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All men are not created equal. Some are smarter, some are larger, some are stronger, etc. This idea that all men are fit to breed is an ahistorical meme.

Not only that, but it is well established that filtering for sexual characteristics highly correlates with other beneficial attributes for the species down the line. There is no case in nature where the females choosing to breed with the largest, most dominant or most elaborately decorated male have impacted their species negatively. This can be seen easily in the elaborate mating habits of birds, herd mammals, even apex predators such as lions and gorillas. By monopolizing access to multiple females, dominant males can maximize their reproductive output, siring numerous offspring within a single breeding season. This strategy is particularly advantageous in environments where resources are abundant enough to support multiple offspring and where competition for mates is fierce.

Furthermore, harem systems can lead to the evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits and behaviors in males. In many species with harem structures, males develop striking physical characteristics, such as elaborate plumage, antlers, or sizeable body mass, which serve as signals of dominance and attractiveness to females. These traits often undergo sexual selection, where females preferentially choose to mate with males exhibiting the most exaggerated traits, thereby driving the evolution of more pronounced features over successive generations. Therefore, the growth of masculinity in the tangible sense is clearly owed to the hypergamic tendencies of females.

It is well established that equality is a delusional desire. No one seriously thinks all men should have the same amount of money, luxury, power or prestige. Even the idea of balancing these various attributes is mocked and not even practiced in socialist societies.

Why then does the idea of monogamy continue to persist? Men are not equal. Why should their mating potential be?
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Post tits
If most human men are automatically doomed to suffer the existential horror of inceldom just because they weren't born chad, humanity doesn't deserve to live.
Marriage was a social contract, anon. Between men and other men (i’m not talking about gay marriage) and between men and women
That social contact has been ripped to shreds
This is all well and good until you realize that it's not the "fittest, smartest, largest, strongest" males that monopolize women in the harem system. It's fat fucks with money and connections. If you want to see the results of long-term harem practices in the human population, you just have to look at the modern Muslim and South Asian world. Look at the Middle East. Look at Pakistan and India. Look at Algeria and Morocco. There's your harem eugenics bro. There's your harem eugenics.
>be young, ambitious, smart, attractive man in harem society
>all the women are locked up in the homes of fat balding manlets with money
>get assasinated by local warlord for trying to rise up in society
>marry ugly cousin because there's no one else available
Also you're forgetting that there's literally nothing more destructive to male drive and ambition than having your little harem paradise, and your every desire satisfied. It's too much of a good thing. It's quintessential Eastern decadence. You get fat, lazy, bored, and do nothing but stuff yourself and chase pleasures while your eunuchs take control of everything. Then your children are even more spoiled degenerates than you are, and their children even more than them, etc. There's your harem eugenics bro. Look at the years of the Sultanate of Women in the Ottoman empire.
Ok sure, lets say the ratio is 10 women in the harem of each "alpha" and the rest get no pussy. The 90% of men getting no action are not going to have a vested interest in society and it will begin to deteriorate if it ever formed. So, your alpha is going to have to pawn off a few wives to some of the other men so that they'll help keep order over the others or do work that needs doing.

Sound familiar?

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What did God mean by making these people the future rulers of Earth?
Daily reminder that China does not exist
Chinkoids are soulless hellspawn and simply a different flavor of kike.
the Dragon is big and scary
>he has a family
And feminists will say that if you can't get a gf it's because you're a bad person

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I hope Russia wins.
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t. eglintranny
Jaja det er sent om natten og man laver en stave fejl. Tror ikke jeg har set en bøsse i flere måneder og har aldrig set en tranny, du burde gå uden for internettet er ikke virkelighed. Tror ikke at noget er bedre end det andet men ved at Rusland er en lorte hul når du kommer uden for de store byer og de er ikke engang særlig gode. Du burde rejse der til og se det, sikker på du ville komme skrigende tilbage. Lige som den Canadisk familie der rejst til Rusland, fordi Canada var for "woke"
I hope i can fick a nice pussy
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I know Russia wins.
>Captcha: +2NYX

I have noticed a meme that poses a question, presumably to White Christian parents and presumably asked by Euro-Pagan Whites.

