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The Kremlin is pulling operations on US Churches. In the last 2 months a number of large church, or large ministry pastors have been "exposed" for varying "sins." Picrel is Alistair Begg and Tony Evans (left and right respectively). Begg was thrown into scandal by a discussion he had with a woman whose grand-daughter was "marrying" a tranny. Evans's "sin" is currently not public, but whatever it was, it's enough to cause him to step aside. A third man in Texas was reported to have been having repeated sexual relations with a young woman starting at age 12, some decades ago. These are varying levels of "scandal," and only one clearly disqualifies for church position. But the goal is to simply disrupt trust in the churches and each other, and create a void of leadership in US communities. I cannot say how they are getting this dirt, but obviously they have someone digging around about large church leaders.
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>yids diddle kids
wow what a surprise i guess we should all thank ivan for letting us know
I don't know if any of them are jewish, but as it is, only the one man in Texas was accused of this from decades ago.
>Church leaders fuck kids
>This is somehow Russia's fault
>Russia's fault
Actually, yes, probably it is too. But is that was was written? Perhaps your brain is simply incapable of separating who is who, and by providence of you being Russian, you're also guilty for Putin's deeds.
Or, maybe, these are three different men with three different accusations against them, and the point is that someone is Trying to find failures in US leaders.
>Russia is the culprit behind degenerates being degenerates

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>He's an American male without an arrest record or diagnosed mental issues and doesn't have ANY firearms
WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. You literally have NO excuse.
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Making ieds scares everyone more
yours probably feel worse from being on them so much
>feds fear the noguns chad who operates on community trust only.

I'll get a gun when I need one.
Ur mad he's right.
>can't send guns by mail
Nice try DOJ.

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Are you burgers ready to fight yet another war for your Greatest Ally™ Israel?
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no, it's normal for your greatest ally to regularly attempt false flags on you, steal your technology, buy your politicians, and send your men to fight their enemies. don't be an antisemite
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> Come on goyim this non-jew goyim white porn star dressed up in a military uniform is totally what our IDF soldiers all look like
> We would never lie to you goyim! Just look at ukraine! The head jew dictator of ukraine showed you how beautiful our jewess ukie solders are, and they're all females just waiting to take group showers with you, and take turns raping the goyim males that volunteer for the ukieland army!
>> Sure there might be picss of every single ukie female from the military ads, on porn sites. But do not be fooled! It's simply that every single one of them is an identical twin of a porn star, than they will all have their famous sisters also join the the group showers with you alone, all raping you, as long as you join the ukieland army and sign away your life to khazaria... I mean the big israel after the war (per zelly).... I mean new jersusalem... i mean....I mean.... stop asking questions goyim! What?! Are you antisemitic or something??!
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> Plus, we have the whitest military in the world! And every jewess IDF wants to gangrape you if you volunteer!
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He even stipulated it would likely be by I.S.I.S.

> Israeli
> Secret
> Intelligence
> Service
>.... Per the 1980's C-SPAN interview, when israeli zionist researchers interviewed the PM of israel and others. To find out what Mossad calls itself internally, since it doesn't call itself Mossad on paper, nor refer to itself as mossad verbally nor internally wither. They call themselves the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and if it had an acronym per the zionists, it would be I.S.I.S.... The video is available on jewtube, or I can provide the link if you don't believe me...
>Greatest Ally™ Israel?
Our greatest ally is UK because they have us by the balls.

Hey /pol/, what's your fav RAC album?
is there any album there that doesn't suck
You don't like?
yeah not gonna lie i tried i really did but its all just shit

openly ideological music is always shit

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They found it humiliating to beg for scraps from Uncle Sam so now they pretty much build most of their own stuff. None of it has ever been tested in war though, nor have their troops.

But it's of high quality.
Did they hire a 12yo to design it lmao, looks impractical. But then again Korean boot camp looks like a kiddy playpen complete with ballpit.
The focus on loitering/indirect munition integration on the K2 was very forward thinking and just off the back of that it may be the best modern tank.
That’s a .50 cal with a blank adapter fitted
Hyundais are under rated.
They must be doing something right, your country is buying their ships

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>471909037

>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

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yeah this is all 20-30 mins behind sometimes more because they have to edit out all the fucks and niggas and then cut the feed if a jogger gets popped

i'm currently in the process of sueing Dan Abrams for false advertisement. next year the show will just be called "on patrol"
see an optometrist. she's that GOAT on this show. hence we never see her. because dan never delivers.
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yes for the urban setting, but no b/c they literally never caught any of the "shots fired" perps.

