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Listen up, faggot. Kids these days are completely fucking retarded. Just live below your means, and buy a starter home like picrel. That's all you have to do. Houses have always been expensive, stop acting entitled.
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you should burn it down just to say fuck you
how is that possible? I lived in my truck before. then I got a job doing apartment maintenance and would steal keys to vacant apartments and sleep in them at night lol

wild times in your early 20s
and I would buy a cheeseburger and split it with my dog, who also loved in my truck with me

great dog btw

Uh oh fiat-hyperinflation bros, it's over. Those peski Ruski hackers have breached The Federal Reserve, stolen 33GB of data and are threatening to publish it tomorrow.

Looks like Ron Paul's wish from 2007 is finally happening. The Audit of the Fed shall be done by the entire Internet pouring over The Fed's leaked doxx.

Will The Fed pay Russia the Bitcoin ransom to keep their private data from being leaked to the entire Internet? (Which will be ironic itself--The Fed buying Bitcoin to transact is FUNNY)

Or will the Russian hackers double cross The Fed and release the files no matter what The Fed does? (Let us hope so).

What will we find in The Fed's data? Will the NSA move heaven and Earth and deploy their most powerful cybernuke (The Kill Switch) in the next 24 hours to hack Russia to stop this leak? Will we see the raw, naked evidence that The Fed has been stealing and looting trillions of dollars from the American people? Will we find evidence that The Fed has been secretly insolvent since at least 2008? Will we find evidence of the secret conspiracy by Central Banksters to artificially depress and manipulate Gold and Silver prices around the world? Will we find evidence of The Fed's secret masterplan to roll out their upcoming CBDC Mark of the Beast System? Will we find evidence that the Jews and the Rothschilds have secretly controlled the entire US financial system and have been enslaving all Americans like cattle this whole time? Will this horrible truth trigger the Mother of All Financial Crashes and then nuclear WW3? Will WeThePeoples actually score a big win by the Grace of God or will this time be more of the same Nothing Ever Happens?

Time will tell.

What are you excited to find in The Fed's leaked doxx?
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>The bot is so shitty it repeats the same post under the same ID
>its ma russia
lol.. no
>800 2tb ssds
based quantity over quality chad
>Hey kid, want to download these hacked government files to an amazon server linked to your moms identity via her payment information?
better than dread pirate roberts and pharoah both using logged in jewmail accounts to conduct searches on jewgle

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This is what Guantanamo bay does to you.
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Well Guantanamo Bay is technically part of the US so...
He really did strike a nerve with these faggot glowniggers and exposes just how petty and how fucking deranged they are. All of their little spy agencies should be destroyed, smashed, ground, burnt and the ashes scattered to the fucking wind. At this point it's just a bunch of power hungry fucks with personality disorders trying to lord over everyone and having micro-dick measuring contests over who has the highest clearance.
fuck off lying *curseword* !
>guantanemo bay

Nigger, what? He's never been there. He's in the UK.
One day you wake up, go to the toilet and are shocked to see this old man in the mirror.

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Record-breaking mass stabbings in China! The yellow bugmen are killing each other. These mentally ill incels are infected with the Chinese zombie mind virus. We are looking at the largest murder season ever in China! Mass stabbings and suicide everywhere in China. Xi and the CCP can't contain it anymore! It's over!

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Some guys don't have to imagine, they get to live it every day.
That's what you call chinese big dick energy
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picrel is "Three Whips Wine" , traditionally made from deer cock, donkey cock and tiger cock. Not joking. These days tiger cock has been replaced with dog cock. I am still not joking.

>what are nigg dicks needed for
"Four Whips Wine"

China Communist Party is just testing their mind control toy
They want to see if they are able to use 5G communication to make people kill each other
Make no mistake, there is plenty of chinks in there so the government doesnt care for loss of life
This is what happens when you feel like you have zero control over your life.
Coming very soon to the "totally free" w*stoid "democracies".

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Mostly correct, unless it is hatred of evil and sickness in which case it is good for you.
Why tf did I get a (you)? I was just expressing my love for the finer things.
Jesus seethed hatred of the money changers while making a whip of several pieces of leather with pieces of bone and lead embedded near the ends to clear out the temples den of robbers.

