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Bros, he's cooked
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did he get scared off, or did he receive an esg cheque? i cant tell
Are you retarded?

Some twitter user is withdrawing from idpol. This is a huge twitshift and it needs to be posted on 4chan every day for the next year.

>no but it might harm israel there might be some relation between this twitter user and 4chan incel nazis! They might be speaking in code I don't understand.
My brother in christ you do more harm to israel by posting with a memeflag than 10,000 terrorists with nukes.

You are like a full spectrum and I mean full spectrum, spiritual, electronic, digital, analog, linguistic, attack on israel. God made you antisemitic you idiot.
He worked on that Suicide Game slop. So he's part of the problem
Can he still insert Taco Bell into games to give them Latinx street cred?
Because that's all that really matters, isn't it?
God I love how Taco Bell represents all Latinx people. What would we do without it.
Fire Sauce! Diablo Sauce!!!
epic post

>be me
>some extremely online weirdo
>posting on /pol/ at 3am
>thinking about how it all went wrong
>everything went to shit when the Austrian crown banned the Habsburgs
>tfw no more Habsburg jawline
>tfw no more Habsburg inbreeding memes
>tfw no more Habsburgs period

>mfw people don't realize the Habsburgs were holding Europe together
>mfw normies think the EU is the answer
>imagine not having a Holy Roman Emperor to keep things in check
>posting redpill on the Habsburgs
>they ruled half of Europe and parts of the New World
>lost everything because of some lame ass treaties and revolutions

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yeah, my bad
meant the abolition of the monarchy in Austria
tfw no more Habsburgs to hold Europe together
agree, things started going downhill way before that
Reformation, Thirty Years' War, all that jazz
just trying to say the final nail in the coffin was losing the Habsburg dynasty

keep the discussion alive
balance the shitposting with actual historical debate
tfw just trying to make /pol/ appreciate some history amidst the chaos
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This prayer has an imprimatur.
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>The 10 Commandments monuments that originally featured both the Star of David and the Freemason symbol (Square and Compass) have undergone updates for various reasons, primarily reflecting shifts in societal attitudes, legal challenges, and the intent of those who commissioned or maintain the monuments. Here are some possible explanations:
1. Legal and Constitutional Challenges: In the United States, public displays of religious symbols, including the 10 Commandments, often face legal scrutiny based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from endorsing any religion. Symbols associated with specific groups, such as Freemasons or Jewish symbols, might be seen as endorsements of particular religious or fraternal organizations. Updating the symbols to more generic or universally recognized ones, like the Star of David, could be an attempt to reduce legal risks and make the monuments more broadly acceptable.
3. Public Perception and Controversy: Freemasonry has been surrounded by various conspiracy theories and misunderstandings. To avoid controversy and public backlash, those responsible for the monuments might have decided to remove or update the Freemason symbol, replacing it with a symbol that is less likely to provoke controversy.
>In summary, the changes to the 10 Commandments monuments likely reflect a combination of legal considerations, cultural sensitivity, public perception, and the evolving intent of those maintaining the monuments.

I remember seeing Ted Cruz standing next to one, but now all 10 commandments don't have it anymore.
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Half the country is illiterate so it's not surprising. I buy things made in America and the labels and manuals on the products have all sorts of spelling mistakes also. Even foreign made products make more of an effort to get things right and they don't even speak the language.
Does anyone have a picture of the original that has the Compass and Square in place of one of the Star of David?
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Found the original picture, but there's no compass or square.
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

Thank you for helping me, even if it's in jest. I tried to use Wayback, but nothing.

Would you become a traitor to the human race (everything that is meant by the word human) if given the opportunity?

1st) If yes, then why?
2nd) If not, then also why?
Separate bonus question from OP:
Would you consider yourself a traitor if you chose the 1st option or a patriot if you chose the 2nd?
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Perhaps this person is simply disillusioned with humanity, its prospects and ideals... And aliens can preserve his consciousness in a new body, which will help him transition to their race
to find a new purpose in life
It looks like you have serious personal scores to settle with globohomo.
So, are you ready to easily do this to make your dream come true. Thank you for your opinion.

I believe that the question from this thread will divide society into those who want to live in a social hierarchical pyramid of people and those who are fed up with it.
He means alliances with extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings in order to curry favor. Aliens have way more advanced technology and biological understanding than anything Earth could build or ever fight against. By working with these beings, a race or ethnic group (monoracial or composite) could gain access to genetic engineering, implant technology, nanotechnology and advanced space technology, as well as armor/weaponry, making them the most powerful/smartest/tactician race on Earth with the most powerful allies in the galaxy.