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Moooooom, China is dousing people in hypergolic rocket fuel again
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Is it time for another projection thread?
kek look at all the bugmen running from the pesticide.
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>Is it time for another projection thread?
He's right though.
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>britbong accusing american flag of being canadian for not liking america
Makes sense. I do love vinyl chloride though.

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everyone hates pajeet, a new fall series coming to fox.
They should all agree then ghost them on their big day
I assume they want to import the slums of Dehli into Canada and that is what the protest is about. They are a cancer.
The court sessions were hilarious. The government said they can go into needed fields like nursing if they want to stay and the guy seriously replied that they can't do that, because who would then work at Tim Hortons.
Your patience is admirable. I'd be fucking raging.
>Saar who will put kitchen cleaner into coffee in Tim Horton

>White liberals gradually realize they are no longer class pet
>Indians are the new class pet
>Indians have less moral qualms, and will work for peanuts

Is there an awakening, or, will the new caste system be established(plantation owner, house slave, field slave, untouchables)?
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>no ads
>posting ads all over /pol/
It belongs to whites as long as whites can keep it.
It belonged to natives as long as they could keep it.

Natives were too primitive and disorganized.

Whites are proving too complacent and vulnerable to subversion.
There's a combined 3 billion streetshitters and poojeets that shall be flooding the gates. If only a small percentage of them took down Canada from first world to third world.

Imagine hundreds of millions?

Jews and liberals are literal retards that can't into scale.
Shut up cuck you can't even escape your own jewish government genociding you in the fields. Now be a good boy and get in the van.
>Jews and liberals are literal retards that can't into scale.
I know.
It sucks.

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

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Thinking of something with a real world connection. That has game elements. That is ambient, continuous, perhaps has I/O to devices (in the wider sense) on site and remote. Allows a loose but loyal community. That is eventually useful in the real world. Something like that.
The absolute majority of Russia

Impossibly, personal sovereignty goes beyond anything.
Those 3 provinces and Crimea in Ukraine. They actively supported Russia


>It shows OUR mistakes in our region.
What is this to mean?

But that is severe te discknowledging ur ethics and civil freedoms
morning lads

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Took our colors. Fuck em
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How do you feel about Ukraine booba?
Russia's main weapons exporter Rostec exported almost as much as Lockheed during the decades long cold war retarded /k/oper. muh heckin geedeepee lines and jews printing monopoly money doesn't actually equate to more weapons appearing out of thin air.
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how do you import a white slim trad tattoo-free Ukrainian waifugee virgin qt?
No Ukrainian girl over the age of 12 is a virgin.

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Israel is about to launch an anti-terrorist mission in Lebanon, which might provoke Iran into defending terrorists, which in turn means the US and Europe must act to defend the world from Hamas and Hezbollah

Where are all LE HABBENING retards now that a military draft might happen? The solution is simple: no enlistment, no pussy. Men who refuse to defend their nation, people, and liberty must be shamed
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Its her turn to fight for liberty and democracy. White men have already proven themselves on the battlefield.
WWI was an unjust war. And the white feather of shame was inappropriate, blind wes bentley notwithstanding.
>defend their people
I’m not a kike
>Never offered pussy to begin with due to insane standards or act so batshit insane that men don't want anything to do with them to begin with
>Wonder why men don't bother
>Shame them with threatening to withhold sex if they choose to not go into the grinder.
Do these idiots have any brain cells? Men get more stick than carrot, why should they fight and die for ungrateful dregs?
Hamas lost
Palishitstainians lost
Hezballsuckers lost
Iran lost

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>Women from former USSR countries tend to aim for Korea because Europe is not favorable for their social branding. They would become a 4 as an immigrant even if they were at 6 in their countries

>Korean men, who are often unfamiliar with international issues, tend to highly value these women. They become a 10 in korea even if they were a 4 in the past.

Are there other common international trends among immigrants like this?
Slav women would even marry niggers or jeets if those guy are rich. Gook men are their least concern

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What's with all the hate of south asian immigrants? Unless you are indigenous, everyone here is an immigrant. You cannot refute this.

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Fuck globohomo. Fuck the regime. Fuck diversity.
there were no immigration offices when we arrived so no.
>everyone here is an immigrant
No, immigrant is what you are when you move to a different country. If you go somewhere that isn't a country yet you're a pioneer or just migrant
go back to india
One day you and your family will be forcibly sent back to your smelly shithole.

