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> My nephew is 8 years old. He tells me that everyone at school is racist. “It’s cool to be racist,” he told me, “it’s fashionable.”

> Obviously, I explain to him in simple words that no, it's not cool to be racist, that he himself being Franco-Thai, racism could one day cause him big problems such as having difficulty finding work. or an apartment, and that even if it's "limited" to insults, well it's not cool to be insulted just because he's not completely white. He also tells me that "everyone except his friends" tell him that they don't like him because he is Asian, and that they say the same thing about other children who are not white.

> I can see that he didn't really understand what racism was, that the insults he receives are more of a game than real hatred, but I refuse to take that lightly. That said, I'm not sure he really understood my explanations either. I suppose its r's are the same, they don't understand. friends at school, what it is and they just want to be like the others.

> Of course far-right values have been largely democratized/de-demonized in recent years, and kids just repeat what their parents say, but to the point of making it cool??! It despairs me.
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You won't need to worry about that, you've never even seen a woman, paco.
What did they expect? Being racist is the counter-culture now. Of course they think it's cool kek.
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no, op, not a racist...
The racist community hereby welcomes your HAPA brother as a fellow megaracist.

We need to find ways to make the racist community more diverse, inclusive of outreach programs to ethnic minorities and underserved communities.

Polish woman rents out house to Indian students, they proceed to steal her furniture and belongings that came with the apartment.


Funny thing is they can't even speak Polish, they communicate with her in English lmao
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Riiiight *huffing COPIUM intensifies*
bro...AfD got 17% of the vote instead of 15%...EVROPA is waking up....
>The world will know the pajeet menace that canada has been experiencing
kek. the whole world will know the power of the Poo. Japan is getting it, USA soon cause many of them want to move there now.
No joke the company I work for just outsourced our internal IT team to India lmfao. I don't work in IT but I heavily rely on them sometimes.
The choice of words they used to try and spin it as a positive somehow in the announcement was top kek. I actually laughed uncontrollably when I saw the announcement at my desk, especially because under the header it showed a picture of every member of the Indian team.
At first for a few moments I actually thought they were just hiring 8 more IT team members locally and all of them were Indian LOL. Then realized they were going straight to the source in India itself. Shit is such a clown show now though it probably could have been the other way too.
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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious gene therapy (not saline) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
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I cant even imagine. I fired my wife when she fucked off to a foriegn country and got their shot.
And the circumcised servants of Israel lean back into their pre-arranged damage control. Is it still working for you?
That's messed up. Less closeted homos, but more finger wagging phonies who god himself hates.
Not they did not. It was all finger wagging for them and nothing else. They cared not about truth only getting an erection/wet over fucking with people. I really do hope they all die agonizing deaths. This I wish.
>I-it was a psyop all along!
Meds won't fix you, just end it already.

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What really happened to her?

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It may not be the jab but something else entirely

It's something few people want to talk about, but it coincides very nicely with the popular orgy of a plant-based diet happening in the past few years
Remember the camera adds ten pounds
Don't forget Morgellons

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For better or for worse


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>Japanese police officers disciplining a sub-saharan that robbed a native at knife point
Wish our police was like this
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You just posted here anon. part of the ship, part of the crew.
Things need to get more violent. We need to start crucifying immigrants, seriously.
I've literally never used reddit in my life, so I wouldn't know. Also, checked.

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"Mom woke up only to find her teen daughter stabbing her because she believes the older woman was blocking ‘the bIack in her’"

WTF does 'blocking the black' even mean? She is being held on $1.25 million bond.

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girl on the right is SO hot
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Reminds me of picrel.
Demons are real, brazilanon.
>1.25m bond
Meanwhile the kike woman that tried to drown a 3 year old Palestinian kid in a hotel got out on a $25,000 bond. And she's a free woman
So is it your daughter that was murdered or you tried to save a single mom that later got her kid killed?

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CCP learned a lot from the boomers. They need to fake space advances to boost the morale of their people.
They will never match our advances in giant underwater pools.
no its pants on head retarded
HOW? Explain yourself.
>forward grown white chad,
fish-faced you mean

What caused the decline of the Internet Atheist Era?
It really looked like atheism was becoming dominant in the online sphere but has vanished
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>Life is hard, but it's harder when you're stupid
Fool that you are, you practice your stupidity everytime you deny God's wisdom in your life.
well yes. but the truth is that it is a tool created for a specific purpose and the levers of control have been derived from existing methods. in the same way one could apply to any ideology. religion is not special anymore.
There is no evidence for the existence of god(s), including Yahweh. There is only evidence for the existence of liars.

During the Iron Age I period (12th to 11th centuries BCE), the religion of the Israelites branched out of the Canaanite religion and took the form of Yahwism. Yahwism was the national religion of the Kingdom of Israel Judah. Yahwism was monolatristic and focused on the exclusive worship of Yahweh, whom his worshippers conflated with most high Canaanite god, El. Yahwists started to deny the existence of other gods, whether Canaanite or foreign, and became more monotheistic over time.