A group of low standing, minimal accomplishments and low respect on Earth should work with aliens so that they can possibly get their own colony planet thousands of light years away from Earth and/or so that the aliens will help them to become a new species entirely with an entirely different genome, intellect, mindset and physical form or so they can be the ruling class over the conquered Earth. If I had my own country and aliens invaded, I would form treaties and alliances with the aliens and join forces with them. If I didn't have my own nation, I would form a cult of co-ethnics and become a breakaway civilization with the alien beings help.
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What if an alliance with aliens destroyed all those you don’t like on Earth, but at the same time did NOT GUARANTEE you the fulfillment of your dreams..."this is not Christmas with Santa Claus"

It would be necessary to abandon all human values, ideals, and perhaps become a completely different creature as a result...

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>inb4 where is sauce leaf fag


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the "holy" land has been blowing up for well over 2,000 years.
death cultists never change.
it's vidya for globohomo
>Sandnigger things.
Sure whatever. May the best sandperson win I guess. Aren't they basically the same person though? So like whatever.
Unironically, WW3 is a good thing. Sure it'll be hell for a while, but when we lose we can build for the future. Currently we are being slowly strangled and can't do shit. The levels of control they have are actually quite impressive, because it's mind-based. We should probably do something on that.
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Great, more fucking refugees, please, we dont have enough

Public masturbation should not be illegal in America if it’s healthy for the soul. Even Jesus said it’s spiritually beneficial in Mark 24:10.
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>"if your right hand offends thee, cut it off; for it would be better to go into life with one hand, then to suffer for eternity with two.'
how can ones own hand offend oneself? thats from mark chapter 5. all coomers who do not repent will go to hell. Old testament also says not to spill your seed on the ground and that you will be unclean if you do

You are a retarded faggot. I hope that God personally squishes you with his big thumb.
Lol that nt verse literally means to cut off your hands if youre a coomer, the opposite of what op said

Also the penalty for spilling seed wqsnt just uncleanliness. During the temple period it was the death penalty, and now it’s eternal gehinnom if you don’t repent.
Wearing tzitzit helps

T. Yid
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If only I could soothe my hunger by rubbing my belly.
shit like this pushed me from libertarian to natsoc

Why do Republicans hate this stuff so much? When it comes to other issues they can't write a check quick enough.
Also does Coulter believe that 10% income tax would come from funding arts and museums? Is she retarded?

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This + money laundering/influence peddling.

>one of the best solo developers on this earth
based, hope I stumble across one of your games at some point (do NOT say which ones you made).
You dumb fucking nigger. Cutting funding from arts isn't going to magically stop anti-White jewish art. They will just fund it through the private sector now. The only way to stop that kind of stuff is fund alternatives. DeSantis is literally in control of that state. He could just fund art that isn't anti-White, or even pro-White. But he doesn't because he is a retarded conservative shabbos golem.
True culture is organic. The trouble is that it'll be hard for culture to grow on its own without things like the HOA being dissolved.
They're trying to create a new Hitler.

The Arts are relatively worthless aside from cultural significance. The subsidy has allowed shitty art to spread, with artists thinking they're owed a living because they are so brilliant.

Fine, if they're brilliant they can survive in the economic marketplace.

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>calling women random whores
So much for the personality meme huh faggot
I hope this bro guts the whore and leaves her in a pile of her entrails when she files for divorce.
>Granted! You're an heteroid so you get what you deserve <3
>dies of AIDS
God damn these women are fucking retarded
Almost got married*
Can you guess what a woman who went through multiple men and "only fucks emotionally unavailable older men" might've done with those male neighbors.

Keep in mind, she only listed her relationships!

Yes, we are. What are you going to do about it?
Nah they're just willing to go to greater lengths to impose order that helps everyone according to the best model that everyone would say yes to, if given the chance.

Evidence being measuring length of the immigration line. Lets all move out of our own countries to be part of the worst one where everyone is evil.

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What is different about today if Ron Paul won in 2012 instead of Trump in 2016?

