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Japan, ヽ(°〇°)ノ
Are the 2.2% being admitted to test weapons on? Why allow any human jetsam into your country otherwise?
303? too many!
japan started cuckenization
enjoy your future allahuakbat on the streets and black drug dealers

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Heard you like to piss off Jews. Just stop touching your dick for pleasure. As a bonus women will cope and seethe as well.
You have literally nothing to lose, compared to other time/energy-wasting efforts. The longer you stop the more intense results. If you fail, no problem, just start over when you're ready. Absolutely no pressure!

Just don't forget porn is free and owned by said Jews.

I'm not saying you get magic powers, spiritual awakenings and other things as mentioned elsewhere.

Have fun lads!
>As a bonus women will cope and seethe as well.

shut the fuck up faggot and kill yourself NOW
Takes away their power if your not a coomer.
>Takes away their power if your not a coomer.
I've read this from nofappers before, but I don't see how it works.
I don't think women can tell on days I've looked at porn vs days i have not.

What was his problem?
The problem was the dictatorship, Pancho was the solution.

A champion is someone who fights for a cause or for a people.

Someone who fights for those who cannot protect themselves.

Pancho and his men fought for the people, for their freedom.

They went to war against a tyrannical government and won.
>brutally murdered chinks (he believed the chinese were subhuman)
>overthrew regimes
>made theodore roosevelt and the US seethe
>hated socialism and bolshevik ideas
>fought against mexican regimes
>hated niggers
crazy beaner ngl
This is a crossroad

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Was was the point where Jews completely took over the world? Was it the Rothchilds? When Napoleon lost? When Hitler lost? Or was it when they made the Federal Reserve and consequently central banks?

I also hear some people on her espousing that it was thousands of years earlier, going so far as to blame them for burning down the Library of Alexandria. Or that Jews are butthurt slopehead neanderthalls. Just when did they start working against caucasoids? When did they become greedy and why are they the way they are? To me it is too much to wrap my head around.
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What's the oldest record of usury? Probably around then.
Incidentally, the US government has only ever been debt-free for a brief period from 1835 to 1836.
Better than soijak posters honestly
I think the JFK assassination sent a very pointed message to the goystablishment.
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Zechariah 12:2-3
>Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
>And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

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> the requirements of recognition are much more about cultural connectedness as well as family links. Government policy used blood quantum to try to "breed out" Aboriginal people and remove children from their families so many nations really push back against it as a statement of defiance against the attempted genocide.
Ok, that made me laugh.
Your wife's a Bigfoot, isn't she, Gus?
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
Herodotus you bastard youve done it again

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Ban lonely white men
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>shooter white male, millenial
sorry, we can't show you photo of a male or name until we finalize all of ai fakes
look how quickly we know the race…
oh no
another CIA false flag to ban assault rifles
Vegas was their opportunity to ban guns and it didn't work. Little shit like this won't work either. The intelligence agencies in the US are corrupt as fuck.
>We just playin

We will have more chances of massacring Jews and black people because in this struggle, Muslims from North Africa are in a battle against sub-Saharan Africans who immigrate heavily in these countries, there is an ideological conflict there that we can take advantage of and oppose black people in general.

And in the Middle East, we support anti-Semitism against Israel, sympathies for Palestine.

We have to create the Right that looks more in this aspect.
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You wont achieve that change in our current atmosphere, unfortunately. It's going to take hard times where decisions are made in meatspace to have any chance at forging an alliance with the Allahbros against the beast.
No it’s not like that at all. Muslims are totally fine if they stay within their own countries. Yes Islam may be an expansionist ideology but we both can agree that the Jews are the bigger threat and have to be dealt with before the racial issue can be settled
>The problem is the Jewish prophecies.

The problem is actually the philo-Semitism of the Christian right, which is killing our Western society.

Any connection with Judaism or the Jews is accepting demoralization and self-crime against oneself because Jews live off the victimization of the Holocaust, being with the Jews means supporting their policies and their victimhood, it means blaming oneself for Nazism.

Muslims have the same history of colonization similar to Europeans and have never been demoralized, they have to be on the side of the force that has not experienced victimhood but the joys of being king, Islam is a warrior and massacres its enemies and does not blame itself for this.
Muslims contribute to the replacement of whites in Europe I wouldn't have a problem with Muslims if they stayed within their own countries even tho the religion itself is disgusting but there is no point in promoting this idea of alliance with Muslims when they're a Jewish tool it would be like forming a alliance with Capitalists because they hate Communists as I said if we're going to hate blacks for committing crimes and replacing whites then same should be said for Muslims when they do the same but of course the Jews bring them in so the Jews are a bigger problem

Deport the Muslims Kill the Jews/race traitors
We've been over this. We cannot coexist with people who want to kill us and rape our women. This shit shouldn't be difficult to understand, but then again you're a brazilian so of course you wouldn't get it, that's just an average tuesday in your favela.

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Will the results of the EU affect anything? Is it going to the same as always

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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bobs and vajene
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are we supposed to be inspired by the nigger in the image? is that the entire reason you cringe lord americans post this dumb shit?
>we sought to conquer nature

Already happened
No. Stave off and gain ground against, but nature always wins.