I guess his home allows all sorts of hate. Directed, of coursrwvde.
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>loving your own people is hateful
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>Has friends
>Has a girlfriend
>Netflix Subscription

What are some other subtle and not-so-subtle signs of being an NPC?
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- is religious
- is liberal or conservative
- votes
- hasn't yet had an existential crisis in their life
15 dollar coffee

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/pol/ will argue against this
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Since when does the US military only kill their targets? When did that start? When the US military starts blowing things up, it blows up the innocent with the guilty and it does this like clockwork. You could be one of those retards who doesn't even know who the President is and still get your house blown up if the military starts its bullshit here. But sure, more money for these guys.
billionaires send it to israel too lmao
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>poor people unironically defending billionaires
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get a job or generate something of value
>be caveman from 80,000
>provide no value to anyone in all of human history
>store money in a cave under the ice or something
>hundred thousand years later
>some dude provides services for billions of people every day
>his buisiness is so successful that despite operating on a paper thin profit margin, his constant reinvestments into growth and exploration into new areas to serve the needs of his customerbase [the entire world] makes people convinced that investing their own savings into him will reward them with both sure monetary profit and untold amounts of the intangible benefits of social and technological development
>you, gold-hoarding tribal who crawled out of a cave, think you deserve to be richer than that man, solely because of your continuum of greed since prehistory, hiding currency out of markets and into your own ever-growing horde purely for the sake of having a thing that other people want

What im saying is i hate jews.

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Can some jews be spared?
Surely there not all bad
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Now, I can jack off
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such sexual armpit is blasphemy
No, they tried converting them to Christianity a few times before in the past, and they just keep their true religion secret, and betray Christians at every step.
yes, there are many good jews
Yes, Stephen Miller will be their king.

What can be done about it? The right is losing the culture war directly because of this. The right CAN'T make their own art that appeals to masses AND they alienate working artists with their retarded viewpoints and dumb arguments.
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also the best spanish surrealist was literally a fascist who was kicked off the set for the dune movie because he kept saying mussolini was the best thing to happen to italy ever

Yea for real, conservative art includes Gothic cathedrals and the music of JS Bach. I've yet to see any leftist "artist" come anywhere close to making anything as good.
me in the back
>art is inherently
>these things that have nothing to do with art
art literally means 'a skill'. no skill? no art. google latin sometime dumbfuck. our words dont just mean whatever the fruck you want them to mean. that why its called 'arts and crafts'. thats why old books call the sciences the 'arts'. to make art, you need technical skill. you arent making art if you just stick a paintbrush up your ass and wipe it on a canvas. youre just a faggot making shit
6 centuries? Are you a fucking faggot? The renaissance was a neo-paganist movement which had a continuous mainstream effect on the subject matter of art into the 19th century! The 20th century saw the emergence of industrialist techno-fascism! Just because the Jews have controlled the cultural output by coercion for a hundred years does not make art inherently communist (Jewish) you fucking retard.

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>BREAKING Russian Defense Ministry says Ukraine struck Crimea with ATACMS missiles

#BREAKING Russia's foreign ministry summoned the US ambassador to tell her that Moscow blamed Kyiv and Washington equally for the missile attack on the city of Sevastopol in occupied Crimea, warns "there will definitely be response measures"

Russia made it clear that using atacams to hit Russian land would be a red line, and now it has happened
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It's gonna run til ww3. Just go enjoy yourself instead of waiting for it to stop.
>better off right now than NATO, which has simply supplied Ukraine with 80s Cold War era hand-me-downs,

but thats false. we have depleted the vast bulk of our arsenal and cannot keep up with production. we are running out of any weapons, including our front line shit.



Russias economy is growing faster then ours. The sanctions have done jack all. The BRICS are staging thier own currency. Saudi just announced the will sell oil in yuan. Russia has doubled its nat gas exports to China and continues to sell its oil. Russia is building more nat gas pipelines into china.

Are you retarded?

Theres a couple old sayings that bear repeating here. "use your power, lose your power" and "the more you tighten your grip, the more will slip your fingers". Anyone who ever raised a child understands "use your power lose your power". You can discipline them once for something, but then they begin seeking a way around it, a loophole. We spanked them with sanctions, they took the hit, rebounded, and now they are finding the ways around that. Once that path opens it doesnt close.
>>there will definitely be retaliation

This faggot has been saying this since day 1. Either nuke the west or don't you fucking loser. No testicles having bitch.
Or maybe the US will have another power blackout, or all their cell carriers will stop working, or their hospitals computers will just go on vacation.
Russia retaliating is in the news every day. You can spot it because it's the only shit the media wont blame on Russia.
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Previous >>472070002

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Balata Camp: Our fighters confront the occupation forces’ storming of Balata Camp, targeting them with a heavy barrage of bullets and explosive devices, and engaging in violent clashes with them.
>BREAKING: Commander of the US army, General Charles Brown: "We will not be able to defend Israel in war with Hezbollah."
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: In cooperation with the Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the Martyr Commander Raafat Abu Hilal groups, they destroyed the Abu Mutaybiq military site with 100 mm mortar shells, July 24, 2024 #Al-Aqsa_Flood
>#Lebanon: Islamic Resistance: Targeting a building used by occupation soldiers in the “Al-Manara” settlement with appropriate weapons


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For the flood of the Russia-Ukriane posts that should have been posted in /chug/ or /UHG/: That make up 33% of all posts in this thread,

For the off topic spam flooding of : OUlD3qdu
> Is this Off-Topic, or is it Spamming/Flooding?

