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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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This. Did Kikes NOT learn from the Riots back in the 90's?
go ahead and die for niggers and kikes faggot, they attacked protesters first and got away with it, this is payback bitch, this is what rebellion looks like.
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That feel when the goyim know.
looks like the jews got a taste of their own medicine
anti what?

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You pussy ass americans aka amerimutts WON'T DO SHIT!

Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene

Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'

Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Frees 825K Foreign Nationals into U.S. — Outpacing Population of San Francisco

After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap

New migrant caravan headed to US

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Sure whatever helps you to cope or feel better about your pathetic existence muttoid/latinx lmao!
I would too if my President was a Jew.
You are in a glownigger DEMORALIZATION thread.

The point of this thread is to demoralize you.
> Waaaaaaaaah muh demoralization

Truth hurts does it you pathetic muttoid/latinx lol.
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Just a reminder jeets have the smallest dicks and smallest brains of any race on earth.

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Donnie is NOT looking so good these days.
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>pedo backstabs other pedo for fear it will bring him down too otherwise
lookin' rough there, Trumpstein...
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you probably demand bigger BBC in your asshole too, faggot
Your logic sucks. Please never ever serve on a jury, even if it's a jaywalking charge.
Thats a face mask for sure

>Another day, another escalation
- Security measures for 59 'scientists' and university employees for their publications regarding migration, climate, Palestine conflict and vaccins
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal

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>Paalt zijn sessie ID
Koek, wat een pedofiele mongool ben je toch, Adriaan de Wit. Hoe gaat het trouwens met je zus?
Ik ben geen pedofiel
Dit is gewoon hoogmoed
Weg met de hele homofilie

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lel dumb millenials and zoomers ackchually think they can make a diff and their options matter, lol WHATEVA
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Calling a Gen-Xer a Boomer is like calling them a nigger
Gen-X is a mix of late-Silent and early Baby Boomers, which drove demographers batshit at the time. There was no single defining trait which is why they were called Generation-X in the first place
it doesn't matter my zoom zoom faggot, we x fags are all boomers now, it's not a generation, it's a set of mind
Shits fucking everywhere. My parents were both born in 1931. I was born in the last days of 1972. So my dad barely survived the Korean war when he met my mother while stationed in post war occupied Japan. Then goes on to endure 2 tours in Vietnam.. Mom saw Doolittles Raiders hit Tokyo, and the firebombings. Her oldest sister survived Hiroshima, barely. My oldest uncles shot at each other in Pearl Harbor. My family has seen fucking history up close and from the inside. My father just before he passed about lost his shit when he found out I was heading out for my 4th tour into dorka-dirka land. He died two months into that fucked off tour. Mom died 3 years ago, two weeks before her youngest son my first was born.. We're trying to have one more, but the timing of everything isn't exactly working out.. Many of my friends my age have it far fucking worse.. Those still alive. Just got into my 50's and half the people I grew up with are dead. Mostly violent deaths and car wrecks. Hell, now that I think about it, nobody died from anything natural.. At lest not yet. Everything is fucked. Timing on everything especially. For God's sakes, my grandfather was born in 1897 and I'm chasing a toddler around the house...
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I just thinking killing the right people can change the world. That's my opinion, and I suppose it's up to me to make it matter.
Boomers and GenX have not done nearly enough, and it's time for a change.
Thought you ex jidf failures were told to stand down until Bibi is done with the Palestinians. /pol/ has been so much better without kike memeflag slide threads every minute but now it's BAU?

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I am forgotten.
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Burn yourself faggot
I respect his conviction in his methods.
I know people love to make memes of his last moments, but going out by fire has to be the worst way imaginable.

Unless he took painkillers prior, poor bastard must have been in the worst agony possible and I do feel bad for him.
Palis seemed pretty supportive of him in general. And many of the aid workers who help them are White, so it's not like they kill them on sight.

But if he was going to an hero anyway, there were more effective things he could have done.
Nah. The worst way to die is getting shot in the liver by a small caliber low velocity round and left to wither in a ditch on the side of a dirt road about 3 miles west of Tellico Plains in 2011.
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What's going on today, lads? Other than your mom's a bitch and every day with her is opposite day and you're tired of being gaslit.
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"Daddy issues" are caused by a MISSING father.
"Mommy issues" are caused DIRECTLY by a mother.

If you have "daddy issues" you're a furry.

