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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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You c𝘢n't see this comment bec𝘢use you 𝘢re using 𝘢 Indian mobile
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There's nothing Aryan about you, shitskin shitjeet invader.
There’s been some weird surprisingly organic push in India to be pro-Zion. I unironically think they are desperate enough that they believe joining the IDF will permit them (((white))) bob and vagene, not realizing that the Jude is the most insular, xenophobic race in the world. They’d rather sterilize Ethiopian Jews than treating them as equals, and they think Jews are going to literally muddy their waters with filthy pajeet blood. They’d just be used as cannon fodder.
I can’t wait to see videos of pajeets praying to kushramalamadingdong before getting blasted by drones
Don't they know they have to be circumcised to join the IDF (like Muslims)

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Hmm wonder if she has children
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norman name
its so tiring
I would rather she didn't have kids.
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Not having kids is selfish because society needs someone to take care of you when you're old so you have some level of duty to pitch in.
>(((Sackville bagginses)))

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How many lifelong STDs are there?
Currently, there are 4 sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs) that are not curable: herpes (HSV), hepatitis B (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and human papillomavirus (HPV).
1 in 5 Americans have one of these STDs and is growing.
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If children and old people in nursing homes where not included it would mean
4.5 out of 5 have genital sores in the USA
That's the same number of Americans with jobs.
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wizards stay winning
>4.5 out of 5 have genital sores in the USA
Are you the half-person who doesn't have them?
i have genital blisterinios in my peepeeleeneos but i take the pilly pills oh yeah man!

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In Asian countries, such a puffy face is either due to obesity or disease.
And in America, all Asians seem to look like this.
What did you guys do to make Asians ugly, KFC?
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Unironically a reaction to inflammatory agents in American Goyslop
White people get puffy too but you notice less because they have thinner faces and are generally more obese in the USA.
It’s very obvious however if you ever see Europeans in America.
asian women look young because they have thicker skin and more subcutaneous fat (puffier faces basically)
Maybe from all the birth control pills they've been taking kek
>Why does a shovel face have a shovel for face?
I’ve seen plenty of faces like that in China

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Kek. Imagine actually supporting Biden
it's a sneedfake.
the biden one if from the obongo era.
s n e e d f a k e
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s n e e d f a k e
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Who cares. The federal judeocracy is an illegitimate anti-White mafia. All of these actors, agents, loyalists, and goons are going to be erased from memory for their ongoing anti-White crimes.
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Bidey bros what happened?

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oh sorry, i mean communism
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Buckets of cash couldn't buy a loaf of bread in Weimar Germany. We're quickly heading there.
Yeah, I worked at Target in college 10 years ago, and changes the prices Saturday night and Sunday morning was 2 shifts of work for a dozen people. Most WalMarts are even bigger, so it's a lot of work to change price tags.
>we’ve had this thread already
not exactly >>472038156
Laissez-faire, the invisible hand will discard bad ideas eventually. Self checkout is going away, and this will be met with even harsher reactions. Unless you have to get fleeced, these companies are not going to attract consumers during the high cost times. And everyone has had to deal with a store everyone avoids but has to go to buy a $15 bag of ice due to an emergency.
People will simply avoid Walmart to get ice cream on a hot day. The cost will be clear pretty quickly.
>shop somewhere else
It's a giant fucking cartel you retard

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Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication.
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>Our culture is rotten. Our country is a joke. >>472034969
>Our culture is rotten. Our country is a joke. Anonymous (ID: SHyC05Yr) 06/24/24(Mon)07:03:42 No.472034969▶>>472035328 >>472035882 >>472036720 >>472036821 >>472037147 >>472037430 >>472039420
>Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication. Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication.
WRONG! This is a whitepill. If any of what you just said were true, you wouldn't have to carefully craft "on-topic" threads to get 10 replies.
> mutt patriotard coping and in denial this much