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The Kremlin is pulling operations on US Churches. In the last 2 months a number of large church, or large ministry pastors have been "exposed" for varying "sins." Picrel is Alistair Begg and Tony Evans (left and right respectively). Begg was thrown into scandal by a discussion he had with a woman whose grand-daughter was "marrying" a tranny. Evans's "sin" is currently not public, but whatever it was, it's enough to cause him to step aside. A third man in Texas was reported to have been having repeated sexual relations with a young woman starting at age 12, some decades ago. These are varying levels of "scandal," and only one clearly disqualifies for church position. But the goal is to simply disrupt trust in the churches and each other, and create a void of leadership in US communities. I cannot say how they are getting this dirt, but obviously they have someone digging around about large church leaders.
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I don't know if any of them are jewish, but as it is, only the one man in Texas was accused of this from decades ago.
>Church leaders fuck kids
>This is somehow Russia's fault
>Russia's fault
Actually, yes, probably it is too. But is that was was written? Perhaps your brain is simply incapable of separating who is who, and by providence of you being Russian, you're also guilty for Putin's deeds.
Or, maybe, these are three different men with three different accusations against them, and the point is that someone is Trying to find failures in US leaders.
>Russia is the culprit behind degenerates being degenerates
Only one of these men has a charge that is actually degenerate.

The other two are known erudite and educated competent speakers of large congregations, and well esteemed in their communities. Begg is a pastor of pastors, known nationally. And that's the point. The charges against Begg is for a difference of opinion on when to visit after an invitation, and the charge against Evans is unknown, but apparently not criminal.
Yet, because Christians take their leadership positions very seriously, a small charge can temporarily make a big mess.

Hence, the need to say what I see.

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once legends roamed amongst us

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>destroys the entire zogdog financial system just to own De Gaulle for wanting all of France's gold returned from the US
Was there anyone as based as the absolute madman? I mean he single-handedly imploded the mcburgerstan as we know it.
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Nixon wasn't even president when DeGaulle started removing French gold from US banks, he did that under LBJ.
>>471919912 memeflag 4 pbtid
>All the major events that you observe now are a consequence of this

It took a long time to completely implode, but we're entering the end stages of it right now with the supposed "superpower" being unable to clear a passage for trade in the Red Sea.
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memeflag OP educate thyself : >>471911751
In fact de Gaulle retired two months into Nixon's presidency due to the gay libtarded 1968 boomer protests, and it wasn't until two years LATER that Nixon ended the Gold Window. By that time France had reversed its policy of accumulating gold.

Whatever the driving spirit or intelligence of this universe is, anyone who tries to refute pic attached is a criminal predator con artist just beneath their well-polished surface

So how are actually decent people supposed to live in a universe where pic attached is in fact the nightmare actual truth?
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This is the most reasonable position when attempting to understand life, but making it about ""you"" personally is a cope. Life is out there in the universe.

There is sadly no soul. You only play what you get and that's it. Enjoy the ride.
God never had good ulterior motives, only evil ones

Because there is only Satan, and God is just a deceptive little side role he has fun playing, just to fuck with people's heads

Because God is the ultimate evil and the entire body of evil itself that is the entire universe
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Let's suppose that God is the most EVIL entity in the universe.

Wouldn't he be doing a terrible job? Life only keeps getting better for humanity in the last 500 years.

It's not this.
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>God never had good ulterior motives, only evil ones
Ah. So the real problem is that you believe that YOU are God. Afterall, you know better, amiright?

Men are unironically revoking women's rights

It´s started in China, they are already doing there, and the Government is ignoring the problem because they want Chinese men to reproduce.

Women trafficking cartels will increase in size in all countries in the world and completely dominate marriages for 90% of men for the next 2-3 years, because 90% men now require them now to have a wife and reproduce.

Also.. why are we paying taxes for this government that doesn't represent the interests of men, and is fine with just using us as tax paypigs until we die alone and childless (so this government can start collecting our inheritance as well, since at some point there will be no family line left to collect it)?
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>I think we are 3 to 5 years away tops from total meltdown of women's rights
Women getting totally liberated was the worst thing to ever happen to females in world history. We let them. We stood aside.
Nobody really argued.
And now we see the results. Birth rates in horrid decline, everyone is miserable and single, our governments are joke because women can't vote right.
Worker demand was cut in half once half the population ( women ) flooded into the workforce so now we all get paid half as much.
Meaning now we're all slaves.
There's now a slew of others, non whites, who don't like us around every corner.
We see the result of giving women their way and treating them as equals. We see that they are indeed NOT EQUALS. And never were.
Once the fun stops it's done for the next 2000 years. And women will become property outright for a few hundred years until that slowly wears off again.
I said many times this is the only outcome of feminism. Since feminism causes birthrates to fall catastrophically (and I don't mean to exaggerate, feminism will literally cause extinction due to low birth rates) the only option is to make women property again. That's the only way society can function.

