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BRICS subhumans actually believe that the USA would allow them to trade internationally while being excluded from the market. The USA will sabotage international shipping to disrupt the just-in-time supply chain. Eurasia will be cut off from South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. There will be famine the likes of which have never been seen. The global south will be forced to eat their own children.
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So you agree that international shipping is easily sabotaged, that’s good.
>muh carriers

Militaries don’t invest heavily in carriers because they’re so easy to defeat, as proven definitively by the Houthis. Malinvestment is a much bigger problem in the US than China.
The entire point of a carrier to launch aerial strikes such as the Three Gorges Dam.
Yes, the three gorges dam is a weak point because it's a giant valuable structure and one isolated hit could cause huge amounts of damage.
You know what else that refers to? A fucking vessel floating on the ocean.
> Malinvestment is a much bigger problem in the US than China.
It’s actually tragic that this somehow isn’t true.
Have mercy on us all.
Unless you mean the Chinese don’t matter so any fuck up on their part doesn’t matter either, in which case based.

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It’s bc you’re the only guy that’s not dead in action
>anyone who has gone to college and witnessed a female dorm and a male dorm can tell you that women are MUCH bigger slobs and it isn't even close
>women goof on the OP pic because it shows how easily a man can be content, which is something they can't understand so they get angry

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I live in the same place and own the same stuff (mostly) as I did 10 years ago. Despite earning 500% more per annum and making a lot of good investments. Dinner at a decent restaurant is the most I've spent on a bitch.
Good thing I give 0 fucks what front holes think
Only newfag scum who require gassing love censorship

Now go get your 11th covid booster niggercattle

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When is AFPAC? Will he stream it on his rumble channel?

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all Hamas missiles have always been duds.
Prove the iron dome exists. Prove that a missile can intercept another missile. No technology like so exists. Hence the Iron Dome does not exist.

Israel uses the ''Fireworks'' show from the Iron Dome to give motive to attack Palestinians. Hamas is an Israeli creation, same for ISIS.

How does Hamas have all the same outfits, all the same guns, all the same boots? Palestinians are suppose to be prisoners and have nothing, yet Hamas has full body kits.

Also why do top HAMAS and ISIS leaders always go to Israeli hospitals to get treatment when they need some? How does this make any sense?


Catbox Links
Part 1:

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That's because the USA under Obama took the patriot system out of Israel. Look at it, the rockets are to small & there are no radar sensors for detection. It's a firecracker box!
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That was dumb. lol. Look at them now!
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bump for weaponized autism.

Admit it. /pol/. All it would take is one cute black girl paying you some attention and your racism would go right out the window
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And he is correct.

literally me
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>subhuman beta simp
You will never reproduce.
The odor memes are true, but söyence definitely hasn't figured out real world genetic impact yet, so picrel's claims are too bold. I suspect it's simply human-level hygiene. I know people in central Europe who think it's acceptable to reuse socks the next day, or wear the same shoes. I got my armpits and arse crack lasered, and trim my body hair down. I also wash dirty clothing every 72 hours, a light load on the washing machine, and I use long programs with all options for 30-40C clothing, and dry it all immediately.
I know first-hand that is not true
I am not cheating on my Hong Kong fiancee

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Fruit & Meat. Seriously brother, eat clean. All the processed garbage we eat causes brain inflammation. Booze & weed also spike your cortisol & make you feel like shit.
Get checked for sleep apnea

Take your meds
Bump :)

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>When your political ideology is so self evidently superior you need to criminalize anyone who disagrees with you.
They don’t do anything
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It's Judeo-CIA .
Seems like USA is starting to be same bully as USSR was.

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>decide to actually read the Bible
>God is a seething, hypocrite faggot that regularly throws tantrums
>Is a BLATANT kike to his followers (Jacob and Esau)

Why do so many people like this guy again?
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That's what I've always thought but people won't let it go.

>fucking christtards
>yeah i get it im an agnostic atheist its not all bad though
>why the fuck are you a c-
>im not
>you better not be you fucking re

>ok maybe theres something to this
Well I like most Christians and want to be on their side.
Read the second half

No no. Read the first part. It's where real shit happens, not that commie manifesto of the new one.
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You are jewish.

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Hey Conspiracy Theorists!
Everybody Check In!!!
Obvious psyop is obvious, simple as that. It's one of the countless either fake or engineered "mass shootings" by the feds, we have multiple examples of parents laughing their ass off (and not in a nervous trauma way, in a clearly "this is so fucking funny kek" way) right before officially going live, when they're supposed to have lost their kids barely a few days ago.

"How many kids have to die before you give up your guns" isn't rhetoric, it's a genuine question the feds want the answer to. Daily reminder that the Asian cunt who killed the wife of Randy Weaver and people at WACO never got jailed. The state hires foreigners or fully MK-Ultraed low IQ goys, brainwashes them by unironically having them trained by Mossad and the ADL, constantly attending jew-created reunions telling them whites are evil, and trained to shoot civilians on sight if given the order.

