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These things are coming whether you like it or not. There is a massive untapped market in the leftover mem, which are now even larger than any other point in history. In 20 years tops these things will be on a level of detroit become human, and they will overwhelmingly cater to men.

A robot cannot provide or raisebsocial status so that's already a failure for the majority of women, but it can simulate love and sex and do simple house chores which is everything men want. This is without adding artificial wombs into the equation.

So what will women do? Will they adapt, ree or rope?
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Who knows? No need to be this negative
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Is that cum dripping down her face???
Coalburners always act like this, they are so easy to see through
Replace women. Displace women. Switch women with wAIfus. Tell women wAIfus don’t age. Substitute women for wAIfus. Blast women into irrelevancy. Ignore ageing women. Leave your gf for wAIfus. Boot out women for robots. Have a wAIfu cook for you. Tell women wAIfus are prettier. Use an artificial womb. Build prettier robo versions of women. Toss women into the dustbin of history. Tell women wAIfus don’t have a body count. Talk to a wAIfu about your feelings instead of women. Hug wAIfus instead of women. Let wAIfus birth you children. Have wAIfus raise your children. Crush womens importance. Make women understand it’s over. Sleep on a wAIfus thighs. Exterminate the female role in reproduction. Build a wAIfu and show her to your gf. Set the wAIfus on women. Tell women a wAIfu has more compassion than them. Build a relationship with wAIfus instead of women. Explain to women how wAIfus are better lovers. Show women how perfect wAIfus are. Present a wAIfus huge tits to women. Suggest to women that wAIfus are superior. Laugh at womens seething over wAIfus. Articulate how wAIfus will replace women. Tell women that a piece of metal has more compassion than them. Illuminate how wAIfus are better partners than women. Clear up that wAIfus are hotter than women. Point out how wAIfus can look beautiful without makeup. Suggest that a wAIfu outclasses women in every regard. Tell women to self improve against wAIfus. Point out how wAIfus can’t get fat to women. Let wAIfus teach women how to be better. Make it clear that wAIfus are more appreciative than women. Destroy hoeflation. Explain to women that wAIfus are virgins. Send women into irrelevancy. Tell women they can finally be independent now. Articulate how wAIfus will make men forget about women. Force women to accept the superiority of wAIfus. Push for wAIfus in front of women. Have women kneel in front of wAIfus. Watch as women curse wAIfus. Total women replacement.

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> "labor shortages" -> more Indians
> AI learns task planning and step validation patterns
> mass unemployment
> "wet bulb temperature", Ganges uninhabitable -> more Indians

This is how it is gonna be.
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oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
You are lucky. You will be let into North America and Europe for free, all 500 000 000 of you who live in the Ganges valley, and then some.
There was an EU-funded study that explored the maximum density in Europe, and it greenlighted several billion Africans and Indians.
and we will SMOKE YOUR HOT WHITE COCK!!!!!!
>If an industry can hike prices - like most did in the last few years - they could increase wages to attract local wagies
or maybe some traditional "non-services" jobs like I don't know maybe some manufacturing jobs could come back but no jews gotta ship all our factories over to the yellows so whites lose their ability to support a family and the jew takeover of the west is assured... just an isea
Once China's and India's wages are too high, they will point out how they hurt the environment, and how important local production is to foreign strategy.

Not advisable, I have HPV.

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So you need to earn at least $40,769.23 weekly, before a woman is ready to become a mother of your children? Americans, I think it's time to explain yourselves
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According to recent graph 40k is how much average American makes in a year
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yes for the sake of humanity but there are no regulations


t. wizard at age 45, no job, does shitty gig jobs for shit pay and slow ping offers in oversaturated market, wanks off to porn all the time

Good news, America is about to get blown the fuck out by Russia over Crimea beach attack.

Fuck America for forcing unemployment upon us to NEET!
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>you need to earn at least $40,769.23 weekly, before a woman is ready to become a mother of your children

no more poor people being born
Hahahahahaha, ok ladies, buy more cats then.

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Skibidi Biden

The NATO-puppets in (((Ukrainians))) have churned out the most evil propaganda ever created. It's ugly, it's vile, it's evil. It's not even actually effective propaganda. The whole point of propaganda is to get you to think a certain way about the creator of propaganda or their target.