Other neighbouring Canaanite kingdoms also each had their own national god originating from the Canaanite pantheon of gods: Chemosh was the god of Moab, Milcom the god of the Ammonites, Qaus the god of the Edomites, and so on. In each kingdom, the king was his national god's viceroy on Earth.

The various national gods were more or less equal, reflecting the fact that the kingdoms in Canaan themselves were more or less equal, and within each kingdom a divine couple, made up of the national god and his consort – in the case of Israel and Judah: Yahweh and the goddess Asherah – headed a pantheon of lesser gods.

During Josiah's reign, Assyrian power suddenly collapsed (after 631 BC), and a pro-independence movement took power in Jerusalem, promoting both the independence of Judah from foreign overlords and loyalty to Yahweh as the sole god of Israel. With Josiah's support, the "Yahweh-alone" movement launched a full-scale reform of worship, including a covenant (i.e., treaty) between Judah and Yahweh, replacing that between Judah and Assyria.

By this time, Yahweh had absorbed or superseded the positive characteristics of the other gods and goddesses of the pantheon, a process of appropriation essential for monotheism.

God believers basically got BTFO, all the arguments were the same and easily dismantled, then it turned into the entire skeptic thing with retards like Sargon.
There is no evidence for your existence either. You are an anonymous without an identity.

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Your ancestors BWC'd pic related on a daily basis though they were more racist than you are

What's your excuse?
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I won't want herpes on my dick and body.
As soon as you knock up that bitch she will ballon up and haunt you for life for child support.
I'm certain she'll poke holes in your condoms if you try using them.

>Lick my taint. I WILL coom in African pink, whether you like it or not.
How often do your herpse flare up, ahmed?
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>JSA flag
>Into ritual child genital mutilation to serve your jew master
That tracks
Id impregnate. Black women are better at sex and cooking.
I am more intelligent than my ancestors. Simple as.

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Zoomers just don't get it.
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Do a mall pic next time memefag, Subways always sucked ass. Fucking wrestling mat bread was known about before the kikes did 9/11.
must've been a regional thing, but the same thing happened to quiznos. they changed their bread and their portions. It went from godly to dogshit overnight. oh well.
Quiznos closed up so many locations I've only eaten there like twice in the past decade, it did used to be good though. Port of Subs is great but they're only in like 3 or 4 states
Putting Quiznos in gas stations next to the bathrooms was a mistake. Not eating shit sandwiches.
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if you're old enough you will distinctly recall the smell of 90's subway, it actually smelled good

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You order pizza at the restaurant for delivery, and this man says that will be $14.95 for the pie, plus $2 platform fee, plus $5 delivery fee, plus $4 driver tip, plus $4 Harmonized Sales Tax... plus $5 jizya. How do you respond?
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I fucking hate these pakis
we are in 2024 and these retards of various third world religions are on their 2nd or 3rd generation here and they still consistently believe in magic hats, and all this stupid fucking bullshit yet are apparently in roles requiring post-graduate degrees in various science fields, medical fields etc. very tiresome, they could at least acknowledge their fairy tales are retarded bullshit and stop acting them out
Christfags still exist among Whites
I actually quite like the sikh religion
It's better than yahwehism and hinduism imho
>how do you respond?
We make our own food.
I'd pay him in lead donations with my semi-automatic AR 15 special action

bro-tier or not, this poopy faced arab will have to explain to jesus christ why he wears a towel on his head.

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And the bajorans deserved it.
Discuss the political implications of Anti-conservative characters and memes backfiring every single time.

Post fictional chuds that were meant to demoralize you but did the opposite.
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lol that one episode where Sisko confronts the federation president with 3 other black human captains and forces him into doing what he wanted. the federation is really a human run organization with its capital in Paris that has token aliens around to not seen like the bad guys.
Why did Rom become Nagus? He was only proficient as an engineer taking orders. As a businessman he was a complete failure. Their mother resented Quark as a child born of the necessity of marriage and seduced Zek into promoting Ron to a by then ceremonial office.
77: But do not forget: war is good for business.wyms
Also, was Star Trek trying to tell us about the parasite pill in this episode?

Wtf I love Star Trek now?!?!

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Acid attacks are the best types to use against women who deserve it.
attractive women know their only asset is their beauty. They treat men like garbage because they know they can always get another simp because of their beauty. If you splash acid on their face not only have you taken away their most valuable asset, you take away most future simps from her.

Always remember: women soften and submit to actual abuse. It's the respectful and honorable treatment that they classify and consider as abuse. Women in these "shithole" countries often marry their attackers. Women only kill their husband if he's a sappy, dutiful husband. And in fact many women do so every day: kill their husbands with the help of their lovers, that is.
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go kys moooslime piece of shit
It's you Donald Trump Jr.
You need to go back to your sandnigger county.

You don't need to do anything if you are a real man women will come to you. Otherwise kys.
I remember her from Dark Souls
It's Donald Trump Jr.