All cops deserve death, and they're so far gone in their servitude to the jews they'll flying tackle a white boomer and turn their back to an afghan with a knife so they can get stabbed in the neck and have their organs stolen by jews to save sandniggers.
Geeeee what could it anon??

Damn, who's going to stand up against the chi-coms and muslims running our banks and institutions now????
So this is just a demoralisation show

The original LBGTQ flags had 8 and 7 stripes (like OBLAST):

Jewish Autonomous Oblast: See Flag:

jews changed the Faggot flag to 6 stripes in order for the goyim not to realize it was the OBLAST flag all along.

BUMP this thread if you see it.

Previous thread:
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bump it
bumpppp for weaponized autism

>”By celebrating the memory of these traitors every time a child walked through the school doors, by embracing the cold wind of intolerance and division and insensitivity, the Shenandoah County School Board has resurrected the ghosts of the Jim Crow era,” NAACP Virginia State Conference President Cozy Bailey said.
These niggers are so fucking stupid. They really don't understand in the slightest that trying to suppress something only makes people cling harder to it.

Why vacation in third world holes that people are desperate to leave?
If you want sun you can go to Florida Hawaii Australia Malta Greece Italy or any other first world civilization.

Why give your time and money to shitholes that will try and rob and rape you like Mexico india Brazil Congo or whatever

But muh architect . Stfu you google a picture
You’ll see the monument once take a pic and forget

Seriously what does third world tourism have that warm first world countries don’t have.
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Outside the resort sure when you do an Airbnb in Bangkok or Bogotá but you pay less because of less quality
You’re forced to have local shit. Everything from the west like your weetabix will cost more in Bali due to import vs eating a local coconut
>white city
Was in punta Cana and did drive along in aiguey. Shopped at jumbo as well. It’s like walmart with a fruiticana smell
Lies. It's just quadroons or quadroon-mulatto hybrids identifying as mestizo. They are still 25-35% nig.
>Why give your time and money to shitholes that will try and rob and rape you like Mexico india Brazil Congo or whatever
it's significantly cheaper than nicer places
I thought they were mulattos or reverse wuadroons
Haitians are easy to tell as they are full blooded African
But when you’re mixed it’s whatever. Good looking bunch
Yes, don't come here it is so bad here.

When I was young I hated my father for not letting me watch Disney’s Hercules
He spouted off about how it’s not Christians and teaching kids about fake gods and how disney was a tool of the devil

Being a grown up now I often think back to my father and wonder about how fucking right he was
Based father
Happy Father’s Day up there dad
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basically /pol/
Yeah I remember right after he touched a little boy then got crucified for it
Growing up is realising that your parents were flawed as fuck, then aiming to fix those flaws in yourself.
>*tips fedora*
oh my gahd theres literally no response to this AAAAAA
I could draw a picture of Cthulhu eating Jesus, would that mean worshipping Cthulhu would therefore be correct?

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I only have /pol/ as friends.
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Same but I'm also aware that this place is full of UW psyops divisions from multiple .gov entities who are out here to exploit anons like us and do the demoralization work for them for free so they can blend in.
Try ropemaxxing. I tried and failed by the way.
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I've had many 'friends'. One sold me out to the extent that I could have been murdered in a 'deal gone wrong'.

I no longer think of things in terms such as 'friends'. There is a person (only one) in whose hands I would literally place my life. That called 'someone you can depend on'. Far more precious than any 'friend', my friend.
I'm not your pal, buddy.
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Rightism is nothing but hate and MUST be stopped.
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tis a gentleman
No one cares. She will be alright. Now cope and seethe and don't forget to dilate.
Now that she has no job, her street cred as a trad wife went up.
I never saw the video or her response. Anybody capture it?

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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BSW is just the refuge center for the people of the Linke party that fear of their comfortable seats in the Bundestag and just ship to this "new" parts with guaranteed seats,
Most people who care about politics literally got nothing else going for them in life. Imagine still believing in Democracy™ and freedom®. We are literally goy cattle while a few jews and shabbos goys are ruling over us and laughing at us.
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Tay zeig Fuß!


If only you knew... the reality is much much worse.

Dangerously based
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You must understand, from his perspective chyna bad and christ is kang
how do we defeat SBI?
Gooks aren't beautiful
Id ask him what was Jesus doing in a mount at late night with a naked pubescent boy and several other young men when the guards came to take him.
>You are definitely a spiritual nigger.
>Just drop the stupid larp, namefag.
I don't larp.
>Just be an anon if you are based.
>Seriously fatigued with your bullshit. Way past its shelf life.
I know, but Perry pulled a Jedi mind trick and got me to continue playing the character.

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Getting sick of this shit.

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The word nigger should be applied to all races, not just blacks.
Does Germany or Sweden own Minnesota?
Apparently nigger is a word of great magical power.

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You might not like it /pol/ but I believe Asian women are BUILT for BWC ( B I G W H I T E C O C K )

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