Ukrainian propaganda makes them seem desperate, weak, over-compensating, and bereft of all decent humanity. If that was the objective, then well done.
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shaky video with sound effects. fake.

hey guess what? used russian soldiers just showed up in the local military surplus shop here.
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>bombili bilhorod
that came as a consequence of russias full scale invasion of Ukraine
yes, if you invader a country you are now a country at war and that country you invaded can strike you as per UN charter
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Do you support the russian invasion of Ukraine though, dear upstanding christian?
Make up your mind, schizo. You were claiming just a few posts ago that Belgorod was actually being shelled by Russians as a false-flag, but now it's actually Ukrainians hitting legitimate military targets?
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Russia didn't "come in and hypnotized people" they just came in armed and said "we run this place now".
That's what's usually referred to as a coup.

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The question paper was leaked for India's Education Minister's children and some his favourites.
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cause we indian men are COCK CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am shocked and surprised!!
just how things are in bharat

Doctor gave me prescription for 1 litre of white man’s semen but all the supply in country has already been drank! I am dead.. pls.. send white semen
More like perspirants if you know what I mean.

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This man will be the next president because he makes both wokies and incels seethe. Get a job and stop whining about video games and children's movies.
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I told her to learn Python instead and she was hellbent on JS or "jazz" some newfag word for JS. LinkedIn addict.
>They think shaming everyone will work lol.
That's like the FemStalker ex that follows you when you move and gets arrested for yelling at you outside the wrong building.
>more man up rhetoric
>shame shame shame
Don’t fucking care they had a million chances to turn this shit around, but instead they chose to fuck their over tax paying demographic. America at this point deserves to die, the government enriched itself while ignoring the social issues it created. You prioritize women, then you beg them to fix it.
The overwhelming majority of that red bar is farm subsidies so both red and blue don’t have to pay $50 for a loaf of bread.
Fuck this jew run country.

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Perhaps it is theft but likely from the state, so perfectly illegal. Plenty down there, they will not miss a few.
Yeah, there's always more wherever the river diverted from last time.
Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills...

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i paid 70 dollars to get this book so i can dump it here, be thankful you dumb faggots
save the graph so we can dump it on kikes who say "the racial difference in intelligence is just environment" bullshit
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they differ slightly, maybe rounding eror
I will fix Finnish women don't worry anon
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If all the races weren't salvageable, then we would have not seen observable progress among all the races, within our lifetimes.
We often get told that Africa is still an 80's like dystopic nightmare rife with constant famine and starvation, but the urbanization there has been immense. Apply that to south-east Asia.
The combination of eugenics and westernization is blending all cultures into one which is far superior to what the old ones were, and it's happening at a far quicker rate than in decades past.
So. it's logical that the only people holding onto the forever racial differences theory will be on the outside looking in. They're the ones on track to becoming obsolete.
Funny how evolution works differently when it reaches the brain. Brought to you by the same faggot leftists who babble about science all the time

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>DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines put an unspecified number of employees on leave for their involvement in an incident in which several Black passengers were removed from a flight in Phoenix, allegedly over a complaint about body odor.

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>don't wear a max
>banned from travel
>don't get the vaxx
>banned from travel
yes please daddy government control my freedom of movement, I heckin love walkable cities. it's the scary niggers that are the problem, I would support a nanny state only if the scary niggers were gone!
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>several Black passengers were removed from a flight
> subway esk
Black people smell, everyone knows it. That's the story.
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It will probably be revealed one of them brandished a knife or threatened to rape a child, and then this story will be memory holed. And you will be seen as crazy if you attempt to ask about it ever again.

Tale as old as time.

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My 3rd death threat from Trump supporters over my 2 Joe Biden signs in my front yard.
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heres your bump jew

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These loans also don't use the goyim's "Credit Score" system for qualification
As long as you are a jew you qualify

Goyim are forced to get a mortgage at 7.5% and rising rates while jews can walk into Quicken Loans or Rocket Mortgage and qualify for a jew loan at <2.5% rates and if they are a well known jew with a good reputation it will be 0%, in some rare cases they even have negative interest meaning the bank pays the borrower.

These loans are NOT available to goyim as you have to prove you are a jew by either already being a well known jew or by providing a birth certificate that proves that your mother is a "recognized jew" in their databases and thus you are qualified for Birthright Citizenship in Israel and a real jew. This means that those who have "converted" to judaism do not qualify even though they identify as jews.
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that looks like one of the many tricks jews use to cheat their own laws, rather than an interest-free loan
This is how a parasitic minority prevails over a superior minority.

