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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

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I am once again requesting a qt gf.
You need a viceroy, boy.
You post that shit, I ain't getting v& for treason.
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Very real



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>be julius evola
>write multiple books that heavily inspired fascist revolutions
>1951 trial comes in
>says he's a "superfascista" to defend himself
>refuses to elaborate
>people don't know if he put himself beyond or above fascism
Definitely my favourite autist throughout history
Learn about Ezra Pound!

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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Kek. Such respect for their flag.
the flat earth debate thread has 220 replies
All jews want the same world government.
based orthodox schlomos

Oof my stomachs constantly been hurting for months and I can't stop shitting, what have Jews done to me bros???
>Safe and effective
stop taking all that nigger dick up yer leafy butt

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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sounds like a plan.
no joke. the world is legitimately nuts and unpredictable. every town and city has it going on
Your dad?
>Cameron and Janice Hooker
nomen est omen

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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yeah as pointed out to you: it probably won't wash with the ato.

If this was a once off and making bank I'd say fuck yeah - the risks of getting caught aren't huge (not negligible tho) and if you were making more than chump change the benefit might outweigh the risk.

For chump change using a going concern (your bosses business and you livelihood as in your job) it's fucking stupid. The ato literally spunks their dacks catching people rorting charity status - they will catch you if you keep doing it you will get caught.
>on Sunday we Praise
old wog detected
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I did a terrorism at Coleworths yesterday by not scanning a punnet of blackberries I left at the bottom of the bag (it's so light the sensors don't notice). As if I'm paying $6.50 for it, actually they're the real terrorists for charging that much.
>and I don't have legal assistance who specialises in this stuff to ask.
so you thought you'd come here?

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Why does this make americans so upset?
Cause they're not paying cashiers but the grocery bill doesn't go down.a4w
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>*Why does
Thought I added this to my filter list

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And saved America.
>give you barak obabma
thanks lincoln
>kike name
>nigger lover

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I know this sounds like a bad idea but Jesus only appeard 2 times in the Bible. we've been talking about Jesus miracles all the times. we haven't been talking about the other micrales from the Bible.

why should we care about Jesus miracles? if those who are experts in the bible don't mention Jesus enough. those experts talks about quotes and the other people from the bible?
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Jesus was an inflection point as to what should people do

It helped narrow a pathfor spiritual and even material salvation

Everything else is don't do this or avoid this situation, the new statement changed the relation with god from creator and even punisher to a caring father, and well if humanity needs something...
>should humans be focusing without jesus?
that isn't even an intelligible question
focusing what? cameras?
this thread is just more proof that the christians on this board are retarded shitskins who can't speak english
oh okay
just trying to be clear
the historians are confused about undiscovered ruins in today's Era

maybe archeologist gets to see the rain forest in our life time
Stop using the bible for religion, start using the bible for life lessons, traditions, and wisdom instead.
The bible is a long history book and guide on how humans can live healthy and in harmony.
Did anyone ever figure out what those briefcase things are?

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The Russian government is zionist.

The Ukrainian government is zionist.

There is a zionist settlement project in East Ukraine.

It is for Hasidim in Palestine and by no coincidence is the contended territory.

They want to relocate the Hasidim from Palestine to this territory in East Ukraine.
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Whats the common thread between these 4 individuals?
>If you expel the jews, it's bad
>That flag
this has been a plan for a long time.
damn it really do be like that tho
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Compare with contended territories, do you see where the slaughter is taking place? It is primarily the Christian poor at the hands of zionist governments, both under force of law.

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The Mongols literally raped China into oblivion and used very bloody force to take tons of their resources yet the Chinese never once target Mongolia in revenge. The Chinese get mad at the Japanese for stuff during WW2 but what the Mongols did to the Chinese in the past was 100x worse compared to anything the Japanese ever did. Why don't the Chinese ever talk about revenge against Mongolia?
Because the Chinese don't want to get bitch slapped again.

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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews
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This thread should be made a general along with BBC demoralization.
i still don't understand this thread spam, it's literal nonsense
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Still the most redpilled game ever made.
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Named them directly. This game had balls.

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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Human trafficking is more profitable than narcotics. See the declassification of The Finders Cult.
Satan have barbecues, sorry but im a satanist.
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I have a friend who calls himself a Christian and also parrots the “we are God” stuff
he just doesn’t get it
I think it’s what the Bible means by mistaking good for evil

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Biden is old and has dementia, but is also a criminal mastermind who somehow manipulated all the courts to have Trump get convicted, but was somehow unable to manipulate the courts to have Hunter Biden not tried and not convicted, and was also unable to manipulate the courts to have Trump tried for his classified documents, Georgia election or January 6th case, also the Democrats somehow manipulated the entire election in 2020 so that Biden won, but were somehow unable to manipulate the election so they would seize complete control of the House and Senate even though both of those elections were on the same ballot as president and that's just as important for passing legislation, and also all the elections were rigged and manipulated but somehow none of the ones the Republicans won were rigged or manipulated, and also Hillary is crooked and we should lock her up because she's a criminal but we can't lock up Trump an actual convicted felon because if we lock up a former president and political rival that's bad now, and also we need law and order in this country but not for my favorite orange man, when he gets locked up the legal system is wrong and bad now. We need to bring religion back to America so instead of voting for the candidate who regularly goes to church I'm going to vote for the candidate who can't name a single Bible verse and cheated on his wife with a porn star.
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>but is also a criminal mastermind who somehow manipulated all the courts
Nobody thinks Biden personally did that. It was his puppeteers.
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>Biden is old and has dementia
No shit
>but is also a criminal mastermind
Biden is just a figurehead for his cabinet
Nobody believes biden is making the decisions. Not even you.