Lmao even!
Hello slimey jew rat hamas is winning
Larping nazi pussy hitler was a disaster

I shit on Allah and his illiterate pedophile prophet Muhammad(Piss be upon him)
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>I shit on Allah and his illiterate pedophile prophet Muhammad(Piss be upon him)
allah and muhammad will shit back on pajeets, fr fr no cap
The more you insult Islam the more you turn people to Islam.
Thanks OP.
Wo-woah, OP you can't p-post that!
Based, Total Muslims Death
Don't say that Indonesiabro, fresh Indomuslimah pussy is good, at least leave them alive

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They control the entire Nagorno-Karabakh, have forcefully displaced 120,000 Armenians, and now claim a new war is inevitable. It is evident that Aliyev won't sign any peace treaty; he relies on war and animosity to maintain his dictatorship. This was so clear from the beginning.

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This kills the Ellis Islander
Friendly reminder that If you aren't of american founding stock, meaning english, lowland scots, ulsterman, anglo irish, welsh, dutch or french huguenot then you literally aren't american and never will be
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no you must pick france poland or puerto rico to go back to
Hazel eyed chad reporting, none of you belong here
Grade C here, born and raised in New england, but Grade A at heart. more grade A than most grade As probably. im sure many of you dont even have a tricorn hat in your house or a silver eagle cockade
I haven’t got any black or brown in me either and my people have been living in Ireland since forever
i kinda want to see all these grade A pretenders posts their colonial physiques. show me your gate weights, your boxwoods, your yarrow, your shudder dogs

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If you are brown skinned and you are not a 100% Zionist, you are a cuck.

When is the last time you heard a Jewish guy say, "my 3rd cousin has green eyes!!" like some cringe cuck. Or "Please white man, creampie my women! Look how hot my women are!"

YWNBAW (you will never be a white).

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A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts.

BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop "innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at DoD
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I do but I'm not gonna show you
God I want to sail across the pacific with her chained to the mast as my personal flashlight and listen to her bleat non-sensical Swedish swear words as gulls pick the honey-covered flesh from her bones. Her IQ is not high enough to perform in pornography so this is unfortunately the only way.
have recruitment crisis, hey you know what lets fuck with soldiers food to reduce it to zero
brilliant plan

How did he do it?
Reforms. Lots of reforms.
Jewish things
Inflation hit hard there is no room for more kek. Show me how much prices went down after he controlled.
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>raise inflation by 50%
>look guys no more inflation! it's over!
and this is just the official exchange rate which nobody gets
expect to pay 20% more than this as an argentine citizen

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Found the nazi
kek. I'm gonna choose to believe you had this prepped and ready to go and didn't just make it on the spot.

She's a broken clock and the only issue she's right on is the trans one
Kek friendship ended with white ethnonationalism, Trans exclusionary radical feminist communist futurism is new best friend
>here's your "le based feminist ally fighting the trannies" bro

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>Two former Twitch employees have come forward to describe events they say contributed to — Herschel “Guy” Beahm, better known by his persona Dr Disrespect — removal from the platform.
>One former Twitch employee, who asked to remain anonymous citing the potential risk to their career, told The Verge that Beahm had used Whispers, Twitch’s now-defunct messaging system, to exchange messages with a minor and initiate a conversation about meeting up at TwitchCon. The employee worked on Twitch’s trust and safety team at the time of the ban in 2020.
>Their comments corroborate a post from Cody Conners, a former Twitch employee who worked on the company’s strategic partnerships team. Late Friday, Conners posted on X, “He got banned because got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text.”
>The former employee who spoke with The Verge also shared more insight into the order of events that led to the ban. They said there was a significant amount of time between when the messages between Beahm and the alleged victim were sent and when the moderation report about those messages was filed, but they weren’t able to recall how much time. When Twitch received the report in 2020, they said that Twitch investigated the claims and ultimately banned Beahm’s channel.
Interesting part is that a ‘significant’ amount of time passed between when Doc+the girl messaged each other and when Twitch received the report to look into it.
If enough time passed for Doc+the girl to have done any potential meet ups and Twitch failed to prevent it, they could be looking at major lawsuits if news got out.
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U r retard
Do people still believe this? You don’t get banned for being anti sjw. That Nickmerks guy is literally anti tranny and nothing has happen to him.

