secure.
It's weird to simply exist and just have everything roll for you without even attempting to do anything.

Will you ever have eyes that aren't pitch black shit? Everyone knows u wont lmfaio

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>Yes! I just successfully killed another human being by blowing him apart with a robot! YES!!
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KEK. Russia can't even target them now. What makes you think they'll be able to when they lose the war and run home with their tails tucked?
Invaders are not humans anon
did he invade your county?
yes= based
>People die at war
No way!

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Today marks the 15th year of the passing of one of the greatest human being that ever lived, Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was not only tortured by the Jews nearing the end of his life, he was living in hell for the past 10 years previous of him dying. They killed Michael for trying to expose the Jews to the world.

When you measure the people by their aura, Michael Jackson is up there with people like Hitler and Caesar. Lets honor our man with the redpills about Michael Jackson in this thread and let's grieve him in the most respectful way possible.

Rest in peace 1958-2008

One of the greatest human being that ever lived.
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Still using that VPN, Pajeet?
Any other Gen Xers have to participate is a MJ themed play in grade school? I had to do that and sing We Are the World fucking lame. I wish I could go back and tell my Jackson obsessed roastie teacher how it ends for Mike.
Hard to believe there's even a single person here that thinks MJ was anything close to what the kike media said. I know it's just a seething jew but still.
Michael was jewish?


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/pol/ will argue against this
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But it matters to me. My government is my enemy. I want to know what they plan to do with all the riches you want to lavish on them.
Hate billionaires, but hate taxes more.
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>goyim doesn't know about compound interest
If your government is your enemy, you should reconsider staying in that hostile environment or fighting that tyrannical government (which you won't). I for one, have a problem currently, right now for taxes with the government of germany. The case is at the courts, not me directly, but others and if the law gets struck down, I'm also good. If not, I'm likely leaving this shithole.
>What happens when our wicked government gets all these drops. What will they do with it?
Waste it and want more, duh.
>He'd be avoiding taxes even if
Same way you'd avoid muggings. I don't care if the mugger's life would be better with the loot. Neither should anyone.

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Now that the dust has settled, is India a superpower?
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India will never be a superpower because it's full of Pajeets
India can't even conquer Kashmir or Tibet or Khalistan.
India is a Sewerpower
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>number one manufacturer of biological weapons
I think so
even AI thinks the most imaginary indian Chads are actually poor manlets with pedostaches

This will be the undercurrent that breaks all records!
Either way, live or die kind.
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>>472115588 (checked)
the thread that SAVED /pol/
Nice. We need digits to make the dam collapse. Need something to happen. Please kek.
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OP rolled a triple double digits, witnessed.
Praise be to kek, deliver us from the jews, and infuse our memes with divine wisdom so that the world may finally know peace.

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What are the political implications of society being filled with those who suffer from PTSD, and those who are psychopathic?
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I have no doubt. the intent has been pretty clear the entire time. I almost feel like Russia is in on it (probably is)
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I get off I making you upset, and you did good.
>then you're a white american
I get how you feel VPN shitskin.
They usually cry about "ptsd" and kill themselves. All Soldiers are scum.
I'm in Texas dipshit
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just crossed the border did you?

The last bastion of Conservatism in a dying world. Move here.
Liz Cheney
the state ousted her. she lost her political career because of based wyomians

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