>hahaha yes goy, pay us a fee for the mere privilege to shop here
Seriously why do people fall for this?
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>cheaper gas
and the fuel is still good quality
They need to up the rate, because I'm running into niggers. I ran into a pure ghetto nigger, with dirty clothing and gangster lean looking at everyone as ugly as anyone.
And then I realized it was a mirror.
But seriously, there was another nappy headed sweatpants wearing unhappy looking nigger, in the middle of the refrigeration section. Just standing there looking like he was about to offer to sell me a rock, or rob me for my wallet.
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it's gas grill bbq saturday samples day at your local store. check the website for hours of operation.
I'm sure that won't bring in the brown subhumans.
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I have flashed this Costco card I found on the ground for the last 6 years to get into the food court for free. I defeated the jews

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My first reaction is "Bring it Bitch, We got Nukes Too"

but then I keep forgetting Biden is in Charge. we need to put him in Memory Care and keep Kamala from being in Charge because He was not of sound mind when he selected her.

Biden is also not playing with a full deck and might be suffering from some kind of brain growth or tumor
Nukes arent real. If a country is threatening you with nukes then they are of the illuminatus.
BS. people watched them from Vegas in the 60s
Stop being a living meme you tard.

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Leaving aside the concept of Equity, which is just straight up Communism with no other nuance to it at all, supporting both Diversity and Inclusion at the same time also makes zero sense.

Diversity is the idea that people are different because of both their environment (language, culture, religion, etc.) and their genes (race, sex, innate skills, etc.)... In other words, Diversity is almost entirely the fruit of exclusionary nationalism and war.

Inclusion, on the other hand, is the idea that we should strive to welcome "diverse" people into the same big group... But in doing so, we're essentially transforming their identity and erasing most of the things that made them "diverse" in the first place.

This means that Diversity and Inclusion are literally polar opposites. Wanting a society that is both "diverse" and "inclusive" is like wanting to produce a cold fire. It's totally retarded and paradoxical nonsense. How did anyone ever manage to buy this shit?
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Everything is fake. You are a barely sentient rat in a set of interlocking mazes. You think you escape a maze to find out you're in a new maze.

The lies are piled so high that there is no truth that can be discerned. Something has an agenda and it runs various psyops to herd us rats into the mazes they need run.

They want DEI for some reason we can only guess so we get that. We can guess at the reasons, but we will never know.
The reasons are posted up above with the yellow highlighting from the protocols of zion
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I see a white three footer swastika.

How do leftists not see this shit.

The people that financially backed Hitler are still around and so are their institutions. This is what leftism is.
They are necessarily in direct competition, they are polar opposites. Are you fucking retarded?
Essentially this is the only answer. They just lied about the objective of DEI, and the plebs are stuck arguing if the idea has value or not, or is accomplishing it's objectives. It is accomplishing it's objective, but the people were lied to about it's goals. DEI and massive immigration isn't a thing outside of white countries, and would NEVER be as it's inherently against the good of the country and it's citizens, which is the entire point of a country and it's government.

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When the American handouts stop?
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Which guy are you voting for who's going to do that?
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America can keep printing paper but with nobody needing those dollars to buy/sell oil anymore they aren't going to be holding value for long. We are going to have a massive world war where America flexes militarily as hard as it can with everything it has to take the oil resources by force because the money games are over now. Israel will just nuke everyone around it after they move their important people to Ukraine, their plan since the beginning and the reason it is being depopulated for them now.
Israel doesn't have that many nukes, if any.
Its enemies are spread over a large area and many of those are mountainous where a single nuke might only affect one little village in one valley.
They're correct that Israel doesn't need the US. The plan was always to bleed the US dry, simultaneously destory it to prevent uprising, while subverting other countries to keep the gibs flowing. They're about to complete this.
Who? China? Russia? Burundi?

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Man, how can someone be this stupid?
bro what is this story? Pigs aren't even expensive. Who is giving money to some lousy pig whore unless he is porking her.
Dude at that age you should be the old man of the sea or some shit, go fishing and contemplate life. Don’t chase women wtf is wrong with them lmao
Anon's, try and keep an eye on your elderly relatives internet use if possible - they are lambs to the slaughter for online scams.

What happened to the all pro-fascist movements in Europe?
Golden Dawn was going strong just ten years ago, so were others. Suddenly they are all gone somewhere.
Kikes started cracking down on gnostics again, now they do it with hate speech laws instead of using the catholic church
Some idiot low level member of Golden Dawn stabbed an antifa pothead in self defense, after that pothead chased him with a bunch of friends in order to beat him up.
The police and the courts arrested all the GD party members on made up charges, that they supposedly ordered the killing of that nobody, added some shit about running a criminal organization and put them in prison.

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