"Which one would you rather have your daughter marry?"
With the two choices being a Black Christian man or a White Euro-Pagan man.

I think it is only fair that an alternative hypothetical question is proposed in return.

Which way, White European-Pagans? Preserve your racial lineage or preserve Odinism?
I would have to break the news to her that both of them are homosexuals.
Christianity is paganism.
neither, the white buddhist yoga practitioner

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>be brother
>married high school sweetheart out of high school and became a welder
>gets job make 17 dollars an hour
>girlfriend now wife cheats on him and he finds out when the baby is Latino
>gets laid off at 22 because of downsizing but in reality it was because Mexicans where willing to work for nothing
>couldn’t get unemployment because boss said he quit
>got another job at a warehouse that he hated making 14 bucks an hour
>started dating a obese single mother at 25
>covid happens and he gets laid off again and then got denied covid benefits because the boss again said he quit and he stupidly signed a piece of paper saying he did
>his single mother girlfriend breaks up with him to “find a real man who can support me and my son”
>he moved back in with parents and me
>parents call me a spoilt loser like me and that he needed to work harder and not let set backs discourage him
>got a job at krogers as a bagger making 10 bucks an hour and dad had to drive him because he doesn’t have a car anymore
>gets another girlfriend at krogers who is 19
>parents find out somehow and dad stops driving him to work calling him a “creep” and a “cradle snatcher” and he lost that job and his girlfriend

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OP, you should have beat the shit out of your parents for daring to say they don't know where they went wrong.
Death is a gift. You shouldn't be greedy about it.
>Brother keeps getting fired
>Somehow society's fault
doomers are such lying fags.
literally go outside
yeah - his brother wasnt in control of the fed

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Now, if we can just get rid of the rest of them.
>Every 1.7 seconds an African dies from starvation and it´s usually a child under the age of 5.
It is their own fault for allowing foreign aid to create a surplus that allowed their population to increase beyond the capacity their own productivity could support.

What will the Africans do when their population reaches server billions and Africans have flooded every western country on earth and made them all dysfunctional shitholes?
>the humane solution is to not intervene
Yes. We caused this problem.
1. Delivering free food destroyed incentives for local agricultural production.
2.. Free/cheap food in an R-type society causes excess, unsustainable population growth.
We should send them hundreds of billions of dollars over the course of decades and people to teach them how to farm about it.
Death to all non-Whites.

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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Lmao, any indian can go to America and in 5 years you are a billionaire? Why? Whites are stupid and lazy crybabies. Fortunately for everyone their own government is genociding them.....lmao
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They got prostitutes and strippers on their off days to take pictures with them. They gave them free drugs. Whores and junkies reducing their money.
White incel loser cope and seethe>>471257341 lmao. How's it feel to live in a shithole and be the lowest caste?
Yes sarsss i will do the needful sarsss for half the price sarsss

Meanwhile jews are teaching businesses how to not hire white people.
We have bean niggers as well. I caught wind of a local and very prominent business hiring loads of illegals to work under the table. I called immigration and they pretty much didn't care. I'm guaranteed on a list now.

When I was young I hated my father for not letting me watch Disney’s Hercules
He spouted off about how it’s not Christians and teaching kids about fake gods and how disney was a tool of the devil

Being a grown up now I often think back to my father and wonder about how fucking right he was
Based father
Happy Father’s Day up there dad
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>tries to throw a bunch of shit together to overwhelm you
why are christgolems like this?
it wasn't endless torture, Zeus isn't like your jew god, it was for a set time and he went free in the end.
Europa wasn't raped
don't even know about your other babble but I'll assume you are lying like the rest as you are christian
christgolems now defending jews mutilating dicks
I doubt it. They wouldn't keep doing it if it wasn't important to the jews. They say it was to prevent masturbation in America. But now that they know it won't stop shit means they do it for different reasons now. And since they stopped doing it with girls means there's likely some sinister motive at work.
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it takes 5-7 fathers to build 1 son
Me too! Let's meet up and rub our dicks together!

