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its a sharp, hard surface that connects with the head at speed. From what ive read his head is fractured where he got hit
the tricep is the hardest part of the elbow. RIP.
Now i know you're not an italian because an italian would know enough football to read gazetta dello sport and see it was the scottish gk that hit vargas
>elbows are sharp
sounds like a coverup tbqh

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German NAFO "journalist" Thomas Franke calls for Russia to be bombed into stone age to "re-educate" the "shit" out of their volk
>inb4 he said "no alternative"
first he brings up this no-alternative then he says there's no other alternative. read between the lines niggers
the funny thing is these are the "people" who have call us the extremists kek

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At this point you'd have to literally be brainwashed or a paid shill to still support Russia.
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>You being a retard who can't Google simple shit
Burn marks from the fake drone spot.
Ahh you see explosives do not disintegrate things they attach to. Especially when it could disintegrate the guy it ran into. Fucking retard finlander. I know it's crazy but yes they do leave remains.
I'll do it for free
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why would we ever support Ukraine tho? what's in it for us if Ukraine wins? will it suddenly reverse the genocide of whites in Europe by the tribe?

why would you stop press from checking certain parts of the airport if there are not weapons being stored there and are trying to prove the zionist media wrong?
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They simply copied that from jews. Jews are not only encouraged to lie to goyim but also kill them with impunity.
This is jews looking for an excuse to bomb civilians again.
This war will make US and jews paid until it said nomore
It takes an arab know what other arabs think
I've studied arabs for a long time. I can say with 100% certainty that inbreeding + pisslam has rendered them completely retarded. No wonder jews wipe the floor with them everytime they go to war

every other race calls them out except the whites.
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Oh my GOD, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
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laughs in Indiachad. I run the anime scene in Toronto you racists
Sir you are fucking you are fucking sir!

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Happening train has no breaks
American señors going on a field trip
Or what? He’ll go talk shit on Oprah?

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or is he just another Russian shill?
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They hate the One True God, since they are Jewish slaves.
he's another retarded Christbot golem. exactly how many of these things do you need?
what are the valid critiques?
For example Orthodox once accepted Filioque at the seventh ecumenical council. After that they backslided.
somehow i dont think that's what he meant since he said
>obscure topics only autists care about like "ecumenical councils" or whatever that faggotry means

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China doesn't give a shit about russia. They aren't going to war for them. They are concerned about building their economy. They don't want to be a fucking pariah like russia. They need EU and US/western markets. North korea, russia, and iran aren't going to take the place of the western markets. China is already bullying russia because russia has shown itself to be weak, just by the way.
like they're training the ai systems that will hunt people down when they wander off the plantations, and everyone's cheering it on from one side or the other
The West wishes that was true. The West has begged China from joining in with Russia on Ukraine as China preps for Taiwan. You niggers out yourselves immediately
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gives me running man vibes. what a time to be alive & being hunted by a temu drone strapped with WWII surplus explosions. all shit talking aside, shouldn't he be able to raise his arms and surrounder though? seems slightly warcrimey
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>a net with few stones at the end would take care of a drone easily and costs pretty much nothing
Exactly. Make nets like picrel and launch them from a t-shirt gun. Drone propellers tangle in net, drone falls to ground

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this group will represent Poland far-right party in EU parliament

what you think /pol/? phenotypically speaking
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how come?
Has those kike beady eyes
Based Braun. True patriot
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I always see women struggling when they wear those, their walking looks rather awkward, I once saw a woman who had to take them off in order to run fast due to emergency, such shoes tend cause deformities and tendon damage. This doesn't look practical or comfortable at all. I heard women complaining about pain and discomfort yet they can't stop wearing them. Not to mention that men nowadays must be taller than a woman wearing high heels which makes pair bonding much more difficult.

This is like a more subtle and erotic version of spanish torture boots. Something tells me that such design is malicious and subversive, why did it become such a common footwear among women? Is this another form of humiliation ritual?
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See my post for why that is.

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self objectification
They would not last one day not being objectified (misnomer, or something like that, it’s not a thing that is being done to them) or not objectifying themselves. It’s like when they pick the man but say they pick the bear. They don’t understand hypotheticals, or they know there are no consequences to “picking wrong”, so they treat it as an exercise in virtue/status/desiresbility signalling. They say they want us to stop objectifying, but A: they know that will never happen so it’s not like a “careful what you wish for” type deal, and B: because they don’t know of all the implications that would follow from men suddenly treating women as though they do not possess eggs, and C: they’d like to bring to the forefront of public consciousness that they possess innate value than all men desire them for them. But if we somehow magically stopped treating like sex objects or recognizing their sexual value, They’d kill themselves. It would be hell for them. Treating them like objects confers upon them a higher status than treating them like people. To treat them like people would mean to treat them more poorly. The world would become a darker place more difficult for them to navigate.
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women's choises revolve solely around attention this is why white women go out with nigs and the physically deformed.
for heels its.
it elevate the heels making the arse sick out while pushing the chest forward
taller things are more noticeable, obviously
the high heel is 1000x louder than normal shoes making people naturally look.
someone going "aaaa haaa wait" then taking their shoe off in the street if they are in a hurry is something people notice

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oh sorry, i mean communism
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"late stage capitalism" aka not even remotely capitalism
>not even remotely capitalism
>Our shitty present
>heh the free market will decide how this ends!
>what do you mean all the grocery stores are doing surge pricing?

