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>this was considered comically, ridiculously fat in the '80s
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Boku no Pico
The parent are both jews
In a previous thread i posted a Chris Farley clip and said it was John Candy. Sorry for being a drunk retard. I mixed up my hollywood fat guys. RIP to a Kang.

Don't listen to that other guy, this is ichiban.


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You can always just avoid it all & KYS TOO.
Appreciate your input now fuck off, pervert.
checked and kekked, I love good satire, the jewess in this comic might be a little too over the top, though.
Yes. If you were assigned male at birth you'll be drafted like all the other dudes. If they didn't do that the zoomer population would be 100% female overnight.
>Tranny mc sniffing a child that shat itself
I know webcomics have a lot of self inserts but that's really pushing it with all the other stuff they've done

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>New Mexico natives get "genocided"
>Also, New Mexico is still massively Native American to this day
We whites are really miserable at genocide. We seem to do it backwards every single time.
>press F for swine king
all is well now, king. you are in heaven with endless bacon cheeseburgers while sand niggers and jews are awaiting hellfire
Why are niggers??
Live by the woke die by the joke
Simple as
He's blatantly chinese though?
The jew guy is LITERALLY on the same page as the piano chinaman you just posted, in the bottom left panel. Borsalino, he has a jewfro, jew nose, jew phenotype over all, is a glownigger who works for globohomo elite.

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Why do gringos like mocking latinos and their language?
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porque los latinos son brutos
Pq me vale verga de su cultura desgraciada. Solo quiero follar sus mujeres carajo.
Can't even write proper sentences in your own language, typical come gato
It's fun, duh.

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Say something nice about her.
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>Say something nice about her.

Baldur's Gate 3 sold really well.
Kikes botched a reconstructive surgery after she had an accident. Now she is too afraid of doctors and surgery to let any try to fix it.
She's obviously a man. But her son has the same nose as her. So is she the genetic father with a surrogate?
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Manlier than 99.99% of /pol/.
strigoi ghoul queen

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They're made by the same people who buy bags of soil from home depot and get reamed when they buy the 1.5 cu ft bags instead of 2. They literally don't know what a half cubic meter is, no.
Heh I remember these
A shallow grave for a disrespected enemy. Doesn't take as much work, and lets wild animals get to them.
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you are jewish
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I have to squint my eyes every time I leave the house.
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>leaving the house
What's it like out there?
Still niggers outside?
I agree. It's so fucking bright right now.
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I believe it.
Mostly poos
Hmm I don’t know. Tried asking Reddit?

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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During NSDAP Germany they had taken many of the high command of lower status.While the army command was largely managed by Prussian aristocracy there were many of low birth mirroring the practice of ancient Rome.Most notibly the German version of ''novus homini'' being likes of Erwin rommel achieving Pour le Mérite, the highest medal possible for honor in armed forces.Along such as Schörner who also of low birthg achieved a cross that many high born Prussian nobles could not.This is by no means inconsistant with biological factors.People like Rommel can and do emerge.Something that evolian crowd ignores.
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There are really only two possible outcomes:
- The system manages to keep the AfD reasonably small by pushing BSW as an alternative and getting the CDU to blurt out more anti-immigration rhetoric (without actually doing anything)

- If the AfD gets too big, they will gradually drop all their "radical" positions and just become what CDU and FDP were 15 years ago. This is already happening, as they used to be for a German exit from the EU, which the party leadership now rejects. This scenario will see AfD doing coalitions with the CDU at some point, "to keep the Greens out of the government." The only way to counteract this shift would be pressure from a party that is further to the right than the AfD, but since the AfD has consumed the entire voter base of the former NPD and new parties can't gain traction very quickly unless they're supported by the mass media (as is BSW), the AfD has nothing to fear in this regard for at least a decade. With nothing to gain by going further right and little to lose by going further left, the party's direction is clear.
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>LinkedIn trannies still seething 24/7
Hitler himself said all the best generals were upper middle class. It’s not as if they were peasants.
It only makes sense for the upper middle class to fill the ranks of the elite in a time of crisis and change
checked. they sit in the middle between moderate and far left. econ policies (what really matters) are the usual brain rot

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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Local distributors are assholes. It's okay.
Generics of their stuff are excellent now. They are no longer needed anyway.
>Anger is a low frequency emotion.
anger is an infinite source of energy. it's the greenest renewable source of energy in existence
bud light has chemicals in that turn you gay. just look at reddit. non-stop faggots as far as the eye can see and they ALL drink bud light.

do you think the iPad kids are gonna be fucked up, or is this just another technological boogeyman akin to radio, tv, video games, etc?
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It’s a terrible thing. And they’re going to be jacked up beyond belief. The tricky thing is that as they grow up, you won’t see any “control group” to compare them with. So unless you were born at a time when you were that control group (gen X and older millennials), you’ll have little reference to judge.
This is what happens every single time across generations.
The people that grew up before TVs that saw how TVs are fucking people up and especially children raised on it also said something is going wrong, but of course, everything that grew up with TVs will say there's absolutely no problem.
The only people that can are able to recognize the next level of decline are the ones that remember a time before everyone was glued to a tiny glass rectangles 24/7
>skibidi toilet and cocomelon doing jump cuts every 2 seconds
Explain how this is substantially different than the average normies tictoc feed
Neither should be consumed by anyone
It’s absolutely retarded takes like this that remind me of my superiority. Fuck all of you monkey faggots

Welcome to /DEG/, draft enforcement general. In this based thread that makes zoomers seethe, we will post resources and discuss the ways in which to become a draft enforcer or tactics and methods to draft and aquire more men for the armed forces of the United States.