For QrN2ltsq is it off topic, or is it spamming flooding?
> Or is there something different, that I should tell my friend, who asked out of pure curiosity and doesn't touch chan...
>OUlD3qdu is a faggot jew from hoholand who fled to the US
Daily Reminder
jews, hohols, and chinks are fags and deserve to burn in hell

Heil Putin
Heil Hitler
Sieg Heil
Heil Putin
Heil Assad
Heil Khomenai
Heil Hitler
Change your flag nigger, you are giving kikes a good reputation

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Previous: >>472096829

▶Day: 852 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Russia summons US ambassador over Crimea missile strike (lol)
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says
>Dagestani muslims killed at least 19 police officers and several civilians in attacks on churches and synagogue
>South Korea to reconsider providing weapons to Ukraine
>AFU attacked the Afip, Il, Krasnodar, and Astrakhan oil refineries. Also strikes on the radar and electronic recon centers in the Bryansk region and in the Crimea, as well as Shahed storage and launch centers in Krasnodar - Ukrainian General Staff
>The US allows Ukraine to strike with its weapons anywhere in the Russian Federation, where it attacks the border, and not only near the Kharkiv region, - Pentagon spokesman Ryder
>"Ukraine must first win the war in order to join NATO", - White House representative John Kirby
>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations

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On the terrorist attack in Dagestan, where shooters attacked two Orthodox churches, a synagogue and a traffic police post in Derbent and Makhachkala:

▪ On June 23 at about 7 :30 p.m., unidentified persons committed an armed attack on a synagogue, two Orthodox churches and a traffic police post in Makhachkala and Derbent.

▪ According to eyewitnesses, gunshots were heard from at least two kilometers away. The shooters got out of the car and immediately opened fire on people and policemen.

▪ More than 15 police officers became victims of a terrorist attack in Dagestan.

▪ Six shooters were killed in Dagestan during an anti-terrorist operation, regional head Melikov said.

▪ Two of the shooters turned out to be the sons of Omarov, the head of Dagestan's Sergokalinsky district, Adil and Osman. It is reported that his nephew was also involved in the attack. Among the killed terrorists could be a former MMA fighter Gadzhimurad Kagirov. Omarov is currently being detained and his house is being searched.

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I like your news posts but I don't see any reason for spamming 5-10 screencaps of retarded TV propagandists who repeat the same shit every night.
>it's a bot farm
dumb shitskin, you can just queue up posts in 4chan-x
you don't know what you're talking about
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>screencaps of retarded TV propagandists
^ that's exactly why I post them, and the opinions of others reacting to the Russhit comments

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1.) Incels get no hoes.
2.) Hoes don't make any babies.
3.) Schlomo doesn't get any workers.
4.) Gov't forced to import browns.

White genocide is YOUR fault.


>The general fertility rate in the United States decreased by 3% from 2022, reaching a historic low. This marks the second consecutive year of decline, following a brief 1% increase from 2020 to 2021. From 2014 to 2020, the rate consistently decreased by 2% annually.
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This, they always brag about that they could do it and that they don't need no man, why don't they do it then?
yjk she got wet
hoes don't make babies even when getting fucked by another chad every week
3.) Schlomo doesn't get any workers.
4.) Gov't forced to import browns.

Nice try scholomo. We both know why they are doing this.
Funny how guys don't direct their anger at chads leading women on just for sex and thus making them over-entitled.

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After 15 years, Assange has pleaded guilty to a felony for pushing whistleblowers to spread misinformation and secrets that harm US lives. Biden mercifully granted him a 65 month prison sentence which has already been served.

Biden won. He gave the far left radicals what they want, but the guilty plea means Chuds and Whistleblowers know not to fuck with the system. No one will ever do what Assange did again. The establishment is safe.

Drumpf promised to do something about Assange. Instead he got him kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy and put into a London prison.


Bumping for glowie seethe.
They are trying to win over the Libertarian vote, I see.

