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You guys have an unacceptable lack of knowledge .
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>I am a cat like you

I am not a faggot. Tch
>Ask me anything
why are you gay?
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>I'm not worried about virtual wealth because china has the largest gold reserves
To be clear, I'm talking about only owning property in virtual reality platforms such as the "Metaverse". Communism was an earlier attempt by Jews at gentiles not owning private property. If I've heard correct, the Chinese can't own land in China still, they can only rent it from the government. The Chinese already have a social credit system in place, in at least that respect they're closer to the impending Jew-ran one-world-government than America is.

>while the American dollar stands on void
America has 3 trillion dollars in annual exports, there's still demand for USD around the world. Saudi Arabia's total exports are 488 billion USD, so the end of the petrodollar isn't going to be economy collapsing.

>Can i have summary pic of it to study?
I don't have a good picture for the Hebrew calendar. All I can give is the Wikipedia article.


>But the conspiracy theory about jews has long been published in best selling books in china it's not a secret.
What's the common Chinese understanding of the Jewish objective? Do they know about the Sanhedrin? Do they believe the Jews when they say they're persecuted for no reason?
I do agree on the social credit system, but am sure fashion is still more ruthless
Sometimes i have sexual feelings for women. Maybe i should be more bisexual. Coming to your question. This happens to animals in nature as well. Especially when their populations become overpopulated. I guess there's some mechanism in DNA that creates this and fir a purpose that human words can't explain. Gay people have extraordinary intelligence level. Which always come with weird sexual fetish.

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Matija Sarkic from independent nation of Tsherno-gor has died from heart attack

He was found dead in the apartment laying on the kitchen floor with no apparent physical injury.
This was after the days soccer match.

Police is investigating because its their duty to investigate all deaths, but so far it appears the man had heart attack of natural causes.

He was young
safe and effective
That means it's working.
>independent nation of Tsherno-gor

I want to enter the timeline where this place is the #1 superpower on Earth
>heart attack
>of natural causes
Maybe they used to be a thing pre-covid but they were more like a black swan event, now every day some sportsman is keeling over on the field

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Dating is getting worse and worse just like every other area of America. I live around a university and the women are all rabid libshits, often having a bunch of tattoos.

I have had a couple girlfriends but it's getting harder and harder to find someone who's not a clear political enemy or even potentially reformable.
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there is
having had 50 different cocks in yourself and then gooning to the memory of it when you're alone in your basement
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That's what I'm saying. No woman is going to take you seriously when you jestermaxx and juggle whatever shit she throws like you like the desperate clown you are while she's aware she was pumped and dumped by at least a dozen other men who didn't think she was worth further commitment.

There's a video of two monkeys who perform the same task, but one of them is paid less than the other and then freaks out. Even monkeys realize when they're gypped.

Last one told me in a pathetic loser because I only make $150k in my mid 20s
You need to go for it cuz it's blatantly obvious she likes you.
>the average cock size
What is the average cock size? 5.5?

There's only one God Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
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Christ is king and crussades will comeback!
> Underscoring the close ties between Christianity and Judaism and calling Holocaust denial “madness,” Pope Francis told an interviewer that “inside every Christian is a Jew.”
is jesus his prophet too ?
>Muhammad is his prophet.
I heard that fella was a gay pedo.

As a lifelong Republican Iran is a major issue to me, I wouldn't say I'm a single issue voter as such but these days I'm getting close to being one. I have little faith in Biden on Iran after his shameful display earlier in the year but Trump seems to be kind of a loose cannon. Ideally I'd have Reagan back in office but it isn't an ideal world. Who should I vote for?
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When he isn't having a 'senior moment'.
Rhetoric is one thing but action is what matters more
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Real boomer time.
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>As a lifelong Republican
you talk like a shill
a cheap outsourced shill
from india
God Donald Trump is such a a faggot it's unreal.

