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tell me the size dimensions you would find optimal where it's not overly big anymore. I'll make it again with a new angle too and aftermath real quick
the DJ and security started it up to drown out nick's speech
lmao the browns are fighting the other browns just like a typical third world country
That's gonna cost the club a lot in legal fees. How could you let this happen to you though? People seriously underestimate the impulsiveness of darkies. It's like when people get their face ripped off by a monkey or a pitbull. Why the fuck would you get near one in the first place?

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Why is nobody hiring right now?
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You'll be drafted and hauled off to bootcamp right next to OP, next stop the sandbox to die for ZOG. hahahaha
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>Just replace all welfare with public stock options and bonds to get everyone involved
>Emphasize more NFT and crypto speculation
>Make it a sales and contractual economy
And then everyone started clapping
Corps literally hire only immigrants to get Blackrock money
you can have a job just fine - if you actually do valuable work.
if you're just some rent seeking parasite then yeah, you'll get axed quickly

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But I've also been a giga pol fag since pol was formed and my grandfather was a Hitler youth.
Jews sent their whores to every frontier to seduce lonely white pioneers, all so they could demand your allegiance today. Joke's on them. Mischlinge make the most fervent Nazis.
Make your kike ancestors seeth anon
You are doing God's work
fuck you and your gay thread faggot

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Jared Taylor is very optimistic about the future of white america. Do you agree with him?


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quite sad how she got cancelled because of palestine and we don't hear about climate anymore. antisemitism doomed humanity after all
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>and we don't hear about climate anymore

>quite sad

really, frog?
>modded skyrim
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she's very passionate
Looks like even she doesnt believe her bullshit about the climate. Virtue signalling over a endless conflict between savages is her new thing.
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>the case of greta proves kikes rule the world

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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He's a redpilled ex - zogbot turned anti war activist, so he says. His Wiki page doesn't say Jew or Israel so idk
imagine being handed a script and told how to think and feel. What a KWAB
>Why doesn't 4chan jannies ban bots?
Kek 4chan makes money off of bots, dumbass.
That spammer is not a bot though
Fuck off and die.
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as mentioned above, AM is emblematic of 1980s-2000s radical leftism
anti-corporate and antiglobalist
in the late 1990s, the far left was *actually* antiglobalist, the Seattle 1999 protest for example.
After 9/11 everything changed, and by 2008 with the economic collapse the 99 percent were getting a little too restless for the elites' blood, and the 'Left' needed to be reorganized.
So they splintered it into race-gender-'justice' orientation rather than *class* and economic focus, or focus on the Wall Street banks and HNW elites.
if any anons used to follow her show on which ran through the first couple terms of Obama, she criticized the then-current adminstration as vigorously as the GWOT of Cheney-GWB
it's weird to see so much of /pol/ discussions completely unaware of and oblivious to the 1st term of Obama.

You're literally defending baby genocide.
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>why are you pro-abortion?
because for the majority of people life is suffering and I don't think more innocent people need to go through that.
Babies deserve a genocide.
>Dingus, I turn 50 later this year.
Ancient one, is it true there really is no other platform or place to speak freely other than this board and a handful of other clone chans?
I'm pro choice for whites, niggers, Gypsies and Arabs. For everyone else it should be criminalized.

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>"Time to die for Israel, goy!"
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what is going on? will americans really have to die in a backwater shithole like ukraine?
>meme flag
Nice try troon.
It doesn't count. Troons get drafted too
So much for trans rights

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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you sound very depressed and suicidal

This post glows
Butcher of Ukraine is descriptive, I like it.
Soon Ukrainians will butcher him in the central plazza in Kiev.
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PEACE Summit in Switzerland is actually a wake for Ukrain.

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Joe biden is schizophrenic, he is seeing things that , he is also following the voices that call him.

What was his problem?
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Sorry, 30-40 krag.
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Ironic, it was actually pancho villa who prohibited weapons in Mexico after the revolution.
He said he didn't want Mexicans getting used to killing one another. Disbanded his group in peace time and when he learned shit was brewing in Mexico again he tried to re arm Mexico and regroup his dorados.
The CIA caught em cutting a corner going from his ranch to the government, they riddle the car with so many bullets legends say he ended up unrecognizable, you just don't give up your weapons no matter what
Mexicanon said it's 30-30.
Based and redpilled.
They magically stopped turning commando in mexican culture and acted like gun culture never happened in mexico