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Which ethnicity has the most beautiful women?
If we disregard obesity, so maybe the question should be which ethnicity has the potential for the most beautiful women?
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I used to like Dua, but as soon as she put on a little weight, she turned to shit, body is sub-par, unacceptable, unless she's borderline anorexic. Women are supposed to look better with a little meat on them, she goes full potato instead.
2 or three, but only one I think, at the time that particular pic was taken
holy cute
She's 15 here. She never had any nose jobs. She is remarkably beautiful and you are gay retards
This isn’t American kike

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Democrats don't really follow rules though they do whatever they want and justify afterward. What do you think about Kamala + Newsom? Steal the election again, quietly retire Kamala somehow, Newsom installed as president.
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>paid shilling
Let me guess.

Something something america first something something israel is our greatest ally something something biden is senile something something I am the resort something something two more weeks?
Debates coming up. They're going to be on CNN. Are you looking forward to Biden freezing up on stage with millions of people watching?
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Then you

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when my dad was in special ops one of their training was being put alone in a room with a grizzly bear (sometimes polar) and they would have to fight it to the death. they would get different 'tools' they could use and in my dads case it was a newspaper he was able to roll up and beat it to death after gouging out its eyes frst
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sometimes (especially out west) black bears are brown.
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>be stupid but think you're smart
>be proven wrong about something
holy shit this must be mandela effect! there is no way im wrong the timeline totally shifted bros!!!!
sick of small town losers wasting resources living in the middle of nowhere. fuck all these people

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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FPTP, but the Conservatives will continue to be a dominant force in the House of Lords so even if they get 0 seats, they'll remain relevant and continue to campaign and deny any right wing successor any luck. Democracy
The conservatives were loaned a win in 2019 by labour voters who both
>wanted brexit done
>somewhat liked the leader at the time (Boris Johnson)
They got brexit (though haven't utilised it well) and then got rid of Boris since he broke his own retarded lockdowns laws. So in the eyes of labour voters there's no point voting conservative this time. Also labour had an openly communist leader in 2019, so it was hard for labour voters to support that.

Basically the win the conservatives got in 2019 was artificial, they got lucky due to factors beyond their control. But those factors no longer exist so they lose that advantage.
Turns out that people don't want to starve and be homeless, just so that you and your rich buddies can wank off to Brexit.
Faggots and socialists

Faggots and socialists. Conservative in name only.

>Liberal Democrats
Faggots and socialists.

>Scottish Nationalist Party
Faggots and Socialists. The twist is they are proud of being Scottish and want to secede from the UK then join the EU.

Actual conservatives

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Sunak is probably the most pathetic PM we've ever had.

Blair was more evil. Cameron was a bigger cunt. Gordon Brown was more boring. But Sunak, there is something deeply pathetic about him. True beta energy.

I know he's backed by international jewry but it's amazing that somebody so weak could get into number 10

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>AFPAC cancelled
Sad! at least his bussy got a Jake Shields creampie fr
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No, he's dumb as shit. Watch his "debate" with the zionist boomer breeding red hefers for Israel for a good laugh.
I dont know that video but i know hes based
Another duganist/russia shill.
I like and support russia myself, people who hate russia have never been there and seen how lovely the place is

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Women drafted will not be sent to the lines they will do background stuff, only they would honestly pick up arms is if the base/camp they are currently on gets attacked, id imagine.
only time*
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I posted this in the last thread but i will post it again
This needs to happen because its the only things that’s going to make women care enough to stand with us and protest this shit…. They could not possibly give a shit otherwise
When it comes to anything that only affects men they only either don’t care or just think we deserve it
This is will drastically change women’s attitudes towards the draft for the better, especially the those “radical” feminists who openly glee about men being forced to die in wars
Real men have left the world and low tier pathetic man exist now

That's why you would celebrate this. God should strike us soon because we deserve it.
It's automatic enrollment now. Everyone is a soldier.