I think one solution for women to get freedom for 99% of their lives, but also for civilization to still work would be this:

>First, get rid of all alimony/child support laws. Nobody is forced to give their money for the other, especially a woman, for managing. Because that money is obviously mismanaged. Upon divorce you get nothing from your spouse
>Second, all woman must provide through surrogacy at least 1 child (maybe 2) to a childless man. That means for 1 or 2 years, a woman must nurse and give a man a child whose legally will belong only to that man. Since surrogacy through lab is involved, the woman doesn't need to have sex with the man. After 1 or 2 years, the woman is free to go ride the cock carousel until she is old

But this only works if women must provide for a _childless_ man. All women being impregnated by the same 10% tallest guys does not work.

We can even do this to benefit women: they can take bids on surrogacy from childless men, and pick the ones who pay the most
Divorce should be illegal unless under criminal circumstances.
Adultery which is sex with others while married should be punishable as a felony crime.
The number of victims hurt by this action is determined by the size of the family such as husband, wife, or children affected by the action.
So the sentence for adultery is multiplied by not only the spouse being a victim, but any children they have are victims too possibly multiplying the felony to 2 counts or 3 or 6.

Count Binface edition
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>Sorry, not personally translated
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Truth is, you shouldn't have poked the Bear
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>Who will be the next president.
They'll just rig the election again though. It's tempting to think the yanks will do something about it this time, they won't, but even if they do I think you underestimate what a hard-on the US cops and federal cops have for shooting Americans.

I wouldn't be surprised if the bankers fatally shoot their 4th sitting US President, I'm just assuming the Garfield assassination was legit because I don't care. Getting rid of Biden would be a win win for them as long as they have a firm grip on the Democrat party internals and can get Kamala to step down out of "grief" or some shit. Otherwise I'm sure they can get creative, you know, get racists to do Kamala and nonce hunters to do Biden simultaneously. Though... Partial success would be a disaster. No Kamala no black/woman turnout except for the fervent #NeverTrump types, no Biden and no white male turnout, except the unironic basedboy beta cucks. Actually this is interesting, they're locked in to Biden/Kamala, far too risky, a partial success means a guaranteed loss to Trump. They can't just assassinate Trump, in fact they have to work extra hard to protect him because his death is almost the only outcome that leads to civil war.

Wow, that is impressive. Obviously we'll probably never find out who orchestrated all this until after the bombs drop but that's a well engineered trap. Probably not perfect, nothing ever is, but as traps go it's certainly up there. Sorry where was I going with this? Oh yeah if Trump wins it's unlikely to be good for you or me. If Biden wins it's unlikely to be good for you or me. The death of empires is never good for the people who live through the death of said empire.
Say something about Rishi Sunak.
He was a permanent US resident up until October 2021. He chose to hand back his green card after consultation with US authorities, not British authorities. I don't know whether this make him ineligible for a H1B application.

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>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
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OP, this is an insanely autistic thread and most anons won't bother, you're dumping too much material at once.
Try to digest it so you can present it in more accessible format
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It never crossed my mind to get a gun and shoot the school up when i was a student. Not even once. Were this kids fucked in the ass by a teacher?
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The unrestricted sociopathy of normalfags, school shootings are justified righteous indignation.
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no community, no social skills, no religion or philosophy, bottling up emotions. every day you know opportunities are passing you by while normies seem to live life on easy mode. and you never get a break from the relentless of time
Funny how terrorism didn’t really exist until the government started using it lol and noone put it together is just beyond reason
Justifies their budget and institutes more control. Consider that a shootout where only one agent died and a few were wounded against two suspects is the largest fbi loss ever. After that they upgraded their arms and restricted those of citizens and have attempted to constantly since.

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>open xhamster
>picrelated is the #2 video on the front page
what's their endgame?
Board spam. Worthless.
Fucking degenerates…
lol 10/10 thread my man
That’s awesome and disturbing at the same time.
Why the fuck does warwick get to black up and I dont?

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