If you have "mommy issues" you're a mass murderer. Don't forget women love psychopaths for reproduction because they think it's a flex. This overwhelms the "missing father" condition.
this, it's the secret behind char's powers
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Men with mommy and daddy issues
Well, yeah. What do you think "missing father" means?
second only to your ID

In a lot of ways, Nazi society would begin forcefully adopting secularization policies resembling those of the Soviet Union (The Nazis were, in fact, inspired quite a bit by the Soviets.), as in the Nazis would take plenty of measures to die down the popularity of religion, which would gradually work over a many decades. They would start with simple things, like removing statues and certain religious sculptures from public. They already tried replacing bibles with Mein Kampf and including swastikas everywhere, so maybe they could do similar things until eventually church didn't even resemble church, and people, other than a few really psychotic people, would continue doing there. Eventually, these places would be outlawed entirely, and the people who would complain and revolt would simply be sent to educational correctional facilities or be executed if they can't be fixed. It's not worth keeping really psychotic people in prison, and this would also be eugenic, along with saving plenty of tax dollars.
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Look at men today, weak, emasculated (in america, doubly so by circumcision), and low testosterone. This evolution is driven by jewish influence over womens dating preferences. There will be no special forces soon - unless by special you mean Super Dilation Squad - 22 Inch battalion.
you are delusional if you think germany winning would be anything but mass destruction, genocide and eradication of all kind of cultures.

all they did was destroy countless historical buildings, loot, kill, pillage fellow white people hell even fucking norway got that treatment my entire city was turned to ash. if nazis even did this shit to ppl they consider aryan then they do it to about anyone
Everything you’ve posted thus far indicates a severe misreading of historical events and a confused worldview. The Reich was not hostile to Christianity in any way. In fact, when Hitler banned freemasonry in 1933, numerous lodges attempted to rebrand themselves as “Christian” clubs to sidestep the new law, knowing full well that National Socialism represented the political manifestation of Lutheranism.

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The dark ages is dismissed by every serious historian today. https://youtu.be/v34bhTCJi6s?si=0eB0zWxWCmP9m5Z0

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>just gymmaxx bro
>just mmamaxx bro
>just richmaxx bro
>just famemaxx bro

All that bullshit so u can get rejected by a 2/10 girl. Imagine falling for the self improvement scam in 2024.
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why does her face look like mine when i smell my shit
when you get hit in the head for a living
>just dye your hair pink bro
not politics faggot
Woken hate losers. Their power is based on status and in group relations. Men perceived as weak or losing will be rejected in favor of healthier mates.

>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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Biden would still sniff it...
the male sperm whale is the Largest living organism on the planet
Women are fat.
Blue whales are goofy looking creatures.

Let's talk about organ donation.

In Germany there's the debate to make organ donations after death opt-out, that means, if you do not opt out they will harvest your organs after death. I have no problem with this per se, if I'm dead, do whatever the fuck you want with my organs it no longer matters. However, I do have concerns that doctors would prioritize organs vs the patient's life when it would come to procedures where the chance of success is low and the chance of losing viable donor organs in the process is high.

They SAY that the number one priority is saving your life but do you believe this is true? Imagine the doctor knows you're an organ donor and knows you have viable organs. Even if they say they will always prioritize your life, simple logic can be applied here and puts this into jeopardy. Let's say that your organs could save 3 peoples lives. Why would they do a medical procedure on you that has a low chance of success and lose these organs in the process, when they could instead harvest the organs and save 3 peoples lives? Anyone working in the medical field here who can give some insight?

Do you trust your doctors enough to opt-in to organ donation after death?
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Nvm, found it.

You decide, OP
There's no medical definition of brain death. Doctors say when you are brain dead. Doctors induce comas in patients then declare them brain dead. As long as it's considered standard procedure they can knock you out, steal your organs and murder you for profit. This is the true God complex of doctors the power to say who lives and who dies, the biggest psychopaths are the richest doctors. They'll sell every body part and the best thing is the person who gets the organs had to stay on expensive drugs for life after that.
more truth to this than we know. i wonder how many organs are coming out of ukraine?
more truth to this than most would believe.
>organ donation
you mean a huge incentive for the hospital to let you die because they can make way more money by transplanting 5 organs vs. saving you?