Allowing this sort of thing to transpire is suicide. Any group of people would triumph over any other group in any hypothetical scenario if given this much of a social advantage.

Conspiracy and racism are the cheat codes of life in a civilised society.
>Deuteronomy states jews can't charge interest to other jews
Deuteronomy doesn't mention jews a single time.
*superior majority.

My cunt phone had a problem with that concept (((for some reason)))
So let's say that the company has yo make money to survive. That means that they'd have to charge more for everyone else in order to have such a program exist. We end up paying for this shit.

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Srsly is it Russia
Or simply that Americans are to dumbass to control their own borders.
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somehow the High IQs are missing the options in my OP.
As plant matter decomposes, it can generate so much heat in the middle of whatever is breaking down that it may cause a fire.
No that would be kikes just like last year and the one before
Go somewhere else then, fuck off
Right so all these fires and massive plumes of smoke across the whole US and north america are because the mulch decided to just combust.

All at once.

"ME ! Please choose ME to be your next underpaid wagie ! Look how better I am than the other slaves ! I love sharing corporate and souless posts just to appear as a good slave who loves to work"

why are modern people like this
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Sometimes I wonder how my life would be if I was a wagie. Being a permaNEET is great thoughever.
Ironically linkedin is the only social media I have. And I don't even put any effort into it or post anything on it. It just exists.
The copy pasta posted by influencers makes my blood boil. So obviously fake, constantly reposted over and over again, guaranteed 100K likes and comments from bots/indians/retards. Thank god I'm in a contract at the moment so I don't have to open it.
i literally found masters my internship by just clicking the apply button (on LinkedIn) and there were 70 other candidates competing for the same position, i didn't even dm the recruiter or do those cringe posts to get attention, all you need is a very clean resume, and some of those coursera online certificates to polish your personal page and show that you are interested to learn more about your field
the company was allianz btw
"Fake it till you make it" culture has generally ruined employment. People succeeding based on a popularity contest rather than merit. You can be a great candidate for promotion, doing everything right seemingly, only to get told, "you're good in the role!" and now you're trapped, unable to grow, because you didn't get accepted into the clique.

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>lawyers say never talk to the police, talk to a lawyer instead
>who gets paid when you talk to a lawyer?
>the lawyer
If you are innocent it is always best to talk to the police. Everything is still clear in your head and you want to get that on the record as soon as possible. If you are guilty it is still good to talk the police so you can begin to guide the investigation away from you. Lawyers are basically just legalese translators, doctors of words at best, lawyers are not magic. Of course neither police or lawyer are your friend and you should avoid both.
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True but unlike the common saying that "you're not guilty if you talk to a lawyer" there are cases when innocence must be proven if a suspect...
>never talk to the police no need for lawyer
>talk to the police, need a lawyer
I talked to the police and apparently everything became even worse but some people got buck broken in the process, so I guess it wasn't so bad.

Still I don't think you should talk to them even if you are innocent if there is too much opportunity to extort, frame, ... you because there are many masonic subhumans there.
By talking to the police I mean posted here and someone read it.
I never talked to any of them directly (but i was/am remotely tortured for information all the time by those homosexuals) and at most I posted some vague complains about gangstalking to a dozen institutions years ago and nobody gave a fuck.

Most people incriminate themselves when answering the police's accusations.

As an example...

Police: 'You were doing 22 miles an hour in a 20-mile an hour zone.'
You: 'Was I?'
Police: 'You're nicked me 'ol China.'

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Blue collar fag here, current plumber's assistant, former wireline operator, former window cleaner.

I don't mind actually working these sorts of jobs at all, even wireline wasn't so bad, but the problem in this universe is that they are so heavily populated with people (mostly boomers) who are just out and out cunts. I'm not talking about being firm or demanding, I'm talking about grown men that just act like they're constantly on their period and make every little task 10 times more difficult than it has to be. I'm considering getting out of this plumbing job now because the 63 year old they paired me up with is just an angry faggot about every little thing, related to the job or not. It just sucks working with him, he sucks the oxygen right out of the room and just brings everything down to his miserable level. He has arthritis in his hands, is a chain smoker, has no biological children of his own, and is married to some dumpy bitch with worthless kids, but damn, this asshole just takes it out on me and everything else he encounters. I've met many other people like this in the trades.

