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>But we dont want you, we hate you!!
not my problem
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I am rooting for the pakis
We'll remember this attitude when the purges begin. It'll be open season on anyone brown.
Based. We are here to make money, not friends.
> not my problem
good please come, are some of you guys by any chance male prostitutes?

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

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The forbidden fish


Well fugg me
>no splitty
Proud of you lads. Reliable and worth a salary raise.
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Is it safe to assume that many countries will reform their gun laws due to 3d printed guns?
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Old kind of guns worked, they just need a random metal pipe
You're proving my point. He could have used a drone and they'd never even find the guy.
Drones are more traceable than any gun could ever be
pepperbox pistols, harmonica rifles, and revolvers of all sizes are quite simple with electrically-ignited black powder. and diy smokeless powder isn't especially hard either
You can get an unrifled barrel legally almost anywhere.

It can't be just any type of metal but if going with something else, then pick the type used for pressurized devices and drill the hole yourself.

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Range Rover-driving couple in mask and keffiyeh is arrested at gunpoint before cops make startling discovery in their backseat as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb

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I hope you morons realize that only will all jews die, but every single one of their thralls too. Hundreds of millions of "whites" will die, you were specifically instructed not to make a covenant with jews and you did. Now you can die with them too.
>as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb
Just wait till the Spics and Niggers decide it's Looting season. Dead Jews soon?
I look forward to Niggers home invading your house :)
Filthy Arabs. Go to Gaza if you love it so much.

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Or else the Patriarchy will collapse
Social eugenics
fuck jannies
heh clean it up faggots
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Bears aren't super scary though, just keep a lot of noise and they'll generally keep out of your way. If they attack you there's a good chance you fucked up bad, especially if it's just a brown bear
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Soon, there will be half-breed bears
What they really mean is they feel safer with Russian.
They know russian man bear will only rape the creepy man in forest.

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nobody knows, and i find it kind of insulting.
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>I come back
No, you don't. That's the point
Churches are full of old women and thirdies. If you're there too, your brain is similar
Yeah you were only brain dead forever before you existed. How'd you get here? Fuckin brainlet
It will be a lie to say
>""I don't know""
, and I hate lying.
Yes I do. That's MY point.

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What's with Owen Benjamin going completely 180 on the White Genocide thing. Now he's saying it's a good thing? What's going on? Wasn't he supposed to be anti-globalist
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Owen moved to Brasil or sth?
You sound exactly like him XD
Say something about Earth being flat
Owen Benjamin's recent behaviour basically confirms that flat-earth stuff was a Jewish psy-op.
I have no idea if the Earth if flat

I don't listen to that fucker, if I have the same ideas as him that's fine, I won't promote those as an influencer and try to live off false hopes some whites have

I'm as white as you can imagine a person to be but I'm not white, my skin is white but I'm a mystery meat, who gives a shit anyway
Flat Earth?
I have no idea, all I know is what I was taught, I have conducted deep investigation into both systems and I have no fucking clue what the Earth actually looks like, I have the pics and everything and tend to believe in science but yes, I won't go ahead and tell you MAN WAS ON THE MOON wtf I would just fool myself and others
>Big Bear

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Why can't niggers use auxilliary verbs?

instead of "you are a bitch" they'll just say "you a bitch." And now because everyone wants to be a nigger, this is how everyone writes online.
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Eyy yo, u know how it be. Them bitches be lyin'.
i have been dumbing down my speech and writing on purpose the older i get
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We can try to sugarcoat this as much as we want, calling it "african american vernacular english", but the truth is it's because they're absolutely stupid. They can't understand and use language like us.
They also randomly add "ass" to their sentence: like bitch ass nigger.

What the fuck is going on down there?
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No matter how upper-class and sophisticated they get, they're still the same.
Even police officers are feeling the squeeze.
Legally a bouncer can't beat up anyone but your average knuckledragger probably isn't aware.
Fulton County Georgia is the epicenter of Democratic National Committee corruption in the state of Georgia.
Stacy Abrams is partial owner of the temporary employment agency that provides workers to the Fulton County election center. The place that counts the votes in every election.

