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>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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Biden would still sniff it...
the male sperm whale is the Largest living organism on the planet
Women are fat.
Blue whales are goofy looking creatures.

Let's talk about organ donation.

In Germany there's the debate to make organ donations after death opt-out, that means, if you do not opt out they will harvest your organs after death. I have no problem with this per se, if I'm dead, do whatever the fuck you want with my organs it no longer matters. However, I do have concerns that doctors would prioritize organs vs the patient's life when it would come to procedures where the chance of success is low and the chance of losing viable donor organs in the process is high.

They SAY that the number one priority is saving your life but do you believe this is true? Imagine the doctor knows you're an organ donor and knows you have viable organs. Even if they say they will always prioritize your life, simple logic can be applied here and puts this into jeopardy. Let's say that your organs could save 3 peoples lives. Why would they do a medical procedure on you that has a low chance of success and lose these organs in the process, when they could instead harvest the organs and save 3 peoples lives? Anyone working in the medical field here who can give some insight?

Do you trust your doctors enough to opt-in to organ donation after death?
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Nvm, found it.

You decide, OP
There's no medical definition of brain death. Doctors say when you are brain dead. Doctors induce comas in patients then declare them brain dead. As long as it's considered standard procedure they can knock you out, steal your organs and murder you for profit. This is the true God complex of doctors the power to say who lives and who dies, the biggest psychopaths are the richest doctors. They'll sell every body part and the best thing is the person who gets the organs had to stay on expensive drugs for life after that.
more truth to this than we know. i wonder how many organs are coming out of ukraine?
more truth to this than most would believe.
>organ donation
you mean a huge incentive for the hospital to let you die because they can make way more money by transplanting 5 organs vs. saving you?

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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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Pajeet you need a cock for raping
Your 2 inches micro penis doesn't count
You cš˜¢n't see this comment becš˜¢use you š˜¢re using š˜¢ Indian mobile
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There's nothing Aryan about you, shitskin shitjeet invader.
Thereā€™s been some weird surprisingly organic push in India to be pro-Zion. I unironically think they are desperate enough that they believe joining the IDF will permit them (((white))) bob and vagene, not realizing that the Jude is the most insular, xenophobic race in the world. Theyā€™d rather sterilize Ethiopian Jews than treating them as equals, and they think Jews are going to literally muddy their waters with filthy pajeet blood. Theyā€™d just be used as cannon fodder.
I canā€™t wait to see videos of pajeets praying to kushramalamadingdong before getting blasted by drones
Don't they know they have to be circumcised to join the IDF (like Muslims)

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>is the sun a star
ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality, which is heavily influenced by this simple question
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if you dont understand the universe surrounding humanity than youll have a much harder time understanding humanity.
this was for the german guy. i was drunk and didnt respond properly.
your point is still retarded
No. It is not. Some believe it is the God himself, others believe it is the eye of a God.
Space is fake!
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>The sun is a star
That's stupid da sun is da sun
well of course not, dummy
stars only come out at night

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When they don't even want to take care of them? I got new neighbors, typical single mother girl boss who gets her teenage kids every other week it seems, and they have a cute corgi. Fuck yeah, cute little corgi! But mom is too busy 10-12 hours a day at work and just looks the dog inside where it whines constantly. Then she gets home and lets the dog out on the back patio for the rest of the night, where it whines more and shits in the yard. When the teenage kids are home I don't see them play with it, and I don't see them ever take it for a walk. Ever. There's a nice dog park down the street.

I just wish I could scare or shame the lard momboss and wigger children into actually caring for their dog. I hate hearing it whine nearly 24/7 and I hate how I can smell shit from their yard.

Thanks for reading my rant.
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Why can't dogs be independent and look after themselves? Every other animal does that
Corgi bul gogi uma delicia
I would've fucked the mother if I were you. Go get her, anon
Hey Korea bro how often does dog meat get sold by outdoor street food vendors? I ate a lot of random street food when I was in Korea and I always wondered if I had dog unknowingly. If so it was tasty.
She's fat and pissy

>women are weaker and more incompetent than me-
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Senchai restraining himself as another woman lacks the critical understanding that heā€™s taking it easy on her.
Its rodtang. He's playing and he's the kind of person who would never hit a girl even in sparring. If he turned it on for one second he would break her with the first strike.