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How the FUCK are normalfags coping with things just getting blatantly worse on a day to day basis?
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As ghastly ugly as that thing is, her pussy is still white. So I’d hit it
Um sweaty, race is only skin deep <3
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typical ginger

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Jews rape kids.
>my melted swiss cheese pulled pork bacon leavened shrimp lobster sandwich

No longer stereotypes.
What a bizarre image that is
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Thanks, Jew! Unexpected, but very kind of you.

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The brown catboy cult is seething at their loss today. You have to be a swarthoid, faggot, or a retard to consider yourself a part of this 'movement lead by a homosexual spic.

I will never stop laughing at the AFricans
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Seems like it was a fun time
All Faggots
Lmao look at this based brownoids with crosses around their necks! Totaly american bro!
Nafofaggots and jews getting sweaty. Perfect, both of you are going to get holocausted together and your flesh will melt together.
America First

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Is only possible in a nationalistic homogeneous population. Good luck with your rainbow mutt army. Faggots
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While I’m here
>dat pic
They do legitimate survey and then do a false flag when the result does not favor the boogermint's wants.

Nowadays, the shits just fake the survey results and go ham on the propaganda.

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It seems that most people that support Israel are the right. How does that make you feel? Do you feel proud for preserving your Christian values? How does it feel that most racist politicians are Jews in disguise? How does it feel to know that race biology came from Darwin, a Jew? I struggle to understand how you can be a nazi and hate Jews at the same time. Free israel!
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Idk I just know that I'm smarter than 95% of people by default...I get all the perks without all the schizo babble. I'm pretty sure a lot of Jews cling to the religion just as a tool through which they can legally preach their superiority lol
>but I have the genes
>I get all the perks without all the schizo babble.
What about the genetic predisposition, nothing to do to religion.
Or not azhkenazi?
only way to make people genuinely support pissrael is by ignoring rational arguments and invoking religious dogma, or cults of personality.
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Well yeah there has been a bunch of shit wrong with me growing up and we have history of Alzheimer and cancer in the family, you're right about that. Also, I'm lacking motivation because I understand the world too well. And the commies expropriated our business so I'm not even a rich Jew. It's not really that great in the end. But hey, you still get the unwanted daily reminders you are smarter than anyone you are interacting with!
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>But hey, you still get the unwanted daily reminders you are smarter than anyone you are interacting with!
Doesn't sound like a good enough consolation price, I'll know, I live with mexicans.

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This is a reminder to go to church for the third Sunday of June.

If you have not already, convert to Catholicism.

Matthew 26
>And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins. And I say to you, I will not drink from henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.
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>Do I have to confess every sin Ive ever committed?
You take RCIA so that you learn what you're getting into
You'll do a general confession with a priest, we know we can't just name off everything we've ever done
You do first communion and confirmation, and then you're in, this whole process can take months
>Im 35 so it would be a long confession is why I’m asking.
I'm happy for you, anon
I hope you get home soon
>Don't trust their theology, trust mine
So deep
this guy gets it
>I WAS DEAD, and behold, I am alive forevermore
>these things says the first and the last, who WAS DEAD, and came back to life
thank you brother. God bless

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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i swear to god i heard screaming like the toolbox killers girl audio at like 3am one night. I had my hotel window open in the winter because it was only just below freezing and i like it cool. I was sleeping and woke up hearing horrific screaming coming faintly from the cluster of houses down the hill. One family owns like 4 buildings and its a sketchy private little place. I went outside and walked over to their place but couldnt hear anymore. wasnt sure if it was my imagination or a movie.

Also on other nights at like 3am i heard people whistle to each other from that location like doingg bird calls. very sketchy actually, the more i think about it.
>I want a happy and sane relationship, not some neurotic jewish weirdness.
Kek. No movies for you I guess.
butterface giant forehead
the japanese are so cucked, holy fucking shit.
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she's dumb but big foreheads are a great pleasure. you can rub your cock all over it and cock slap it. ah the sensations

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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Col. Michael Aquino was military Occult out of the Presido. Try harder.
yeah all those precious demonic, satan worshipping books that I'm missing out on. Man, my loss ey? rofl