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degenerate child molester

Stop projecting.
all criminals are black
Stop reflecting

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this is where it all comes from
this is a contradiction and causes cognitive dissonance and cannot be logically argued with stupid christcuck mental gymnastics
this is why the west is completely filled with mental illness like LGBtroonism and feminism and men becoming eunuchs.
if you people had simply come to a pure monotheistic belief like Islam you would have done okay.
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retarded pedophile from bahrain
just keep a committing his taqiyya

yet christian prince is live almost every day
and he doesn't get him busted...

kekked REKT shrekt and saved
>the west is completely filled with mental illness like LGBtroonism and feminism
I don't respect Christinsanity, but I believe the problems you mentioned are due much more so to jewish subversion and christian tolerance of that subversion, and everything it entails.
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He gets all his information from christian prince, that guy has no understanding of this whatsoever. They also rely on western polemics/orientalists who make shitty translations or do disingenuous research. They get called out with the own sources they try to use.
This is the worst example you could have come up with. I've lived in multiple countries in the Gulf. Never have I seen an Arab take the slightest interest in Hinduism. Meanwhile, Hindus and Christians from India become Muslims while working there all the time. Indians live surrounded by Pakis, Afghans, and Bengalis, and see people just like them being far more spiritually fulfilled, so they take the shahada.

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Was he just trying to warn us Machiavelli style or was he just a really arrogant kike? Or both
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It’s interesting how this fits with libertarianism (pioneered by Jewsx rand etc) with NAP and all. “Yes I have child slaves but they were starving and willingly accepted the offer to work in my mind” type shit. Along with the more modern “satanism” (another Jewish invention) with its emphasis on “do anything, as long as there is consent”.
>he just a really arrogant kike
Why should I care what David Schwimmer thinks about kikes or whatever?
Plaza Hotel is a special place for it though.
Same venue that inspired Hotel California.
It's a rape-murder hotspot where people get sacrificed all the time.
One particular occasion was when guests at the Plaza Hotel noticed the water was tasting funny, and staff "discovered" a dessicated corpse in the water tank. She'd been stuffed there and was dissolving into the drink water supply, after having been raped and murdered.
Just one example of the shit that's normal there.
>He converted to christianity
Can't find much on this so probably not

Father wants to watch The Beekeeper
10 minutes in … I can’t
Niggers, white scammer when it should be Indian, poor black people.

Fuck Jews.
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Ahem, my wife is more racist than me
i don't support just saying f the js, but yeah, it's frustrating.

The last 3 shows my kid has wanted to watch all had lesbian leads. i'm talking about legend of kora, the Apple tv godzilla show, and then we started watching star wars clone wars the other day, and it looks like they're doing the lesbian angle.

At a relatives house scrolling netflix, and they say oh lets watch brooklyn 99. it's got that one jewish snl guy. 5 minutes into episode, the black police chief needs to disclose that he's gay.

Really is tiresome. Best you can do is stick with older shit.. Even some more 'based' anime titles even. Gundam is pretty good imo. Iron blooded orphans is pretty fun and most of them have stronger male leads & cool mech battles.

I took my kid to see the latest bad boys and the only cringy shit to me was a strip club scene where the scene focuses on talking about mike eating her pussy.

But then I'd rather have that then some trans or gay bullshit I expected. In fact, I was surprised how ''unwoke'' the movie was. I think they wanted to focus on black men and one scene made me think it's military propaganda for recruiting purpose.
uh oh, we're in trouble, something's come along and it's burst our bubble.
>Lol I also watched like 10 minutes of that movie like a week ago. Turned it off because it seemed shit. Googled some 80s movies instead.
last night I watched "Airport". Pure late '60s kino
His roles are always the same.

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my mom planted a cherry plum tree a few years ago and this year it sprouted alot of fruit and it literally has hundreds of cherry plums, we got 4 buckets of them this weekend and ive been eating handfuls of them. I LITERALLY cannot stop eating them, i feel like my body craves the nutrients, no chemicals, no GMOS, literally just dirt and water. they literally taste amazing, no fruit in the gorcery store compares to them, they taste like actual real food not plastic goyslop bill gates fruit
are fruit trees political? why dont more people plant them?