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WTF bros? They just spell it out. Why haven't they shut it down? Also lol at the bit about relying too much on primary sources.
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>covering up of the fact that they used to sacrifice kids to him too by his command

wow, jews are absolutely pathetic

y'all couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag
>sandnigger demon peepee is good because sandnigger demon poopoo hates him!
>here is what sandnigger demon peepee said!
there is no saving christniggers
>t. lying kike
Pentagram has been an occult symbol for protection for millennia. It's inverse, the five pointed star with two points pointed up, has only been a Satani symbol since it's adoption by LeVay.
Six-pointed star is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, occult symbols in existence.
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Yes and God is said to have punished them for their baal worship plenty of times . He, the Lord, got PISSED at them for thinking BAAL was Lord. Baal means lord in Hebrew for fucks sakeeeeeee

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Drunk & high Pole demands one
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Sadly she wont ever understand how close she got to getting her pussy or rectum redeemed.
Elephant laughed at the end
There was only one of them. They don't have enough upper body strength to do that alone.
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>ok, anon. I understand what “cope” is now and he sure does seem like he is seething
>but why did you tell him to dial 8? Wtf is that?
>like a helpline?

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So let me give you a quick rundown
>be me
>owner and founder of computer repair company
>pajeets calling me all of the time, trying to promote my website
I'm an IT guy; I know how to do this already...
>but only your friends and family look you up
Lmao no they don't. I literally ask my clients where they heard of me and they said they just Google "computer repair near me"
Why do jeets try to rip people off so often?
Also I had a fun idea.
I got fed up, so I told the guy I wished the black death on him.
Evidently: the bubonic plague originated from India, and they're still butthurt about it.
No jeet calls to me ever since.
ask them about toilet witches

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What bubble do they live in!?
The man didn't accomplish anything!

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By Putin starting to make all sorts of "peace treaty´s", where he even hints that "Crimea doesn´t belong to Russia".
Meanwhile, everyone knows that Putin has shat the bed.
In my opinion, Putin will fly from a window, or NATO will just march into Moscow and take down Putin by themselves.

>inb4 muh noooks
After the fall of Soviet Union, western nuclear scientists went to Former Soviet Union to help dis-assemble their nuclear weapons and there is a great chance, that all that they have left are "minute man" type ones, that do damage but not to the extent of what communist fairytales tell you of nuclear winters and such.

The fact that Medvedev keeps blabbering about nuking Ukraine (like Kim Jong Un) and not doing anything, makes me believe that Russian nukes are a big bluff.

And that´s me assuming, that the corrupt officials, engineers and generals haven´t been selling "in-service" equipment on the black market.

tl;dr Putin wanted to play a 20th century dictator and now he is a joke.

every post who supports biden now is
1. a glownigger
2. a paid shill
3. or a jew
those are bots
yeah. i forgot this.
4. or a bot
Biden is a piece of shit for mandating vaccinations.
Countries get the leaders they deserve.

Here is map of washington dc, the red dots are white and blue dots are black, 1 dot is 25 people. Whats up with the red dots in nigger areas? You live in richest country in the world why would you live around niggers? Even people in Balkan countries don't live in gypsy slums lol
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keep yer frens close and your enemies closer
Yes and Serbian mob runs a lot shit in the blue territory
In the US, the government goes to nice neighborhoods and buys up existing properties, then makes them into "affordable housing". i.e. loads them up with niggers. It's like reverse gentrification, but government sponsored.
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USA blacks riot like hell every 50 years or so this cycle has repeated 3 times now in the past 150 years....
>the slaves were voodoo cursed in africa
White neighborhoods are gatekept by richers and boomers. Some of us don't have the money to live there so we're forced to live in the shit. I lived in a beaner neighborhood for one year and it completey ruined my life. One of my half beaner half nigger neighbors started a fight with me and now I have a criminal record and can't get good jobs anymore. I'm able to make ends meet with minimum wage bullshit and spend everything I have just to be away from shitskins. It's a luxury you have to be able to afford. Someone said it best on here:

>The new American dream is to make enough money to not have to live near brown people.

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What's the debate gonna be like? Post predictions.
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it will be the returning astronauts burning up on the way back (rescheduled to the 26th), he will call a national day of mourning
Trump will have his mike cut off most of the time.
I predict the "moderators" will be debating Trump and Biden will just mumble incoherently every now and then and try to shit his pants.
Two media propagandists licking Biden's butthole while shitting on Trump. Same as always.
>donald trump should use the most basic tpusa talking points
>wahhh joe was mean to black people!!
he needs to appeal to white voters that abandoned him in 2020

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