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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It's specific painkillers that kill certain animals. I'm sure you can find something that wont hurt your environment.
Yes, but you're also zogs biggest attack dog so stfu.
go back to india
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
I hate Pajeet
I hate Pajeet
I hate Pajeet
I hate Pajeet
Thank you canada for taking a lot of pajeets. We have less pajeets now

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Stephanie Williams (Cancer) TikTok
Eamon & Bec (Cancer) YouTube
Tess Christine (Cancer) YouTube
Nasreen Shahi (Cancer) Instagram
Jessica Krock (Stage 3 Neuroendocrine) YouTube
Technoblade (metastatic sarcoma) YouTube
Jenny Appleford (Stage 3 Lung Cancer) YouTube
Andrea Barba (Gastric Cancer) YouTube
Enkyboys” Randy Gonzalez (Colon Cancer) YouTube
Chad Wild Clay (Spinal Cancer) YouTube
Kyedae Shymko Leukemia (AML) YouTube
Jessica Brock (ovarian tumors) YouTube
Lizzy Musi (Breast Cancer) YouTube
Karina Reske (Breast Cancer) YouTube
Anthony Carrodo lymphoma (DLBCL) YouTube

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Physics girl (winter vagina)
What do all those people have in common?

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I will Germanize "my offspring". Once I get married, I will convince my wife to choose reproduction by artificial insemination, I will make sure that the donor is an ethnic German male with good physical characteristics such as height, facial features, blond hair, blue eyes.

And there is nothing you can do about it.
>artificial insemination
do it by natural insemination while you watch
No thanks, I prefer to follow my plan.

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Imagine having to work so hard just to live on this earth. Lowest of the low. Make a concise effort to never tip these wortheless, mindeless peices of cattle. If you ever use a public bathroom pee all over the walls, shit in the sink, and toilet paper the stalls.
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>shit in the sink
Idk about all that, that’s playing dangerously close to jeet territory
and shlomo (his boss) will continue to piss both on you and his head
Could he tank a gut punch from Prime Mike Tyson?
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What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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1. All South Americans who came here in the past 15 years are deported
2. Blacks quarantined to their own semi autonomous ethno state in the South. It's for the best of everyone and that includes you
3. All ties with isreal severed
4. All corporations pay restitution for treason to the American people
5. Fed-everything abolished
There's much more but those are non negotiable so basically white men will never serve in your putrid army ever again you worthless nigger loving kikes
I get to kill as many illegal and niggers as I want before I go off into war.
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Well I'm already in the Military but if I wasn't, as long as I get to fight Communist China, not Russia, not more ME bullshit, Communist China is who I want to fight.
Mortgage free home for my family and never pay property taxes
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you're kidding right? nothing, i won't lift a finger in your defense no matter the bribe, think im joking? the west isn't worth fighting for its a walking corpse of better men its a cruel bastardization of what it used to represent and it should just burn and die, you couldn't give me what it would take to enlist because it doesn't exist.

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Are Russians the Chinese of White people?
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that's sad but then again they didn't want to have sex with me

>Of white people
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>Are Russians the Chinese of White people?
Anon, I...
Do Russians still have those car insurance scams? I used to watch dashcam shit all the time for fun.

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Is LooksMaxxing the way to career & romantic success?
Nope just good enough for social media and politica
You've never been in an exco meeting have you?
That mouse utopia experiment was so prescient it's scary.
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What the fuck do they expect from men who were forcefully grabbed from the street, to do on the frontlines?
Die as hero for a country that doesnt gives a shit about their own people?
>Slave to Ukräini
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why aren't there more mutinies?
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kek, same old copium. you have to go back, you're not a Finn.
Statistically speaking, when you draft thousands of people off the streets one of them will kill a draft officer in a fit of rage.
I don't think it gets reported though. Why would you want to lower morale during wartime
What I don't get is, at the start of the war, didn't zelensky just hand out guns to civilians? There were insane videos of civilians shooting at anything in camo, like that video of that that truck that got shot up in Kyiv.

So where are these guns now? Why aren't they being used to defend yourself from these kidnappings?
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The fact is that all of the men who identified as Ukrainians died years ago, now they are going after Russian-identifying Ukrainians who will just defect at the earliest opportunity. Zelensky will have to institute NKVD-style kill squads who will shoot surrendering Ukrainian soldiers in the back.

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describe his politics
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The creators are Jewish. I really liked the game as a kid but I think that its really an expression of how much Jews hate Goyim and Jesus Christ.
Nothing is more important than his daily errands
>its really an expression of how much Jews hate Goyim and Jesus Christ.
"Fuck You Libertarian Anarchist"
he watches Rick and Morty

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Zelensky says that his peace plan is to continue war for at least 4 years until "Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes." “If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”"

His hold of power in Ukraine now rests on continuation of the war in spite of devastating consequences to Ukraine & practically zero chance of defeating Russia.

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Going back?
Because they have them, when else are they going to use them, and how much does it cost to store and maintain them? They can't export any of that because no country will allow for the importation of arms, ordinance, or other fun, for either state or civilian use. It's too archaic for any military and too illegal for even any enthusiast.
>russian jew in israel
He's a shill /k/oper fellow leaf, their confirmation biases from their own, is the only evidence they need
>two more years until ukraine loses
>two more years until russia loses
both sides are full of faggots

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Which is flat
A city without water, would create chaos
Yes probably concrete, I've heard them reference bands.
I believe the failed line is between the water plant and the city.
But anon, respect the process!

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