>Loaded with minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, cherry plums are a great addition to your diet. They contain polyphenols, which offer protection against diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Cherry plums are also rich in iron and sodium that are essential for hydration, and muscle function.
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Tell your mom im gonna depants that big ol pussy and fucken hawk thua spit on that thing
Actually no. We don't use any pesticides other than water mixed with nettle or something. Our plants are irrigated by the water pumped fresh out of the spring streaming from our property. I just don't like the taste of fruit that much. Too much hassle eating cherries, figs, apples, pears and shit. I prefer kompot.
Stop eating that many plums in one sitting, retard, you'll shit your pants.
People are retarded, fren, they can’t figure it out even when you give them the answer. Enjoy being one of the few humans left.

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Daily reminder I'm not the one with an active war going on 50km from my house
American using KM? Wow that's new

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Was Soviet Union really that bad?
it was tremendously bad and jewish at the start but i feel like after stalin they became rather based. kind of like america in reverse where we were based and now were jewish and bad
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The horrendous mismanagement of the soviet system by the soviet government doomed the entire operation
No, it was much worse

>women are weaker and more incompetent than me-
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He's clearly not giving his all. Neither is she. Fake ass fight.
The way she kicks that bag.. That's how I'm going to start doing my morning jogs.
Senchai restraining himself as another woman lacks the critical understanding that he’s taking it easy on her.
Its rodtang. He's playing and he's the kind of person who would never hit a girl even in sparring. If he turned it on for one second he would break her with the first strike.

I have never met a woman stronger than me. I have never met a woman who would even wanted to be stronger than me. Strength is an irrelevant attribute for a woman.
I'm one hundred percent sure even the most fighter dyke bull like creature would want to feel vulnerable and small in a large man's arms.
This is one of the basic rules of woman psychology. That's why it is easy when you are tall and muscular, the tallest insecure girls are just as easy to handle if you see them for what they are: little girls.
That's all.

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Stop giving to food banks and if you see a needy white Canuck help them out simple.
Starve faggot leafs so they don't have enough energy to shitpost online
Not yet fortunately but all the other varieties are, moroccans in particular
Canada is an economic zone of jeet slaves working in Tim Hortons forever
now we know that slavery was started willing by Indians. Filthy creatures.

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It is now mainly spics and Africans who are Christian. It is no longer possible to convince literate white people with Internet access that the entire universe was created by a god that only revealed himself to some loser incel desert tribe while ignoring the entire planet for thousands of years and then totally vanished as soon as we started keeping accurate records and inventing things like cameras. Nobody with a three digit IQ can ever believe this shit again. It's over. There might be some kind of deistic entity out there, inb4 fedora, whatever, but Christianity has collapsed in the west and is never coming back, it has thoroughly lost all relevance to reality in the majority of minds and this cannot be undone.
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I think I am the only person I have ever met who didn't grow up religious, didn't become religious as an adult, and also never went through any sort of leftist phase.
christianity made me quite sympathetic to leftists because our basic moral principles were quite similar
christianity is ultimately a religion of repugnant weakness which it has in common with liberal philosophy
What just like it’s unbelievable that jews are still causing mayhem in Europe?

Fucking retard.
Interesting how on Oct 7 the anti-christian threads disappeared
I'm atheist and i don't think christian are mean

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Are Basques White? They are the Europeans who share the least genetic code with non Europeans
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Yes, Basques are literal Ancestral Europeans. Of ALL the people to ask this about, them?
>Basques are last extant pre-Indo Europeans. The original Europeans
Actually, they are 99.99% descended from Indo European males, the highest of any ethnic group in Europe. They just kept the West Hunter Gatherer/Farmer language and most of the genes. Possibly Beaker male sired men who were raised in an EEF culture (this was happening in Bronze Age france, Bell Beaker women were not marrying farmer men but farmer communities had bell beaker mens children even before beakers invaded, possibly from marriage or rape)
They are part of a pre arabized/turkized middle/near eastern group. And then they have the other parts of the European componants, just to a lesser extent. Hence why there look like middle easterners.
Whatever amount of them have the Aryan component, it didn't express in an Aryan phenotype.
They are from the middle/near east. At least a component of their make up is.
Black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin are NOT quintessential European features. These features arose OUTSIDE of Europe. They are beneficial in latitudes which are in closer proximity to the equator, where the sunlight is more intense, for the purpose of photo protection, ie SOUTH of Europe.
>i know nothing but i must poost
we were here before the romans
we were here before the germans
the arabs never reached us
we were here before the iberians

>muh arab turk middle easterner
stfu retard

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