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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No. Stave off and gain ground against, but nature always wins.
You're playing wrong. Yeah, obviously you steam roll when you double your production by building genetically engineered slave factories, eat you citizens instead of offering them retirement, add a pop to every city every turn by vat growing your civ, and install an all knowing big brother ai to 'police' your population and ensure compliance. Just stack those +25%, +50% bonuses and compound it ad infinitum.
That's not how you're supposed to play 'hard' mode. Hard is when you realize that not every bonus is moral. And that you're going to win the game in a way where you'd be happy to live in your society as a nobody at the end of the game. You're supposed to purposefully refrain from building manmade horrors and committing planet scale autrocities when you play self imposed 'hard mode'.
It can be done, but not by many of you. You'll falter. You'll give in. You'll have no choice because the 'other side' is getting those bonuses and you need it to. You'll win the game but lose all the same.
Hated them as a child, love them as an adult. I dare you all to try and win without becoming monsters.
being morally bankrupt is the lore accurate way to play Zakharov but I get your point. Choosing to be "good" is much more difficult than spamming special projects, but that's very much self imposed.
>I dare you all to try and win without becoming monsters.
I've got the itch, I'll play a morally pure Miriam on Transcendent.
Always a good giggle watching people who don't belong here trying to demonize the place.
At least you're getting "paid" with fait currency that is totally not being purposely devalued, nor could it be used as a means to figure out who was part of the cyber mercenary campaigns here.

Checked and this.

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the whole continent is basically 3erd world...what's going on over there?
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I wish I still had the screencap

I gave up on tomatoes outside. It has to be a greenhouse or I risk crappy harvest.
to us jerky 7 year olds it seemed like the ultimate troll back then.
Yep, when young we were hoping to stick some some very stinky cheese in the intake of gas-fired wall heaters of neighbors ;-)
But it's the same thing; the outside/inside air doesn't mix.
The AC is basically turning a house into the inside of a refrigerator while moving the hot pipes/ribs on its back to the outside
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heh pretty funny

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This is an extreme temperature for white people
You are too far removed from British humour. Back to Monty Python.
it was 97F down here in coonass territory today. dry and sunny though, a pretty nice day all things considered
Don’t see the big deal. Muzzies are used to hotter weather than that.

what is the plan to protect our Zoom-zoom friends from being drafted into the white genocide wars
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I don't care about anyone but me.
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>what is the plan
If you see something,
stab (((someone))).
fight and get killed or don't fight and get killed. that's how wars work
Disable yourself or evade. Literally what they did during vietnam draft
I'll protect the zoomets in my dungeon if you know what I mean

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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Imagine still falling for Red Team / Blue Team
>One issue voter.
Well, have you heard of her?
>trump has dementia
>not biden
>biden is fine
>ignore all of his weird moments, he's just a funny old man
>trump is the demented one
>biden has never had a moment typical of one suffering dementia in his life
>but trump definitely has it
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That was top 3 Trump rally today, he was in rare form.

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There's been a lot of infighting on here lately. Don't forget picrel
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The ultimate problem is that christianity IS a jewish subversion of our natural European values
case in point
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I dont hate christian whites, i hate christianity
Im not trying to destroy my fellow whites, im trying to save them from a ploy
Fuck off christcuck, no true white will side with you. You are cancer to societies. You are the poison of overcompassionate bleeding hearts.

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Brit Milah Metizah B'peh is a traditional Jewish circumcision practice that involves sucking blood from the wound. It is also known as Metzitzah B'peh.

In this procedure, the mohel (the person performing the circumcision) uses their mouth to suck blood from the wound to clean it and promote healing. This is done right after the circumcision. It is an important part of the brit milah ritual in some Orthodox Jewish communities.

Some people are concerned that Metzitzah B'peh could spread infectious diseases, like herpes, from the mohel to the infant.
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Her name is Katie Grant. She is a reporter (article writer) from the UK. It appears she is Jewish because she writes for a Jewish magazine.
She looks like a painting
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There is more to this face than just being Jewish. She probably has some sort of disease. Her face is unnaturally elongated.
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>All circumcision and ritual animal slaughter should be banned.

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