I have never met a woman stronger than me. I have never met a woman who would even wanted to be stronger than me. Strength is an irrelevant attribute for a woman.
I'm one hundred percent sure even the most fighter dyke bull like creature would want to feel vulnerable and small in a large man's arms.
This is one of the basic rules of woman psychology. That's why it is easy when you are tall and muscular, the tallest insecure girls are just as easy to handle if you see them for what they are: little girls.
That's all.
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cope harder incel
He's nervous and trying his best to avoid touching her boobs. Respect

What the fuck is going on down there?
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Yea basically it's a story from the early 2000's.

Apparently the cop would be considered mentally ill in most places.
Women in power are fucking crazy. Nigger women in power are the next level crazy.
She can afford it. This kinda stuff should be happening to judges so regularly that they can't however
>ape judge
"Take your stinking laws off me, you damn dirty APE!"

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Total media silence 2 years investigation. What did he do?

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Why the faux outrage?
If they didnt want the Bible included, why not carve out an acception for it?
Or is it they wanted the Bible banned given theyre desert jews?
It seems rather odd overall of the desire to infantalize kids, while the decisions that impact them continue to occur.
public school - we pay property tax for this
>respect muh pronouns
You demonstrate the issue with removing study material
Do you?
Isnt it all printed?
All fiat debt
You seem to be at a cross purpose on the matter of inflation
The problem is that reproduction is being conflated with pornography to put heinous Jewish porn on the same level as the begats.

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>ā€œWhat I want to do and what I will do is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a green card to be able to stay in this country. And that includes junior colleges too, anybody graduates from a college. You go there for two years or four years,ā€ he said, vowing to address this concern on day one.

Theoretically let's say you obtained 50 acres of land and you have a house on it to start out. You want to start building an entire village/neighborhood of like-minded frens. How do you go about attracting the right people without globohomo enforcing their will upon you?

Your settlement needs to be an attractive and symbiotic place to live, and you have to manage rent/funds fairly and appropriately. One of the top goals is to get the fertility ratio to at least 3.

(Now imagine if this type of settlement was a new white trend of hundreds of thousands, then millions of people to better survive in our brave new world...)
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Continue reading you are going to love this one.
We were able to find out who he is, where he lives and with whom his wife is cucking him (she posts it on social media).
/pol/ is magic.
It be like that ..
that is a lot of ground to secure alone, but if serious you may consider a 'spider hole' defense. Just watch and wait if invaded, then creep out at night to wreak havoc.
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>village of likeminded frens
>sort out rent


Enjoy these images from toonme faggots maybe youll recognize some of them
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niggers are so goofy
lmao what is this garbage

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Why can't niggers use auxilliary verbs?

instead of "you are a bitch" they'll just say "you a bitch." And now because everyone wants to be a nigger, this is how everyone writes online.
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beaches be bitchin'
Dat b very tru.
When you have no concept of past and future, or conditionals, the usage of auxiliary verbs become meaningless.
u gay u gay
hello and thank you for participating in my thread
i'm just posting this so that you nkow i'[m not a 1pbtid
and that i find niggergrammar quite irritating

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>Manchester Airport boss sorry for 'difficult day' after power-cut chaos and cancellations
>Bulgarian gang member behind UK's biggest benefit fraud that scammed Ā£50million brags British prison was like a 'holiday' where she could get haircuts and manicures
>Iā€™m challenging Angela Rayner for Reform UK ā€“ this is why young people like Nigel Farage
>Gambling watchdog widens election betting inquiry
>Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance
>Meet Rishi Sunakā€™s Labour Party opponent who hopes to bring the PM down
>Three teenagers charged with murder after man dies following horror Ealing shooting
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don't respond to memeflags, especially the serbpaki
+uRKl2HA = also gobbo
shoot them a look like the fonz ehhhhh
Do we have that many bullets?
yes I would, I say it irl to people. I dont like them, I dont like mystery shit skins. End of.