Selective service registration link, requirement for all males 18-25. If you have not registered the penalty is 5 years in federal prision and a 250k fine.https://www.sss.gov/

Volunteer to be a part of the local draft enforcement board in your area. This board processes exemptions to the draft for any man requesting one. It is important that these boards are staffed to the max with veterans of previous wars who will deny all exemption requests in a heartbeathttps://www.sss.gov/volunteers
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I can sniff MIL/LEO glowniggers out with ease

They were at the bar I was at last night, actually
>Then tell the normies and get them on board
You'll never get them on board, they'll be so heavily propagandized that the moment you open your mouth to persuade them you'll be drowned out by their hylic groans. Fuck normies, they'll get the message once it's thoroughly clear that the government is toast. I agree with everything else though.
>Collectively we just need to agree that the day the draft is enforced that's the day we start the fire.

Agreed. The draft is my personal line in the sand, and I think that's why we haven't seen any real action; no one has really given themselves a solid, "fuck around, find out," point.
if Draft - Minecraft
>Boomer = Draft Dodger Generation.

Basically. Look up the percentage of draft age males who managed to wrangle some sort of deferment during the Vietnam war era.

It was basically 50% IIRC.

Be steve jobs
>be genius at marketing
>piggyback other higher iq people
>get over a billion dollars
>wife convinces you to self medicate and heal spiritually instead seeing a doctor once a week
>watch from hell your wife spend your fortune and fuck countless Chad's with your money

Why even get married in the 20th century?
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With a hoity toity "laydee" like that I wonder how far you could get being lewd and dirty minded with her. I love to reach up their dresses when walking up a long staircase together to oh so tenderly tickle their cute little silken rubbery buttholes and see them wiggle their bum voluptuously. When they're that rich and entitled by looks they can be very censorious against that kind of behavior.
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What did he mean by that? Seriously. It's an oddly specific speculation.
No, its not okay to move on, she should be weeping and attending church weekly. Her life should be a monument towards his greatness.
>trophy wife though..I wish I could get one of those...
No you don't.
Too much trouble. Too much running around because she thinks her prime asset is her ass...er et , her beauty, which it isn't by the time she's 35.
You are paying too high for a stock that have expired with trophy wife. They are like the 1990-ies internet stocks.

I really wish my state hadn't been ruined by liberals and minorities. How are other Washington anons holding up?
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Jews. It was ruined by jews. Everything else comes after jewish infestation.
Even moderation here?
isnt progress supposed to make the world a better place for those that come after you though?
Not in the literal sense of the word. Its just moving towards something, anything. The problem is that these people are advocating progress for the sake of any sort of change because, in truth, they've grown tired of a boring (safe) society. This is why rich people are often progressive leaning. They're literally bored of their safe life they didn't truly struggle to attain, and now they want struggle of some sort because that's human nature.

I promise I'm being genuine with this question but why do homos seem to flock to the Disney corporation. There are countless historical articles of homos organizing events in Disney before the internet existed, one of the biggest names in the Disney company was a homo, and various tropes about homos relate to Disney movies. This isn't some recent phenomenon too, because they still flocked when the company seemed actively hostile to them (I remember as a kid when Disney made a night club and it became hot news when homos weren't allowed to dance together)
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I leave boxes of poisoned condoms in men's bathrooms around town
there really isn't much more to tell beyond the usual shit of him constantly spamming the usual /pol/ schizo talking about points especially when a certain country is mentioned which will cause him to go full nuclear meltdown, the most notable part is he makes up a fairly large percentage of said /pol/ schizo spamming and some guy in one of the threads he started spamming in was able to track it down, I think it was one of the immigration acts thread, ironically he used to pretend to be an American until he accidentally posted on int with that pic which revealed his true origin
>poisoned condoms
kek lil bro thinks real life is a video game
disneyland has always been fag friendly. i have family who worked there and they said it's common especially with the characters. if you go to disneyland and see mickey mouse wandering around, it's more than likely a fag inside. don't be fooled.
Who do you think watches Disney movies in the first place?

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?


If youre genuinely afraid of being drafted, tell me a date itll happen by, and the amount youre willing to donate to charity if it doesnt come to pass.

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There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target

This target viewing was all conducted under the tasking of Brett Stuart, who was trained in remote viewing by Major Ed Dames, someone who originally worked on the CIA's remote viewing program training people how to do it.
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Put guest for the email and password
thank you
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my first 2 attempts, i use to practise psychic shit for a couple years back in 2016-2018
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alright this one is kinda spooky, i had a vision of the bench thats in the distance but i saw it from the front angle
Came here to post this. It's one of those things that's kind of hidden in plaint sight and once you realize it you're just like wow, I can't believe it's right there. It was revealed to me in a dream. Btw OP remote viewing it is not possible because of a field of consciousness blurring it's exact location, you have to physically go there. You could RM the area roughly but not the location or artifact.

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For what does albania need this?
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Kek, they can't afford that
Do they even have 128 pilots?
to establish greater Albania, and then AWO (Albanian World Order)
The Northern Epirus question will be answered either a little before or a little after the Constantinopolis question.
>these things are just junk
No they aren't.

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Fresh /rwg/
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>Fresh /rwg/
Just an attempt at getting /pol/ to focus our memetic energy on current events btw.
If it's successful maybe we can reignite some of the passion for memes and countering globohomo via wrongthink.
Anyways, I gotta make a beer run.
So if this thread slides of the catalog, post your memes in /rwg/!
Or bake another one of these, I'll post there too.

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webm you piece of shit faggot

Massive BUMP
people need to see this!
>rides breaks down
>welp time to close the park and go home

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What's the medical condition? Any medfags know?
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Stop masturbating time to die

You fags saw a dick on the catalog and were drawn likes moths to a flame. Stop it. Get some help.
It's literally fake
You can see the string tied to his penal
Is that what he's doing?

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