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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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Pajeet you need a cock for raping
Your 2 inches micro penis doesn't count
You c𝘢n't see this comment bec𝘢use you 𝘢re using 𝘢 Indian mobile
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There's nothing Aryan about you, shitskin shitjeet invader.
There’s been some weird surprisingly organic push in India to be pro-Zion. I unironically think they are desperate enough that they believe joining the IDF will permit them (((white))) bob and vagene, not realizing that the Jude is the most insular, xenophobic race in the world. They’d rather sterilize Ethiopian Jews than treating them as equals, and they think Jews are going to literally muddy their waters with filthy pajeet blood. They’d just be used as cannon fodder.
I can’t wait to see videos of pajeets praying to kushramalamadingdong before getting blasted by drones
Don't they know they have to be circumcised to join the IDF (like Muslims)

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>is the sun a star
ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality, which is heavily influenced by this simple question
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if you dont understand the universe surrounding humanity than youll have a much harder time understanding humanity.
this was for the german guy. i was drunk and didnt respond properly.
your point is still retarded
No. It is not. Some believe it is the God himself, others believe it is the eye of a God.
Space is fake!
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>The sun is a star
That's stupid da sun is da sun
well of course not, dummy
stars only come out at night

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When they don't even want to take care of them? I got new neighbors, typical single mother girl boss who gets her teenage kids every other week it seems, and they have a cute corgi. Fuck yeah, cute little corgi! But mom is too busy 10-12 hours a day at work and just looks the dog inside where it whines constantly. Then she gets home and lets the dog out on the back patio for the rest of the night, where it whines more and shits in the yard. When the teenage kids are home I don't see them play with it, and I don't see them ever take it for a walk. Ever. There's a nice dog park down the street.

I just wish I could scare or shame the lard momboss and wigger children into actually caring for their dog. I hate hearing it whine nearly 24/7 and I hate how I can smell shit from their yard.

Thanks for reading my rant.
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Why can't dogs be independent and look after themselves? Every other animal does that
Corgi bul gogi uma delicia
I would've fucked the mother if I were you. Go get her, anon
Hey Korea bro how often does dog meat get sold by outdoor street food vendors? I ate a lot of random street food when I was in Korea and I always wondered if I had dog unknowingly. If so it was tasty.
She's fat and pissy

>women are weaker and more incompetent than me-
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Senchai restraining himself as another woman lacks the critical understanding that he’s taking it easy on her.
Its rodtang. He's playing and he's the kind of person who would never hit a girl even in sparring. If he turned it on for one second he would break her with the first strike.

I have never met a woman stronger than me. I have never met a woman who would even wanted to be stronger than me. Strength is an irrelevant attribute for a woman.
I'm one hundred percent sure even the most fighter dyke bull like creature would want to feel vulnerable and small in a large man's arms.
This is one of the basic rules of woman psychology. That's why it is easy when you are tall and muscular, the tallest insecure girls are just as easy to handle if you see them for what they are: little girls.
That's all.
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cope harder incel
He's nervous and trying his best to avoid touching her boobs. Respect

What the fuck is going on down there?
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Yea basically it's a story from the early 2000's.

Apparently the cop would be considered mentally ill in most places.
Women in power are fucking crazy. Nigger women in power are the next level crazy.
She can afford it. This kinda stuff should be happening to judges so regularly that they can't however
>ape judge
"Take your stinking laws off me, you damn dirty APE!"

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Total media silence 2 years investigation. What did he do?

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Why the faux outrage?
If they didnt want the Bible included, why not carve out an acception for it?
Or is it they wanted the Bible banned given theyre desert jews?
It seems rather odd overall of the desire to infantalize kids, while the decisions that impact them continue to occur.
public school - we pay property tax for this
>respect muh pronouns
You demonstrate the issue with removing study material
Do you?
Isnt it all printed?
All fiat debt
You seem to be at a cross purpose on the matter of inflation
The problem is that reproduction is being conflated with pornography to put heinous Jewish porn on the same level as the begats.

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>“What I want to do and what I will do is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a green card to be able to stay in this country. And that includes junior colleges too, anybody graduates from a college. You go there for two years or four years,” he said, vowing to address this concern on day one.

Theoretically let's say you obtained 50 acres of land and you have a house on it to start out. You want to start building an entire village/neighborhood of like-minded frens. How do you go about attracting the right people without globohomo enforcing their will upon you?

Your settlement needs to be an attractive and symbiotic place to live, and you have to manage rent/funds fairly and appropriately. One of the top goals is to get the fertility ratio to at least 3.

(Now imagine if this type of settlement was a new white trend of hundreds of thousands, then millions of people to better survive in our brave new world...)
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Continue reading you are going to love this one.
We were able to find out who he is, where he lives and with whom his wife is cucking him (she posts it on social media).
/pol/ is magic.
It be like that ..
that is a lot of ground to secure alone, but if serious you may consider a 'spider hole' defense. Just watch and wait if invaded, then creep out at night to wreak havoc.
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>village of likeminded frens
>sort out rent


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