Lurk more newfag
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>Biden is old and has dementia, but is also a criminal mastermind who somehow manipulated all the courts to have Trump get convicted,
no, Seth, stop the pilpul... Biden is an old demented pedo who has been involved in a lot of shit he should be in prison for but he's not the boss/mastermind of his own little criminal enterprise anymore nor has he been since 2008, and he's currently just a puppet and mouthpiece for the illegitimate ZOG cabal that controls the country

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About 10 billion in tax revenue from that. How is ot controversial to exempt tips from income tax? I mean, Biden has pledged 200 billion for Ukraine… that is 20yrs of non-taxed tips.

I mean, just stop the payments to Ukraine and Israel and you can exemption all taxes for the 1/3rd working poor in America.

You Died In yet another horrifically painful locomotive accident but this time you are about to Be Reincarnated as this woman!

What do you do now?

All the biggest globalist things took place under his reign. He reinforced the globalists' reputation dramatically while tanking U.S. reputation worldwide. "America First" is Trump's Big Lie. Biden is unironically more America First than Trump, as Biden serves the U.S. Deep State interest, while Trump serves the Chabad globalist interest.

Am I wrong?
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>Why aren't any other globalists pretending they aren't?
What about Russia's Putin, our former ruling PiS party, Argentina's Milei or Germany's Hitler?
>no links to back up allegations
a vote for Trump is a vote for being such an open slave OF Israel (not even for. OF israel), you will have WISHED you voted Biden instead.
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Oh look, it's the hourly glownigger cope thread.
It might surprise you to know there's no anti globalist "glass Israel" candidates on the ballot. That's not the decision being made.

The question is do we want to be involved in every war every time and have no border, are we trying to hasten the soros vision of that universal brown race with no culture jumping for joy at the thought of getting a new job with less pay and higher rent?

A vote for president isn't voting for a new world, at least its not designed to be. Democrats have been putting retarded activists in every single position at every opportunity and they have no oversight because the president is dead.

My point is Donald Trump is by far the best thing to happen to this country and he doesn't need to grant every single one of every single person on /pol/'s wishes to do it. Just work on the border, withdraw aid from countries that don't like us and allow our industry to compete for 4 more years.

the guy who is ahead in the polls in Iran's upcoming snap elections. Ahmedinejad praises the USA and President Trump and says that the division between West and East is an illusion, because China and the US have awesome trade relationships.
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he's a based Holocaust denier
if...if he can get Trump to endorse the HoloHoax viewpoint then Zion Don has earned my vote
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He was a MAGA lover even in 2017


Iran’s former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday sent a 3,500-word letter to Donald Trump, offering advice and striking a surprisingly conciliatory tone, given the recent tensions between Tehran and the new American leader.

Ahmadinejad, a hardliner who left office in 2013, praised Trump’s winning election camapign last year as having “truthfully described the U.S. political system and electoral structure as corrupt,” according to a copy of the letter published by Iranian media and reported on by the Associated Press.

The former Iranian leader gave the letter to the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which represent U.S. interests.
And its funny isn't it? there are "totally real people bro" that will call Trump a war monger for his missile strikes killing that general in Iran. He wasn't especially soft on them. He didn't rain billions of dollars on them.

For 4 years US policy actually made sense and wasn't trying to support every single uprising every where always.
Will Iran stop blocking him from running for President and let him lead them into putting the fear of God in Israel already. Or nuking them, only Ahmadinejad can do it. The time is nigh.
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off topic but interesting comment I came across:

One area where Muslims agree with Jews at least in rhetoric.

But on closer inspection, something else is up..

Three Americas:

1. White-owned nation.

2. Jewish-owned nation.

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‘We will track you down’
“This year is the year we do it,” Lara Trump said at Turning Point USA’s Detroit convention. “We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election, we will find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

Ah yes - the ultimate Amerimut cry of war: "I'LL SUE!!!"

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Yeah, it's almost like,like...the NAZIs were SOCIALISTS!!!!
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At this point who still denies ZOG exist?

For decades people would endlessly deny jew/zionist control in government, media, and corporations. Over just the last few months nearly all of the ZOG denial has vaporized. Only the most cancerous jews who clearly understand the irony of jews screaming for non-jews to obey their social/political agenda while denying jews have any power or influence in government, media, and corporations but still push their cancerous agenda remain
Many politicians will say whatever they're told to say if they're paid enough. And Jews have the deepest pockets. It's all about money. A few votes here and there, a few livestreams, easy cash from the jew lobby.
Only midwit niggers connate Nazi socialism with Marxist socialism
They're more successful socialists than the Marxists though...

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