Heh yeah, choices and freedom is what the good ol' USA is all about, right?
If it was communism, there just wouldn't be any food.

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((Judo)) - Christian
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Keep worshipping a literal sandnigger
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judo chop
I dunno if I ever met a christian that didnt justify their terrible shit behavior by using religion as a crutch
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oh look at that , antichristian thread no 48 today

if christianity is jewish then the jewish mosad anti christian spam would not exist

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lel dumb millenials and zoomers ackchually think they can make a diff and their options matter, lol WHATEVA
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Go be a fucking jew on faceberg retard.
>Gen Xer here. I thought all those broccoli haired faggots were half nigger until they my kids explained to me they are actually little white bois so demoralized by the Jewish niggeizaiton of everything that they are getting perms to LARP as miscegenations.

Both hahahaha, true. This.
>The World
>Past Gens
Every Gen
What are they supposed to do? Cry about it on the Internet like you?
Based Gen X, The reason why this Board exists, Best Music Era, we silently Generated wealth off our own backs as we have watched all future Generations be subverted and thrown into Clown world. Boomers were gifted their wealth , Gen X paved a technological/info era that future Generations picked up and ass fucked it to death. I hope all mill, post mill, zoomer and Gen Y burn they deserve everything they get for not being able to critically think. Take your boosters cocksuckers

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We're getting spammed. Join us, it's comfy.

> Ideogram 1.0

> Dall-E 3

> Hidden Pictures

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Not a Horse Lord
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Cut your guns!
Book a Star Ship
impressive how this gen still attracts shills
back on the laptop
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Was he just trying to warn us Machiavelli style or was he just a really arrogant kike? Or both
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Now we're on your ground, gamla gubben!
It’s interesting how this fits with libertarianism (pioneered by Jewsx rand etc) with NAP and all. “Yes I have child slaves but they were starving and willingly accepted the offer to work in my mind” type shit. Along with the more modern “satanism” (another Jewish invention) with its emphasis on “do anything, as long as there is consent”.
>he just a really arrogant kike
Why should I care what David Schwimmer thinks about kikes or whatever?
Plaza Hotel is a special place for it though.
Same venue that inspired Hotel California.
It's a rape-murder hotspot where people get sacrificed all the time.
One particular occasion was when guests at the Plaza Hotel noticed the water was tasting funny, and staff "discovered" a dessicated corpse in the water tank. She'd been stuffed there and was dissolving into the drink water supply, after having been raped and murdered.
Just one example of the shit that's normal there.

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Women complain all the time that men don't want to court them anymore, and they act as if they didn't know why.

Why would I ever spend money, time, and energy trying to court a roastie who lost her innocence a long time ago? She isn't going to be a great wife, her past relationship traumas are going to follow her through life. She is going to be a bad parent because of that. You really want a wife that would ruin your children? What king of daughter is a mother like that going to raise? You want your daughter to be used goods aswell with you having zero control? Will you enjoy hearing your daughter get fucked by some retarded school kid in her room?

Coping with shit like "well, she only had sex with one guy before me" doesn't work either. In fact, that's even worse. She is definitely going to remember that until the end of her life no matter what. Women post everything online nowadays, and her exes are going to see your retard ass putting a ring on their used goods and they are going to laugh their asses off.

Stay safe anons, don't date roasties, and have a nice day.

To mods: this is political because we have a population decline in the west, and it won't ever be fixed if there are too few women worth marrying.
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New INCEL thread just dropped!
You’re in Japan, half of all women under 40 are virgins or somethinng
you will never be a real woman
you will never have ovaries
If I cant breed then I will make this be society problem, since I have nothing to lose you will lose everything

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Range Rover-driving couple in mask and keffiyeh is arrested at gunpoint before cops make startling discovery in their backseat as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb

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All cops are traitors
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Too bad the cops didn' shot them. One less scum on earth
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stay mad ahmed. kill yourself
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You dropped this
holy click bait! anglos are different breed. lol

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if you lazy niggers got a job we wouldn't have to import indians and spics to keep our economy going
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His claim to fame is having a failed digital payment company get bought out for some reason. Other than that he’s a nigger living off of welfare money.
we need more mass awareness, and continued discussion. still in the early phase of a white revitalization
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I hate America. Importing tens of millions of 3rd world trash is terrible for America. I want maximum damage to be done to America and thankfully US domestic and foreign policy is achieving my goals for me

Death to America
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>keith haring shirt
you can have er

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automatic hate speech tracking systems do not react to word nigger but to MD5 hash of the word nigger

this way computers confirm that it was you who said nigger if your devices keep spreading the hateful MD5 hash string
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This is my last post, I'm logging off this crapheep site like a fly off a turd that's fat full of poo.
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track this my nigger.
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>converting a 6 character word into a 32 character string for storage
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AI can't recognize ciphers yet so there's that.
that's what encrypting language is, you know binary etc? That's basically how those are as well.

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Please forgive me if another thread is already up, I did a search and could not see it.
>What's happening today
Shitposters are stirring the nuclear debate with shit memes (boomers are upset), a Darwin rehabilitation centre treating former prisoners is to be replaced with a new prison, and antisemitism in Australia is "failure" of our political leaders.
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>If you report my post your mother dies in her sleep tonight
i have tried ignoring 5,000,209 of these posts and it never worked. going to report you and hope this is the time.



migrate now mein niggers
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Fucking kek
If you just stop posting that shit the nightmare would end.
>da jooz
kys furtranny nigger
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