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What would be the best countries to go to so you can avoid the draft? Preferably ones you can easily get citizenship in that have no extradition treaties with America or other western nations
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every time japanon posts it's always the most surreal shit.
>ā€œAnd how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more ā€“ we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.ā€
ā€• Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918ā€“1956
America. They will have the least competent diversity draft officers
I for one expect the zoomies to start a second civil war.
If these are the people drafting you just stay here because it's gonna be pretty easy to kill them and take their stuff

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We're getting spammed. Join us, it's comfy.

> Ideogram 1.0

> Dall-E 3

> Hidden Pictures

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how are you prompting in luma to get something that doesn't turn into demon spasms? i tell it 'static shot, zooming out' and it ends up panning to the side

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Who actually falls for these obvious glowie channels about China collapsing in two weeks? Even the Wikipedia biography of these two motherfuckers reads like a bad spy plot.
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I fell for it a few years ago. Then I started to notice that China was always one step away from collapse and I started to see the grift. It's always two more weeks.
the bald one was not the SIMP that paid for a bugwoman bills just to discover that she was married? Lmao

same, years ago i watched them for about ~ 2months but in the first month you already notice "....wait a minute....china was not suppose to be cinders by now?"
based glowers
gooks and bugs get the rope
wow we got a big brain over here.
this. the problem with the stereotypical chud goober is that he is operating under a non existence definition of what "collapse" means.
It's a hugbox to keep westoids thinking that it's still secretly 1983 and that they have a hundred years of prosperity ahead of them.

If they were to know the reality, then they'd start asking big questions that the people who rule them don't want to have to answer.

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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Angels to some, demons to others. Christians call anything not described in desert manual as demonic. Religious people are retarded like that.
The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states. They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum. Unless they want to reveal themselves, that is. And no one knows for sure what the fuck they are exactly. So portraying them as "Grey dudes from outer space" is a psyop to put a lable on them that won't freak out the average normie as much.
>The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states.
>They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum.
An optic specifically made with looking via vibrational states might shed more light regarding these UAPs. add in that "banned glass", then we might see "them" without the need for "them" to intentionally show themselves.
it runs away like an eye floater
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I don't know, but it's going to be fucking lit when the ayylmaos drop.

>Pastor Robert Morris, a Texas megachurch pastor who served as a spiritual adviser to former President Donald Trump, has confessed to a ā€œmoral failureā€ four decades ago after a woman accused him of repeatedly molesting her as a child.
>The woman, Cindy Clemishire, told NBC News that Morris, now a senior pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, was staying with her family on Christmas night in 1982. She was 12; he was 21. Clemishire, now 54, said he invited her to his room, where he instructed her to lie on her back. He then touched her breasts and felt under her panties, Clemishire said ā€” the first of several similar encounters that would span the next 4Ā½ years, she said.
Another Republican, consevative amd "Christian" was diddling minors. Another person connected to Trump is a certified pedophile. Why is this being slid?
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His BFF was Epstein until Trump distanced himself for fear it would bring him down too. Ofc MAGAcucks play this off as Trump being Christian KEK...
Because in America, religion plays a big role in a large swath of sheep who can't function without the fear of an existential father who will punish them for doing all the weird, freaky shit they really, really want to do.
its funny how you troons find 1 pic of Trump with somebody then make up these bullshit fairy tales
>point out that Trump is a sleezy creep sexual pervert
>"nooo you're a tranny!!!"

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The jewish NGO will make sure they get very close to you and your way of life. And you will pay for everything, of course.
Guess whos causing the influx of Muslim refugees in Ireland? Take a wild guess.
Everyone in the middle east hates the Palestinians and Hamas and wants nothing to do with them beyond using them as a cudgel to beat Israel with. This is not true of Hezbollah and they have many allies and have come to the aid of others such as Syria and they were the ones that integrated and trained the former Sunni militias that opposed Assad in the Syrian civil war to fight against CIA backed ISIS alongside Assad and the Syrian army. You have no idea what you are talking about.
>Never forget the Jews and what they did in Russia and Ukraine
Jews are going to bomb the Beirut airport

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