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She looks like a Hollywood star indeed it's because she was also an actress.

Seriously, I've seen dozen of feminists sharing her story. Is this legit or another Jewish PsyOp?
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Congratulations then on your new president I hope cartels kill you
Glass houses, Croat.
god I wish
Love this actress. A real starlet, but she didn’t invent shit.
She lit inspiration in a male friend who let he ride a patent the navy never used because the device was too large. Even kikipedia says as much. Her husband was a weapons dealer and she was brought along as milkers and blabbed about things she overheard. That's the entirety of her inventing 'career'.

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DailyFail squeezes promo of hooker Skylar Silverstein into 77yo Sydney uni ethics academic's cliff jumping suicide over sex grooming allegations story. Well done DailyFail. Cram as much smut as you can into everything.
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>hell quick
do you think this guy studied Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius and sought to emulate them in all ways?
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yeah. but brain and penis not always in agreement.
Had to filter about 8 IDs before I got to the end of this thread.
>Furfaggot posts-filtered
>anon replies to furfag-filtered
>pedo posts-filtered
>anon responds to pedos posts-filtered

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Over 40 Hooters closed this morning. This is Bidens America. Literally crying right now.

You better tip us good @hooters


Girl makes $1000+ a night tips @hooters


What your hooter girl really looks like

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The military are recruiting
I've seen better heads of lettuce
Why would you work at hooters just start an onlyfans
Hooters has not shown enough skin to compete in 20 years. I am surprised they have not gone under before now. There is better scenery on tiktok for free and you don't have to eat shitty wings.
Everybody stopped caring about Hooters over a decade ago.

What do you see?
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>I see a Doctor
to fish out bullets and sew them up
>an Engineer
to devise better prison systems to house them
>a Philosopher
to pontificate their first meal of the day, whether or not they had partook
>a Rocket Scientist
to send them back to africa
>a Physicist
to understand how crack cocaine makes them superhuman
>& a Lawyer
well...public defender

he doesn't see those traits in the negroes, he's contemplating how many jobs he can get for his fellow tribesmen
joggers would be the politically acceptable term ahem
1st I give a 50/50 on his honesty and honor but I think he might be a good guy
2nd is definitely a murderous criminal
3rd is the only true honest man that will work any menial job for his family
4 an 5 NA
6 is a homosexual and a deviant not a viable citizen
7 NA
8 I think might be a good guy, he has that dummy smile
9 is a scammer and a criminal
According to european statistics 4 out of those you see are rapist
Are they standing behind the niggers?

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Press F to show respect towards Hooters.
Americans no longer love T&A. All the zoomers are limp dick faggots that don’t want to see beautiful women at Hooters. Forcing them to start shuttering and closing underperforming locations. I blame Joe Biden and bidenomics for this shitty economy, forcing some of americas greatest restaurants to close. Hooters needs to be bailed out by the federal government.
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Why didn't you keep them alive, Anon?
Surely you have asscoin to invest in the entertainment that is T&A
The Daytona wings are some of the best wings I’ve ever had. Fuck them though for cutting the wing sizes in half
>Beautiful women at Hooters
You mean the skanks who are trying to retire from pole dancing at the strip club down the street.
I go to the whole foods food bar and ogle the college girls.
Don't care here in the southwest we have e the Mexican version called "Ojos Locos" and the girls dress way sluttier and the food is better.

>They don’t want sandwiches. They want a cooked meal like in their own country. And that’s a serious issue,” he said.

>In addition to sandwiches and bagels, the migrants are served food including fruit, peanuts, chips, juice, soda and prepared dinners that “you heat in a microwave,” Rodriguez said.

>“They don’t like the menu. They just don’t. They want rice and beans, plantains, tostones,” he said.

>Rodriguez recalled one incident last month when “I knocked on the door on the 18th floor to deliver a duvet and I saw smoke and could hear a fire alarm going off.”

>“I put in my key and pushed open the door, and a whole bunch of smoke came out,” he said. “A lady was there and I said, ‘What are you doing?’ She said, ‘Nothing.’ I said, ‘What do you mean nothing? Where’s all this smoke coming from?’ She said, ‘I don’t know.’”
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Free protien
>I WILL become a homeless and jobless refugee in your country, but ON CONDITION THAT:

1. I receive a fresh cooked dinner every day of my national cuisine made by my mom.
2. Everyone must learn my language and only communicate to me in this language
3. All the items in my room, or even in the building such as wiring and pipes, are now my property and my right to sell.
4. I not be expected to do anything except loiter in the street

You have my offer, will you accept?
They fought and lost. Get over it. No one took advantage of native programs.
They found out too late. They literally figured out how to smelt bronze only 10 years before the first Spaniard set foot in Mexico. They were just starting to make knives and tools to make better things out of bronze. The Conquistadors even wrote about how if they arrived there 100 years later, they would have faced an army equipped with swords and armor. All because they had an abundance of obsidian.
they will definitely do that

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