People get banned because they say violent things like jersh moon
Good argument, again it’s not hard to say yeah I didn’t speak to a minor
It's so Jewish it might as well be Heeb Goldshlomostein
An nda can last 1 year to unlimited years. There are no set times. They’re set and agreed upon

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>anon youve barely touched ze bugs i made you, is everysink ok at verk? vuts up?
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No klaus it isn't you'd know that if you'd pay attention but you don't you never do. god.
My pod sucks. I have no privacy. And you're planning to kill me in some cumpit in hoholstan!
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If only you knew how sad things really are
I miss my exgfs german dad :(
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I had a light snack on my way home, Klaus.

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or is he just another Russian shill?
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it depends, he talks about a lot of different things, and he's done a ton of research about those things, so sometimes he's right in his conclusions and he's always useful. but he's just like ryan dawson, who is functionally the same. they're both necessarily wrong about a lot, because of a priori commitments. with dawson its his lolbert worldview, with dyer it's Christianity. for dawson everything is about economics and money and God is just an excuse to manipulate stupid people; for Dyer everything is about Christ and the logical fulfillment of philosophical propositions about Christ and economics and money are just an excuse to manipulate stupid people. both of these people are retards who obviously live in their own assholes. there are few people on the internet more clinically narcissistic than these two because they assume they must have it all figured out and they aren't interested in ever challenging their presuppositions. there is no person on earth who can convince either of them to believe something else than what they already believe. they're retarded autistic boomers. because of this, they frequently infer wrong conclusions and dismiss key details.
no, he's a disingenuous bad faith debater. and if you pressed him in private he would admit that. his goal is conversion. he doesn't care about logic. he uses logic to reach his end. eric aarvoll has an entire video on it and it's just an obvious fact. God over everything as they say.

can you post a timestamp example of jay making bad faith arguments? from his mouth, not some sour grapes nobody.
>bad faith

you are ridiculous, anyone who is intellectually honest will admit he has won every debate against every other worldview
only disingenious bad faith ideologues can't accept that

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If the nazis were so superior, how come they lost when their entire ideology was based on the strongest race surviving through strength of will?

>t-they fought the entire world, its not fair
cope, they had numerous allies and if they were so superior, why didn't they plan better?
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Memeflaggot Has got a point.
If you call yourself a superhuman, proclaim these dudes to the east are subhumans then proceed to lose to the guys you called subhumans... wouldn't that make you the actual subhumans?
How shit do you have to be to lose to subhumans?

Superhumans would've won. Doesn't it, according to nazi "logic", make jews and slavs the actual superhumans?
Considering America's heritage of immigration, it was a German civil war. The Germans won.
Why did it take the entire western world plus Russia six years to subdue a nation the size of Texas
Numerical superiority on the battlefield.
Early on, I shit you not until Stalingrad, germans held numerical superiority over all of its opponents. Once the numbers equalized germans started losing. Simple as.
Endless swarms of soviets is a giant wehrboo meme, in reality krauts outnumbered their opponents in every way: Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Yugoslavia, Greece. Even the Soviets. By the beginning of Barbarossa germans invaded with circa 4 million troops against the soviet 2,5 million. Numbers became equal only after Stalingrad and guess what - instantly germans started losing.

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Why don’t they just escalate already
It’s been months since October 7th and tens of thousands of Palestinians have died

>*hezbollah music starts to play*
Nothing ever happens
Araps are a bunch of pussies.
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Close to 350 dead hezbollah members
Fucking nothing happened
There will be another 350, and the outcome will be the same

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