Share your experiences, tradie faggots.
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carpenter. worked with many such.
the trades attract a lot of misfits with severe antisocial issues, being the one place they can be an asshole and still make decent money. and they gain this one very narrow competency and treat anyone who is starting out like an idiot for not knowing everything right away.
when you work with a good crew, the work can be actually enjoyable, without negatively affecting production.
just takes one assface to ruin your whole
day -> week -> month... etc
Zoomer workers are pretty worthless, I can't deny that. There's a 29 year old at my work, he's been plumbing for 7 years, knows a lot, but is lazy as hell. During a 10 hour shift he'll get 5 hours worth of work done (on a good day) and he's at least 10 minutes late every day without fail. The company puts up with him because there aren't many prospective employees banging down their door.
It's insane. Disgruntled men in their 50s who hate their wives and lives so they take it out on you. I'm all for bitching about work while working and also joke around but they complain and bring everyone else down. I hated those two guys and always took everything out on me. What is it with 50 and older not teaching the younger guys? I was 29 when I got into the electrical field.
ironworker checking in, its basically given you are gonna meet some convicts and druggies in such jobs? if its that bad and cant get along quit and join different one
It's definitely an epidemic. When I worked wireline most of the guys were actually really cool with me and we all got along, there were only a few that were kind of cunty.

The thing with the boomers, though, is that despite their attitudes, they're the only people in these trades that know what the fuck they're doing. The younger guys are fun to work with, but they're pretty incompetent most of the time. Maybe that's the shitty training the boomers gave them, but the quality of construction is going down the tubes, a lot of the houses I work on are really shoddy and thrown together.

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>World War Three
>Second Civil War in US
>stock market crash and economic depression
>bird flu pandemic
I have my PhD in Economics from Duke University and I guarantee you I am smarter than 99% of this site.

It all depends on where you get your degree from as it is a supply and demand issue. Pay more money for a degree= get better value/ higher pay out of school

Our economy isn’t going anywhere, inflation is helping keep rates down.
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All at once

That one time I agree with the psychos of /pol/.
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If it wasn't for the tattood.eyes. I would.. wtf am I saying I would.regardless.
Coomer maxxing
Post nudes. I know she did a shoot somewhere. No whore this cooked has not done porn before.
Porn producer yids don't hire camgirls with face tattoos, sorry.
People need to treat tattoos like achievements. Like learn a skill you get tattoo. The better the skill and the more it makes you money the more visible it can be. A face tattoo would warrant the most major achievement. Like becoming test pilot for experimental aircraft.
Why doesn't she get a job at the circus? That's how weirdos got jobs before.

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
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Yes I believe this is the only valid criticism of Vladimir Putin - his obsession with Germans being the evil of WWII and subsequently his obsession with Ukrainian "nazis". Some people try to paint current Ukrainian Nazi groups as direct descendants of WWII Nazi movements throughout eastern Europe, but it's total bullshit. Everything about Ukraine is a NATO operation nowadays, every aspect of its corruption is Western-sponsored. They aren't real Nazis. There's no point whatsoever in addressing them as Nazis, or making parallels to WWII, etc. Putin is just being a bitch.
I still love him, though, because every other politician in the world is still too chickenshit to tell the truth. It's admittedly a hard door to close once opened, so the cost/benefit analysis always falls into the "best to leave that alone" category.
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>Pootin = king of antifa:
He's the enemy of conservatives, Republicans and nationalists everywhere!
From this to https://banned.video/watch?id=66735444950820aa3684beb9
Something has changed.
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This used to be considered the right wing opinion. Not anymore. Not endorsing the attached picture or its source. Just posting it as historical tracking of opinions over time.

Sneako claims they are trying to groom kids on mass. He does not have a source or any evidence.
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I'd argue against this but unfortunately I can't find my counterpoint. Just plain lost it. I wonder if it has anything to do with decades long censorship campaign waged by the LGBT. Maybe all the censorship has affected my memory and that's why I can't remember any of my arguments. Oh well guess I just need to let the social conservatives run amuck until the censorship stops. Sorry.
that's stupid.
gay people don't report themselves.
Ends their bloodline.
Homosexuals don't reproduce. Ya'll complain about gays when you are getting race mixed out of existence by heteros kek
Is Sneako some kind of mixed negroid white? The right in America seems to be mostly annoying mullatos with strong views
No one expected a cuck to score high?

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