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what you think anon? Lets fight back. Were already poor, broke in debt forever but we build our own servers. we can never be cancelled !
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Do you work as a software dev?
Your babble is irrelevant. The objective fact of the matter is that C++ did not invent OOP, it did not implement OOP well and did not popularize it.

>Pic related shows the true power of C/C++
No, it doesn't. And neither did your previous example of a fucking array of structs, which is apparently complicated in your cramped little mental world.
Used to. I "retired" from it, not counting occasional freelance work.
LISP stands for Lots of InSignificant Parentheses
>LISP stands for Lots of InSignificant Parentheses
And the American flag stands for drag queen story hour.

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Why not just fight and do your part. You zoomers have had the most luxurious, bullshit easy ass lives of any generation in history. The one time you're needed by your country, you cry like babies.

>in b4 "boomer"

I'm gen X actually, and was anti-war as you can get, but for actually just wars. This is the rare just war. It's not manly to be bailing on your country during a time it needs military recruits when we are facing an actual existential crisis.
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It won’t be israel that kicks off ww3. It will be russia being backed into a corner. Or china deciding the time is right to retake Taiwan. And when that happens and we are overextended, Venezuela will take Guyana, and the Norks will take South Korea. And iran will go all in on Israel.
Gen X fornicators on the front lines. 4 fingers pointing back.
>have had the most luxurious, bullshit easy ass lives of any generation in history.

Truee but spiritually we had nothing
Varg (the man in the photo) is completely against this war, too.

>Eat shit, glow nigger
This thread will have 80+ replies from that faggot norwegian christcuck just because you posted a photo of varg

do you think the iPad kids are gonna be fucked up, or is this just another technological boogeyman akin to radio, tv, video games, etc?
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Everyone is doing it but they are the first ones growing up with skibidi toilet and cocomelon doing jump cuts every 2 seconds
And once they reach school age, they'll have ChatGPT to autofill homework for them
Just wait until these people grow up and try to raise the next generation

Doesnt matter what age you start at it is fucking everyone up regardless. Normies used to be much more tolerable before

The reason its le worse than earlier technology is almost entirely because of the aesthetic, your pic being an example. The tech isnt the problem its what they are looking at, namely the filth that is generated by Californians, niggers and pornofied millennials who are overreacting to their childhood of having to go to church with their hypocritical boomer parents. Ultimately its just a screen, same as a laptop, or television. Smartphones as we know them probably only have a good decade left anyway before BCI and/or AI interfaces.
>losers lurking this site for 12 years with zero creative OCs in their name complaining about iPad kids
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millennials and zoomers turned out great, they will be fine
Teachers are already complaining that Gen Alphas can't pay attention, they can't visualize numbers or letters, they even lack basic motor functioning from only using their fingers to tap.

Why are jannies fine with boards like /r9k/ and /pol/ being spammed with porn, gore, scat etc but the moment I post a SFW big breast anthro animal I get banned for "furry porn"?
maybe you should stop posting furry porn
Maybe you should stop being a faggot who labels anything you hate as "porn"
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>he gets banned for it
Lol, lmao
Perhaps you post just wasn't political

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Not a good look...
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Read my post again but this time -the entire post- then you have permission to enter the conversation
He's obviously gonna get btfo. This fucking guy is just hopeless. Anything short of actually nuking people will not be taken seriously.
Nukes aren't real.
It has to go everywhere he is doesn't it? Biden has military officers following him around with the football too.
This is even dumber than flat earth but there are retards here that will fall for it

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I'm so glad I'm too old to be drafted. in 4 more years I'll be two old for the second round of drafts that will draft older people too.
What age ranges are you assuming for first and second round drafts?
thats probably the scariest fucking image I've ever seen

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