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Biden is old and has dementia, but is also a criminal mastermind who somehow manipulated all the courts to have Trump get convicted, but was somehow unable to manipulate the courts to have Hunter Biden not tried and not convicted, and was also unable to manipulate the courts to have Trump tried for his classified documents, Georgia election or January 6th case, also the Democrats somehow manipulated the entire election in 2020 so that Biden won, but were somehow unable to manipulate the election so they would seize complete control of the House and Senate even though both of those elections were on the same ballot as president and that's just as important for passing legislation, and also all the elections were rigged and manipulated but somehow none of the ones the Republicans won were rigged or manipulated, and also Hillary is crooked and we should lock her up because she's a criminal but we can't lock up Trump an actual convicted felon because if we lock up a former president and political rival that's bad now, and also we need law and order in this country but not for my favorite orange man, when he gets locked up the legal system is wrong and bad now. We need to bring religion back to America so instead of voting for the candidate who regularly goes to church I'm going to vote for the candidate who can't name a single Bible verse and cheated on his wife with a porn star.
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>Fuck off, shitlib. You don't belong here.
>but is also a criminal mastermind who somehow manipulated all the courts
Nobody thinks Biden personally did that. It was his puppeteers.
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>Biden is old and has dementia
No shit
>but is also a criminal mastermind
Biden is just a figurehead for his cabinet
Nobody believes biden is making the decisions. Not even you.

Lurk more newfag

The coronation of the Antichrist
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thread theme

nah this
Who is he/she?
what happened with the red heffers sacrifce?

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vaxxies will end the human race

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KEK, what bullshit, they got the "kosher" version (saline)
<shrugs in incel>
I've already been weeded out of the gene pool by the gatekeepers of sex. I don't care if the vaxx or the plastics or whatever makes people infertile. I don't care about society, I don't care about humanity. I'm completely divested.
You should have let me have a girlfriend in my 20s.
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Father of the year
Think he'll start an OF next?
Reminder that "doctor" John Campbell is not a medical doctor, he has a phd in communication and was a nurse.

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FUCK! I missed this! Does anyone have a link to the livestream? I wanna hear what Gregory Hood and Jared Taylor had to say.
>eceleb shit
It will be posted here later
Thanks, bro
good thing you are not even an e-celeb

You just died in a horrifically painful locomotive accident and now you are about to Be Reincarnated as this woman!

What do you do?
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I got off at the wrong station
Claim to be a 500 year old god and make a living off retarded poos
Reroll by immediately jumping in front of another train
There is no supreme creator, mr Freemason Shabbos goy
How many suicides till you come back as a white man? What are the odds?

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Say something nice about her.
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She was ugly af in this photo too faggot...
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Ogami Sakura'd
She's a Kraut you fags. Kalina von Saxe-Coburg und Gotha. She Queen Lizzie and King Philippe of Belgium's Distant Relative. Her Husband is a Marrano Cryptokike Nafri ala Zemmour.
Yeah, no one in Bulgaria considers her as our own. There was a public backlash earlier this year when she was caught drunk driving.

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Jannies: Political cause WW3 is at our doorstep.

Ok so for the past months I've been going constantly from panic to neh (nothing ever happens).

Now I am in kind of paralyzed state where I don't take any action(moving to some place like Argentina) nor do I feel safe with where I currently am.

Today I had a dream although I've never read a religious book.

It goes like this:

There are alot of people and there is a rocket ´launch. The fire from it is so intense that It kinda blinds you if you look at it. There is panic and people running everywhere after the launch. I follow someone called Nathanail(Biblical name?). Eventualy we are at some kind of old Temple. At this temple there are different corners. I ask Nathanail for the one called Truth. He shows me where it is and I go there. I then ask him about my Brother. And he tells me something like he has to find/chose by himself. The place or Temple had no roof but it still felt kinda safe.

It will happen won't it? Where is this "Temple"? Does someone know?
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>turns to the atheist for a religious dream
You're retarded.
>You're retarded
Î am, I admit it. I don't understand christianity. Not that I don't want to..
its replicating the molecular structure of the eye ball, kinda like a visual speaker box.
people think they are unique and special
its hilarious
just meat
they are called the religious

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Would you live like this /pol/?


It only costs 1000$ a month.
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>Would you live like this /pol/?
You will. You asked for it.
Therefore it happens a lot
I believe I'd sooner buy a van and live in it.
>>a lot

But only among the men, and since it's inherently a jewish communist establishment this goes unchallenged. And then, imagine the smell..

Beastial? Try fecal.

A fundamental aspect keeping normies in check is their hatred for their jobs. Why do you think this is?

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